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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I'm now trying to decide which amuses me more-Caleb's "mysterious African man" story or Victoria's "Crow, baby!" story.


There is a commercial with a man standing outside of some sliding glass doors, and his wife is inside on a computer ignoring him. Anyway, these birds keep landing on his arms, and he's really excited about it, until a giant fucking eagle or somesuch flies away with him. For the life of me, I can't recall what this ad is for, but every time I see it I think of Victoria.


I don't understand what gangrene has to do with anything.


08/22/14 04:52 PM

Derrick tells Caleb that Nicole's another genius. Caleb says if she was so smart, she would've won HOH. Derrick says it might've been different had she been there and not in jury house.

Caleb guarantees that Donny has an IQ of at least 150. Plus he has tics. Derrick wondering if it has something to do with Donny's military time. Caleb hypothesizes: "It's not gangrene."

Positing that Donny's a Silver Star recipient.


That is amazing! I don't know what he thinks gangrene is, but damn did this ever make me laugh!

  • Love 1

that joke does not sound funny!

Yeah, I should have put joking in quotation marks, because really! It's hard to believe some of the stuff he gets away with. I guess it's because the guys don't want to seem homophobic, but damn. There is a line and Frankie seems to cross it repeatedly. Caleb was definitely freaked out and yelled "Oh my God!" and then threw Frankie off of him. Frankie laughed it off and later he was like "Caleb, remember earlier when I tried to 69 you, ha ha." SMH.

Edited by Marie80
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The egos of the remaining Bomb Sqad members are out of control! Do they realize how much game is left?

Seriously! They think The Bomb Squad is the best alliance in BB history? Okay. You can't even keep your alliance straight. One day you're The Detonators and the next you're back to being the Bomb Squad.


Frankie: This season will be immortalized!


Yeah, but not in the way you are thinking.

  • Love 2

Yeah, I should have put joking in quotation marks, because really! It's hard to believe some of the stuff he gets away with. I guess it's because the guys don't want to seem homophobic, but damn. There is a line and Frankie seems to cross it repeatedly. Caleb was definitely freaked out and yelled "Oh my God!" and then threw Frankie off of him. Frankie laughed it off and later he was like "Caleb, remember earlier when I tried to 69 you, ha ha." SMH.

I wonder if he is one of those guys that likes to push boundaries.  Dave Chappelle once called it being a "habitual line stepper"  Like Frankie will maybe make advances towards a guy, and if the guy is into it then time for fun, but if the guy isn't into it he can just be like "ha ha, it was a joke, you homophobic jerk!"


Although, if it had to happen to anyone, Caleb is a prime candidate considering his super creepy ick behavior towards Amber, when she neither asked for nor encouraged it.

  • Love 1


Seriously! They think The Bomb Squad is the best alliance in BB history? Okay. You can't even keep your alliance straight. One day you're The Detonators and the next you're back to being the Bomb Squad.


Frankie: This season will be immortalized!


Yeah, but not in the way you are thinking.

Exactly they gif of them being the Friendship not the Sovereign six is so true.

They probably eat out of tupperware because all the dishes are dirty.


Thank you everyone, I don't have to watch BBAD on my DVR.


Donny wanted to shave his beard before he went in the house and they said, no.  I wonder if he would have been treated any differenlty had he been allowed.


Really nice pic of he and Kristine:



  • Love 1

They probably eat out of tupperware because all the dishes are dirty.


Thank you everyone, I don't have to watch BBAD on my DVR.


Donny wanted to shave his beard before he went in the house and they said, no.  I wonder if he would have been treated any differenlty had he been allowed.


Really nice pic of he and Kristine:



That is a nice picture.  I think he should propose soon.  I'm normally not at all about the TV proposal, but I would make an exception in this case.


I think he would have been treated differently without the beard, but I thought he was using it for the "country bumpkin" angle.  I don't know, I think the older male players in the game as far as I can tell, always have a bit of a rough time.  

From Jokers

Do they understand a jury votes if they won $500,000. I guess Cody and Christine are playing for $50,000.

is that something they look forward to doing?  Aren't they pretty much amongst friends at this point since 95% of them are in an alliance?

  • Love 1

From Joker's:

Fri 9:58 PM BBT Vic: Wait. In Tucson, there are a lot of Mexicans. Chr: It's right on the border of Mexico.

If ninety miles away = "right on the border", sure. Takes about an hour and a half to drive from Tucson to the border crossing at Nogales.

To the locals, of course, it may be that 90 miles might qualify as "in the neighborhood".

And Key West is on the border of Cuba.

  • Love 3

Donny still would have been an outsider but I don't think as much without the long beard.  DD has done a lot to lable that image and none of it good.  First impressions carry a lot of weight.


I hope they let him shave in the jury house, I would love to see him without it and the look on everyone's face when they see that and meet his beautiful girlfriend. 

Eh Donny most likely would not be on the show without his beard so I don't really feel bad for him. It was his choice to grow  the beard and he did.


I get that, just curious if things would have gone the same way and with so much hate.  Just sitting here musing because the sun isn't up yet and my morning coffee  included catching up.  And there is nothing going on!  ARG.  


Nothing today and veto on Monday.  So does this mean I have to clean the garage today?  I cannot face that. 

They want to tell Donny off in his goodbye messages.

Really?  Goodness why?  I can understand giving Zach a hard time in his goodbye message, but if everything is just gameplay then why get so personal if he hasn't done anything to you?  


It makes me even more annoyed with Christine, its like, the minute she is part of the "cool kids" crowd she just turns into a mean girl.  Has no one seen movies from the 80's?  No one say "Can't Buy Me Love?"


I'm assuming Christine (despite all of her pathetic attempts to convince the world otherwise) was never the "cool girl" in school, she was probably almost always an outcast, so instead of embracing that, and being nice to people, she gets her one chance to be popular and does all these things that look just desperate to me.  Its like she is so ashamed of being the standard outcast that the minute she is part of the cool kids she wants to be the meanest one.


Cody is a good looking guy, and so he may not understand how much some of that stuff can sting because he may have always been popular, but Christine knows better and should behave better.  I can't believe that she will take any pride in her behavior.

  • Love 7


Really?  Goodness why?  I can understand giving Zach a hard time in his goodbye message, but if everything is just gameplay then why get so personal if he hasn't done anything to you?

Part of me wants them to do it not because I want Donny to be hurt, but so America can see how hateful Cody and Christine are, since Cody has had a pretty good edit on the show.

  • Love 2

Its kinda too bad that he's such a good person; because when Donny gets evicted, I want him to look at everybody and say "Other than Nicole (if its this coming Thursday); fuck all y'all.  I mean that sincerely.  Cya never!".  


And just to really screw with them, just before he walks out the door, turn back and say "Oh, and I'm neither a groundskeeper, doctor, or was ever in the military.  I'm actually a nuclear physicist, who moonlights at NASA on the weekends.  I used to be a covert specialist in the CIA - as a side job for extra money - but the beard interfered; it was classified as too dangerous a weapon, so they fired me.  In conclusion, yes, you should 'Fear the Beard'."

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 6

Part of me wants them to do it not because I want Donny to be hurt, but so America can see how hateful Cody and Christine are, since Cody has had a pretty good edit on the show.


The good bye messages are edited so I doubt they would do that to Donny.  But it would be sweet to watch them show their nasty colors to those who only watch the TV show.  Fingers crossed they will show Christine saying she hates Julie for mentioninng she threw the comp. 

  • Love 2

True testament to this season that half of the board from overnight was people talking about oral surgery experiences!

I know people were complaining about the few seasons where it was half newbies and half veterans but I don't think is working with the newbies. I think they should should do an all stars season next year. I never watched the other ones so maybe they're not good but I feel like all stars would take risks and not "vote with the house".

  • Love 5

I wonder if he is one of those guys that likes to push boundaries.  Dave Chappelle once called it being a "habitual line stepper"  Like Frankie will maybe make advances towards a guy, and if the guy is into it then time for fun, but if the guy isn't into it he can just be like "ha ha, it was a joke, you homophobic jerk!"


Yes!  Frankie reminds me of the Key & Peele sketch that ends with the character's realization, "I'm not persecuted, I'm just an asshole."  Except I doubt that Frankie will ever actually realize that about himself.

  • Love 3

True testament to this season that half of the board from overnight was people talking about oral surgery experiences!

I know people were complaining about the few seasons where it was half newbies and half veterans but I don't think is working with the newbies. I think they should should do an all stars season next year. I never watched the other ones so maybe they're not good but I feel like all stars would take risks and not "vote with the house".



Either that or cast super fans who have watched the feeds. 

  • Love 2

Tucson's only about 65 miles from Nogales, Mexico, not 90 miles. Once you get out of Tucson it's about an hour down to Nogales. Yes I have done this (I live in Tucson).

Tucsonans don't really think of Tucson as being on the border- that would be Nogales, Arizona or Douglas- but rather as being close to it.

Tucson's only about 65 miles from Nogales, Mexico, not 90 miles. Once you get out of Tucson it's about an hour down to Nogales. Yes I have done this (I live in Tucson).

Tucsonans don't really think of Tucson as being on the border- that would be Nogales, Arizona or Douglas- but rather as being close to it.



I love Tuscon! 

Jokers: Derrick saying how if he were a viewer, one alliance running things and all the unanimous votes would piss him off.


Truest words spoken on the feeds this season. 


There is little to look forward to from here on out.  Now I am focused on the TV shows showing some reprehensible behavior, like Christine saying she hates Donny's guts and hates Julie Chen.  Please production, give the feeders something to enjoy if you are not going to cough up the diamond veto or some hidden treasure to shake things up. 



Frankie: I calculated it out and there are 1300 feed watchers watching us. Derrick: Feed watchers are hardcore fans.



How did he come up with that low number?  I would expect him to predict a million or more! 

True. I also wonder how it would be with a whole house of people who have never seen the show.



Terrilble! That is what we had on the first season.  No one played the game! 

Jokers: Derrick saying how if he were a viewer, one alliance running things and all the unanimous votes would piss him off.

Truest words spoken on the feeds this season.

There is little to look forward to from here on out. Now I am focused on the TV shows showing some reprehensible behavior, like Christine saying she hates Donny's guts and hates Julie Chen. Please production, give the feeders something to enjoy if you are not going to cough up the diamond veto or some hidden treasure to shake things up.


Frankie: I calculated it out and there are 1300 feed watchers watching us. Derrick: Feed watchers are hardcore fans.

How did he come up with that low number? I would expect him to predict a million or more!

Terrilble! That is what we had on the first season. No one played the game!

Gotcha! I just started a few years ago so I wasn't sure what it was like :)

Big, bad Cody was at it again last night:   "The second I get out of this house I'm asking Julie, 'Why did you call out Christine on national TV?!'"  Sure you are, Cody, just like you called Donny out.


Oh, and Caleb said he's never farted in front of a girl before Christine.  Christine is happy to hear that and says she enjoys them (farts). 


Where in the hell did BB find these people?   Every time they open their mouths, they show more and more of their lack of intelligence.  As entertaining as they can be showing what morons they are, I will be so glad to have this season over and them off my TV.  I feel like I lose a few more brain cells every time I listen to one of their conversations. 

  • Love 7

I hope that Donny or Nicole win the veto and Cody puts Frankie up. At least then there's a chance that Derrick will change his mind and get them to vote Frankie out. Does anyone think it's possible?


I do think it is a possibility, there have been rumblings.  That said they are likely to go the easy route of no blood on hands.  sigh


Donny has time to do some more seed planting but I get the feeling he is done and resigned.  If one wins veto and comes down that would be an opportunity to talk more.  And maybe...............maybe.

Edited by wings707

A few tweets from Christine's husband


Timothy Brecht ‏@timstinks
I'm seeing what people mean when they bring up how much crap Christine talks about other HGs...



Laura @Sugar__Lumps
@timstinks But it's she like that normally or is she trying to fit in with the powerful boys.


Timothy Brecht @timstinks
@Sugar__Lumps she's trying to fit in for sure...but she has said a LOT of mean stuff hahaha



Erin @erincorrie

@timstinks as a superfan she should know how bad that's gonna be for her when she gets out..wish she would stop. Not helping her game.#BB16


Timothy Brecht @timstinks
@erincorrie well, she dug her own grave I guess hahaha

  • Love 4

Why do they always eat out of plastic Tupperware-type bowls?  Aren't they allowed to use real dinnerware?

It would be too loud.  Imagine the sound the spoons/forks clanking on real dinnerwear would make.   My kids do this in the morning with their cereal bowls and it's annoying.  I imagine the mics would make it unbearable. 


Well, it's not that hard, Cody.


That's what she Christine said. 

Edited by Boo
  • Love 12

Are you kidding me? Actually no, don't answer that. I already know the answer.


And people think Zach is the monster and a vile human being. He's the only one to listen to Donny about his brother! 

They are horrible people.  Apparently they don't think so, as they are doing this on TV.  I just don't get it.  My opinion of Zach had changed when he was so sad about Frankie's grandfather.  And at one point, he was the only one talking to Donny. 

  • Love 3

They have plastic dishes (for mics)  but when the tupperware comes out all the plastic alternatives are dirty. 

They are horrible people.  Apparently they don't think so, as they are doing this on TV.  I just don't get it.  My opinion of Zach had changed when he was so sad about Frankie's grandfather.  And at one point, he was the only one talking to Donny. 



Zach's unmedicated zaniness could be annoying and non strategic but I don't remember him spewing hatred.  He got angry at HGs but from a game perspective, not personal attacks on their character.  .

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