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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I hope Zach doesn't get himself on the block. He's one of the few who knows that Derrick is the puppet master. He knows Donny is after Derrick and I think he is going to let it happen. People think Zach is spastic and crazy but they are not seeing he is actually a very smart guy. He may take huge risks and gambles but he is playing the game!


ETA: It is killing me how Britt or any of the girls get so mad at the guys and are on the verge of becoming self aware they are being picked off but still don't make any good game moves. Every person in the house was aware of the 8 person alliance, why did the others who were left out not immediately band together to break it up? They didn't even need to form a new 8 person alliance, they could have just made it a common goal! No one thought past Devin leaving when Devin had already done the worst he could do. It was mistake to not vote out Caleb.

Edited by kellog010

I hope Zach doesn't get himself on the block. He's one of the few who knows that Derrick is the puppet master. He knows Donny is after Derrick and I think he is going to let it happen. People think Zach is spastic and crazy but they are not seeing he is actually a very smart guy. He may take huge risks and gambles but he is playing the game!

I think sometimes he gets a bit ahead of himself and overly excitred. I think this isn't what he is like outside of the house. I have a a feeling a lot of this is just a persona he decided to use before he entered the house.

If I hear Amber or Brittney complain one more time that Zach doesn't deserve to be here because he sleeps all day I'm going to scream. He's up most of the night and then sleeps during the day. Brittany is sleeping usually when he is up. And just because you have children doesn't mean you should win half a million dollars.

It's kinda ironic though that she hates him so much since he twice now has put his neck out for her. First with Devin and then he got put on the block and then now with trying to get Caleb out. She's gonna be shocked when she finds out on Thursday and they Derrick was playing her like a fiddle.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Yes!  We should have an option to inpeach/ recall TA!  Remembering how Derrick saw his election to TA as a sign of how much we all approved of him, can you imagine how much his game would change if his TA spot was revoked?


It would be so amazing if this happened. I think they should let us, it's an alliance, people get replaced in alliances, so we should get to choose if we want to replace someone. Althoguh replacing Derrick with Zach probably wouldn't do much because Zach has a thing for Frankie.


I love how the other women's - especially Victoria's - argument against Brit is because "she's mean". 


Translation:  She doesn't kiss ass and fake nice.  What a b*!!


Has anyone been able to back up these allegations with any documented, actually mean moments from her?  Or is it always vague?  I've always gotten the feeling that she's pretty nice.


I think Brittany can honestly be quite bitchy. She gives the impression that she believes she's so much better and more deserving that the other women. I mean she has point blank said this! She whines about Victoria so much it is exhausting. I mean after being nommed by Cody she spent like at least an hour whining about how Victoria sucks and Brittany is way better than her an how dare she be compared to Victoria. Victoria has every right and reason to want Brittany gone because as much as Brittany seems like she gets it, she would nominate 2 of Victoria, Nicole, and Christine if she got HOH.


And it looks like Joey was a poor choice for Team America:  07/20/14 10:16 PM  Hayden:  "Joey told me that if she stays, that she is on Team America and it starts on Thursday."


This is interesting info. So Hayden, and whomever he told this to, know that there is a Team America out there then. I guess maybe he thinks that since Joey's gone it's over though, but I bet it's in the back of his mind at least. Who did he say this to?


And why is she so against Caleb being nom'd?  If she does 'trust' Amber now, she should know that getting Caleb away from her [as in, out of the house] would only be a good thing.


Caleb has actually been campaigning for Brittany to stay all week. And I think Amber/Brittany planned to use Caleb to help them go after some of the other guys. However, I believe now they'll most likely both just target women if they get HOH because neither of them are actually very good players. Good instincts/ideas sometimes, but they ruin them every single time. I don't even think Amber gets that she is the #1 target now. She still tells Derrick and Cody everything. It's so embarrassing!


Wondering if at some point they would back door Victoria only because they don't want to have to deal with the whining for most of the week.

I don't understand why Victoria has this reputation for being a whiner. Brittany, Christine, and Nicole whine far more that she ever has. I think 'whine' is Nicole's default position actually.


Yesterday, while Brittany was doing her kicks, Jocatsa said, "I'm always in the in crowd," to which Brittany replied, "Me too!" (Which turned me off to both of them TBH.) Then Donny said, "Not me! I've always been an outsider." Oh, Donny, what a beautiful, precious human being you are!


There has to be a power shift next week or this season is dead in the water. I think the only way to really accomplish it is to just end the 2 HOH twist.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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This is interesting info. So Hayden, and whomever he told this to, know that there is a Team America out there then. I guess maybe he thinks that since Joey's gone it's over though, but I bet it's in the back of his mind at least. Who did he say this to?


The ones I remember are Nicole, Donny, and Derrick.  I think Frankie was there too, but Derrick definitely was, and it was interesting just watching him process it.  It also made Nicole suspicious again.  I expected her her to bring up the Zach rumor again.


Ooooh, hopefully this leads somewhere interesting and entertaining.


Donny said this morning, "There's never a day Derrick doesn't know what's happening." Donny has Derrick so figured out. It's my favorite thing. I pray that Donny lasts long enough to be the one to target Derrick. Derrick would be so livid.


Does anyone remember if they said how long TA is gonna last?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Donny said this morning, "There's never a day Derrick doesn't know what's happening." Donny has Derrick so figured out. It's my favorite thing. I pray gthat Donny lasts long enough to be the one to target Derrick. Derrick would be so livid.



I agree. Donny has Derrick, and a lot of them, pegged to a T and I'm glad he's started informing Zach, because now he's becoming more aware. I do want Zach and Donny to team up because, to me, they're the smartest people in the house, Donny reads people well and Zach isn't afraid to make the moves.

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I agree. Donny has Derrick, and a lot of them, pegged to a T and I'm glad he's started informing Zach, because now he's becoming more aware. I do want Zach and Donny to team up because, to me, they're the smartest people in the house, Donny reads people well and Zach isn't afraid to make the moves.


Oh man, Donny and Zach teaming up would be great.


Donny and Hayden have been talking this morning.


Hayden: Caleb and Amber make me so mad.

Donny: But they're not the brains. They're the brains' target if the opposition wins HOH.


Then he asked Hayden who he'd target and Hayden said he'd backdoor Amber. Damn, Hayden, give up on your Amber obsession!


Donny must want to just give up at this point.

I'm just waiting for Caleb to lose it with Cody because Cody is spending time with "his" girl. Wouldn't be surprised if Caleb suddenly finds his hands around Cody's neck.

If I was Cody, I'd sleep with one eye open, put Caleb on the block and get him out quick. They don't need Caleb. They have the numbers with their honorary male member, Christine. Just too bad she doesn't realize they think of her as one of the guys, not a girl -- and expendable.

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Donny just worked his magic on Cody. He's putting Caleb up or so he says. He announced it to Hayden, Nicole and Frankie.


ETA: And there goes Frankie scurrying off to talk to Derrick.


ETA2: Derrick tried to spin a web but may have run out of time. We are on fish feeds right now. Could be POV.

Edited by kellog010

Is Cody trying to play it safe to his alliance, or what?  Why put him on the block if you  absolutely WANT to keep him; even though you keep saying he's bad for your own game??


Start making sense, or just shut up, man!


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Derrick keeps telling him "I respect your decision.  Do what you gotta do.  Go with your gut, if it says to put Caleb up", but at the same time, he basically tells Cody that he's f*ing both their games up because its a real good chance that Caleb goes home if he goes up.  "She'll put us up (if she wins HOH)".  I honestly don't think she would put them up and give them a chance to come down and go after her (again), either of them, but if she were to keep the HOH spot, after BOB; I could definitely see her BD'ing one of them - I hope she would [most likely Derrick, if Donny gets in her ear about his being the "mastermind" of the hosue].

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

LOL Production kept calling Derrick to get his battery and then Frankie scurried around like the rat he is getting it and running it to Derrick so Derrick wouldn't have to leave Cody. Frankie is so damn transparent.


I hope Cody remembers Donny's words about people using him and recognizes what Derrick/Frankie are doing.


ETA: LOL Production tried and when Frankie ruined that, they're just like fuck it and called Victoria to DR. Thanks Production! Fianlly they're trying to do what I want them to do!


Granted, it's Cody, so Donny will probably end up nommed, but I just thank Donny and Production for this beautiful morning on the feeds.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I just can't wait to see how Caleb handles the situation.


Will be it another Devin kinda thing, where he goes around ratting people out?  Does he verbally attack and bait Cody all (rest the) week?  Or is he so stupidly confident 'in his numbers', he just sits back and waits to compete in the next HOH comp??   Please let it be either or both of the first 2 options!


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


If Cody might honestly be using this chance to get Caleb out; he needs to stick to Amber like glue, sort of a "see what I'm getting if/when you leave" in Caleb's face.  Nothing will set Caleb off more or worse than that.


ETA:  Interviews/past moments in the game - its POV Ceremony time!  (if Vic stupidly decides to not use Veto, now that we know Caleb is the replacement, I'm going on a rampage)

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I'll believe Caleb on the block when I see it. These people are far too stupid and easily manipulated. Frankie and Derrick should be down with that, because it satisfies the TA mission far better than Amber does. If Donny pulls this off, he'll have earned his $5K, and he should get the other two's fee as a bonus for hauling their stupid asses in the direction of actually fulfilling the mission.

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If Donny pulls this off, he'll have earned his $5K, and he should get the other two's fee as a bonus for hauling their stupid asses in the direction of actually fulfilling the mission.


We need to start an email campaign to CBS to just give Donny all the TA money.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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How awesome is it that even though Donny is stuck with the two of them on TAFY, he knows that Derrick/Frankie are straight up for themselves only.  If they happen to win a few bucks by completing 'TA missions'; cool.  But he knows for the best overall chance of himself, and others, advancing as far as possible, they both need to go - Derrick preferably first.


I love me some Donny!!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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While I am glad to see Brit accomplished her goal last night, pun intended, she still rubs me the wrong way.  And even though "Bedgate: The Victoria Chronicles" was heavily edited, Brit was bitching about Victoria too, which really bothered me when she acted all self righteous with Nicole.


At this point, I'm in it for Donny, Zach, and Cody.  Maybe Amber.  Maybe Victoria.  Everyone else has gotten BB paranoia syndrome, which I understand is part of the game, but turns likable people in a-holes.  I'm over Frankie, and I'm over Derek.  I'm ready for players to DO something and actually start playing BB.  Everything so far has been predictable and boring.  I want an exciting summer!


While I have no love for Brit, here's hoping that Cody noms Caleb, and he's gone until September.

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(assuming Cody sticks to his guns and noms Caleb)  I just don't see how the cast can honestly justify not getting him out, now given a 2nd chance - a real one, this time - to get him out.  This 'Detonators!' alliance +Nicole/Hayden are over paranoid.  With Caleb going home and Brittany staying, that's [they think] for sure 1 vote lost and possibly another, if Brit doesn't vote the way they want - that's only 2 votes, vs like 7.  And as I've been saying, Brit's pretty much absolutely no threat for the HOH comp, if it involves standing a lot or needing to move around quickly.  Also, they have to realize they can't use Amber as a means of control for Caleb anymore, because she's all but broken off from them, alliances-wise, "to play her own game".


Don't know if Frankie knows/realizes it, but Caleb's over him too; along with Cody. 


It just benefits the whole house more to get Caleb out, when Brit is not a real physical threat next week, and thus is an easy target for noms or a BD candidate.  How smart are you, group-think??  Time to prove it.


He did put Donny up.


You f*ing pussy!  What a f*ing pussy.



I'm done after Thursday.  I can't with people who won't play for themselves.   I hope Cody is out ASAP.  You had the opportunity and vent all you want, but you are pussy bitch.


And, of course, the rest of them all praising him for putting up Donny instead of Caleb.



ETA:  I really hope Donny wins HOH and just does his best to just blow everything up!  I know it won't happen, but GFD it!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Holy crap. Frankie and Derrick are each holding one of Cody's balls. However, if you think about this alliance wise it makes no sense to put Caleb up if you still want Brittany gone. If Britt is the target get Caleb later.


ETA: There goes the chance for the house to flip and hit the reset button. Whoever wins HOH next week has to put up Derrick or Frankie if they have any chance of gaining the upper hand.


ETA2: Derrick talking to Donny while holding a crown in his hand is cracking me up.

Edited by kellog010

What a dumbass.  Cody did "what was best for you guys [ie, his alliance(s)]" & "its too early to make big risky moves".  Well, you just did anyway.  Other than Derr/Frank, nobody likes displeasing Donny or making him feel bad.   You just blatanly lied to his face.  You told him, straight out, "I'm not putting you up".  But an hour later; "Donny, take a seat". 


He just screwed his whole game, no matter who stays/goes on Thursday.  They're both against him now, and will (try to) vote him out the first chance they get.


Enjoy the 'team' dynamics as long as you can, bro, cause you're mistaken "us is better than me" mentality is gonna cost you; maybe not even reach Jury.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

As much as I hate it, Donny was the absolute best choice to nom to get Brit out.


Everyone outside of Amber/Jo will vote her out, no question.  And if made to choose, Jo & Amber will vote to keep Donny [Jo for obvious reasons, and Amber will to 'play it safe & vote with the house'.  Its basically a 10-0 vote.

Disgusting.  Poor Donny.  I can only console myself by hoping that everyone constantly assures him that if he's ever up for eviction it's only because everyone likes him so much and that's why he's a threat.  I can't stand his feelings being hurt!  Cody, what a dumbass you are.


Nicole has always annoyed me, but watching her on BBAD nearly kills me.  Constantly complaining in her nasally, whiny voice...UGH.  Thank goodness I record it every night so I can FF past her.  And Derrick.  I'm down to pretty much watching the late night shows just to hear what crazy or monumentally stupid thing Caleb says next, or to see what Donny is up to.  The other night I found myself silently praising Christine for eating an apple with her mouth closed and realized I'm watching a 2 hour show about people eating and bitching about the tiniest bullshit, so who's the real idiot here?  At least they're getting paid.

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I really think Derrick will try to get Donny evicted. He's scared fucking shitless of him. He must know Donny is 100% done with his bullshit.


Thankfully for us Brittany sucks at this game, so she most likely will go, but Derrick is gonna try. Donny is the only person there who won't just bow before him.

The other night I found myself silently praising Christine for eating an apple with her mouth closed and realized I'm watching a 2 hour show about people eating and bitching about the tiniest bullshit, so who's the real idiot here?  At least they're getting paid.

You're not the only one who's thought that.

  • Love 3

I really think Derrick will try to get Donny evicted. He's scared fucking shitless of him. He must know Donny is 100% done with his bullshit.

Thankfully for us Brittany sucks at this game, so she most likely will go, but Derrick is gonna try. Donny is the only person there who won't just bow before him.

One thing about Dreck - he's all about the numbers. He'll probably bounce the Evict Donny option around a lot, but when the rubber hits the road I believe he will be more paranoid about the possibility of (a) an Amber/Brit alliance forming and (b) the possibility of an all-dude nom panel, than of any in-game blowback from Donny.

Besides, evicting Donny cuts into the (virtually) guaranteed TAFY paycheck, which has an undefined expiration date. Anything which disrupts TAFY cuts down on the opportunities to cash in.

ETA: wording clarification on expiration

Edited by Nashville

The stupidity of some of these people (cough-Cody-cough) is painful to watch.  I just don't get it.  If everyone is against Britt, then why is it so necessary to get her out right now?  It's unlikely she'll be able to put together any sort of power alliance at this point, and she can be a target next week.  And Cody *has* to know that Caleb will be coming after him, or at least won't be voting for Cody to win.  It's just ridiculous.  

And so disappointing.  I really want Donny to stay, and I don't trust these sheep to think for themselves, and if Derrick decides for some reason that Donny needs to go, I will be so sad.

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