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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Watching today's show, I came away with the impression that Summer's pouting and carrying on made her look like some Prom Queen having a major snit because her prom date will be giving her a gardenia corsage, not the orchid to which she believes she's entitled.

You would think that Chance would have learned his lesson with the Newmans after Abby and the rest of them pressured him into suppressing evidence about how Ashton Locke ended up dead in Victoria's home, and then Abby dumped him for DeVon; and now Chance is hooked up with Abby's Newman niece and, once again, they're turning the screws on him - is this character the biggest dope on the show, or what.

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16 hours ago, lgprimes said:

So when VictorNewman and the Abbott boys were talking about how Jordan must have an accomplice, and then Nikki asked Victoria where Cole was… did anybody elsés minds go there? Just me?? 
That would actually be a fun twist and explain why Cole has zero chemistry with Victoria.

I went there last Tuesday in a post about Cole. I also feels it strains my credulity that Jordan is always one step ahead of hospital employees, corrections officers, the security teams of NE and Jabot, and the GVN. The idea she is a one woman mastermind is a huge stretch. I kinda hope it is Cole. At least he would have been doing something in the last few weeks, besides hanging on to Victoria like a human "barnaCOLE."

Edited by Julyolo
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Trucker Dave is in a bit of a pickle, isn't he - he can stick with the story he told the police about his truck being stolen while he was buying some snacks for his shift, or he can go for the $100K Grandpa Victor is offering and come clean about who paid him to leave the key in the ignition and the door unlocked, which I'm guessing wasn't $100K - - and, once again, I have to ask: How is Auntie Jordan financing her latest crime spree?

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The electronic hip-hop music when Billy walked into Society sounded like it was AI-generated. Ehh.

Abby not wearing a pastel color. What sorcery is this? 🤯

So, both of Lily's kids are in CA now and Billy's on good but distant terms with Katie and Johnny. Okay.

Jordan knows how to drive a semi. Will this woman's talents ever cease?

Nikki didn't have Claire's cell number and had to ask Victoria for it. Seemed odd to me. I don't know why Claire's number would be a secret from any of the Newmans.

AFAIC Summer needs five fingers across the face. What do any of them gain by arguing about whether Claire is in cahoots with Jordan? Either she is or she isn't, and there's nothing anyone can do about it right now.

Billy. Thought you'd chummy up to Lily and she'd be putty in your hands. Lol, no. Dru's daughter was not born yesterday and you knew that. Idiot.

Nikki was half drunk but she was right about Nick. He'll swing his fists first and ask questions later. And he's already had a run at Jordan which didn't stick. Leave him out of it, Victoria.

Chance, the best you can do now is tell the feds and other law enforcement that Victor is going rogue and let them deal with it. Victor clearly has no respect for you and probably never will.

Really, William? Lily should trust you over her brother? FOH.

Six people are the total C-W board. CI alone would've had more than that before it merged with H/W. The math ain't mathing. (Plus, why isn't Chance on the board too? He's Jill's grandson.)

Victor coming in the room all ominous and gangster like he's frigging Tony Soprano. This guy can't walk more than a couple of feet without sitting down. GMAFB. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

I can't believe the C-W board of directors vote is what's passing for Y&R corporate intrigues now.

$100,000? Pshht, mere pocket change for both Victor and Jack. The truck driver better have craftier negotiation skills than to accept such a paltry amount. Assuming he even knows anything about Jordan.

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@Js Nana... What if Dave was telling the GCPD the whole truth ?? But $100K is a powerful motive to make up a Newman inspired tale. As the Newmans chase after a false lead, Dave collects his $$ and runs off to Canada.

The scrims I helped to paint for our high school production of Brigadoon were more believable than the current "outdoor" scenes of GC. Missing the dialogue while marveling at the cheap sets !!

Do I hear an echo ?? SHUT THE F*** UP SNOWFLAKE !!

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I'm sure that Allison Lanier is a truly wonderful human being, but she just doesn't seem to be able to play a character who's supposed to be a high fashion mogul, she just always comes across like someone who's playing at being a grown up. I don't know if there's any actor who could make something out of the dialogue and situations AL's given to play, but I think there's got to be somebody out there who can project the demeanor necessary to make them believable as a corporate executive - every time she pouts and whines, I want someone to tell her to go to her room and don't come out until she's all grown-up.

So, today Grandpa Victor hugs the whiny, pouty Summer and calls her "my sweetheart," but on Friday, he called Auntie Jordan a bitch, twice, which seems to be a thing with that character when it comes to women, doesn't it, there either sweethearts or they're bitches, which proves that patriarchy reigns supreme at Casa Newman, and I really, really, really wish that the powers-that-be at Y&R would transition the focus of the show from the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous BS that's held sway since the early 1980s, and which had stopped ringing true by the end of the last century, to one that would be more resonant with today's viewers: two-income families - employees of Jabot, Newman Enterprises or the Hamilton-Winters division of Chancellor-Winters? - with mortgages to cover, children in the GC public schools, teenagers dealing with the terrors besetting today's adolescents, adult children learning how to face the rigors of independent living, errant relatives who bring chaos in their wake, and marriages going through rocky patches.

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3 minutes ago, Peppermint said:

As the Newmans chase after a false lead, Dave collects his $$ and runs off to Canada.

That would be priceless, and exactly what TGVN would deserve - unfortunately, Y&Rs monkeys-with-keyboards, nor the producers, would have the creativity to be able to think that one up.

14 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The electronic hip-hop music when Billy walked into Society sounded like it was AI-generated.

What if the show's scripts are AI-generated - that might explain a lot, don't you think?

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3 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

OK. enuff is enfuff/ I saw the last 55 minutes of the Bold and the Beautiful and couldn't believe my eyes.

Lauren Fennimore was wearing SHINY LIZZAED PANTSUIT. 

She should be jailed for Crimes Against Fashions and sent to fashion rehab. 

Heh, apparently Lauren's already served her time because per Worn on TV she wore that monstrosity on Y&R back last December. GC's loss was LA's recycled gain.

Why is Lauren jumping back and forth between both shows anyway? If there needs to be a character doing double duty, I vote for $Bill Spencer. It would give Abby and Ashley chills due to his amazing resemblance to Brad Carlton. Sally'd likely get nervous to see him too since he almost killed her once upon a time.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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21 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Jordan knows how to drive a semi. Will this woman's talents ever cease?

I thought that it was a flower delivery van that she rode off in, because a semi seems like a bit much for delivering flowers to any one's house, even if that house is a mansion.

23 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Nikki didn't have Claire's cell number and had to ask Victoria for it. Seemed odd to me. I don't know why Claire's number would be a secret from any of the Newmans.

Didn't Claire start out on the show as Nikki's assistant, meaning shouldn't she already have Claire's cell number - unless it got changed after all the dramatic goings on between then and now, but didn't Auntie Jordan keep calling Claire, so it must still be the same number.

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27 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

AFAIC Summer needs five fingers across the face.


28 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

What do any of them gain by arguing about whether Claire is in cahoots with Jordan? Either she is or she isn't, and there's nothing anyone can do about it right now.

I thought Kyle got to lay out a very logical reason for why he's doubting Claire's involvement in the kidnapping on today's show - at last, I thought, some dialogue that makes sense.

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30 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Chance, the best you can do now is tell the feds and other law enforcement that Victor is going rogue and let them deal with it. Victor clearly has no respect for you and probably never will.

Truer words were never spoken, Joimiaroxeu, although I think that if he mentions this to Grandpa Newman's little sweetheart, she'll cry and pout about how it's her grandpa, and family always comes first, to keep him quiet, just like Abby did with the "how did Ashton Locke end up dead in Victoria's house" situation.

39 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Six people are the total C-W board.

Plus, aren't corporate boards supposed to include individuals who have no employment or marital ties to the company?

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42 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Victor coming in the room all ominous and gangster like he's frigging Tony Soprano. This guy can't walk more than a couple of feet without sitting down.

As far as the viewership is concerned, the days of Victor Newman, King of the Universe, Decider of the Fates of Others, are long over - he's a toothless lion with halitosis that can fell a rhinoceros.

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47 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I can't believe the C-W board of directors vote is what's passing for Y&R corporate intrigues now.

That's how anemically one-note the writing for the show has become - I, personally, am convinced that they're using AI to generate scripts, and that the program they're using has been fed scripts from the 80s that featured the Newmans and Abbotts as fodder for "new" scripts.

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53 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Heh, apparently Lauren's already served her time because per Worn on TV she wore that monstrosity on Y&R back last December. GC's loss was LA's recycled gain.

She also was seen a year or two ago with a giant wet stain on her ass whilst leaving Crimson Lights in a red dress. Just sayin'. Girl has done it all when it comes to 'fashion'.

YR stain2.jpg

Edited by surfgirl
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Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️ is an expert in determining insane people because she has observed an insane person all her life.  Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ has earned herself another ❄️.  Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ can bellow all she wants but how does she definitely know Clair/Eve was in contact with Auntie Jordan?  There you have it with Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️’s ranting to Kyle the green eyed jealous monster appeared by saying that Kyle was taken in by Claire/Eve batting her said little eyes at him and telling him horrific stories about her childhood. Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ you may have been born with a silver spoon in your mouth but your childhood was even close to being saintly. 

Nikki take another drink and you will see more clearly that Claire/Eve was not an accomplice of Auntie Jordan. 

Are you kidding me Nostrils?  You would betray anything or anyone, in a heartbeat, if it was to benefit you.  You even betrayed your own daughter by not protecting her. Yes, I know I’m playing the same song over and over again but when I see Nostrils, more than anything else, I see a child abuser. 

You go Lily rip Nostrils a new nostril. I would say a new ass hole but Nostrils is already a total ass hole.  

Chance, how did working with you and the GCPD workout with the BlueFang🕷️ case?  You took the EMT’s word as the gospel and you were convinced that BlueFang🕷️ was dead.  Talking about batting your sad little eyes Summer❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️, didn’t you do that to Chance to see if he would give your mother a break after she was known to be alive.  

I have one big question for the delivery truck/van driver. Why would you leave your delivery truck unlocked with the keys in the ignition?  It’s just like why would Nostrils leave DiDi in a running car?  


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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Chance, the best you can do now is tell the feds and other law enforcement that Victor is going rogue and let them deal with it. Victor clearly has no respect for you and probably never will.

His two brain cells weren't working

Is she taking "fashion" advice from Bluefang?

42 minutes ago, surfgirl said:

She also was seen a year or two ago with a giant wet stain on her ass whilst leaving Crimson Lights in a red dress. Just sayin'. Girl has done it all when it comes to 'fashion'.

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2 hours ago, Js Nana said:

Didn't Claire start out on the show as Nikki's assistant, meaning shouldn't she already have Claire's cell number - unless it got changed after all the dramatic goings on between then and now, but didn't Auntie Jordan keep calling Claire, so it must still be the same number.

Victor gave her a new phone (and number) when she was released from the hospital. I think it was registered with the court or something because I remember him saying something about them knowing any call she made or received.  I guess he didn’t share it with Nikki. 

As for Jordan having the number, Claire called her while with Nikki as part of yet another failed plan to lure Jordan out of hiding.

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9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The electronic hip-hop music when Billy walked into Society sounded like it was AI-generated. Ehh

Joimiaroxeu, I think it's even worse.  I think Show was trying to give ButtBiscuit a Jets vs. Sharks vibe with all that clicking.

So ButtBiscuit thinks 

When you're a Jet, you're the top cat in town
You're the gold medal kid with the heavyweight crown
When you're a Jet, you're the swingin'est thing
Little boy, you're a man, little man, you're a king

Ummm, NO. Nada. Nein. Non.  You're not a Jet, Snaglepuss.  Sounds a lot more like he's a termite infestation.

Poor Lily, trying to eat with ButtBiscuit sitting across from her.  When he started pouring on the oily charm, like a jar of Thousand Island that'd been left out in the sun, I so wish she's started tossing those cherry tomatoes from her salad at him as if he was one of those carnival games.  Get those cherry tomatoes in his nose holes and win a stuffed animal of your choice!  At that range, not a chance she'd lose.

I'd love to know what Larry the cable guy was thinking, sitting in the deluxe Men's Room at the Newman Raunch, surrounded by Jaba the Hut glaring at him, Jack acting as Court Jester and apparently, Kid Pomp was supposed to be the muscle?  

The guy had his truck stolen by Jordan dressed as the bearded lady in English touring car drag and now he's being interrogated by the Oompah Loompah High Command.  I bet Larry's just hoping that his hundred thousand bucks isn't paid to him in Wonka golden tickets.

How many Emmy reels does MsT need, anyway?  I guess her dragon lady one today was a just-in-case backup plan?  No way, with her temper and tantrums that the stink of alcohol wasn't wafting off her.  I can understand Cole not figuring it out, since I'm sure he was toking a doobie before he got back, but Victoria should have recognized that scent for what it was.

Devon wants Nate back on the board?  Can't he stab himself in his own back?  If Nate's going to be on the board, can Esther be far behind?  They should check to see if Larry the cable guy is looking for work, I'm sure they could snag him as well.

Oh, the drama.


Edited by boes
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On 4/20/2024 at 8:23 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

I wonder if MS is considering it because I have to say I have never noticed her before with the roots showing so much.

at one point when Sheila became a Phyllis look alike but was supposedly killed, MS had about an inch of brown roots. I suspected that was a sign that Phyllis had been killed and it was fake Phyllis (Sheila) who lived, but TPTB never did anything with that possibility and Shelia was simply forgotten.

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6 hours ago, MsMalin said:

Wow, show is getting more pathetic by the day in the scenery department. That was the damn cheapest, cheesiest, fugly background I have ever seen with Summer and Chance superimposed. Show should be embarrassed. 

It looked like Wizard-of-Oz vintage early colorized film or a blurry 3-D movie on a 2-D screen. I don't know WHAT they were going for.

Edited by Denize
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The show seems to be chem testing Lily and Billy again. Spumors are afoot that they're going to get back together romantically. Meh.

The Tack House sure has gotten bigger. Maybe it's like Dr. Who's phone booth and is infinitely larger on the inside than it appears from the outside.

Guess Abbby is still blissfully unaware that her cousin's young son has been kidnapped and half her family thinks her new niece did it. And that a murderous psycho is now terrorizing both of sides of her family. Because if she did know, hopefully the last thing she'd be doing is trying to vote in a silly board meeting at her baby daddy's company.


So when VictorNewman and the Abbott boys were talking about how Jordan must have an accomplice, and then Nikki asked Victoria where Cole was… did anybody elsés minds go there? Just me??

No, my mind has sorta been there ever since Cole went back to Jordan's house in OR to get a hairbrush or something so he and Victoria could secretly test Claire's DNA. The test results were sent only to Cole's phone,  he simply showed the screen to Victoria, and she accepted it without question. How does anyone know Cole actually went to OR, and how does anyone know he actually got a DNA test done? It all could be a scam to hook Claire in with the Newmans so she can get a $$$ trust fund.

I have a hard time buying though that Cole's also working with Jordan. I think maybe he and Claire figured the Jordan problem would quickly take care of itself. Since it hasn't, I think he and Claire have been  improvising but things have gone off the rails because Jordan is trying to become a Marvel supervillain.

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Guess Abby is still blissfully unaware that her cousin's young son has been kidnapped and half her family thinks her new niece did it. And that a murderous psycho is now terrorizing both of sides of her family. Because if she did know, hopefully the last thing she'd be doing is trying to vote in a silly board meeting at her baby daddy's company.

Um, does Abby even know her mother has 700 personalities?

Wonder how much longer Braeden will be on the show.  He's looking frail & ill.  Victor trying to be intimidating is not so convincing . . .

No, it's not just that Dummer is being annoyingly written.  It's also cuz Allison Lanier is a really, really lousy actress.

Ah, so all the Newmans & Abbotts believe in taking the law in their own hands, eh?  Except maybe Victoria.  But Drinki's plan is as stupid as what Vic & Jackie were doing with the driver.  Sheesh, this shit is so dumb.

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7 hours ago, boes said:

The guy had his truck stolen by Jordan dressed as the bearded lady in English touring car drag and now he's being interrogated by the Oompah Loompah High Command.  I bet Larry's just hoping that his hundred thousand bucks isn't paid to him in Wonka golden tickets.

Boes, I laughed until I coughed my guts out reading that! Lol 😆 🤣 😂 Give a birch a warning first, please and YOUGOTTHAT?!?

Oh how I hope Lily sides with Nostrils and Jill. Billy is right, Devon is a power tripping asshole. 


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18 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I don't know why Claire's number would be a secret from any of the Newmans.

Claire got a new phone when she got out of the hospital (which was also monitored by Grampire).  Nikki wouldn't have needed to call it since Claire was pretty much chained to the Raunch and in everybody's space doing the Welcome to the Family Hugfest.

13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The Tack House sure has gotten bigger.

Remember Billy's Tardis trailer?

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21 hours ago, Js Nana said:

As far as the viewership is concerned, the days of Victor Newman, King of the Universe, Decider of the Fates of Others, are long over - he's a toothless lion with halitosis that can fell a rhinoceros.

Well, today's episode really brought this post of yours home to roost for sure, @Js Nana Jack and Victor going in all hard as GC's new gangsta thugs, was like some parody of a 1930's B crime noir flick. When they were sourcing the location of the diner, the driver confessed, with veiled references to it being in a shady "residential" area, my drink got spewed! Then, Victor telling the driver to leave town to save his life from the other geriatric villian known as Jordan was just ridiculous. Why would he have to leave town if this trio of caped crusaders (formerly known as corporate demi-gods) are going to "end" her? And did they really have to pull out every prop the set decorators had in their storage lockers in Burbank to decorate Victoria's new living room? Calling it like I see it...the Tacky House.

Edited by Julyolo
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23 hours ago, pvandal said:

Abby: Half an hour…isn’t that when the board meeting is about to start? 
Devon: Why yes it is.

Abby: Devon, what are you up to?

Me: Something stupid I’m sure

And I was right. Also, are they CW’s only board members? The Various CEOs and Abby? That company is going down in flames.

I’m thinking, too cheap to get two board members extras like they used to have and a boardroom? 

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22 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The electronic hip-hop music when Billy walked into Society sounded like it was AI-generated. Ehh.

Abby not wearing a pastel color. What sorcery is this? 🤯

So, both of Lily's kids are in CA now and Billy's on good but distant terms with Katie and Johnny. Okay.

Jordan knows how to drive a semi. Will this woman's talents ever cease?

Nikki didn't have Claire's cell number and had to ask Victoria for it. Seemed odd to me. I don't know why Claire's number would be a secret from any of the Newmans.

AFAIC Summer needs five fingers across the face. What do any of them gain by arguing about whether Claire is in cahoots with Jordan? Either she is or she isn't, and there's nothing anyone can do about it right now.

Billy. Thought you'd chummy up to Lily and she'd be putty in your hands. Lol, no. Dru's daughter was not born yesterday and you knew that. Idiot.

Nikki was half drunk but she was right about Nick. He'll swing his fists first and ask questions later. And he's already had a run at Jordan which didn't stick. Leave him out of it, Victoria.

Chance, the best you can do now is tell the feds and other law enforcement that Victor is going rogue and let them deal with it. Victor clearly has no respect for you and probably never will.

Really, William? Lily should trust you over her brother? FOH.

Six people are the total C-W board. CI alone would've had more than that before it merged with H/W. The math ain't mathing. (Plus, why isn't Chance on the board too? He's Jill's grandson.)

Victor coming in the room all ominous and gangster like he's frigging Tony Soprano. This guy can't walk more than a couple of feet without sitting down. GMAFB. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

I can't believe the C-W board of directors vote is what's passing for Y&R corporate intrigues now.

$100,000? Pshht, mere pocket change for both Victor and Jack. The truck driver better have craftier negotiation skills than to accept such a paltry amount. Assuming he even knows anything about Jordan.

Great points. I was hoping Dave the truck driver would have said she paid him to move bodies and would explain how Jordan got Claire and Harrison out and then they’d also learn that Claire was indeed kidnapped. No such luck. 

22 hours ago, Js Nana said:

The show must've got mail asking where the kids are - and I missed the part where Lily's kids are old enough for higher education.

SORAsed Lily’s kids were. I think they were high school seniors just before the pandemic. At least they didn’t have them graduate already. 

22 hours ago, Js Nana said:

I thought that it was a flower delivery van that she rode off in, because a semi seems like a bit much for delivering flowers to any one's house, even if that house is a mansion.

Didn't Claire start out on the show as Nikki's assistant, meaning shouldn't she already have Claire's cell number - unless it got changed after all the dramatic goings on between then and now, but didn't Auntie Jordan keep calling Claire, so it must still be the same number.

I lost track. I would have thought she changed the number so Jordan wouldn’t have it but I can’t recall when they made contact with Jordan did she still have the same phone number. Even though you’d think Nikki would have gotten her new phone number now.

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19 hours ago, boes said:

Joimiaroxeu, I think it's even worse.  I think Show was trying to give ButtBiscuit a Jets vs. Sharks vibe with all that clicking.

So ButtBiscuit thinks 

When you're a Jet, you're the top cat in town
You're the gold medal kid with the heavyweight crown
When you're a Jet, you're the swingin'est thing
Little boy, you're a man, little man, you're a king

Ummm, NO. Nada. Nein. Non.  You're not a Jet, Snaglepuss.  Sounds a lot more like he's a termite infestation.

Poor Lily, trying to eat with ButtBiscuit sitting across from her.  When he started pouring on the oily charm, like a jar of Thousand Island that'd been left out in the sun, I so wish she's started tossing those cherry tomatoes from her salad at him as if he was one of those carnival games.  Get those cherry tomatoes in his nose holes and win a stuffed animal of your choice!  At that range, not a chance she'd lose.

I'd love to know what Larry the cable guy was thinking, sitting in the deluxe Men's Room at the Newman Raunch, surrounded by Jaba the Hut glaring at him, Jack acting as Court Jester and apparently, Kid Pomp was supposed to be the muscle?  

The guy had his truck stolen by Jordan dressed as the bearded lady in English touring car drag and now he's being interrogated by the Oompah Loompah High Command.  I bet Larry's just hoping that his hundred thousand bucks isn't paid to him in Wonka golden tickets.

How many Emmy reels does MsT need, anyway?  I guess her dragon lady one today was a just-in-case backup plan?  No way, with her temper and tantrums that the stink of alcohol wasn't wafting off her.  I can understand Cole not figuring it out, since I'm sure he was toking a doobie before he got back, but Victoria should have recognized that scent for what it was.

Devon wants Nate back on the board?  Can't he stab himself in his own back?  If Nate's going to be on the board, can Esther be far behind?  They should check to see if Larry the cable guy is looking for work, I'm sure they could snag him as well.

Oh, the dra


lol the nicknames 

  • LOL 7

How stupid is Mamie and where does she get off? It’s Chancellor/Winters. She acts like it’s her family company and that he along with the others are interlopers. Chance is the Chancellor in the name duh. Also she was NEVER a Winters. Her niece was and she’s been “dead” a loooing time. I did love Lily snapping at her today.

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Wha - wha - what !!?? THAT was the Board Meeting ?? Where were the " Not Members Of The C Suite " and " The Gray Haired Gents & Bored Matrons " who usual comprise the membership of a Board of Directors ?? First the disappearing homes and offices, then the cheap-azz sets, and now no $$ for extras on the set ?? The water is swirling...grab the edge of the drain, folks.

Unfortunately, I know some "made guys"...wearing the Black Shirt of Virility does not make you Tony Soprano, Victor. Work on your menacing. 

The whole kidnapping and capture is now so con-f'n-luted that it's not even worth watching long enough to mock. IZATCLEAR ??

Medusa may turn Lily to stone if Lily doesn't toe her line.  Ah, the corporate intrigue !! More like the young'uns fighting at the kid's table at Thanksgiving. 

Touching scene of Victoria pouring her heart out as Cole totally ignores her in the other room. That couple has such chemistry, such passion....  🥱

And still I watch.

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While I loathe the character of Aunt Mamie - because she is now written as an overbearing caricature of a corporate baddie with no prior corporate expertise (see Y&R history) - I would never make disparaging comments about a woman of color's hair and how she may or may not choose to wear her hair in styles that are popular to her ethnicity. That's common sense 101.

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^ I understand your viewpoint however, we make fun of other characters on the show all the time. Isn't that disrespectful? I have never seen a complaint. 

Afew examples:

Phyllis hair

Sharon's hair

Danny's hair

Laurens hair

Tracis hair

I will not comment any further on this.

Edited by MsMalin
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I think the issue here is that the hairstyle is common and popular amongst Black women and very much a part of their cultural identity.   To me, calling her Medusa because of her ethnic hairstyle is similar to making up a nickname for her that refers to or incorporates some characteristic of her skin colour.

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13 minutes ago, MsMalin said:

^ I understand your viewpoint however, we make fun of other characters on the show all the time. Isn't that disrespectful? I have never seen a complaint.  I will not comment any further on this.

I'm not a racism scholar by any stretch of the imagination, just a normal person with the ability to know what's fun and what crosses the line. And making fun of a black woman's dreadlocks isn't fun. It's disparaging, and yes, it is racist. Since you asked, I shall answer: it is called a dog whistle, when you mock a person for something that is inherently a part of their heritage, culture, etc. So yes, mocking a black woman's hair style is disrespectful. And it is not the same thing as making fun of other characters because it crosses the line into disparaging someone because of their ethnicity. I hope that makes sense.

Just now, blackwing said:

I think the issue here is that the hairstyle is common and popular amongst Black women and very much a part of their cultural identity.   To me, calling her Medusa because of her ethnic hairstyle is similar to making up a nickname for her that refers to or incorporates some characteristic of her skin colour.

Exactly this!

Edited by surfgirl
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"You're dealing with guys who are men of their word." Sounds exactly like what someone getting ready to pull a fast one would say, Victor. I wouldn't trust you as far as Harrison could throw you.

Abby said she's had to abstain on quite a few family votes. Seriously? Neither the Abbotts nor the Newmans would barely ask Abby what time it is, much less include her family votes. Poor thing has no idea just how left out of family things she is.

The ad hoc Three Musketeers Stooges theatened to tell Jordan Dave ratted her out. She'll likely think that anyway so not much of a threat.

What is Billy up to? He thinks he can trick Lily into helping him take over C-W? Boy, bye. And stop it with the Dark Knight Batman voice.

Hey, it's Mamie. I think fruitcakes are less nutty than Auntie. Seems like Lily has Mamie's number too.

"Once and for all," Victor? That's what you said the last 947 times you were sure you had Jordan in your clutches. How are Jack and Kyle keeping straight faces around this blowhard?

Mamie, OMG, shut up with your constant crap about Jill! You might be right about Billy though. Eh, something...something...stopped clocks...😒

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Today I again wondered why Chance wasn't brought in on the C-W board vote. I think he'd have made as much sense as Devon wanting cousin Nate on the board.

Kyle mentioned nuHarrison is seven now. Hmm, the kid didn't look a day over five and a half to me. 😉

Those white jeggings Victoria's been wearing are not doing her any favors. IMO she has a butt like soggy pancakes. Do some squats, Vik. 😼

The show seems to have expanded the Newman ranch. Now we're seeing more of the anterooms and hallways adjacent to the tiny living room. Kind of looks like they borrowed stuff from Nick's house set which hasn't been shown as much since Nick doesn't have a front- burner storyline.

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So, are these two twins?

Or does Kyle moonlight?


In any case, the Emmy should go to the bird.  Or maybe they should all just be given the bird.

I'm hoping Larry the Cable guy gets a job offer.  His was definitely the most convincing performance in that GoodFellas impersonation.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm pretty much loving take-no-prisoners Lily.  It's about time.  Giving Aunt Mamie a healthy serving of STFU was very satisfying, as is Lily letting ButtBiscuit know that she knows exactly where that smell of disappointed expectations and unwarranted self-regard is emanating from.  Jill, come get your baby boy, he needs a diaper change.



Edited by boes
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Wow. I had a post deleted. I wonder if there have been others? Let the book burning begin!

For anyone here who does not detest Amber and her moley boobs (which were a major plot point in Daniel's porn addiction story line) with every fibre of their being I just read a spoiler that says - 


She's going to be back on B&B, and a relationship with Thomas. Again, but this time he's no longer under age. I'd rather she came back to Genoa City than LA, not that she should come back at all anywhere any time ever.


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