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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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He said in pre interviews that he was undercover for a few years.


Thanks!  I guess being on TV queered the undercover deal.  He is smart and I like that. I would rather see him win than any other.  If Donny makes it to the end he would be my choice, of course.  It would mean he was able to pull off a pretty amazing fete. 

Edited by wings707
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He said he was a cop, not an undercover detective.



I could have sworn he said undercover.   I don't think he was infiltrating biker gangs or anything -- I took it to mean he was a baby faced narc.  A few years ago he definitely could have "transferred" into a school and blended in.


 It's tempting to cast Caleb and Cody as the scarecrow and lion, respectively.  Except the scarecrow actually did have a brain and the lion actually did have courage.



Or maybe they didn't, but simply believed whatever they were told.  Tell Caleb he was too big a threat because he's smart, and he's going to agree.  Tell Cody he was too big threat because his social game was so amazing and he'll agree.


Caleb if he makes the jury he will vote on who wins more physical competitions. This could backfire because Derrick has not won a lot of competitions. I could easily see Caleb using this against him.



Ah, but remember -- Derrick plans on a final two with Victoria.  And Victoria doesn't have a penis.  Victoria could go on a run of HOH and Veto wins from now til the end of the game and Caleb will consider Derrick a bigger threat than Victoria.

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She's so annoying. "Creepy" Donny's girlfriend is a hundred times more attractive than Christine could ever hope to be.


It's so funny, because on day one I thought I was going to love Frankie, and I was all set to not like Donny just because of the beard. If you'd told me that today I'd loathe Frankie and love Donny, I'd never have believed you.

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How does Googling up one of his lame, childlike videos, or having some stranger say, "Yes, I know that you are Frankie Grande because I have seen you on the internet" prove that he is 21 or over, anyway?  So full of SHIT.  GOD!!!!!!!!  Makes me SO ANGRY!!!!!!!  I mean, I already had a bad day, so I'm kind of raw and ripe to hate on Frankie right now, but he has definitely bypassed Caleb when it comes to delusion and ego.

I kid you not I work in an off licence (UK) and actually had someone say this to me. My reply was why who are you? He told me he had been on the X Factor I just laughed and said no passport or drivers licence only.

First post!

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Christine: "This house is so nuts!" Talks about going into DR and "going wild" about something you hear, only for it to be wrong.
08/20/14 12:13 PM

Donny says and sometimes you find you're doing the dirty work for someone else.

Christine wonders why the game is so hard.
Donny: "Well, the first thing is you can't trust anybody."

Donny says he has no regrets staying quiet for so long.

Christine reaffirms: "This house is nuts."
Donny talks about the "pecking order" and Christine says that when your back's up against the wall there's not much you can do.

Edited by wings707

Thanks!  I guess being on TV queered the undercover deal.  He is smart and I like that. I would rather see him win than any other.  If Donny makes it to the end he would be my choice, of course.  It would mean he was able to pull off a pretty amazing fete.

I was googling Derrick a couple of weeks back, and recall running across a couple of articles describing him as a key officer in a narcotics case in the region; in fact, this was shortly before his promotion from Detective to Sargeant, so I expect the promotion may have been tied to the case. In any event, I expect after the bust he was too burned for further undercover work in the area.

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Donny talks about how family must be screamin' at the TV at them about trusting the wrong folks. Christine says she envisioned her

08/20/14 12:23 PM husband Tim playing the game with her watching at home, and it stressed her out.

Donny: "Right now I have no one. All my friends are gone."

Christine: "That's the sad part." Her Jenga tower noisily crashes to the table. "I feel I did dirty work for some people."

Donny says she's still in the game, and it's not too late. Christine says she wishes so badly she could talk to Hayden. Donny says he would've made a great ally. Christine bemoaning the number of stories you hear about people.



Interesting that maybe Donny is making Christine think about things.  M a y b e.

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Christine in the BY with Donny, Donny making pleasant conversation. I'm waiting for later when she whines and moans how horrible it was to be out there with Scary Donny "I haaaaattteeee himmm".


I am almost for certain she thinks she is America's Sweetheart and she thinks every viewer thinks Donny is creepy. She is going to get the "cool" edit by showing her disgust at him.  Just like when she threw BOB earlier this week. The amount of happiness and rejoice in her voice while telling it was gross. She was grinning while talking about "pretending" to vocally be looking for the bones.  The way she winked at the audience to prove she was lying to Donny was horrendous. And she thinks she was absolutely adorable doing it. Because she's cool. She's Christine. She's the girl the guys loved in the house. She should be cooler than a gross old man with a beard. That's how delusional she is. She's a whack.


He should never have been allowed to compete in this house because of that.



Oh I disagree. Since when has reality shows been about everyone being on an even playing field in terms of brains or experience? Anyone should be allowed to compete. It isn't about being fair, it's about going in and playing the game and trying to win with whatever god gave you (smarts, big boobs, great personality, what have you).

Edited by ShaNaeNae
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I was googling Derrick a couple of weeks back, and recall running across a couple of articles describing him as a key officer in a narcotics case in the region; in fact, this was shortly before his promotion from Detective to Sargeant, so I expect the promotion may have been tied to the case. In any event, I expect after the bust he was too burned for further undercover work in the area.


Impressive.  Thanks for sharing this.  I am gaining respect for him; I have always thought he has playing a good game.  I thought Andy did last season, too. 

Seriously, asshole?  You have to show ID at your 31 years of age?  Delusion, thy name is Frankie.

How does Googling up one of his lame, childlike videos, or having some stranger say, "Yes, I know that you are Frankie Grande because I have seen you on the internet" prove that he is 21 or over, anyway?  So full of SHIT.  GOD!!!!!!!!  Makes me SO ANGRY!!!!!!!  I mean, I already had a bad day, so I'm kind of raw and ripe to hate on Frankie right now, but he has definitely bypassed Caleb when it comes to delusion and ego.

Unless the ABC laws in NY are significantly different than those in TN, it's BS (and I don't mean Bomb Squad). If it's a 21-and-over bar, no ID = no drinkee; technically, you can't even be in the bar. My older daughter is a bartender, and I've seen her tell 40-somethings they had to bounce because they didn't have valid ID.

Reading this Donny and Christine conversation is incredibly interesting.  I fear it's way too late, but you need to give the guy kudos for finally trying to find the weak link in the bunch and use it to his advantage.  

I've been reading it, too. If Nicole or Hayden come back in tomorrow night, this could prove to be a fruitful conversation and a good move by Donny.

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- Zach asking Derrick if he should threaten Christine of putting her on blast asking her husband to get the divorce papers ready in his speech. (I hate Christine, but this here is why I can't give a fuck about how Zach's being treated. He's such a little shit!)


I agree that it would be pretty crappy to put her on blast on national TV, in that scenario.... but to be brutally honest, its something we've all given a bit of thought to, in the privacy of our own minds. 


She deserves some grief over this, IMO.  To that level?  Not quite so much, but she needs something to literally finally wake her up and see just what it is she's doing with Cody to her husband and their marriage.   The worst part, is she doesn't seem to get that Cody loves the attention, nothing more.  He doesn't have to see her or have anything to do with her again after the game/post-party stuff, so he can do as he pleases without a care in the world.  And she just doesn't get it.

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Donny: "What you've heard was a lie among many, many, many." Donny talking about when Christine put him up she said he scared and intimidated her. He wonders what the world must've been thinking watching her say this about a guy like him who's done nothing but be goofy and unintimidating.

Christine: "I look like an idiot."

Donny saying you got to read into what Zingbot said (re: him being dumb/having a bad social game).

Christine: "Hmm."




(above from jokers)


I love the "I look like an idiot".  I think the fact that she actually told him that he scared and intimidated her is sort of shocking.  Could she possibly be listening to what he is saying?

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Yeah, it's great gameplay even if she ignores him for now. This is what I think makes good players - talking to the other side and getting them to do what you want. When Maggie flipped Howie, I was impressed. Derrick hasn't has to do that since no one is against him. No one in this game has actually done anything impressive like that. If Donny does actually gain an ally, I'll be very impressed.

Christine won't flip though. They need 3 votes. Derrick & Victoria are locked and Caleb seems to pretty much hate Zach.

  • Love 1

Donny may be getting through to Christine now.  Everything he says is very true and well stated.  I am impressed. 


Me, too. I loved how he said the fact that everyone is sleeping and not caring whether or not Donny and Christine could be talking game shows just how insignificant the rest of the house thinks they are, how low in the pecking order they must be. 


The pessimist in me is just waiting for Christine to run and tell Derrick and/or Cody the first chance she gets, though.

  • Love 5

If you have a couple of minutes and want a good laugh, read Frankie's HOH blog. Here's the link: http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/hoh_blog/1002994/


An excerpt to give you an idea: "And I am telling you that sad chorus boy shivering in the have not room wasn't making it another day let alone another month… So by reconnecting to who I am and being honest I believe I found the strength to make it to the end. And hopefully I am correct."

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That's usually right about the point at which they run and spill everything to Derrick. Or Frankie. Or both.



Yes, this is true.  I am being optimistic here but I do think Christine is hearing what he is saying.  If she thinks about this she will see the truth in it.   I really hope she does for all of enjoyment sake. 

If Donny has managed to get Christine onboard that means there will be 3 people gunning for HOH and out of all of them Christine has the best odds due to body weight.


I like how he said, I am not asking you to work with me, just look at the pecking order.  And, when out, we dont wnat to hear people saying why didnt you do this or do that?  Winners are made with big moves. 

  • Love 2

Yes, this is true. I am being optimistic here but I do think Christine is hearing what he is saying. If she thinks about this she will see the truth in it. I really hope she does for all of enjoyment sake.

Well, I do give Christine credit for having more of a brain than Caleb and Cody - and possibly even Frankie, if she'd make the conscious decision not to play such a strategic wallflower. So maybe she'll have the good sense to at least mull over her conversation with Donny on her own for a while.... Edited by Nashville

All this stuff between Donny and Christine sounds great, but I'll be waiting to see if she doesn't rat him out to Derrick.  I just know she will.  These people (sans Donny) are puppets and Derrick is the puppeteer, skillfully and merrily pulling their strings.


IF, and its a gargantuan if, she doesn't squeal... well, I'll have to give her more credit than she's shown being worthy of lately.  

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Wow! I'm blown away by how smart Donny's whole conversation with Christine was. It's true she may turn around and spill it all, and more than likely will, but it's a super smart move on his part! I mean, what has he got to lose at this point? May as well go for it! Oh, I would love it if this works! They could blow the whole game up after someone comes back in! Please Christine, for once do something that doesn't make the entire viewing audience hate you!!! 

  • Love 7

Well, I do give Christine credit for having more of a brain than Caleb and Cody - and possibly even Frankie, if she'd make the conscious decision not to play such a strategic wallflower. So maybe she'll have the good sense to at least mull over her conversation with Donny on her own for a while....


I think she just may do that.  The truth is difficult to ignore.   I believe she is smart but not savvy so got swept up in being the only girl who was invited into the powerful male alliance.  She has been coasting, believing she was safe because of the "numbers."   Her perceived favor with Cody fueled her even more.  Her outrageous giggle fests with Frankie also give her a false sense of being in the in crowd.  


Watching Frankies reponse to her giggling last night was transparent.  Christine did not pick up on his forced communication, not at all.  He was clowning to make it seem he was onboard with her "humor."  Quite a sight.

Jokers 08/20/14 01:54 PM

Donny: "A head of household without Frankie competing is better odds."

Christine: "I wonder how many feedsters are really happyright now?"

Donny: "A lot. A lot."


And they promptly called Christine to the DR once this conversation was finished. 

This is from earlier, but I think it sums up the Donny's conversation with Christine. He's so freaking smart!!!


Jokers 08/20/14 12:59 PM

Donny: "What makes winners is big moves. Out of character moves. Would anybody suspect me and you as working together? Never in amillion years."

Christine: "Never."
Donny says they could help each other through a couple of weeks.
Christine says it would make good TV.


It would be nice and generally surprising if Christine was actually listening to what Donny was saying and took it in, but sadly I have no hope for her. Christine seems to be the one who wants to fit in with the boys, to be the last girl standing and be the Britney of the group, so to speak (does she realize Britney was the first on the pecking order?). Christine hates Zach and always has, so I highly doubt she'll ever vote to keep him, so Zach still has no chance. But by god, if she could convince Victoria to vote to keep Zach, and Zach had three votes on his side, sending Cody packing and ensuring that Hayden/Nicole could come back (because we all know Cody can't win a competition to save his life...he's just as bad as Jocasta was, despite his only HOH win with Frankie, of all people), then this season would absolutely be a game changer finally, and Christine would actually go up in my books. Come on Christine, do something exciting for us live feeders and change the game! 

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The fact that Donny is even going to Christine - someone who I don't think he's ever talked game with before and I'd imagine she's snubbed him since day one just based on the way she talks about him - before Derrick and Frankie really demonstrates to me that he really knows what's up in the house and that he's got a hell of a lot of fight in him. If Donny gets her to flip, he would "deserve" a win over Derrick and it would mark her first decent move of the summer. She should at least be thinking she's definitely not being brought to F3 or F4 in the BS/detonator group, she'd have to win almost every HoH/Veto from here on out once Donny's gone. Donny's right: once he's gone she'll have to one to work with even if she doesn't realize it. In other circumstances, I'd wonder if Donny talking to three different members of the same alliance over the last two days (Zach, Cody, now Christine) would be reckless and overplaying, but when it's 7 to 1, he's simply playing the cards he was dealt. He's got nothing to lose.


I hope Donny gets asked to play in another season and does. He's become one of my personal favorite players ever, he just really got the shit end of the stick when it came to the personalities he had to play with this time. I think if one other person who could win a competition once in awhile would have worked with him, he'd be running the game. 


ETA: I don't think Donny expects Christine to flip her vote this week, and I don't think she should either. He seems to know that Derrick/Victoria are a voting block and Caleb is really just as much a follower as Victoria. She would just expose herself and make herself a target. But next week, now that someone will be returning would be a good time for her to flip, particularly if she wins HoH.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
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Donny talking wicked game! I love him. He's subtle, gentle, and forceful all at the same time.

My problem with Christine is 1. She blabs, and 2. She is not subtle. She needs to talk to Frankie. She needs to show Frankie that the best thing is to keep Zach. It's a risk, but Frankie is the only one who can get Caleb on board. Vic is a lost cause.

AND she needs to keep Donny out of it except to say that she has a feeling Donny will go along if only Frankie talks to him and makes him see sense. Frankie's ego is as bad as Caleb's. Problem is Christine doesn't have a penis so Frankie is less likely to listen to her.

Edited by Stinamaia
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We all liked Christine in the beginning. Her DR talks were on the money.  She was ready to play.  She got waylaid.  Donny has brought her to her senses.  I want to believe that.  I do believe it for now because the Scotch I just poured myself is saying this is true.  Stay with me here. 


Her talk with Donny was too long to dismiss.  He did not try to "get her on his side" he calmly stated what he saw to be true.  He brought her back from her "game persona" of giggle girl wooing the boys.  I think it sobered her up and she was able to step out of the game and take an observation position.  She has NO final 2 deal with anyone, they only talk numbers to her.  She knows this game, she does.  She can do this.Zach could never, though Donny tried.


Saving Zach is a bad idea.  VERY BAD. They do not need a loose cannon in the mix! .  It is all about HOH tomorrow.  Will she see all of this?  YES!  Johnny Walker does NOT lie, he knows.

Edited by wings707
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I think Christine is going to run and blab about the conversation, while saying that he was soooo scary that she didn't know how to go away. Cody, hold me!


She "swore on her life" that Caleb took the bone out of her hand during the last BotB. Uh, yeah, after you handed it him and practically pressed it into his hand. That one little line makes me think that there was nothing genuine on her half of the conversation. A large assumption to make, but it's Christine. I'm not saying that she should blab all her secrets, but I think it would have been beneficial to her to tell the truth about that. Donny knows that she threw that comp. What's the point of trying to maintain your innocence. 


I wonder if the DR will work on her. Probably not, because it isn't beneficial to Frankie's game.

  • Love 2

I think Christine is going to run and blab about the conversation, while saying that he was soooo scary that she didn't know how to go away. Cody, hold me!


She "swore on her life" that Caleb took the bone out of her hand during the last BotB. Uh, yeah, after you handed it him and practically pressed it into his hand. That one little line makes me think that there was nothing genuine on her half of the conversation. A large assumption to make, but it's Christine. I'm not saying that she should blab all her secrets, but I think it would have been beneficial to her to tell the truth about that. Donny knows that she threw that comp. What's the point of trying to maintain your innocence. 


I wonder if the DR will work on her. Probably not, because it isn't beneficial to Frankie's game.

I was thinking the same thing. That blatant lie stood out to me and has me worried. And I am also hoping the immediate call to DR means they're excited about this possibility and may just give her a little shove in the right direction. 

I don't want to get my hopes up, but it's the only chance for this show to stop sucking as far as I'm concerned.

  • Love 1

I think Christine is going to run and blab about the conversation, while saying that he was soooo scary that she didn't know how to go away. Cody, hold me!


She "swore on her life" that Caleb took the bone out of her hand during the last BotB. Uh, yeah, after you handed it him and practically pressed it into his hand. That one little line makes me think that there was nothing genuine on her half of the conversation. A large assumption to make, but it's Christine. I'm not saying that she should blab all her secrets, but I think it would have been beneficial to her to tell the truth about that. Donny knows that she threw that comp. What's the point of trying to maintain your innocence. 


I wonder if the DR will work on her. Probably not, because it isn't beneficial to Frankie's game.



Oh shit.  She really lied to Donny right now?  In this conversaton she didn't admit she threw it?!   I missed this.  Not a good sign, not at all. 

Yes, Texas!  The DR will set her straight hopefully.  Fingers crossed.  Thanks for that info. 

Jokers 08/20/14 01:46 PM

Christine says she wants Donny to see that episode (w/ the BotB they played together) because there are things she can't say.Donny says his gut tells him what happened, his family watched what happened. But he doesn't hold it against her.

Christine swears on her life that Caleb took her bone away from her.



08/20/14 02:33 PM

Christine heads into fire room, wakes up Cody. He pulls her into bed with him. She starts to tell him about her talk w/ Donny. NT

(edited to remove quote also posted above, no need to clog the boards)

For a bit there, I thought she was being genuine. Then that happened. He told her that he knew she threw it, without so much as saying it. She continues to play innocent. That right there shoulda sunk it. Even if she doesn't blab, Donny should realize that he can't trust her because if she can't even admit that when he's laid it out for her...

It was such a good moment until then.

Edited by Callaphera

Jokers 08/20/14 01:46 PM

Christine says she wants Donny to see that episode (w/ the BotB they played together) because there are things she can't say.Donny says his gut tells him what happened, his family watched what happened. But he doesn't hold it against her.

Christine swears on her life that Caleb took her bone away from her.



08/20/14 02:33 PM

Christine heads into fire room, wakes up Cody. He pulls her into bed with him. She starts to tell him about her talk w/ Donny. NT



I over estimated her.  I have moved into deep mourning.  Fuck.

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