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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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My favorite thing going on right now is that Caleb, Frankie, and Cody are fucking pissed at Donny and now figuring out the best way to get him out would be, if dual HoH is still in effect, to not put him on the block. Where was this last week if Donny was your target? Do these people think they're doing Donny a favor by allowing him to come in 7th place behind their alliance? What the heck? It's very reminiscent of the Friendship's hate-on for Janelle.


I almost want one of these clowns to "call Donny out" if it means Donny openly reads everyone's games in front of them. I don't want Donny to be mean, I don't want anyone to be mean to him but I think the only thing Donny could do is to very publicly scorch earth in front of everyone because then nobody can spin what he says. That's all that happened in the Christine/Cody conversation.


I just want a public vote for coup d'etat. For Donny. But I'm sure it would go to Frankie. I hope beyond hope he wins America's Favorite at this point. 

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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I am most disappointed in Groeder. We know she manipulates the game. She did NOTING to alert Christine to Donny's words of wisdom. Chistine was called into DR on the heels of Donny giving her his his obserations in that very long talk.

It seems to me they did the opposite. It's as if they said to her, "What about Cody? What will Cody think? What will it be like without Cody in the house? And on and on because she ran right to Cody after DR.

And the wonderful thing is they will edit that DR to make her look like a blithering idiot. Not that it will take over 10 seconds to manage

Edited by Stinamaia
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I think my favorite is how they are appalled at the audacity of him to talk Game!! What a horrible person that Donny is!!

These people are all in for a rude awakening when they are out of the house.



The biggest impact they will feel is boos from the audience.  When they get home their loved ones will cushion them and dismiss the negative statements as haters. 


I don't think anyone ever really sees things as clearly as we would hope. 


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I would say Andy does every week he talks about how If America really hated him as much as Christine or saying he was the best winner in Big Brother history. Seems like he is trying to convince people otherwise. It's pretty obvious Amanda is bitter how much America hated her.

I didn't know Amanda expressed that.  Interesting.  Do you have a link?  I would LOVE to hear more about that!

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I would say Andy does every week he talks about how If America really hated him as much as Christine or saying he was the best winner in Big Brother history. Seems like he is trying to convince people otherwise. It's pretty obvious Amanda is bitter how much America hated her.

I guess Andy doesn't remember talking about raping and dismembering a female HG.

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I have no problem with them wanting Donny out if they think it's better for their games. If they think staying together to top 5 and then battling it out in the competitions is their best game play and just made it about that, then fine. I don't agree with that, I think it's wildly stupid, but if that's what they think, then fine.


I have a problem with how all of them become a high school clique and pick on him for playing the game that bothers me. Like it's this gossipy little preteen crap where they get genuinely offended that Donny's talking to people. It's mean, it's essentially a 5 year old saying to another kid "I don't want to play with you and I don't want you to play either" and then destroying all their toys. It's nasty, it infuriates me and I know this is just a dumb show, Donny is loved outside of the house, he's an awesome guy, but it really touches a nerve that these people act like their entitled to play the game and he's not.

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I'm telling you, this house does something to people. Nothing to do, no contact with people you really know, the paranoia goes to eleven early and stays there. I love Donny, and I'm sure he's making perfect sense. But what these people hear is someone who is next to go trying to talk game to them and trying to get them to turn on the safety of their alliance. Not realizing that an alliance of five in a house of (what they think is about to be) seven is ridiculously stupid. But all that matters to them is that they have an alliance, and are therefore safe.

It doesn't help that Donny has used the same phrase with at least three HGs that I know of - Cody, Caleb and now Christine - "no one would suspect the two of us working together". The more he uses that phrase, the sketchier he looks, since they have all compared notes.

Obviously, looking from the outside it's piss poor gameplay. And for people like Christine, who is supposedly a superfan, it's really, really piss poor gameplay. But Christine's mind is completely fucked up at this point. I still think she has these 'feelings' for Cody, while freaking out about what her pastor (and husband) sees, but that girl also has a lot of hate in her, and it is coming out. The way she turned on Nicole is honestly the most disturbing to me. They were inseparable in the beginning. I wonder which time it was where Nicole flirted with Cody when Christine decided she was the devil. And a bitch. And how dare she wear those glasses.

Edited by Katesus7
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On the bright side, Derrick is moaning and moaning about Donny. Donny told Christine that, if he won HOH, he would say he drew M&M's to nominate people without them in the room to see. He thought it would be funny, and it really would, but Derrick said he would smack those M&M's out of Donny's hand, he swears on his daughter he would. What a hypocritical dick.

Edited by Liqidclark
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Unless Donny wins, I'm not gonna be happy with the winner, so I just want to be entertained until then. Derrick getting fucked over and targeted would entertain me, so that's what I'm rooting for. Although if it lead to a Frankie win that would truly suck.


This is how I feel. I made my peace with Frankie putting Zach up instead of Derrick because at least it meant Frankie was fucking his own game and he's the one I'm rooting to lose the most. However, I really don't want Derrick to win either because that will mean that this season will continue to be completely boring and predictable. I definitely don't want Christine to win and I'm really looking forward to seeing her get Britneyed like she said she wants to. I don't want Cody to win because he's just SO USELESS and I hate it when dumb, jocky, blandly pretty guys like him do way better than they should (which he already has). I would love to see most of the cast humiliated by a Victoria/Caleb F2, so I'd be ok with one of them (preferably Victoria) winning I guess. I loathe Caleb, so it's really sad that I'm sort of hoping for him to come in second and it's insane in every way that I'm sort of rooting for Victoria to win (which I don't even think is possible). Sigh. This fucking show.



Yeah, that's how I feel about it too.  I'm not really into sports, but among sports fans I know, they usually have a favourite team, and no matter how bad that team plays or how hopeless things look, they continue to support that team.  And once their team is out for the season, they often turn to pulling against some other team they hate (I heard a lot of that during the World Cup).  These reality game shows are my like my sports.  When Donny and Nic/Hay, if either of them return, are evicted for good, I will cease to care what happens.  I mean, I will still watch the show, and I'll still be interested in how things turn out, but I'm not going to care who wins.  But it would bring me satisfaction to see the rest of them (except Vic) suffer humiliations galore.  At the very least, I want to see Derrick sweat it out on the block at least once before he wins. 

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Devin is ranked higher than Frankie, Derrick, and Caleb. Now that's funny. Of course, if the remaining knew, they'd be in denial.

JMPO. Derrick is not that great of a player. It's easy to look good when you are playing with idiots. If he had to deal with smart players on his level, it be a different story.

  • Love 10

On the bright side, Derrick is moaning and moaning about Donny. Donny told Christine that, if he won HOH, he would say he drew M&M's to nominate people without them in the room to see. He thought it would be funny, and it really would, but Derrick said he would smack those M&M's out of Donny's hand, he swears on his daughter he would. What a hypocritical dick.


And let's not forget, after knocking said M&Ms out of Donny's hand, he'd follow with the tired and overused "Those M&Ms represent the food you're taking out of my kid's mouth, ya jamoke."

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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From Joker's:

4:41 PM Derrick: "Donny's probably the most manipulative person in the house. I mean we're not running around talking to people like that" NT

Really Derrick? I can't believe he said this with a straight face and the others seem to firmly believe this as well. They way they are treating Donny at this point reminds me of how the HGs from last season treated Elyssa. At least they're not threatening to do all of the disgusting stuff to Donny that the group last year did with Elyssa, but it's still pretty bad. I hope that Donny is thrilled when this is over and he sees how popular and well liked he is out in the real world - you know, where it actually matters. He's a good person and most of America knows it and it will be awesome to see how this registers with the other HGs.

Edited by Rapunzel
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I am loving this!  The mastermind is losing his mind.  What's really funny is that Derrick gives shout outs to Joker's and HamsterWatch.  Will he have the guts to read them when he gets home?

He wants to start a Big Brother website when he gets out like Evel Dick's Dick at Nite web shows.

I know it wouldn't be fair to anyone else, but a huge part of me wished that Donny gets voted out next week, and then his lady friend, Kristine, gets to go to the JH with him; giving them a nice month long vacation getaway to solidity their bond & relationship - Zach would be the only one that would be any kind of fly in the ointment, the rest would be end up being happy for Donny.


Putting up with all this shit, the dude deserves something a little more.  JMOPO.

Oh my god. This is hilarious stuff. Thank you, Donny for putting some entertainment in the feeds.

Derrick calling Donny manipulative! Donny is a military doctor! I am rolling on the floor that one mild mannered groundskeeper with no allies can send them into such a tizzy. Frankie should just stoke the fires because it takes the target off him during a week he can't be HOH.

And now Christine will really avoid Donny

From Joker's:

5:08 PM Frankie back to talking about how Donny's a doctor for using the "medical" term: osmosis. Saying how he's wearing his Harvard Less...

Medical shirt to make fools of them. Derrick says in his HOH pictures, he's clean cut.

Caleb's gonna tell you what: "I don't care how long you wear socks you have hair on your dadgum toes." Saying that only boots take off the hair on your legs. Because you can have hair on your toes with socks.

Caleb can tell Donny's military or ex-military. Frankie talking about Donny's use of "diluted blood" in nom speech. "Diluted blood?! That's medical!!!"

Victoria re-re-re-enters HOH.

I'm pretty sure we studied osmosis somewhere around elementary/middle school - it's not just a word used by doctors that only doctors are supposed to know. These people are so stupid it's unreal. How do any of them function in the real world?


And Frankie? Donnie doesn't need to wear a Harvard Medical School shirt to make fools out of all of you - you guys are doing that  so nicely all on your own.

Edited by Rapunzel
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There is an air of megalomania floating around that house.  I think this alliance is really pissed off that Donny and Zach are not showing the response they want to their "certain" eviction.  So Victoria is ripping up hats.  Frankie is showing signs of being some Club Kid serial killer.  They are all outraged that Donny and Zach have the nerve to precisely layout their strategy {or lack their of} and proving to them that they aren't as smart as they think they are. 


I think a lot of Derrick's outrage about Donny talking to the house is his normal manipulation, but I think he is truly butt hurt over being mocked over the Skittles.




Derrick says he hopes TV isn't making it look like they're turning against Donny, when it was the other way around.


Never mind they are just delusional.  The live feeds are showing that you are turning on Donny in the most prepubescent asshole way possible,  TV is protecting you way more than you deserve.


Edited because I have a Freudian thing with this show where 'as' always becomes 'ass' when talking about the hamsters.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Are they disappointed that Zach didn't throw a fit? I watched the BBAD where Frankie told him he was going home today (I can't keep up watching it) and Zach really could not have been more calm and polite. It was certainly unZachlike, but not a reason to then make him house enemy #1

And now Donny is the enemy? Maybe they forgot Zach is still there since I think he was awake something like midnight-5am and otherwise has been in bed for two solid days.

They are all outraged that Donny and Zach have the nerve to precisely layout their strategy {or lack their of} and proving to them that they aren't as smart ass they think they are. 


I think a lot of Derrick's outrage about Donny talking to the house is his normal manipulation, but I think he is truly butt hurt over being mocked over the Skittles.

Kiiiiiiiinda. I think it IS a bruised ego, but not about being mocked. I think Derrick's irritation with Donny is born of frustration for Donny's stubborn - mulish, even - refusal to cooperate and be bamboozled by Derrick's conversational sleights-of-hand which work so well with the rest of the HGs.

  • Love 13

Are they disappointed that Zach didn't throw a fit? I watched the BBAD where Frankie told him he was going home today (I can't keep up watching it) and Zach really could not have been more calm and polite. It was certainly unZachlike, but not a reason to then make him house enemy #1

And now Donny is the enemy? Maybe they forgot Zach is still there since I think he was awake something like midnight-5am and otherwise has been in bed for two solid days.


They were bullying Zach for a couple days and he didn't give them the reaction they were looking for.  By the time they put him up he was resigned and calm and keeping to himself.  I think they moved their target to Donny because Zach wasn't any fun to torture.  Donny seems to be handling the bullying much better since he and Zach have kid of commiserated while Zach's been on the block.  Hopefully that will continue.  I like this situation much better where Donny is tweaking and frustrating them rather than going into a corner by himself and breaking down.

Edited by ParadoxLost

I don't know if this is true or not, but I just read that Cody said  "Zingbot's zing to Nicole would have been that Hayden needs to get a restraining order against her because she's obsessed with him."


I am speechless!  LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!


Says the guy who has a hug&cuddle stalker sitting in his lap 24/7; well actually, they're dual stalkers of said affection, soooo....  yeah.   Wow.   I don't know whether to laugh at him or shake my head and feel extreme pity for his dumb ass.


ETA:  Not to mention how ridiculous that statement is, true or not.  IF anyone was stalking anyone between the two, it was Hayden doing it to Nicole.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I'm starting to think that Tim is just a famewhore and the reason he's choosing to be upset at Cody and basking in the tweets from "haters" instead of being upset at his wife is because he's "invested in her becoming a milf" and obviously Cody wants her so must mean he bagged himself a future milf and everyone else must be jealous. Either that or dude is so completely enamored that he just refuses to really see what is going and doesn't want to think about it. I read his twitter for the first time in days this seems to be the most attention he's ever received and he's there telling people to post "hot" pic of his wife, brags about how his twitter followers have grown, retweeted something about him being "famous", etc. Maybe they deserve each other, who knows. I used to have respect for him back when he first said his relationship is private but now it seems he eggs thing on with his posts.


Christine, such a disappointment, running to Cody like a wife does and waking him up because she needs reassurance and to discuss how they're gonna handle Donny since the two of them are a team. Such bullshit.


Speaking of twitter, ever since Frankie nominated Zach, Ariana and his mom haven't posted anything about him since. They were so adamant about the "renom rule" and how he knew what he was doing.

Edited by willpwr
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I can't believe that neither Derrick or Frankie seems to think of using Donny as a swing vote to get the other out.  As far as they know, next week the two sides of the alliance are going to be more or less balanced, and Donny's vote could be useful.  Or, if a miracle happens and he gets HoH, he could be used to target someone without getting "blood on their hands."  Why don't we see Derrick or Frankie trying to make a side deal with Donny, just in case he could be useful?  I don't count the TA nonsense, and Donny doesn't seem to either.

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And then Caleb wrote BYE FRANKIE with help from the Harvard educated doctor in spelling "bye." And Frankie saw it!

I'm laughing so much.


Big Brother Chatter on Facebook got a screenshot:


Caleb put this together messing with Frankie because he was in the HOH with Derrick. He knew they could see it on the HOH tv. Frankie wasn't too impressed. He walked out and looked over the rail: "Wow thanks, why would you do that?" Back in the HOH room, Derrick to Frankie: Donny was smiling agreeing with what it said.





Edited by JerseyGirl
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I don't know if this is true or not, but I just read that Cody said  "Zingbot's zing to Nicole would have been that Hayden needs to get a restraining order against her because she's obsessed with him."


I am speechless!  LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!

Sounds like he's jealous that Nicole chose Hayden over him.

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Caleb put this together messing with Frankie because he was in the HOH with Derrick. He knew they could see it on the HOH tv. Frankie wasn't too impressed. He walked out and looked over the rail: "Wow thanks, why would you do that?" Back in the HOH room, Derrick to Frankie: Donny was smiling agreeing with what it said.

Derrick is becoming obsessed with Donny. 

Edited by TexasChic
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