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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Summer said she wants to banish Claire from her whole life. Good luck with that

Well, that would mean no Thanksgivings, no Christmas', no New Years Eve parties at "the ranch," no Grampa's birthday parties, etc. - does Summer realize that banishing Clair from her whole life means banishing herself from any Newman get-togethers?

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28 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Phyllis wore this today:


Phyllis wore this in January 2023:


According to Worn on TV, both are from the same designer and the main difference is the the older one is velvet. I'm at a loss to understand what's so fabulous about this dress that Y&R's wardrobe people needed to buy two of them.

See, I'm wondering if they got a deal on 500 hundred of this dress -- that is, before they unload the rest of the copies to TJ Maxx, cuz they for sure can't sell them to any "sane" women.  Ah well, they do need the copies to outfit Phyllis for the rest of the year (and beyond), and toss some around for Lauren, Diane, Dummer & Abby . . . and then throw the rest to B&B.  They do have to outfit Sheila for her zillionth comeback(s) from the dead, don't they?

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9 hours ago, Denize said:

It may have been just a grazing shot that caused a lot of inflammation (like when Phyllis ran down Pristine & Paul with a rental car and its hood ornament hit Paul in the crotch, yet Ricky was born a few years later). In Chance's case, they weren't sure that he would become permanently infertile, which made the whole rush to create a child for Abby in his absense storyline ridiculous.

The above bolded sentence is something that could only be  uttered about a really bad soap in either the US or Latin America! That's gold right there!

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1 hour ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I said it before & I'll say it again -- that chair parked across from the prison cell in Vic's basement is disturbing & weird shit.  So he just wants to sit across from her & taunt her?  And what's he accomplishing with this?  Are we supposed to find this entertaining?  Gives me the creeps & icks.  

I agree, and yet if Grampire decided to use that throne every morning to take his daily dump in front of Jordan, I would, surprisingly, be okay with that. That's where I am with Show right now. I would be okay with an old quasi-senile octagenarian taking a crap in front of an imprisoned sociopathic killer. Thanks Show, for pushing me into this view quicksand of no standards.

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Summer saying she wants to banish Claire is such a Summer thing to say.  They are first cousins!  Neither of them are going anywhere, and even if one left the canvas of the show, they will always be first cousins.  I bet Summer wishes that Claire were an impostor who tricked Victoria and Cole into thinking she is their daughter, who cares what a DNA test says.

I have long wished that the producers carried through with what seemed inevitable at one point in time... that Summer is actually Jack's kid and not Nick's.  I suppose now that Kyle and Summer were married that it's never going to happen because that would be too crazy even for this show.

On 5/5/2024 at 12:26 AM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Miracles happen. Victoria was not supposed to be able to have more kids yet she ended up giving birth to Katie. And even guys who've had vasectomies sometimes have a random swimmer break free, though the odds of it happening at pretty small.

If 70 year old double reversed vasectomy Victor can father a child with 50 year old Ashley, then I see absolutely no issues with Chance being able to father a child even if the bullet had taken out both of his testicles.

I have no idea how old any of these characters are supposed to be anymore.  Now that Nick and Sharon and Victoria seem firmly entrenched to be about 45, how old are they pretending that Phyllis is?  At one point when Nick was about 30, they seemed to try hard to make us believe that she too was still in her 30s when it seemed obvious that she was at least 15 years older than Nick.  Phyllis and Ashley both have children that are about 35.  I would think that makes them at least around 55 to 60 and perhaps even older than 60.

Edited by blackwing
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8 hours ago, blackwing said:

I have long wished that the producers carried through with what seemed inevitable at one point in time... that Summer is actually Jack's kid and not Nick's.  I suppose now that Kyle and Summer were married that it's never going to happen because that would be too crazy even for this show.

The way it might could sorta work is if Kyle first found out he wasn't Jack's son. Say his father is random sperm donor #74368942 because of even more mixups at the storage bank. Then if it turned out Jack really is Summer's daddy despite all the DNA test shenanigans, it wouldn't be so problematic.

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According to Wikipedia and his bio at SoapCentral,Victor Newman's birthday is today was two months ago, March 7.

Newman family party time at the jazz lounge, or will they completely ignore it since Nikki is away at rehab?

On March 7, Victor was sitting with Victoria in her car watching her house burn down courtesy of Jordan. No fun.

ETA: really have to stop posting before I've had my coffee.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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16 hours ago, boes said:

I wonder where this is going, though......

Jack and Nikki will console each other.  Victor will lock Nikki in the basement, Jack will rescue  her, they will have a fling and Diane will totally lose shit and go scorched earth on  everyone.

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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12 hours ago, surfgirl said:

I agree, and yet if Grampire decided to use that throne every morning to take his daily dump in front of Jordan, I would, surprisingly, be okay with that. That's where I am with Show right now. I would be okay with an old quasi-senile octagenarian taking a crap in front of an imprisoned sociopathic killer. Thanks Show, for pushing me into this view quicksand of no standards.

^^Love this post.  Kudos, Surfgirl.

Questions:  (I do wonder how they are going to finish this.) 

  • How long can you keep someone alive in a cell in your wine cellar without it becoming known?  Are the servantry all blind mutes (like the pharoahs used to build their pyramid tombs)?
  • The only way that Viktor can release Jordan is if she's dead (and not able to talk to the police).  Isn't that murder?
  • Is Viktor going to claim Jordan committed suicide if she dies from alcohol poisoning (or if she slits her wrists on the broken bottle glass)?
  • Why hasn't Jordan started marks on the wall to show how long she's been there?

Next, a bit of information from my Firefighter/EMT son:  EMT would never leave an unconcious person who did not respond to Narcan.  There may be other problems (aneurysm, stroke, diabetes) that are also present and should be evaluated in a hospital.  The person (not a drunken cohort) would also have to be awake and aware to refuse to be taken to the hospital.


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27 minutes ago, MollyB said:

^^Love this post.  Kudos, Surfgirl.

Questions:  (I do wonder how they are going to finish this.) 

  • How long can you keep someone alive in a cell in your wine cellar without it becoming known?  Are the servantry all blind mutes (like the pharoahs used to build their pyramid tombs)?
  • The only way that Viktor can release Jordan is if she's dead (and not able to talk to the police).  Isn't that murder?
  • Is Viktor going to claim Jordan committed suicide if she dies from alcohol poisoning (or if she slits her wrists on the broken bottle glass)?
  • Why hasn't Jordan started marks on the wall to show how long she's been there?

Next, a bit of information from my Firefighter/EMT son:  EMT would never leave an unconcious person who did not respond to Narcan.  There may be other problems (aneurysm, stroke, diabetes) that are also present and should be evaluated in a hospital.  The person (not a drunken cohort) would also have to be awake and aware to refuse to be taken to the hospital.

Well Molls - may I call you Molls? - I don't think your above queries are relevent because we are talking about a show that is conceived, written, and directed by TIIC, and that is singular, as in one person doing all this damage himself. Do you honestly think Josh has time to consider trivial things like how long one could be imprisoned before actually dying? Pfffft! Who cares?!? That's not his problem! Now me? I'd like to see ol Jordan slowly die a painful and tortured death because she is an awful person. An awful character. But that also means I would subject myself and all of us lovely people here, including you dear Molls, to months of having to watch the actress involved writhe and spasm in her agonizing portrayal of Norma Desmond as Aunt Jordan. And, well, I don't know about you, but I'm over this viewer fuckery. Over.It. I just want Jordan to be done forever, and not in a Sheila type of way where they roll her out any time they need a ratings boost. I want her gone for good.

As for your sensible query on whether or not the servantry are aware of her existence, I mean, if Grampire has had a secret prison cell in his wine cellar all the way since his first wife? Then nobody else is going down there except him.

Seriously though, this story line has gotten so out of control that it cannot be reined in at this point. It needs to DIAF at this point to get rid of it. And don't get me started about a raunch fire, no thank you ma'am.

I wonder if MTS is out on leave right now or if she'll be miraculously healed in a week's time. Retconning her entire sobriety tour. Will Jaggabbit fall back into his pill popping ways? Will Diane leave her cushy nest that she fought so hard for? Will Kid Pomp and Dummer reunite for the sake of their son, and henceforthwith be known as Dumm & Dummer? These and other not scintillating stories to come. Blerg.

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Yes, Surfgirl, "Blerg" says it all.  Like the years/decade-old commercial for Candy Crush. One older lady was explaining to another older lady how Candy Crush works ...by using a hammer to crush hard candies.  The more sensible one said "That's not how any of this works" .... This writing does not work.  The writer (Josh something?) is taking a hammer to this long-running show.  And it is crushing us all. 

And I am exhausted by the constant presence of Claire. But at least we may be getting a break from Nicki for awhile. Tomato/Tomahto. 


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17 hours ago, surfgirl said:

I would be okay with an old quasi-senile octagenarian taking a crap in front of an imprisoned sociopathic killer.

What if Victor goes completely senile and forgets that he's got Jordan in the Newman family dungeon, and it isn't until 40 years later, when the ranch is being taken apart for salvage and the Newman family's former glory, like that of the Stuart family's before them, has become a distant memory to the citizens of Genoa City, that her mummified remains are found, along with piles of TGVNs calcified crap.

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16 hours ago, pvandal said:

The Gates

"'The Gates' (CBS Jan 2025) follows the lives of a wealthy Black family in a posh, gated community; not to be confused with "The Gates" (ABC Jun-Sep 2010) a supernatural crime drama about a Chicago family that moves to a serene, upscale gated community where the father will be chief-of-police.

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4 hours ago, MollyB said:

EMT would never leave an unconcious person who did not respond to Narcan.

That's on Planet Earth, but on Planet Soap, up is down, right is left, night is day and multi-billion-dollar international corporations have their headquarters in Wisconsin.

4 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Well Molls - may I call you Molls?

Tsk, tsk, tsk, surfgirl, Miss Molls is the polite form of address.

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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

Why would Summer have any input on Harrison’s nanny?

I have a fantasy in which a fed-up Y&R viewer appears some scene where Summer has launched into one of her "my child" screeds, slaps her upside the head and screams in her ear "IS YOUR NAME TARA LOCKE, BECAUSE IF IT'S NOT, THEN YOU'RE NOT THAT KID'S MOTHER - YOU WERE HIS STEPMOTHER, BUT NOW YOU'RE JUST SOME CRAZY BITCH WHO WON'T GO AWAY."

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So after Diane ripped him a new one at home, Jack decided to go grab some refreshments at the coffeehouse. Priorities. He haz dem.

Wait, who was it that sat down to breakfast with Alan? The CC said it was Ashley but I thought she looked like Belle and was acting more assertively like Ms. Abbott. Are the alters working together? 🤔

Victor assured Claire she could have whatever she needs:
Claire: well, Grandpa, a high two-digit number followed by six zeroes and preceded by a dollar sign sounds good. For starters.
Victor: is that number with or without a decimal point?
Claire: without, you silly old bear. Loose change is for poor people.
Cole: that's my girl!

Couch sex. Ew, no, Sally and Adam. Not hot! 🤮🤮🤮

No, Victoria! Claire is a Newman heiress now. It would make zero sense for her to be a nanny, especially to an Abbott child. Noooo!!!!

Poor Alan wasn't ready to be dealing with this tougher version of Ashley who seems to be extra good at dissembling. She strutted away and left him in a daze.

TMW your baby mama/ex-wife's daddy grills you on your intentions toward his grown-a$$ daughter.

Jordan imagining spiders crawling all over her. Was she suffering from the DTs? I thought only severe alcoholics got those when they try to quit cold turkey.

Cole might be the one to figure out his Aunt Jordan isn't dead. Will he wander down to the wine cellar jail? Go, Cole, go!

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More musings on today's Y&R:

Sally and Adam were wearing complementary colors. Hmm.

Their son is having the mental struggle of his life and all Chelsea and Adam could do is continue whining about how much they're suffering because of it. Jeebus cripes.

Ugh, miss me with Jordan's Emmy bait monologues and histrionics. AFAIC she's way past ready for her close-up, Mr. DeMille.

Lol, wonder if Billy had a flash of déjà vu when he walked into Adam's apartment and caught the unmistakable whiff of eau de sex. Plus it was pretty clear what had been going on on that couch. 🤠

Jack, your apologies to Diane were weak. You should just pull up some classic Chicago on your phone and stream it to the Abbott manse's stereo system.

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5 hours ago, MollyB said:

a bit of information from my Firefighter/EMT son:  EMT would never leave an unconcious person who did not respond to Narcan.  There may be other problems (aneurysm, stroke, diabetes) that are also present and should be evaluated in a hospital.  The person (not a drunken cohort) would also have to be awake and aware to refuse to be taken to the hospital.

Thank you for posting this. Now I feel like it was irresponsible for the show to stage that scene the way they did. What did it accomplish besides providing a day player a paycheck?

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59 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Jordan imagining spiders crawling all over her. Was she suffering from the DTs? I thought only severe alcoholics got those when they try to quit cold turkey.

Did anyone else find this totally random? We have never seen Jordie drinking nor heard ahe has an alcohol problem ao this was just random af. Did I blackout and miss this? 

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For the life of me I don’t get why anyone thinks Claire, who is Victor Newmans’s granddaughter, should work as a nanny. Especially for Jack’s grandson. WTF is Victoria smoking? And I keep expecting Claire to slip up in her story, giving us some indication of what she’s really up to. Because I just don’t believe she’s this goody two shoes that the show is trying to sell.

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Does Claire have an actual college degree? I’m assuming Jordan made up fake credentials for Nikki or Audra to check out before she was hired. Not that I imagine Nikki did that or she might have found out something was fishy. If not, send her to GCU so she can run NE as no one else seems to be helming it these days. Not that a degree is necessary. Looking at you Victoria. Bet they wish Nate was still around to help.

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Agreed that it seems crazy to me that anyone would suggest that Claire, daughter of Victoria who has at least hundreds of millions to her name thanks to her sister, should work as a nanny.  "Hey, you seem like you have no qualifications and you have nothing to do, why don't you get paid 20 bucks an hour to take care of some kid, because it will create drama with his fake mom and we need more of that,"

I'm shocked that Victor hasn't created some kind of position for Claire at the company already.  "Director of Young People YOUGOTTHAT".  She has zero qualifications but that never stops anyone on a soap opera from aspiring to mediocrity and nepotism.

2 hours ago, Js Nana said:

I have a fantasy in which a fed-up Y&R viewer appears some scene where Summer has launched into one of her "my child" screeds, slaps her upside the head and screams in her ear "IS YOUR NAME TARA LOCKE, BECAUSE IF IT'S NOT, THEN YOU'RE NOT THAT KID'S MOTHER - YOU WERE HIS STEPMOTHER, BUT NOW YOU'RE JUST SOME CRAZY BITCH WHO WON'T GO AWAY."

It pisses me off intensely how EVERYONE in town thinks of Harrison as Summer's son.  Especially Nick and Phyllis, who act like the kid is their grandson even though she was only the stepmom.  And she's no longer the stepmom!  Has anyone in town taken the contrary view, that she is not married to the kid's father anymore so why is the show treating her like the one who suffered the most?  So stupid.  I think Diane should tell her that she is no longer the stepmother so back off.


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22 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Victor would also be charged for his crimes.

If only.

4 hours ago, Js Nana said:

"'The Gates' (CBS Jan 2025) follows the lives of a wealthy Black family in a posh, gated community; not to be confused with "The Gates" (ABC Jun-Sep 2010) a supernatural crime drama about a Chicago family that moves to a serene, upscale gated community where the father will be chief-of-police.

These are the only Gates I know:



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1 hour ago, Js Nana said:

My impression is that vodka is the only fluid Auntie Jordan is going to get to drink - is there a sink in that cell, though, because I can't recall seeing one.

I hadn't even thought of that, but no sink & no toilet -- and we have no idea how she's getting food.  Uh, so how is she still living?  The writing here is just so senseless & sloppy!

And yeah, the notion of Claire being a nanny is idiotic.  She's an heiress now, the granddaughter of a billionaire.  If she's looking for something to do, she's in a position now to make considerable charitable contributions.  Ugh, this makes no sense.

I'm reminded that Susan Walters is a good actress.  And she can handle drama & some good zingers too.  I'm waiting for her to impatiently roll her eyes & say to mean Ashley -- Oh, honey, who are ya today?

Wait a minute, didn't they bring Amanda back?  What happened?  She disappeared!  And Sharon's purpose on the show now is what?  Handing out coffee & muffins & making therapist recs?  And that's it?  Oy.

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I pretty much tune out the Adam scenes cuz they're so predictable -- whine, whine, whine, me, me, me.  Zzzzzzzz.  But the bed scenes with Sally, I could very nicely live without.  He's not in terrible shape, but he kinda looks like he's never been inside a gym -- ever.  Guess we won't be seeing anyone like Brad or Malcolm again, eh?  

And miracle of miracles!!!!  A day when Chelsea didn't bawl her eyes out for an hour.  Poor Melissa Claire Egan probably only made scale.  Poor thing, but great for us.  Yay, spared that freakin' annoying crying -- at least for a day.

Wow, mean Ashley is really obnoxious.  And she dresses so boring.  Bring back Ashley O'Hara, please.

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6 hours ago, Sake614 said:

For the life of me I don’t get why anyone thinks Claire, who is Victor Newmans’s granddaughter, should work as a nanny. 

I'm waiting for the day someone suggests Claire sign up to be someone's butler.  Like on Seinfeld when he and George were pitching their show about nothing with the first episode having Jerry being sentenced to be someone's butler.  Which Y&R is sorta becoming, without all the laughs, of course.

Though, there are the unintentional ones.  All the dialogue today seemed like it was ripped from one of the Daily Aspirations Desk Calendars.  

Sally and Adam were spoutings things as deep as "Fake it till you make it", "You get what you give", "Take it to the next level", "Paradigm shift" and "Jesus, that wasn't me, what did you have for lunch, anyway"?

Over in Lamer Land, Chelsea and William, the Flugelhorn of the Abbott family and Jill's most regretted mistake were going even deeper with "Why do bad things happen to good people like ME", "Best thing since sliced bread", "it's Wine O'Clock somewhere" and "You scratch my nose and I'll scratch yours".

I didn't think it was possible to get any lamer until Ashley sashayed in as if she'd just been cast in a remake of Momma's Family as some sort of crime drama and Jack tried to make it up to Diane for his night of pills and Nikki in those pink slacks by bringing her a paper cup of lukewarm coffee from Cringey Lights.

I hope someone gives Mrs. Martinez permission to slug him for dissing her coffee by bringing in that crap from Sharon's place.

I wonder if it would be at all possible for Show to reenact an Edgar Allen Poe story and just brick up the doorway to the wine cellar so Victor and Jordan can overact each other into oblivion.

Edited by boes
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Now when I try to comment, I’m having trouble remembering the characters real name 😂.


It took Jack to get Nikki to rehab but what will Jack do to get Ashley to get professional help?  


Auntie Jordan is channeling her best Lady Macbeth. ‘Out Damned Spot’.  


RIP Marla Adams. You did Y&R proud. 



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12 hours ago, blackwing said:

Agreed that it seems crazy to me that anyone would suggest that Claire, daughter of Victoria who has at least hundreds of millions to her name thanks to her sister, should work as a nanny.  "Hey, you seem like you have no qualifications and you have nothing to do, why don't you get paid 20 bucks an hour to take care of some kid, because it will create drama with his fake mom and we need more of that,"

For some reason it struck me that the late Diana Spencer had jobs as a governess and nanny before she got engaged to Prince Charles. There were several photos published of a teenaged her looking after kids. Maybe someone at Y&R is nodding to her memory with Claire? As if most people would even think of Diana's less royal roots now. Yeah, it's a stretch...

8 hours ago, boes said:

I hope someone gives Mrs. Martinez permission to slug him for dissing her coffee by bringing in that crap from Sharon's place.

That was my reaction! Who is daring to bring outside coffee and pastries into the place where Mrs. Martinez rules the kitchen? Looks like the dope is already affecting Jack's brain.

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8 hours ago, Denize said:

With Nikki out of commission, Claire can probably do her job; she seemed to pick up on things quickly and did things before Nikki even asked.

Heh, including stabbing Nikki in the neck with a hypodermic full of knock out juice. Nikki didn't even have a chance to ask for that. 😈

Seriously though, if Claire actually does have an MBA from Wharton then she's probably more qualified than any of the Newmans to run one of the divisions. The show seems to have turned away from that part of her backstory for some unknown reason.

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15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Now I feel like it was irresponsible for the show to stage that scene the way they did. What did it accomplish besides providing a day player a paycheck?

It's not only irresponsible, it's insulting.  Show treats First Responders as if they are bumbling fools.  The cops can't solve any crimes, the ambulance drivers can be bought off and allow their rig to burn, the EMTs shuffle out after making sure the unconcious is not really dead.  Enough, JG.  Next time you are assulted, call Viktor's crack security team and when you need emergency medical treatment, consult Dr. Google.

And while I'm on a rant.  Stop treating every working class person on this show like dirt.  Just because one has made a sh!tpile of money does not mean one has any intelligence, skill or experience in everything else.  Looking at you, Viktor.  Let the professionals handle it.  And show a little respect.

14 hours ago, blackwing said:

I'm shocked that Victor hasn't created some kind of position for Claire at the company already. 

Just give her her old job back and she can help Lauren run the company.


12 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

and we have no idea how she's getting food.

There's  a mini fridge in the corner.  We the viewers  can only hope a sink/toilet combo is well hidden in the other corner.  (But I do think she should start flinging her poop onto Viktor's leather throne.)  My concern is that she hasn't bathed in however long this has dragged on. 


9 hours ago, boes said:

I wonder if it would be at all possible for Show to reenact an Edgar Allen Poe story and just brick up the doorway to the wine cellar so Victor and Jordan can overact each other into oblivion.

I'd watch! 

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On 5/6/2024 at 5:56 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

More musings on today's Y&R:

l wonder how Jack managed to get out of the GCAC without the press swarming him? One of the elites of GC having the EMTs called for them should've been breaking news.

Who's running NE right now? Nikki's at rehab; Victor is tending to his secret prisoner in the cellar jail; Nick is running around shooting the breeze with his ex-wives; and, Victoria is probably at the Tack House coddling Claire.

Phyllis keeps saying over and over how she wish she could've taken that bish Jordan down. Me too, Red. Then maybe she'd be dead and you'd be in prison.

Why was it even up to Summer to find a therapist for Harrison? Seems to me that would be Kyle's responsibility as, ya know, Harrison's actual, legal parent.

Diane was right, the opioids Jack took could've been laced with fentanyl. Or rat poison. Gah Jack is so stupid!

I was wondering too who is running NE too. Yes Kyle should be the one looking for a therapist.

On 5/6/2024 at 9:12 PM, Waldo13 said:

To comply with the moderators directive, I will no longer use nicknames. 


You want to make a situation worse, have Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ and Phillis 🕷️ weight into the situation.  


Hey Victor, I have info for you. Jack almost didn’t kill Niki. He actually risked his life to save her.  Victor’s animist towards Jack shows no bounds. 

Even Nick 🦍🦍🦍🦍 saw the truth in what Jack was trying to do. Victor doesn’t realize that sponsors are not infallible. 


Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ it’s about her and than in turn Phillis🕷️ makes it all about her.  It’s about Harrison, not them.  


Summer❄️x6 has turned green once again because she doesn’t want Claire/Eve anywhere near Harrison. Summer❄️x6 it’s not your decision to make. If Kyle wants Claire/Eve to see Harrison that’s his choice not hers.  Maybe Kyle should keep Phillis🕷️ away from Harrison. She could be a terrible influence on him also. Summer❄️x6, after that rant is now Summer❄️x7.  Why doesn’t Kyle remind Summer❄️x7 that she chose her mother over Harrison.  



Yes that should be the consequences that Phyllis can’t see Harrison if Summer presses the Claire issue .

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15 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I hadn't even thought of that, but no sink & no toilet -- and we have no idea how she's getting food.  Uh, so how is she still living?  The writing here is just so senseless & sloppy!

And yeah, the notion of Claire being a nanny is idiotic.  She's an heiress now, the granddaughter of a billionaire.  If she's looking for something to do, she's in a position now to make considerable charitable contributions.  Ugh, this makes no sense.

I'm reminded that Susan Walters is a good actress.  And she can handle drama & some good zingers too.  I'm waiting for her to impatiently roll her eyes & say to mean Ashley -- Oh, honey, who are ya today?

Wait a minute, didn't they bring Amanda back?  What happened?  She disappeared!  And Sharon's purpose on the show now is what?  Handing out coffee & muffins & making therapist recs?  And that's it?  Oy.

Agreed the writing is so sloppy and those writers are terrible and lazy. 

12 hours ago, Denize said:

With Nikki out of commission, Claire can probably do her job; she seemed to pick up on things quickly and did things before Nikki even asked.

That’s true 

13 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Actually, could that be much worse than what we are watching now?  At least it could be campy.

True lol 

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4 hours ago, MollyB said:

Just because one has made a sh!tpile of money does not mean one has any intelligence, skill or experience in everything else.  Looking at you, Viktor. 

Yep. The main ability Victor seems to have is making money. Has he changed the world with anything like Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, or Google? No. I think he's mostly bought other companies which do what the real giants do except on a smaller scale. NE is a hodgepodge of other people's actual work.

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So Mamie declared war on her family for telling her the truth. Well okay then. Because everyone has been clamoring for a Hamilton Winters war, right? 

I did have to laugh when Tucker asked Abby about Ashley and not only she was completely clueless, she didn’t even think to call her mother and ask how she’s doing. Just pulled Devon away and went to the meeting at CW. 

Nate really needs to take several seats with his dissing of Tucker to Audra. FRIENDS don’t keep telling friends how stupid they are for being with someone. Friends listen. They offer their perspective if asked. Then they let you make your own mistakes and are there to pick up the pieces without an ‘I told you so.’ You, Nate Hastings, are not a friend.

So Belle came out to play with Alan. Thankfully he doesn’t seem like an idiot and recognizes Ashley needs help. I’m just not sure how much more of Belle and Ms. Abbott I can take.

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Do the Y&R showrunners watch GH on their breaks? Because I'm getting strong Nina-vibes from the way Tucker is treated by Devon and Abby. He just wants to go see his grandson's concert but Devon is ultra nasty about it being all about Tucker? 

Devon especially should know that kids can't have too many loving adults in their lives. I assume his attitude is about punishing Tucker because he can?

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Mamie, please go away.  That crackling voice just sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

Don't Tucker out of the country.  With Diane being a society matron instead of a bitch, we'd lose  one of the two remaining interesting  characters.

Mamie  eave GC asap.  thank you. 

Darvon, how do you breath with your nose stuck up your ass? Tucker wants to see his grandson, throw him a bone and let him stand in the back of the room, you pompous ass.

Abby, phone home


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Nate. You're sounding a little jealous with your repeated ragging on Tucker.

Shut up, Abby. You don't even know half of what's been going on with your dastardly daddy, much less Devon's.

Mamie. Why are you still in GC? Write in pencil and show your work.

Lol, Tucker making Abby look like an idiot with one hand tied behind his back. I have to wonder if he brought up Ashley's recent troubles innocently or if he meant to make a delayed point.

Okay, it was Belle talking to Alan. The CC said "Ashley" but the inner voice was Belle's. 🥴🥴🥴

Everyone has to drop whatever they're doing to entertain Mamie's continuing delusions about the Winters clan snatching C/W. Self-important much?

Mamie, for the eleventy-eth time, Devon is only a Chancellor by marriage, just like Jill. He's not entitled to take what Jill owns just because you're still holding a grudge against her.

Devon delivered the real talk to Mamie. Lily and Malcolm handed him the scalpel and he went in with surgical precision. Loved it!!!!!

And then Mamie started sh!t-talking her 3rd-generation kinfolk to their faces because they dared to tell her about herself. Hey, Auntie M, where was the lie, tho?

Another boudoir scene between Audra and Tucker. YAWN!

Whatever, Mamie. Get to stepping. Git. Ta. Steppin. 😡👿

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