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Getting to Genoa You All Over Again: Y&R Daily Chat

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Oh Sharon, why the heck are you wasting your time (and ours!), trying to apologize to The Red Beast?  

So I noticed The Red Beast had the top of her dress hiked up under a coat & when she comes inside, she pulled the top of the dress down, to achieve her bare shoulders look.  Uh, WHY??

OK, so Amy had NO pics of Damian to give Nate?  AND she gave absolutely NO description of Damian to Nate?  Cuz those 2 characters look nothing alike.  Sloppy writing yet again!

Ugh, this sweetie-pie version of Audra is getting on my nerves — and it’s making me think the writers are shoving Bizarro World GC at us.  And Vic will turn into a nice guy & Shmoopy will shave his head & Adam won’t be a weasel.

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Dear Lord, that dress Audra was wearing looked like she couldn't breathe.  It was a great color, tho.

Please producers--orange is not a good color for Sally,

I thought the show was getting a new costumer designer or fashion consultant. If so fire them immediately because if Audra and Sally  and Phyllis are any hint of things to come--epic fail.  I was waiting for poor Audra to begin gasping for air.

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3 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Shmoopy will shave his head

Heh, if Victor wants to break up Claire and Kyle he should arrange for Kyle to lose all his hair. Kyle would probably go bonkers and turn so obsessed with growing it back that Claire would become an afterthought.

10 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Sloppy writing yet again!

I'm not sure it's sloppy writing so much as an attempt to make us wonder who is scamming whom. Unfortunately I'm pretty much over Amy.

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1 hour ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Please producers--orange is not a good color for Sally,

I thought the show was getting a new costumer designer or fashion consultant. If so fire them immediately because if Audra and Sally  and Phyllis are any hint of things to come--epic fail.  I was waiting for poor Audra to begin gasping for air.

I think Sally looks great in orange, and really liked that shirt/jacket.

as for the new costume designer for the show, she gave us Nikki’s a Janet Jackson look, so it was all downhill from there. I actually liked Phyllis’ dress minus the off shoulders. And seriously wtf was it her pulling down the top to expose her shoulders when she got to Billy’s house?

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Phyllis’ dress reminded me a tiny bit of Fran’s lifesaver dress from The Nanny 30 years ago — except that was fun & innovative & The Red Beast’s dress was ho-hum & meh.  And her penchant for shoulder-baring in winter is really weird.

Anyone notice the Newmans were all dressed in all black?  Except for Nikki’s powder blue coat.  Pretty color, but it was ten sizes too big & she distractingly looked like she was being swallowed up by that darn coat.  WTF with this new costuming bunch?

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1 hour ago, boes said:

Maybe she knows Billy is partial to chicken wings?

Caw Caw!  



Why would Sharon give 💩💩 about if Manic Phyllis🕷️ forgives her or not?  Manic Phyllis🕷️get off your high horse and stop projecting all your tendencies on Sharon.  

Who drinks wine with Asian food?  I guess Sally does because she needs a little bit of alcohol to put up with Billy👃.  That black and white dress Manic Phyllis🕷️ was wearing was very appropriate for her image, A Black and White King Snake.  Personal space is not a concept  for Manic Phyllis🕷️

The more the Amy and Daniel saga goes on the more boring it gets.   

Pavlov conditioned a dog to salivate when a bell rings because the dog associated the bell with food.  For me, my stomach turns 🤢🤮 every time I see or hear Manic Phyllis🕷️


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About Vic's cranky, ugly rant on hating the Abbott family . . . does he need reminding that pretty much EVERYONE in his immediate family (except for the weasel black sheep Adam & dopey Nick) has married an Abbott -- including himself?  AND 3 (count 'em 3) of his grandchildren are Abbotts.  So when he's hating on the Abbotts, he's actually hating on his own grandchildren.  Yup, what a lovely fellow that Vic is, right?  Uh, NO.

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15 hours ago, Sake614 said:

And seriously wtf was it her pulling down the top to expose her shoulders when she got to Billy’s house?

She's marking her territory.  Same thing with plopping down on the couch and helping herself to someone else's lunch.  I don't know if Sally knows about Billy and Phyl's history (since she only dated Newmans) but that's bound to come up. Run, Sally, run.  Wait and see, Phyl will show up in Paris if Sally and Billy go.

Apparently running large companies is not as labor intensive as I thought.  Nate doesn't ever seem to be at the office.*  Now Damien, who owns two companies is wasting his time trying to find out what his mother is up to, even tho he wants nothing to do with her.

*I could understand his off time if we are still on the timeline we had all through January and it's only two days after New Year's Day.

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Okay, did anyone else laugh out loud when the REAL Damien showed up?  No disrepect to the actor playing the character, but Fake Damien is about 2 feet taller than Real Damien, and Real Damien looks old enough to be Fake Damien's father.

So, apparently Nate never asked and Amy never offered to show him pictures of this supposed brother, but never-did-she-ever even tell him what he looked liked, and he never asked?  How, pray tell, did that whiz of a private detective detect Fake Damien?  Did she just follow the first guy she saw, or decide whoever came out of his apartment had to be him?   

There aren't exactly plot holes in this storyline as much as the whole thing is Big Sky Country.

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Phyllis luvs her kids sooo much.  We know this cuz she screeches it every 6 seconds.  Blurting out that nobody else wants to hire Daniel?  Brutal much?  Blech, nobody needs your luv, Red Beast.

The scenes of cuddly-wuddly Vic were making me nauseous.  More Bizarro World GC sh*t from the writers, eh?  When Audra starts wearing Claire’s crappy clothes, then I’m really done watching.  Oh, and another day Chelsea didn’t cry her eyes out.  It really is GC Bizarro World!

So Shmoopy takes Claire’s coat & practically throws it on the floor.  What a guy that Shmoopy is!  Welp, if it ain’t hair goop & a blow dryer, it’s all a blur to Shmoopy.

Hey, I thought Nikki & Claire were now running Chancellor, that huge company, whose only other employee we ever see is Esther.  Ah, silly me, I forgot that with Nikki (the exceptional businesswoman & ex-stripper) running it, the next time she’ll be at Chancellor will maybe (just maybe) be in 6 months, right?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I can’t believe I’m saying this but I thought the Victor/Victoria scene was really well done. He wants to discuss the future and she’s having none of it. Can’t say I blame her. I’ve been there (minus the money) and shut down my mother whenever she talked about her death or my inheritance or anything else. She wanted me to know where her final papers were, what to do etc. I never paid any attention and told her she didn’t have my permission to leave. I lost her a month ago. 😢  

it doesn’t matter how old you are, losing a parent is incredibly hard and I don’t know any child who actually embraces that conversation.

the rest of the Show put me to sleep. Jack reminiscing about John, Billy’s bright idea, Phyllis being all in and convincing daniel to do the same.

the only good thing was Diane talking about redecorating the Abbot manse. I mean, there’s nostalgic and then there’s just plain dated. And at this point the decor in that place passed its sell by date about 50 years ago. Keep a few cherished pieces and get rid of the rest. 

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5 hours ago, boes said:

How, pray tell, did that whiz of a private detective detect Fake Damien? 

Fake Damien walked up to Nate at the one and only rooftop bar that people from GC know about in LA. FakeD must have googled Nate to see what he looked like and even wore matching clothes to their meeting. FD probably knew what Real Damien's mama looked like and may have waited behind a potted plant for Amy & Audra to "go shopping".

Edited by Denize
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Billy👃, please tell me how you would be able to prove yourself without the backing of Jack’s money.  If there was no family business, there would be no family money once again proving nepotism is supreme in GC. 

I still ask. If Chance-Com couldn’t compete with NM, how is Abbott Communications compete with NM.  

Manic Phyllis🕷️ is almost as good as crying as Chelsea.  The difference is Manic Phyllis🕷️is more pathetic because she uses it as a weapon where it’s emotional for Chelsea.  


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Claire and Kyle were acting like they hadn't already seen each other "today." Huh?

Wow, Connor is not only getting taller, today his face seemed more mature, and his voice sounded deeper. Aw, the kids grow up so fast.

How many times are Chelsea and Adam going to have the same conversation about living together but not actually together? Yawn.

Victor being contemplative about his mortality and the fate of his empire after he's gone. Give me a whole frigging break. Everyone knows vampires don't worry about dying.

"Abbott Communications." Sure, that sounds fresh and innovative, Billy. 🙄

Of course Vikki would never miss an opportunity to badmouth Adam to their daddy. It almost seemed to me like she was trying to take advantage of Victor's weakened state.

Now they've got Connor repeating the lie! Victor didn't throw himself in front of Nikki to block a bullet. He didn't throw himself in front of anything but the couch. 😡

And then Phyllis was acting like she hadn't already seen Summer and Daniel "today." 🎶Let's do the time warp again!🎶

Has Victor developed some kind of brain fog? His conversations with Victoria and Adam today were lowkey off, like he wasn't fully in the present. Maybe it's his pain medication.

Gosh, Billy got teary-eyed when Jack hugged him. Don't let your brother down again, William!


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Aren’t we oh so impressed by Billy?  Whew, he musta broken a sweat with all the work he put in today.  He came up with so many great & swell ideas, right?  Well, no, he actually came up with zero specifics, but he did come up with a name — Abbott Communications.

And what would Abbott Communications include?  Billy seems to have no clue.  But he did come up with a name & Jackie gave him zillions to fund it, so that’s enough “work” for Billy for now, and it’s on to Paris with Sally.  Great writing, writers!

Oh, but Billy does have a goal — to be honest & have integrity, as opposed to his view of Newman Media, so that’s something.  Not much, but something.  Daniel really should stay far away from this mess, destined for failure, but that would banish him to near total irrelevance.  So we know, despite his correct ambivalence, he’ll join up with The Red Beast & The Loser.  Fun in store?  Meh.

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8 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I lost her a month ago. 😢  

it doesn’t matter how old you are, losing a parent is incredibly hard and I don’t know any child who actually embraces that conversation.

I'm so very sorry for your loss, Sake614.  It's such a tough place to be.  There really aren't any adequate words, I know.



7 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:



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Claire’s bangs are driving me crazy!  Parted in the middle and hanging at the sides of her forehead do nothing for her face.  Please do something with her hair!  

Another pet peeve is Nikki’s 2 lines of blush streaked across her cheeks and makes her cheeks sink in.

I have to admit I only watch these things as I FF most of the continuous repeated conversations.

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15 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Aren’t we oh so impressed by Billy?

Well, no.  I picture Billy as consolidating his ideas (all of them) into an instructional video (twelve disc set available for $49.95 if you order now!) and selling them to other no-starters so they will have the words to tell everyone how they are going 'to the top' and 'making the best fill in the blank company in the world'.  You can see the infomercial on late night cable.

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Nikki's hair looked better than it has in days, because it wasn't plastered down over her eyes.  I get that it was supposed to show her "casual" but it actually looked better.  I like the shorter, less complicated haircut.

Victor's teeny, tiny bit of vulnerability was a welcome admission that he is not immortal.  Could this be a slow story of him retiring?

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1 hour ago, MollyB said:

Well, no.  I picture Billy as consolidating his ideas (all of them) into an instructional video (twelve disc set available for $49.95 if you order now!) and selling them to other no-starters so they will have the words to tell everyone how they are going 'to the top' and 'making the best fill in the blank company in the world'.  You can see the infomercial on late night cable.


And, if you order now, Billy Abbott will send you TWO, count 'em, TWO off the shoulder Chelsea 2.0 schmattas as worn on TV by Phyllis "Snake Eyes" Summers!  Operators are standing by!

Edited by boes
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Uh, it looked like some crazy stylist took some of the goop they’re using on Shmoopy & Nick, and slopped gobs of it all over Nikki’s head.  What the heck was goin’ on with her hair today?

And Claire’s bangs (or forehead wings?) were as distracting as Nikki’s hair-don’t.  Diane’s & Jack’s hair looked OK, so why the crummy hair on Nikki & Claire?

So Fake Damian is busted?  Keep him around tho, Show, cuz . . . er, for obvious reasons!

Oh, there’s Traci.  Thought Show totally forgot about her.  And what about Alan?  Another forgotten storyline?  Whatevs.

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2 hours ago, MollyB said:

Well, no.  I picture Billy as consolidating his ideas (all of them) into an instructional video (twelve disc set available for $49.95 if you order now!) and selling them to other no-starters so they will have the words to tell everyone how they are going 'to the top' and 'making the best fill in the blank company in the world'.  You can see the infomercial on late night cable.

Billy:  I have an idea.  And it’s a really big idea!

Red Beast & Daniel:  OK, what’s the idea?

Billy:  That’s the idea!  That it’s a really, really, really, really big idea!  Isn’t that great & awesome?

Red Beast:  Absolutely!  I’m in!

Daniel:  Me too (while rolling eyes)!

** Borrowed from an ep of Wings from 30 years ago

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Yeah, Nikki's makeup and hair were bad today and looked quite dated. The worst was that super matte lipstick. A touch of gloss would have helped...some. 

Thanks to work, my viewing has been on and off, but I, too, was wondering why Nate apparently had no idea what the Damian looks like. Agree, entire blue sky hole with this one. 

I do like the softer, gentler, caring side of Audra. Her tough girl act was really wearying. 



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What was up with Amy not wanting Audra to go on her job interview? As soon as Audra mentioned it, Amy got the vapors. Hmm.

Now they have Diane propping Victor too. Whhhhyyy?

Nikki already got to meet Fake Damian. Random.

Geez, Nate, just tell Fake Damian you're his brother. What a weird standoff that could be so easily resolved.

Nikki sure pulled a face upon hearing how Claire is getting closer to the Abbott family. Heh, I think Claire and Kyle should've pulled their own faces at Nikki's hairdo. 😱😱

Real Damian wasn't trying very hard to stay hidden if he popped up in the coffeehouse seconds after Nate left. What a weird ruse that could be so easily exposed.

Diane, lol, you're gonna have to burn the Abbott manse down to get Jack to be okay with redecorating. Oh wait, you already did set the pool house on fire, back in the day. Never mind.

I bet Amy can't go to the hospital or get a second opinion on her condition because she's not actually sick. Moving in with Nate will make it easier for her to work her con on him.

Nikki, Victor is never going to buy Kyle being a junior version of himself. Kyle is an Abbott, always and forever. You gave Claire bad advice and I hope she runs it by Kyle before trying it out on Grandpa.

Hee, Traci was like, "Whatchutalkinbout, Willis?" when she heard Diane wants to change things up in the manse interior. But then suddenly she was okay with the idea. Huh?

Ya burnt, Fake Damian! 🤠

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Hey Jack, the Abbotts are also guilty of loyalty tests.  You do not own the morality high ground. 

Diane, I have an idea. You can get the house sanitized.  Those couches and chairs, over many many years, must have had more than their share of ass prints.  Replace the furniture with exact replicas of the current furnishings.  Remind Jack that Victor rebuilt the main house exactly the same but with new furnishings. 

Hopefully the saga will be over soon because the jig is up with the Damian’s double. 


As an aside, Karla Mosley (Amanda) is going to be in another soap opera, “Beyond The Gates”


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Gosh …  the show is so boring I cannot stand to watch it. 

If they have money to redecorate the Abbott house, can they put a long-standing character like Phyllis in a home? Hell … she could move in with Daniel to help with Lucy. These people who live in hotels for years and years like they are Howard Hughes. 

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2 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Gosh …  the show is so boring I cannot stand to watch it. 

If they have money to redecorate the Abbott house, can they put a long-standing character like Phyllis in a home? Hell … she could move in with Daniel to help with Lucy. These people who live in hotels for years and years like they are Howard Hughes. 

I'm more afraid Show can't afford two richly dressed sets so they're going to go the Ikea route with the Abbott Manse so the Newman Mausoleum can keep their antique coffins filled and those crypt lights burning.

Show turned the Chancellor Mansion into the waiting room of a backstreet mall botox and nail salon and I dread to see what will be done to "refresh" the Abbott Mansion.  If I see one more of those metal chairs that bust your butt to sit in or those brass and glass end tables that you can't help but stub your toes on, or those ridiculous decorative balls or the inevitable lineup of monochromatic vases of descending sizes, I swear I'll, I'll, I'll........still keep watching.

BUT I will bitch about it!

Edited by boes
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Rant Friday?  Already?

  • I don't know what Show is trying to present Nikki as, but to me she looks like Lisa Simpson when they do an episode of what she is in the future:  highpowered CEO with the swept back pointy hair.
  • I almost could tolerate the Damien Story if we knew why he was estranged from his mother.  As soon as he found that there was no job and it was about his mother, he and FakeD should have been on the next flight to LA.
  • Phyllus must have her eyes turned backward in her head because she can only see what she wants.  Making Daniel a must-have or she won't join Billy's Media Circus is ridiculous.  Also ridiculous that Billy thinks Phyl has so much to bring to the table since she probably is not up to speed on any of the latest computer innovations.  
  • Viktor holding court in the Raunch Mausoleum so that everyone has to pass by/acknowledge him is also ridiculous.  Especially when he snaps at them to not coddle him even though he is in obvious pain.  I'm giving this a little sympathy, tho, in case this is Eric Braden's exit reel.  
  • The Amy/Damien/Nate story is a long, boring saga.  Now we're getting the Redecoration of the Abbot Manse. Hope it is not as dragged out, too.  What the hell drama does buying new furniture bring to Love in The Afternoon?
  • Stop making Jack the dumbest CEO on earth.  Giving money to Billy?  No amount of family loyalty can justify that.
  • Oops! Almost forgot my biggest rant.  Show:  you can not cram a month's worth of exposition, kidnappings, poisonings, more exposition, trips to the eateries and drinkeries of GC repeatedly throughout a two day timeline.  Physics won't allow it.


Edited by MollyB
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17 hours ago, One Tough Cookie said:

Diane, Diane, Diane:  What in the world made you think that fishnet dress is up to your usual standard of being the best dressed woman in GC?

I think maybe the show is trying to shift that honor away from Diane. Her clothes have been looking less top-tier to me lately.

Meanwhile, AFAIC the new wardrobe person is doing too much when they've got Nikki wearing this:



A leopard print blouse with a leopard print trench? Too. Much. Leopard. Print. Stop it.

According to Worn on TV both pieces are from the same designer but I don't care. It's overkill. 😉

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53 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

According to Worn on TV both pieces are from the same designer but I don't care. It's overkill.

With the way Show is going with Nikki's outfits, I'm afraid overkill might go from metaphorical to actual.

From the way things are going, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see Nikki


in this at some point.

Added points for explaining why there no longer any dogs at the Ranch.

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42 minutes ago, boes said:

With the way Show is going with Nikki's outfits, I'm afraid overkill might go from metaphorical to actual.

From the way things are going, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see Nikki


in this at some point.

Added points for explaining why there no longer any dogs at the Ranch.

Well, I can explain why there aren't any leopards. 🤡

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Previews: Claire asking Victoria how to win a fight with Victor. Two words Claire: kill him.

the rest of the episode was a snooze. Damian makes no damn sense. Dude, if you really don’t want to see your mother, just leave. But I did laugh at Nate telling Amy that Holden was Damian. Like really? You don’t think the woman knows what her own son looks like? 🙄

why does Phyllis always look and sound like a middle schooler instead of a 50-something year old woman?

at least we were spared more Newman angst for a day.

going back to yesterday, I didn’t mind Nikki’s clothes or even her hair. But that makeup made her look like a corpse. Taupe matte lipstick is NOT attractive on this woman, and that blush was all kinds of wrong. 

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Genoa City Blowhole

NEWS EXCLUSIVE! Abbott Communications to launch

A daring new media enterprise is threatening to disrupt the market under the leadership of raconteur and renaissance man Billy Abbott. Don’t let the bland company name fool you; Abbott Communications will absolutely upset the dominant paradigm in the realms of media and technology. Billy Abbott has already assembled his dream team through savvy recruiting and merciless browbeating peppered with buzzwords.

Phyllis Summers is a dynamic, energetic force of nature akin to the star of the documentary Cocaine Bear. Her computer skills will be invaluable to the startup, but she brings more to the table than that. “She’s a carbon based life form who believes in me,” Abbott explained. “That is worth its weight in gold.”

Daniel Romalotti is best known for launching the Omega Sphere gaming platform, which currently lags behind Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, Steam and your mom’s basement in total users and downloads. His game “Princess Luisa” was voted “Best Thing to Download on Your Worst Enemy’s Computer” by the Technology Journalism Association, beating out X and a number of malware programs. When asked about the opportunity to work for an innovator like Abbott, Romalotti said “I’m just waiting for him to do something stupid, like launch a cryptocurrency called Nosecoin. Then I’ll be out the door.”

Lest anyone think Abbott Communications is a fly by night flash in the pan, the venture is backed by cosmetics titan Jack Abbott, whose naive belief that his younger brother can’t possibly screw up again has inspired Billy to new heights. The co-CEO of Jabot was quite pleased by the business plan for AC. “Did you say he was hiring Phyllis? *&$$#$&& that mother&&**(( in the $#@@$&!” 

Asked to describe his game changing new media company, Billy Abbott offered this: “We’re human, we’re cutting edge, we think outside the box. We have integrity. We’re relentless in the pursuit of excellence. We’re Newman Media without the rabies and bad haircuts. But this isn’t about Newman. It’s about me, until it becomes about Phyllis. Don’t worry, folks. We’re folding the Blowhole into the Abbott media empire. For old time’s sake, here’s some advice: prepare to be dazzled.”


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"^This^ is gold, Jerry, gold!" The only thing ti make it better would be if was launched from Mendy's. Seriously though this could be exactly dualogue for this drivel of a show. I can't even escape reality now with my soap because its so unwatchable that I get ragey. Thank you to the team here at Yougotthat Media fir always bringing the wit! 

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Hey, it's Chloe.

Oy, Jack already wired Billy the investment funds for Abbott Communications. Listen Billy, you better not be buying any yachts with that money. Just sayin'.

I love it when a scam goes up in flames. Damian, Holden, and Amy: oops!

Lol, Chloe basically told Sally Billy's a manho. But he has been with pretty much every woman in GC who he isn't related to, so no lies detected.

Why does Daniel need his mommy to act as his agent? Oh wait, he doesn't. Yo Phyllis, your son is a grown@$$ man. He can get a job without your pushy help.

Sorry, Holden. Damian sounds like a nutcase, using a guy to pretend to be him. I hope he's been paying you well since the jig is up.

Choe, what part of "fcuk buddies" do you not understand? Stop trying to convince Sally her situation with Billy should be more than what it is.

Billy thinks he and Phyllis have more brainpower than AI. Sure. I'm confident all the world's AI systems are pointing and laughing at him.

Holden had the nerve to ask Amy how sick she really is. So if she only had a terminal case of the icks he wasn't going to vouch for her to Damian? This guy.

Hey Phyllis, what's that odor? It kinda smells like jelly. Billy telling you he was spending a long weekend in Paris with Sally really got on your nerves, huh?

Cash money on the table, I bet Phyllis will show up in Paris to "surprise" Billy.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Meanwhile, AFAIC the new wardrobe person is doing too much when they've got Nikki wearing this:

I think that person should be fired.


6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

According to Worn on TV both pieces are from the same designer but I don't care. It's overkill.

While like a leopard scarf or small print blouse I COULD NOT believe they let her on the show looking like.  And what's with the hair?


1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

Taupe matte lipstick is NOT attractive on this woman, and that blush was all kinds of wrong. 

Yeah, she looked like she was trying to hide a bruise.

OK, I nearly pissed myself today during my manicure.  My tech and I were talking about what vegetables we like and she said her favorite is.....YOU GUESSED IT Brussel spouts!

Edited by One Tough Cookie
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On 2/6/2025 at 3:04 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

I bet Amy can't go to the hospital or get a second opinion on her condition because she's not actually sick.

I've thought this since she & Nate first met. It was nice to hear fakeDamien say that Damien didn't trust Nate because he was the one who started all this with the fakeJob offer.

17 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I'm reminded of when Felix redecorates the apartment on The Odd Couple.  Oh Diane, here's an idea that will really thrill Jackie!


Don't get Jack mad or he'll hurl one of those chairs out the window!


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Chloe 🐿️ is back 🤢🤮 and she thinks that Billy👃 is better, for Sally, than Adam.  What a tool. 

Chloe🐿️ is just as annoying as Manic Phyllis🕷️


 Chloe🐿️ advocating for Billy👃, who is far worse than Adam, because he left DiDi in a running car by herself.  CHILD ABUSE can never be forgiven.  


Is there anything to look forward to next week?  I think not but I keep hoping for Tara to make her return.  How about Daisy.  Is that too much to ask?


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1 hour ago, surfgirl said:

"^This^ is gold, Jerry, gold!" The only thing ti make it better would be if was launched from Mendy's. Seriously though this could be exactly dualogue for this drivel of a show. I can't even escape reality now with my soap because its so unwatchable that I get ragey. Thank you to the team here at Yougotthat Media fir always bringing the wit! 

We need someone like Connor to ask Johnny what kinds of Communications his Dad's new company will actually be doing and how they will compete with Chancellor's & Newman's Communications. Hopefully he has more insight than vague platitudes.

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