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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I'm disagreeing with you on this one particular subject of gays and reality tv.  That's what we do on the boards.  I'm not going to agree with your opinion about Frankie and dogs or your other thoughts about proper gay behavior, but that's it.  I may agree with something you say tomorrow.   


I am sorry that you had an abusive father, that hurts my heart.  But, I'm just a poster with an opinion that disagrees with you (albeit somewhat consistently on this topic).  You have no reason to fear me or my words, they are just my opinions....they are a dime a dozen and have no more merit than yours.  I'll stand by mine, you stand by yours.  At the end of the day, it literally doesn't matter what either one of us thinks. . 

You're right about that. However, I've never seen you take anyone else to task on here, so apparently I must be the only one you don't agree with out of all these posters and you've never clicked "like" on anything I've ever posted, so I doubt you'll agree with anything I have to say in the future. I've agreed with and clicked "like" on many things you've said. It seems like you took an instant dislike to me over the Colton Caleb thing, which was just a lapse of memory since I'm old, too. There's only 18 days left and we'll all be history on here anyway. 

Wait. There's a 'like' button on here?!




I love you guys. AndreaK1041 and Nashville are correct. This is MY favourite board, too. Disagreements or not.



There's only 18 days left and we'll all be history on here anyway.

 Au contraire, my delicious burgerfriend! I expect everyone to be at roll call next Feb. when BBCanada starts! Don't make me beg. ;)


ETA: that was a perfectly lovely apology pennben. You didn't have to do that. *respect*


ETA2: WHY is BB giving us another TAFY mission? They obviously realize everyone hates Frankie! I mean, don't they? ugh

Edited by housecat
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I'm so mad people voted for the rat one because the other one was impossible. And this one made Frankie say "yay, they don't hate us!" Au contraire, mon frere.

Eta: haha I didn't even see that you had just written au contraire! Jinx en Francais!

Edited by AndreaK1041
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I guess I must be simple then. I won't post anymore. I lived with an abusive father and we had to walk on eggshells and not say anything wrong to get him going, so I try to avoid that in my adult life. I don't want to upset anyone or hurt anyone in any way. Although, I'm sure I'm more upset than anyone that reads my drivel. Enjoy the show everyone. I'll still be reading the posts for all the great insight from all you witty people.  ;-)


I sincerely hope you don't leave the board.    And thats real talk.  Everyone should share their opinions,  and there may be disagreement.  And that goes for both you and pennbenn.  I think what makes this such an interesting forum is that there are so many different points of view and different voices.  After getting das boot from TWoP, I learned that sometimes you just gotta let things go for your own sanity.  But, I enjoy you being a part of the community, so I would miss your commentary.  


I, too, made a joke about Frankie being attracted to the dog.  I explained it, and I could continue explaining the joke, but I've learned just to shrug my shoulders and move it forward.  Although I understand that some things are worth the fight because you feel passionately about them.


So, I hope you stay, but your sanity is not worth my selfish desire for your snark ;)

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Because he's gay and the dog is male?  That's not how being gay works, that's not how any of that works (tm esurance commercial).

Because he's Frankie. He overdoes things. Things like Derrick's crotch, Nicole's boob, the water bottle, the rape jokes, the lesbian comments, etc.

Edited by nono
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Good morning.  I see nothing has been going on, again. 


NIcole will compare Derrick to Dan Gheesling in the jury house.  That can hurt him as much help.  They may translate that as he engineered my eviction. Zack will be happy, though. Frankie did not betray me after all!  One vote for Frankie should they have that choice.  


Production must be behind the extensive clean up.  


Upon learning the rat mission, Frankie claimed that the reason they lost the last one is because there was no sleep deprivation!  They all stay up all night so this is too easy.  They would have failed the fasting.  


Jeff and Jordan.  I would have loved them save Jeff's homophobic comments.  Jordan gave me a lot of laughs!  As for Jordan knowing about it, maybe not.  She could have been told they were there to host a comp, or to just visit the house to help boost ratings.  She is easy to fool!.  People meeting and then marrying on a reality show is always big news and BB hasn't had any.  So it is time to cash in on that.  They have precious little to fill the TV shows so I am okay with this.


It is now just a wait and see who wins HOH and veto on Wednesday.  One of them will be on the block, will they take this chance or go for Victoria as the easy out?    I know the answer but I just cannot bring myself to type it.   

Edited by wings707

Vic to Der - I have to tell you a secret. You swear you won't tell Cody? NT

Vic admits to Derrick that she knows that Nicole took the hat to Hayden. She says she has been playing it off stupid. NT




Now, this is what can be labeled brilliant "strateejurie" 

Edited by wings707

Vic says she's not looking for a guy who's a virgin. Derrick thinks that interesting. Caleb compares Victoria's situation to buying an older truck with low miles and the guys burst into laughter. (Victoria has said she wants an older man who hasn't slept with alot of people)


Vic:What's the difference between a girl getting fingered & having sex? It's the same thing. The guy sees the girl naked anyway NT




This is good stuff. 


Interesting live feed action:  Frankie and Caleb discussing Christine's Boo-ga-palooza:


Frankie:  "If that happens to me, I'll have to be institutionalized for the next seven years."


Sooo....who wants to help me roll out a kickstarter campaign for a fleet of flying banners over the house with 'BOOO...FRANKIE!'



I was so wrong in assuming that he would pretend to welcome the hate/booing as an indication of villain status. Maybe in time, but not during his exit interview with Julie.


I feel badly for him but the simultaneous truth is, I want to see him stunned by the negative reaction!


Julie will try to pull him out of the downward spiral she is witnessing but I am not sure there is anything she can say that would accomplish that.  

Edited by wings707


It is now just a wait and see who wins HOH and veto on Wednesday.

Wings - It'll be Tuesday and Wednesday this week for BB because of football.  Can you believe CBS bumped an NCIS rerun for this drivel? Probably a good thing they're on the same network because if it came to a throw down between Derrick, et al and Gibbs - no choice.  It'd be Gibbs all the way, even in reruns.  LOL - CBS is moving Big Bang Theory to Mondays, which is going to seriously mess with my reality TV viewing. Hmmmmm, Dancing With the Stars, or BBT?  Buh-bye, Sheldon!

I agree @BeatrixK.  It is the mother in my who doesn't want to see someone deeply hurt that surfaces sometimes.   But as I said, I want to see him get the reaction has so totally earned and deserves!  

Wings - It'll be Tuesday and Wednesday this week for BB because of football.  Can you believe CBS bumped an NCIS rerun for this drivel? Probably a good thing they're on the same network because if it came to a throw down between Derrick, et al and Gibbs - no choice.  It'd be Gibbs all the way, even in reruns.  LOL - CBS is moving Big Bang Theory to Mondays, which is going to seriously mess with my reality TV viewing. Hmmmmm, Dancing With the Stars, or BBT?  Buh-bye, Sheldon!



Yes, I know, that is why I said I am looking forward to Wednesday!  :-)   That is the live show and new HOH.  Didn't mean to say veto on Wed, too. I  must have been thinking DE when I typed that. 

Edited by wings707

Well..it could....


Oh, please - let them get a Honey Badger!!!!

This is the second post in this thread with a honey badger youtube clip. It's funny to me because the guy, Randall, who writes and narrates the series of animal documentary clips has enjoyed much much more success via YouTube than Internet mogul Frankie.

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the guy, Randall, who writes and narrates the series of animal documentary clips has enjoyed much much more success via YouTube than Internet mogul Frankie.

But, for me, he sounds too much like Frankie. LOL - I'm a Frankie-phobe.  I discriminate against anyone who looks or sounds like Frankie! And......it's a choice (!) on my part.

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I agree @BeatrixK.  It is the mother in my who doesn't want to see someone deeply hurt that surfaces sometimes.   But as I said, I want to see him get the reaction has so totally earned and deserves!  


And that's probably why you are a much nicer person than I am!  (No kids:  I was totally born without a maternal bone in my body!)


But my mindset is - for someone who is pathologically aware of the cameras, for him not to be well aware of his 'in house' behavior and how it affects his 'image', he's just pants-on-head stupid to believe that is in any way endearing.  He signed up to be filmed 24/7 -- and it was more to 'recruit' for his image than anything else.  I feel no pity for someone who actively sought to be immersed in this activity and, by all accounts, is doing a damned fine job of 'playing up to the cameras'.  Unfortunately, the camera doesn't lie, and it's exposing him to be the vile scumbag he is.  He labors under the illusion he is fabulous and adored.  He craves an audience - so let's allow that audience he's sought to provide him with the feedback he needs.  I can't feel sorry for someone who knew what they were getting into and horribly misjudged his own appeal.


It's like Simon Cowell when he was asked why he was so mean to some contestants.  I'm summarizing, but basically he said that Some of these people had been misguided by false praise, and the music industry is a brutal place.  They needed to hear they wouldn't make it because 1.)  It was brutal, and 2.) maybe it's the jolt they need to channel their energies into something that could benefits themselves and maybe other people.  I.E., someone who is wasting their time practicing something they would never master needs to be told they aren't suited for the nature of the beast and maybe they can use their time writing, studying, learning things they are better suited for and can flourish.  Frankie wants to be in the business - OK, son...here's what they think of you!  Maybe he needs a public smackdown so he doesn't waste any more time pursuing something he's ultimately not a good 'fit' for.  Maybe he's better suited for teaching, or writing, or something else.  But it damned sure ain't showbiz.

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Just when I thought Frankie couldn't disgust me any more!  Last night he was laying between Caleb and Cody.  He started rubbing Caleb's ass and Caleb pushed his hand away, so he reached back and grabbed Cody's dick.  Of course Cody then pushed his hand away too.  Jokers has photos of it.  Why don't these guys set him straight and tell him to keep his god damned hands to himself?  Last year we had racists; this year we have a sexual predator.  What's next, Big Brother?

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If a man was grabbing at women in the house this way, production would put a stop to it.

I seriously wonder if they would intervene.  There have been so many egregious examples of truly vile behavior in BB - last season's overt racism, the Evil Dick season (which I could not watch), the Caleb/Amber stalking, and now this sexual predator behavior from Frankie, none of which has merited intervention. I think production's only concern is bringing in viewers, and stirring up the controversy that attracts them.  The only thing that would possibly make them consider intervention is if a woman attempted to DOR because of predatory behavior.  Given the demonstrable misogynistic bent of production I think they would view it as "boys will be boys" antics, and princesses just need to get over themselves.

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BGB reset HOH comp clarification from Julie Chen in Entertainment Weekly:


[uPDATE: Julie sent the following update for clarification on this point: "To clarify: All the Houseguests, who competed last night, will play for HOH all over again.  Sorry for any confusion. Chenbot malfunction.  What the bleep #%€?¥!?”]


So it looks like Derrick will NOT be in the HOH comp.

And that's probably why you are a much nicer person than I am!  (No kids:  I was totally born without a maternal bone in my body!)


But my mindset is - for someone who is pathologically aware of the cameras, for him not to be well aware of his 'in house' behavior and how it affects his 'image', he's just pants-on-head stupid to believe that is in any way endearing.  He signed up to be filmed 24/7 -- and it was more to 'recruit' for his image than anything else.  I feel no pity for someone who actively sought to be immersed in this activity and, by all accounts, is doing a damned fine job of 'playing up to the cameras'.  Unfortunately, the camera doesn't lie, and it's exposing him to be the vile scumbag he is.  He labors under the illusion he is fabulous and adored.  He craves an audience - so let's allow that audience he's sought to provide him with the feedback he needs.  I can't feel sorry for someone who knew what they were getting into and horribly misjudged his own appeal.


It's like Simon Cowell when he was asked why he was so mean to some contestants.  I'm summarizing, but basically he said that Some of these people had been misguided by false praise, and the music industry is a brutal place.  They needed to hear they wouldn't make it because 1.)  It was brutal, and 2.) maybe it's the jolt they need to channel their energies into something that could benefits themselves and maybe other people.  I.E., someone who is wasting their time practicing something they would never master needs to be told they aren't suited for the nature of the beast and maybe they can use their time writing, studying, learning things they are better suited for and can flourish.  Frankie wants to be in the business - OK, son...here's what they think of you!  Maybe he needs a public smackdown so he doesn't waste any more time pursuing something he's ultimately not a good 'fit' for.  Maybe he's better suited for teaching, or writing, or something else.  But it damned sure ain't showbiz.



Good post and I agree.  I love Simon Cowell, have always appreciated his judging and had read what you posted about his reasons.  


My guess is that Frankie is aware of what he is doing and thinks himself witty and fabulous.  


He is wearing thin on the HGs so I have faith they will get him out when they can and that may not be this week.   Key word here is when.  

Edited by wings707
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God bless you, but I think it has everything to do with Frankie being gay....read the thread, no one has talked about "skanky", they are talking about a male liking a male dog..

I'm old, so maybe I'm wrong, but that is just how I see it.  Maybe next week they will bring in a pussy cat for Cody. Do folks think Cody is going to fuck a cat?


Probably not, because Cody hasn't spent the summer groping the asses and grabbing the junk of every person in the house, even after they've asked him to stop and removed his hands from their bodies. Put it this way: if they had released a dog into the BB15 house, do you think people would have joked about Andy humping the dog? Amanda maybe, but not Andy...

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I read where Julie was asked about the reset and she said that they will go back to immediately after Christine was booted and that they will all play in the HOH comp. 


Like many others, I feel Derrick deserves to win the whole thing, but I think that he may have screwed himself by not letting them get rid of Frankie last night instead of Christine.  He really has turned into another Helen (its too early).  Frankie is proving to be a comp beast, so there's a good chance he'll turn around and win HOH again after the reset.  We don't know for sure how good Derrick is in comps because he keeps throwing them, but we do know Frankie's ability, so why in the hell does Derrick insist in keeping him around? 

I was thinking the exact same thing watching the show.  I think Cody will suffer the consequences and he's wanted to get rid of Frankie but didn't have balls or smarts to do so.  I don't get why Derrick is insisting on keeping Frankie, in a subtle way of course.

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The secrecy regarding the photo caused quite a lot of speculation amongst Big Brother fans who thought he was given a picture of him in a police uniform. Big Brother obviously wouldn’t let something that serious slip, let alone his own family try and out him on his secret by sending in a photo like that.

Derrick’s family confirmed with BBN that the photo was of his daughter and a family member Derrick wasn’t comfortable showing everyone. Derrick’s family doesn’t want to share who it was, but confirms it wasn’t of him in a police uniform.

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Watching BBAD last night and I got annoyed by Derrick. He came into the HOH and started to tell Frankie about the TA task. He messed up and said he needed to start all over again from when he came in the door. It was like he was actor and messed up his lines. Does production make them do this (I didn't hear anyone tell him to do so) or is Derrick so affected (or his ego) that he thinks he can act now? I have never seen anyone do this with the exception of Frankie who always looking for the camera.

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My thoughts on the Frankie groping situation are that there are a lot of factors involved, such as:


1. These guys are so scared of America hating them and they don't want to be viewed as homophobes,

2. The Ariana factor, they don't want to upset her or her fans by "offending" Frankie,

3. Frankie is small, they don't want to look like they aren't tough, manly men that can't handle themselves or need to be protected from a small man that wears glitter and has pink hair,

4. He does it to all of them, since he doesn't focus on just one and does it in a playful, exaggerated way they might not want to make it seem like they can't handle a joke and since they view Frankie as really smart and having a way with words, they're probably scared that he'll turn things around on them and just be really vicious,

5. They want to win, they don't want to get thrown out for fighting, Frankie's a good competitor and they view him as a threat and he therefore has power over them,


There are probably many reasons but these are the ones that came to mind right away.


As for the puppy joke, I think it's more to do with Frankie being a dog than him being gay. Unfortunately, I feel that Frankie hides behind his gayness and seems to think that if people don't like him it's because he's gay. It's why he plays up the stereotypes IMO, so that he is identified by his sexuality. Frankie, my dislike of you has nothing to do with your sexuality and everything to do with your personality. Thankfully, I won't give you a second thought after the show ends.



The secrecy regarding the photo caused quite a lot of speculation amongst Big Brother fans who thought he was given a picture of him in a police uniform. Big Brother obviously wouldn’t let something that serious slip, let alone his own family try and out him on his secret by sending in a photo like that.

Derrick’s family confirmed with BBN that the photo was of his daughter and a family member Derrick wasn’t comfortable showing everyone. Derrick’s family doesn’t want to share who it was, but confirms it wasn’t of him in a police uniform.

LOL, thank you for clarifying that, glad to know my theory was wrong. I was honestly worried they were trying to ruin Derrick's game.

Edited by willpwr
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Do we know if anyone is afraid of dogs? Because that could be at least mildly entertaining.


Victoria is afraid of dogs. So, that might be fun!


I can't remember do we only get Jury Footage on eviction nights or is it possible for us to get some the other days??? Come on we want Jury footage and we want it NOW!!!


They only show jury footage on live shows, so the earliest we can get some is Wednesday, but they may not show any since the rewind twist is in play.


Au contraire, my delicious burgerfriend! I expect everyone to be at roll call next Feb. when BBCanada starts! Don't make me beg. ;)


Yes! I really hope everyone watches BB Canada next season.


Watching BBAD last night and I got annoyed by Derrick. He came into the HOH and started to tell Frankie about the TA task. He messed up and said he needed to start all over again from when he came in the door. It was like he was actor and messed up his lines. Does production make them do this (I didn't hear anyone tell him to do so) or is Derrick so affected (or his ego) that he thinks he can act now? I have never seen anyone do this with the exception of Frankie who always looking for the camera.


Sometimes Production does have them go back and redo things. Like during comps or for really anything that is absolutely making the show, like when the HOH shows everyone their room or when the POV comp host comes out to get everyone. And since this was for a TA mission, it's possible they told him to get the lines right. Caleb also did this when he and Victoria went out to unchain themselves.


The Derrick photo thing is still weird. You'd think his family would know if he has such an aversion to people seeing whoever was in the photo and therefore wouldn't send it. So strange.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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But Frankie's behavior reinforces the stereotypes and further convinces the ignorant that yes, they are right about 'them thar gays!'

Yep. Poor Frankie. It must be hard not only to be an aging twink but to be one that's aging badly on national TV. When he gets out he'll be able to run and get re-Botoxed and his hair redone but the video of his increasingly haggard appearance this season will live forever.

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The Derrick photo thing is still weird. You'd think his family would know if he has such an aversion to people seeing whoever was in the photo and therefore wouldn't send it. So strange.



It is weird to me too.  If you read the entire article, even more so.  Here is the rest of it in case you didn't.


Around 12:07AM BBT last night is when Derrick enters the storage room to receive his HOH basket. The odd thing is, he took an odd pause when he saw what his HOH picture was. Derrick didn’t say much before Cody soon joined him and picked up the picture.

Once Cody picked up the picture, Cody asked “Who’s that? Your brother?” Derrick said “No no. I actually..” before Cody cut him off and said “Why would I say that’s your brother? It’s your daughter and who?”. Derrick then told Cody to “Hold on one second while I think of something.” Cody asked him what’s up and Derrick said “It’s not the best picture to show.”


Feeds were cut and once they came back, Derrick was at the DR door and said “I’ll tell you. I’ll explain to you..” He cuts himself off and goes into the DR with photo in hand. While Derrick is in the DR, Cody brings Derrick’s HOH basket to the living room.

When Derrick returns from the DR at 12:12AM, he confirms that he will be getting a new picture. After Derrick read his letter from home, Victoria asks Derrick what happened to his picture. Derrick tells her “It just wasn’t a good picture. It wasn’t a good picture at all. It wasn’t a solid picture.” Caleb asks if the quality of the picture was bad. Derrick tells him “Yeah, it was all jacked up.”

And then we also have the fact that Frankie said something about slander in regards to the pic and Derrick saying that it would 'hurt her.' It seems so scandalous!


I need to find a transcript of his HOH letter because I read elsewhere that is was really weird. It was from his dad. Did anyone see him reading the letter?

I voted for the dog. I'm hoping it will do some damage. That poor bunny would somehow become an accessory for either Frankie or Victoria.

Depending on the dog, I could see Frankie using it for more camera time.

Now if it was a vicious dog, Frankie goes in to cuddle it and it bites his face off ....

Ok that's mean. But a mean dog chasing them around would be entertaining.

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And then we also have the fact that Frankie said something about slander in regards to the pic and Derrick saying that it would 'hurt her.' It seems so scandalous!


I need to find a transcript of his HOH letter because I read elsewhere that is was really weird. It was from his dad. Did anyone see him reading the letter?



It is odd and even more so now that the family stepped in to "clear it up!"


Why not just say, ooops, this is a pic of Tenley with someone who did not give permission to be mentioned or seen on the show.  I will return it to the DR.  That would have been the fast easy cover and only left the question of why was it sent by his wife in the first place.  

  • Love 2
My thoughts on the Frankie groping situation are that there are a lot of factors involved, such as:
4. He does it to all of them, since he doesn't focus on just one and does it in a playful, exaggerated way they might not want to make it seem like they can't handle a joke



I think this is a big part of it, in addition to the fear that they might be worried about looking homophobic.  It's kind of an interesting thing to watch, actually, because it obviously bothers them at times, but they don't seem to know how to say "That's inappropriate, and you need to stop."  Is it because Frankie is smaller than them and so not really a "threat", and so they would feel silly making a big deal out of it?  Who knows.  But it has been interesting to me.  And I don't think production would ever interfere unless a houseguest seriously complained about it; unlike a knife to the throat, it can be hard for an outside observer to tell when "flirty" touching turns in to a threat.  

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I think this is a big part of it, in addition to the fear that they might be worried about looking homophobic.  It's kind of an interesting thing to watch, actually, because it obviously bothers them at times, but they don't seem to know how to say "That's inappropriate, and you need to stop."  Is it because Frankie is smaller than them and so not really a "threat", and so they would feel silly making a big deal out of it?  Who knows.  But it has been interesting to me.  And I don't think production would ever interfere unless a houseguest seriously complained about it; unlike a knife to the throat, it can be hard for an outside observer to tell when "flirty" touching turns in to a threat.  


I suspect that there is some DR complaining and they warn Frankie and that's why he periodically launches into 'its so hard being a Grande, having to protect the family name all the time.'  Like S2 Justin, he can't sustain the good behavior.  They just aren't going to roll out all the complaints unless Frankie goes far enough to get removed.  Just like, suddenly there were a ton of never before shown DR interviews where S2 was complaining that they feared for their safety once Justin pulled the knife and gave them no choice but to kick him out.

Good point, Paradox, there very well may be some complaining going on that we've never seen.  And I'm sure production doesn't see it as any actual "threat" to the guys, and so they're sure not going to do anything about it.  I was thinking more about it, and I think also contributing to Frankie's ability to grope them all is that this group of guys has been pretty physically comfortable with each other throughout the season, more so than a lot of the guys we see on reality TV.  They hug, they sit close to each other sometimes with arms around each other, they sleep in the same bed without any worries, they shower and shit in front of each other - this is not a "hands off!" group.  Frankie certainly takes it to a different level, with the dick-grabbing and ass-smacking and occasional dry-humping from behind (not an exaggeration - he did it to Caleb just the other night), but it's been kind of incremental and I think their comfort with casual touching maybe makes it harder to draw the line between "good" and "bad" touching.  Like, if they happily give Frankie a good long hug after winning a comp, maybe it's harder for them to complain about a ass-grab while they're doing dishes.  Not saying that a hug gives permission for an ass-grab, mind you, just saying that it might be contributing to why the HGs aren't more forceful with Frankie.  

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Oh, my.... did anyone catch this?  Per Jokers:  Derrick to Cody "You would use to sleep, and Christine would stare at you". Cody said that Christine reminded him of the old woman from Insidious.  


No fan of Christine, but ouch.  She's in for a world of pain.

 I read that, too. Like you, I'm not a big fan of Christine's, but that's a real Mean Girl moment for Cody. What little respect I had left for him is gone.

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