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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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This entire season has been one of brief hopes and then huge disappointments, over and over again. Just when you think something exciting or dramatic or game-changing is going to happen - the absolute worst, most predictable, most boring thing actually does. Over and over again. So at this point, based on the season, I feel like it's almost guaranteed that the reset will happen and then Frankie will win both comps again. Because this season is just. that. bad.

gratefulgirl, I agree 100% with this.


wings707, the 'what ifs' have really been grand, haven't they? Not quite 'Grande', but pretty grand. ;)



They teach kids to sing and act out little plays. Everyone has their cause, I understand this, but if you're in actual countries with real tangible needs like medicine, must we master the jazz square? I'm being judgy, I know.


AndreaK101, not judgy. Just practical. I get you. But I would imagine these kids really enjoy taking a break from worrying about where and what they're gonna eat next and where their drinking water is going to come from. I don't know.... I'm torn...


ETA: I still hate Frankie! lol

Edited by housecat

I don't know...it bothers me that BB goes after "maybe but not really" reality stars and "my sister is a popstar and I am a wanna be famewhore" kind of contestant....as time goes on? the more reality tv gets real..the less real it is........I want to see real people...with issues, a hot mess!  ugh ;)

Edited by autumnh
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I'm a documentary hound (er, CAT lol), autumnh. I love the gritty HBO-style docs. Reality tv is crap. BB attracts me because of the live feeds. There's no editing, no lines rehearsed, and just plain ole REAL behaviour. Does that make sense?


"Disney World has thought me how to circumnavigate unnecessary lines. So I did. I pushed my way past all the people to the front of the line with no purpose." - Frankie


Ohhhhh....this just rattles my fucking cage!! I LOVE my Disneyland and to me? Line jumpers are just plain scum. Disgusting behaviour for a 31 yr. old man! I wonder how good it feels to line jump KIDS. FUCK YOU FRANKIE

Edited by housecat
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Derrick is nothing but a male Dawn from Cochran's winning Survivor season -- and will receive about 1/64,000th of the backlash Dawn did, because of his sex.


Damn, you are super on point with this. And super on point with the fact that Derrick will never get the backlash Dawn did as well.


I feel like that's one of my biggest problems with Derrick, that he'll never get called out for his shit and that he'll instead be treated like the second coming of Dan when he is nowhere near that league. He's more like the second coming of Maggie, but with way less adversity, stupider competitors, and a ton of luck.


They've done veto ceremony already? That is very odd. It's always on Monday.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm a documentary hound (er, CAT lol), autumnh. I love the gritty HBO-style docs. Reality tv is crap. BB attracts me because of the live feeds. There's no editing, no lines rehearsed, and just plain ole REAL behaviour. Does that make sense?

It's the only reason I care about Big Brother, so yes, it makes sense to me. :)

  • Love 3

I'm a documentary hound (er, CAT lol), autumnh. I love the gritty HBO-style docs. Reality tv is crap. BB attracts me because of the live feeds. There's no editing, no lines rehearsed, and just plain ole REAL behaviour. Does that make sense?


"Disney World has thought me how to circumnavigate unnecessary lines. So I did. I pushed my way past all the people to the front of the line with no purpose." - Frankie


Ohhhhh....this just rattles my fucking cage!! I LOVE my Disneyland and to me? Line jumpers are just plain scum. Disgusting behaviour for a 31 yr. old man! I wonder how good it feels to line jump KIDS. FUCK YOU FRANKIE


Your comment reminds me of "Grey Gardens" which I think was the first reality show ever.  And honestly, one of the best.  Now, its all people like Frankie, looking for the best camera angle.  


I don't know what to make of that blog entry or whatever he was doing.  I can understand some D list celebrity pushing through line at Disneyland, I mean people generally go there and don't want to get into a fight, and would just assume whoever is pushing in front of them in line is important.  But the state of airlines today, and knowing people from New York makes me question how much of that behavior he was able to get away with at JFK.   I find it hard to believe that some New Yorker wouldn't have said something to him, and even harder to believe that a ticket agent, armed with the power of putting you on a "no fly" list would put up with that attitude.

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That's why I come here, Brian Cronin, to be among my kind. :)



Your comment reminds me of "Grey Gardens" which I think was the first reality show ever.  And honestly, one of the best.

 Holy shit, Reality Gal!! I may have to print out and frame your post! Any and all references to Grey Gardens makes me reallllllyyyyy happy!!!!

Edited by housecat
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I have read that the blog post was written as a satire in character. I kind of believe that. I'm sure Frankie had a frustrating travel day and had complaints, but this seems out of character even for him.

Isn't it also true though that these aren't actual schools but are theater schools? They teach kids to sing and act out little plays. Everyone has their cause, I understand this, but if you're in actual countries with real tangible needs like medicine, must we master the jazz square? I'm being judgy, I know.


I dunno, the bad, entitled behavior proudly exhibited here fits too well with Christine's stories after the football outing.  If it is self-parody, I think it still speaks volumes to the seriousness with which he views his "Charity Work."  He can't even take a day off to give the account of his trip the respectful, introspective write-up the subject deserves.  It's all about Frankie all the time, especially when it's not supposed to be about Frankie, at all.


I do remember him saying something about wanting to have a "theater wing" added to one of his schools.

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isney World has thought me how to circumnavigate unnecessary lines. So I did. I pushed my way past all the people to the front of the line with no purpose." - Frankie


Ohhhhh....this just rattles my fucking cage!! I LOVE my Disneyland and to me? Line jumpers are just plain scum. Disgusting behaviour for a 31 yr. old man! I wonder how good it feels to line jump KIDS. FUCK YOU FRANKIE


Take heart.  This is just further proof that Frankie is only a legend in his own mind.  They have VIP versions of park passes that let you enter most of the rides from a different entrance and bypass the line. 


I'm sure they only denied the media mogul these passes because Nickelodeon and Disney are in some kind of corporate death match and he's being pulled down by the Grande name.

That's why I come here, Brian Cronin, to be among my kind. :)


 Holy shit, Reality Gal!! I may have to print out and frame your post! Any and all references to Grey Gardens makes me reallllllyyyyy happy!!!!

LMAO!  Brilliant Minds, because I flove Grey Gardens.  If you love any and all references to Grey Gardens you have to check out the RuPauls Drag Race Snatch Game episodes where one of the queens did Little Edie.  




I do remember him saying something about wanting to have a "theater wing" added to one of his schools.

A wing?  That seems a little grand for anything other than a college or a hospital.

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I think this is true, there is no eviction.  There just isn't time.  

...unless they go through a FF/DE-type speed round whereupon they go through a HOH comp/nom/POV/eviction after the Rewind reveal. It would be doable - barely.

Grey Gardens - Oh, how I love thee!  (Although I can totes see Frankie turning into Little Edie in his later years!)

Swear to god - after ONE MORE TIME of seeing Frankie running around in the Blue Shorts Which Will NOT Go Away, the first image which popped in my mind upon reading this was Frankie as Eddie frikkin' Munster.

  • Love 4

Wow, I think I just came up with a great IDEA that I think might save this whole season. How about if every Comp, Veto, HOH and Eviction be determined by drawing SKITTLES, and that goes right to the end, including determining who gets the 500K and who gets 50K!!!


It would sure as hell be more exciting than what we've been exposed to thus far...........but holy shit,  you can bet someone would make Derrick the SKITTLE MASTER and we would have to watch Frankie prancing around dressed to look like a SKITTLE, while invading everyones personal space with his perverse behavior.


NOTE TO CBS: don't try to steal my idea, unless you want to get your ass sued to the moon and back.

Edited by dimo
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How about if every Comp, Veto, HOH and Eviction be determined by drawing SKITTLES, and that goes right to the end, including determining who gets the 500K and who gets 50K!!!

 I would watch this, dimo. But with the viewers' luck, Frankie would choose the winning skittle. Dressed AS a skittle. *sigh*

  • Love 2

From Joker's:



Sun 8:26 PM BBT Cody and Frankie are talking about their weird BB dreams that involve Julie Chen.
Cody says in his dream Julie pulled him and Frankie out of the house to give them secrets on who to vote out. Cody says one night he'll never forget was when Amber was on the block. Caleb grabbed me to campaign for her. Amber walked into the room and said, "Honestly, if you guys send me home, my dad is going to be mad." Frankie said, "What? She actually said that?" Cody is laughing and said, "Yeah." Frankie said, "You mean her dad is going to hurt us?" Frankie said, "I have never heard of that before. Family members taking revenge for voting out their loved ones."  - gwennylou


Sure, tell that to Nicole, Frankie.  Aaaaaaand the Complete Lack of Self-Awareness Parade continues.

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I have to say - watching all the pool playing has got my fingers itching a little to drag my cue out of its case and see what damage I could still do. That used to be one of the ways I kept gas in my car back in college. :)

Oh yeah - and, Frankie blows moose chunks.

ETA: fixed typos

Edited by Nashville
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I just heard Cody say on BBAD that he thinks he can beat Frankie if they were in the Final 2. He's out of his mind. I honestly don't see Cody beating any of these people unless he goes on a competition tear at the end.

Also, I don't know if Frankie is just in his room or what but him not being on BBAD is an absolute luxury.

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I just heard Cody say on BBAD that he thinks he can beat Frankie if they were in the Final 2. He's out of his mind. I honestly don't see Cody beating any of these people unless he goes on a competition tear at the end.

Also, I don't know if Frankie is just in his room or what but him not being on BBAD is an absolute luxury.


I was wondering, too, how we got so lucky!!

Someone needs to Photoshop Frankie's head onto Little Edie's in a still shot from her flag dance! Given his exhausting, over-the-top performing, it would be perfect. It would be even more awesome with his head in the video, like some sort of JibJab thing.


ETA: Me neither, housecat. I've never even used it. Hoping someone with mad skillz will take on the challenge.


ETA Electric Boogaloo 2: Given that I LOVE documentaries, it's embarrassing to admit that I never saw Grey Gardens until I was in my late 40s.

Edited by Scout Finch
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Ohhhhh....this just rattles my fucking cage!! I LOVE my Disneyland and to me? Line jumpers are just plain scum. Disgusting behaviour for a 31 yr. old man! I wonder how good it feels to line jump KIDS. FUCK YOU FRANKIE



I know, right?  Now Frankie is messing with my beloved Walt Disney World / Disneyland, and has crossed a serious line with me.  DO NOT SULLY THE NAME OF WALT DISNEY, you pathetic, disgusting Peter Pan's talentless asshole cousin.  I'm not even sure what he meant about Disneyland teaching him to push his way to the front of useless lines, because the lines in Disney parks are always legit, and well managed.  I remember he was speaking weeks ago about getting to scuba dive in the aquarium at EPCOT, and how that was something that normally had a waitlist years long so he was lucky to be able to do it without waiting, and I assumed it had something to do with him being there with Arianna.  So he got special privileges on hallowed Disney grounds and then turns around and shits on them by trying to convince other people that they are fat losers if they stand in their lines like civilized human beings?  I CANNOT WITH HIM.  He only gets worse the more you learn about him!


That story about Frankie's travels was written as satire




I enjoy satire as much as the next person, but that did not read as satire to me at all.  It read exactly like Frankie when he's telling a story.  He thinks he's funny, and he thinks his funniest material is when he says ugly shit about someone else.  I can picture it as if I were a fly on the wall as he typed - he wrote all of that with a smug as fuck ducklips look on his face, stopping only to give himself finger snaps and roof-raises, because he knew that this story was going to just KILL with his fans.  If he was really attempting satire, he failed spectacularly and should probably read The Onion more to see how it's actually done.

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 13


I enjoy satire as much as the next person, but that did not read as satire to me at all.  It read exactly like Frankie when he's telling a story.  He thinks he's funny, and he thinks his funniest material is when he says ugly shit about someone else.  I can picture it as if I were a fly on the wall as he typed - he wrote all of that with a smug as fuck ducklips look on his face, stopping only to give himself finger snaps and roof-raises, because he knew that this story was going to just KILL with his fans.  If he was really attempting satire, he failed spectacularly and should probably read The Onion more to see how it's actually done.


I agree.  When he refused to take a second turn as a Have Not, he could have acted entitled in a funny way, where the viewer walks away saying, "Sure Frankie's a dick, but he's entertaining and pretty funny."  Instead, his response ended with "She'd better not come crying to me, I'll punch her in the face."  That along with comments he made about "treating her like the help" that week or complaining that Christine should not have warned her about a food item containing dairy (Nicole's lactose intolerant) so that her sickness would affect her gameplay the next day.  Or when he brought her to tears with the threat of a million rabid 12 year olds accosting her in Ariana's name.  In short, he could've acted like a Zach type of asshole - still an asshole, but the kind people (not me, so much) are able to tolerate or even love.  The difference in Zach's and Frankie's polls don't lie.

Edited by forgetmenow
  • Love 14


COME ON IT'S BIG BROTHER. It's not that serious. Let's have fun with it!


I'm sincerely trying to Sonoma!! LOL


Irritable, tell us how you really feel! hee



IMO, when it comes down to bare bones, Frankie is a 12 yr. old prepubescent mean girl. That's his audience, that's who he's playing for. And young, mean girls would love that idiotic airport story. I think...



Frankie got to scubadive at EPCOT?! Is there no god??!

Edited by housecat
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alegria, I really hope you're right. I read Britney Spear's mother's autobiography and apparently, the sister, what's her name....JamieLynn?? grew up at Disneyworld because that's where The Mickey Mouse Club was taped then. Britney's mother stayed at one of the resorts and spent every day with the other mothers of Mouseketeers wandering Disneyworld. Free! UGH


ETA: IF Frankie did scubadive there, I wonder if he used a drysuit? Otherwise, wouldn't his *skankiness* end up killing all those wonderful fish??

Edited by housecat
  • Love 1

I think these forums just reflect the tone of season.  If the show this year had been fun, we would all be having more fun discussing it.  I think things were a little more lighthearted here when some of the likable people were still in the game, and also because during that time Frankie was still trying to hold up some semblance of projecting himself as a nice, fun guy.  But his mask has not only slipped, he has ripped it off and stormed around in a super misguided fit of Frozen's LET IT GO, where he can no longer restrain who he really is inside.  Every now and then you can almost see a glimmer of self-realization in his eye that he has just said a whole lot of insufferable stuff in a row, and that's when he jumps up and starts doling out a big fake hug and "I LOVE YOU!" to everyone, one at a time, even when there's no natural segue that would lead to it.


It's really hard to find things going on during these last few weeks in that house to have happy, fun discussions about.  All that I really have left for that is Caleb, and it's a huge stretch for me because I am totally against things he has done and said in the past, but I'm holding out hope that this experience has broadened his horizons a bit, and that who he really is inside is the guy we are seeing right now.  I honestly believe that he is simple minded enough that many, if not all of his beliefs about race relations, politics, gay rights and women stem from him growing up around a bunch of people who think that way.  He came into the house and in so many ways showed by his actions that no matter what he has said in the past, he doesn't really feel that way at his core.  He doesn't understand that killing a hog with a stick is cruelty to animals because it's "hunting", and he was raised to believe everything about hunting is not only okay, but it's awesome.  He didn't understand that claiming Amber as his woman like some caveman, and then becoming infuriated when she didn't reciprocate and get right in line was grotesque misogynistic behavior, because in the places he comes from, misogyny isn't a thing that is dealt with in his circles.  Stories he has told about his brothers with women have proved that. 


I am of high hopes that Caleb has truly grown as a person from these months, and that he will continue to look for adventures in life that will take him forever out of the gross mentality that he came into the house with.  If he just goes straight back to inhumane treatment of animals and aggressively stalking and trying to control women, well, then I give up.  But for now, he is the one person in the house that holds any interest for me at this point, aside from the burning flames on the side of my face that Frankie gives me.

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 14


he doesn't really feel that way at his core.  He doesn't understand that killing a hog with a stick is cruelty to animals because it's "hunting", and he was raised to believe everything about hunting is not only okay, but it's awesome.  He didn't understand that claiming Amber as his woman like some caveman, and then becoming infuriated when she didn't reciprocate and get right in line was grotesque misogynistic behavior, because in the places he comes from, misogyny isn't a thing that is dealt with in his circles.


I'd like to believe this is true, Irritable. That Caleb is a sweet soul inside and that this is just a nurture vs. nature kind of thing. But don't you have to born with empathy? I truly don't know....but can one teach another how to feel empathy? For example, the hog he killed, wouldn't he AT HIS CORE feel the suffering he inflicted upon it?


Maybe he's a sociopath? Spitballin' here, obvs.

A few minutes ago, Caleb and Victoria (who, BTW has become a regular Chatty Cathy, now that all the other women are gone) were talking in the back yard.  Caleb was telling her one of his dreams:  Being recognized in an airport by a child and being asked for an autograph.


He doesn't even realize that he's the child.


I hope he learns to respect women, and animals.

Edited by alegria
  • Love 5

As horrifying as it is for me, as a woman, to type this, a big example of why I don't think Caleb is a sociopath that comes to mind is that he said he wanted to be the star of a TV show where he goes around taking fat, ugly women on dates to show them what it's like to go out with a nice guy.  While it sounds at first like pure narcissism at its frat-boyest, that he has enough empathy to understand that all women should know what it's like to be taken out and treated well by someone tells me he is capable of empathy on some level.  It's just on a shallow level at which he is still, of course, the hero.  I think if he were a true sociopath, he would think fat, ugly women don't really deserve to go on a nice date with anyone, and especially not with a super fine catch like himself.


He has shown glimpses of true kindness throughout the season, and I think when it comes down to it he really doesn't want to see any people (that he likes) get hurt in any way, not even feelings.  No matter how much he may have improved these last few months, he's not perfect by any means, but for my money if I had to place my bet on the true sociopath of the house, it would be Frankie. 

  • Love 14


that he has enough empathy to understand that all women should know what it's like to be taken out and treated well by someone tells me he is capable of empathy on some level.




He has shown glimpses of true kindness throughout the season, and I think when it comes down to it he really doesn't want to see any people (that he likes) get hurt in any way, not even feelings.

 Thanks for that reminder. Caleb HAS shown small kindnesses throughout the summer. I think if he could get away from his family and move to a more 'progressive' state (not knockin' the south AT ALL), he could really grow into a 'good' young man. Maybe??

I think these forums just reflect the tone of season.  If the show this year had been fun, we would all be having more fun discussing it.  

I think that's also always a problem when we see someone dominate a game as successfully as Derrick has (not that he can't lose, but if he does it will be because of some last minute miscalculation or challenge he loses).  I mean really if anyone else wins it will be by accident, and that's been clear for most of the season, so in addition to seeing a lot of douchebags be douchebags, and the inevitable boringness of a large alliance/gender control situation get it's way with no real bumps, we haven't even had any suspense, or any real power shifts.  


In one sense it's been a GREAT season in the sense that someone playing a dominant game is interesting.  In another it's been a horrible season, because conflict is more important to the show as entertainment than good gameplay by someone.

  • Love 2

From Joker's:

Mon 12:30 AM BBT Cody: What is Zach's last name, Rancell? Derrick: It's Rantz. Cody: It's Rancell. Derrick: No, it's Rantz, R-A-N-T-Z.

Well, you have to give them credit for trying.

With the amount of times he had spelled it for them in his practice speeches you would think they would know what it was. ::shakes head:: Edited by SiobhanJW

I'm a lifelong Georgian and have known my fair share of Calebs.  He's malleable and capable of redemption, IMO.  An enlightened Southern man is a thing of beauty.


That's what I keep telling my wife.  :)


Caleb is a young man whose life circumstances have not permitted him the benefits of widespread association with people from different cultural backgrounds.  I'd hazard a guess that aside from his tour of duty and possibly his time spent in Dallas, most of his life has been spent with people from identical or extremely similar environments as his own.  He's not incapable of learning different - he just hasn't had much opportunity.


And it's not a Southern thing; I can introduce you to some Boston Southie boys just like Caleb.  The only difference is the accents.  :)



Mon 1:10 AM BBT Vic "I can't wait for you to meet strong Victoria." D "I can't wait for you to meet Derrick."


Now that's just kinda spooky.

  • Love 7

For me, it's not actually conflict that makes a Big Brother season interesting.  As long as there are real relationships formed, and people in the house are capable of making their own decisions and playing their own games, I'm happy enough.  I personally much prefer that people get along well on reality TV - yelling and fighting makes me very uncomfortable and lights up my instinct to flee because I always expect and fear that violence will erupt.  One thing I do appreciate about this season is that, even though there has certainly been some hideous behavior, no one got into any scary fights, all the mean things happened behind everyone's backs.  I don't condone backstabbing as a general practice, but it's just a reality of this particular game, and in the past I haven't loved watching people get into knock-down-drag-outs over betrayals and such.  Or in the season of Evel Dick, screaming and abusing people for other reasons.


In this season, I don't think any of the relationships formed are of real value, or will last for long once the cameras turn off.  In the beginning, I thought Zankie was real, because I hadn't realized yet what Frankie really was.  Caleb believes they are all going to just keep on hanging together, going on vacations and visiting each other forever after this, bless his heart, but I just don't see that happening.  The most I can see is a few people possibly keeping in touch with Donny, through phone calls and emails, that will dwindle off over time.  The majority of this year's players have had so much time together to bond, but they mostly just talk game, over and over, all the time, endlessly.  And 99.9% of the game talk is all just bullshit that never came to fruition anyway, so they may as well have been speaking Elvish for all the good it did.

  • Love 8


Caleb is a young man whose life circumstances have not permitted him the benefits of widespread association with people from different cultural backgrounds.  I'd hazard a guess that aside from his tour of duty and possibly his time spent in Dallas, most of his life has been spent with people from identical or extremely similar environments as his own.  He's not incapable of learning different - he just hasn't had much opportunity.

 Whew! Glad no one took that comment of mine the wrong way. I truly was debating whether to delete it or not.


And, hey, I'd love nothing more than to meet a Southern man. ;) If ya know what I mean.

Yes, it's definitely a real opportunity. 




We inquired about it a few times while we were there, and have seen divers come in and out of the tube in the lobby area.  We never found the wait list to be less than a year, so we stopped bothering to check, because I don't commit to things that are a year away.  I committed to a Cirque Du Soleil show 3 months in advance, got the date confused, missed the show and wasted $150 on the tickets, so...let's just say I'm more of a spontaneous, fly by the seat of my pants sort of person.


I think Frankie said that was the reason he became scuba certified, was so he could dive at EPCOT.  He must have been assured he would get in before he made the trip, if he had time to get prepared.  HAD to be sister related, because there is no other reason why Frankie would get preferential fast-lane treatment for this highly sought after experience.  Jerk.

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