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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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From Jokers:

Frankie "Nicole man, she's working it already!" Caleb "Nicole is the girl that would run up to you every 5 minutes, are we good? Are we good? While Donny just says 'good luck to you guys.'"

Frankie admits when he was HOH, he got a slap on the wrist for telling someone that he (Zach) was going up on the block. "It wasn't anything, but don't do that"

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. That is why he went crawling into bed with Zach to tell him he might not put him up.

I bet if a few weeks ago Frankie was up and someone told him before he was nominated they would of enforced the rule.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Utopia, USA?? Have I been living in a box?




No need to Google.  The Live Feeds start tomorrow afternoon when the cast arrives at the compound, the bi weekly show will be on fox starting on Sept. 7.  It's supposed to last for a year!  I plan to give it a shot, so I'll be haunting Jokers tomorrow to get started right away.


Uhhh, y'all, Christine said she was supporting Aaryn during her show because no one else was. Like I need another reason to detest that woman.


Oh man. I did not know this. How disgusting. 



Thanks for the Utopia heads up!! A freaking YEAR?? Good lord. Must be masochists.


The HGs are talking about BB Canada. Derrick's got it right. Frankie is finally starting to realize they are the VILLIANs this year.

Edited by housecat
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I'm going to be purely selfish here and admit that I'm a bit pleased with Donny's exit tonight.  If he couldn't win, it was best to get him out of that toxic environment and leave his tormentors to wallow in bitterness while they look at each other and wonder if they're next.


Dang, you beat me to it.  Right down to the word "toxic".

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Frankie was right about one thing...he said if this Team America's Task failed, he would lose it, and he absolutely IS losing it.  Not only did he give himself a violent case of the hiccups, he even claims to give "zero fucks" once he realized that everyone probably hates him.  We believe you, Frankie!  The last thing in the world you care about is what others think of you!  Now, be sure to repeat that a few more times, while looking directly at the cameras, just to make sure everyone is clear on how much you absolutely don't give a shit that you aren't America's Favorite anything.

  • Love 17

It's so odd how Christine & Frankie berate Donny like he was the devil himself! I guess being a good person that treats others with respect & dignity is a foreign concept to them. From what I saw of Christine's parents & husband tonight, they all seemed wonderful, so where does this ugly person on the inside come from? I hope she likes what she sees of herself when she gets home and watches. I felt sad for Tim tonight when he told her not to forget him. I also think her parents are embarrassed by her behavior as well as Tim. 

This type of behavior seems to be the norm for Frankie, so that doesn't surprise me in the least. It makes me wonder how he was brought up. We all know how good Frankie is at sucking up to the person in charge since he's had lots of practice with his sister. I didn't think it was fair that a while back when Frankie was HOH & got his letter from Ari, that it was a current letter and that she was able to tell him about her opening the VMA's. None of the other house guests were able to get letters that were current & filled them in on what was happening at home. No little tidbits of info for anyone else, but then I guess everyone else isn't a Grande. I think tonight America told him loudly & clearly that he's not the least bit amusing and that Donny will most likely win AF. 

I loved the look on Donny's face tonight when Julie told him that "The Bold & the Beautiful" wanted him for a walk-on! I'll miss him so much. I'm so looking forward to the finale so it's rubbed into their faces how much America loved Donny!

I can only hope Nicole wins HOH and turns the house upside down. 

  • Love 5

Fr. thinks a man in drag is not a popular concept to the rest of the world & america is not ready for that & a family show NT


Right. Way to insult the feedsters FRANKIE you pink pretty ugly pony!


Frankie was right about one thing...he said if this Team America's Task failed, he would lose it, and he absolutely IS losing it.  Not only did he give himself a violent case of the hiccups, he even claims to give "zero fucks" once he realized that everyone probably hates him.  We believe you, Frankie!  The last thing in the world you care about is what others think of you!  Now, be sure to repeat that a few more times, while looking directly at the cameras, just to make sure everyone is clear on how much you absolutely don't give a shit that you aren't America's Favorite anything.


And isn't it Grande, Irritable?? LOL

Edited by housecat
  • Love 3

Wow, Frankie is reaching heights of insufferability I didn't know were possible. He CAN'T stop talking about himself right now. Apparently, his complete fail is further proof that he is a STAR! "Stars are equally loved and hated, that means 50% of America hates me." Oh, Frankie, it is so much more than that.


"Well guess how many fucks I give? I don't give a fuck!!" "I realize America wasn't ready to see a man in drag, it's a family show after all." He literally looked in the camera and said something about how dare America not like him when he is "building schools in Africa!!" I'm paraphrasing all of this of course. He is THE WORST.

  • Love 9
Fr. thinks a man in drag is not a popular concept to the rest of the world & america is not ready for that & a family show NT



Right. Way to insult the feedsters FRANKIE you pink pretty ugly pony!






but then I guess everyone else isn't a Grande.


Thank Christ.

Edited by housecat
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Fra: I don't think I said "My sister is famous" NT

12:56 AM Fra: I am a superstar. This is the life that I have chosen. That's why I'm hated. NT

12:54 AM Fr thinks doing drag on this show is super racy & never seen before NT



Like, holy shit balls from hell! My jaw is hitting my keyboard! The Delusions Of Grande! Unfreakingbelievable!

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Oh, meant to mention that Christine is having some anxiety about Tim saying twice now, "Don't forget about me!".  She thinks he is trying to send her a message that he's not happy about her behavior.  Derrick told her that it definitely was only meant in a positive and loving way, but she's not so sure.  This pleases me.  My evil side says yes, yessssss, more of thissssssss.

  • Love 9


Oh, meant to mention that Christine is having some anxiety about Tim saying twice now, "Don't forget about me!".  She thinks he is trying to send her a message that he's not happy about her behavior.  Derrick told her that it definitely was only meant in a positive and loving way, but she's not so sure.  This pleases me.  My evil side says yes, yessssss, more of thissssssss.

And then she proceeds to run into Cody's arms.

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burgerbitz, I seriously think Frankie should be officially diagnosed with delusions of grande (grandeur). Dude is full on serious that he's a superstar and loved and hated. He's gonna need serious psych. help and meds when he gets out and realizes his sister is the superstar. 

Edited by housecat
  • Love 4

I knew he would figure out a way to convince himself that the reason America hates him is because America is just a pack of assholes, but it didn't occur to me that he would decide it's because he's just another victim of America's rampant homophobia.  There are so many other great reasons to hate him that honestly, it never crossed my mind that he would land on "America just can't handle a man in drag".  And since when is Big Brother a family show???  He knows in his black, twisted heart why their stupid "play" was an OVERWHELMING NO, but as long as he doesn't say it out loud, as long as he believes he can convince someone, anyone that it was because he's a victim of bigotry, then he can sleep better tonight.

  • Love 21

It's so odd how Christine & Frankie berate Donny like he was the devil himself! I guess being a good person that treats others with respect & dignity is a foreign concept to them.

I think it's their coping mechanism. A shitty, sad, pathetic coping system, to be sure - but the only one they own, apparently.


I loved the look on Donny's face tonight when Julie told him that "The Bold & the Beautiful" wanted him for a walk-on! I'll miss him so much. I'm so looking forward to the finale so it's rubbed into their faces how much America loved Donny!

I can only hope Nicole wins HOH and turns the house upside down.

It just occurred to me: if Donny gets even a simple walk-on type role, won't that will still mean Donny has had more broadcast television air time as an actor than Frankie?  Bet Frankie's gonna looooooove THAT.  :D

  • Love 8


It's eating Frankie alive.  Somebody pass the A1, please.

This was hilarious, Nashville! Truer words were never uttered! And wait until he finds out Donny will be on Real TV, not Youtube, but an actual successful soap opera on national television! After BB Frankie will be lucky to be glimpsed on the red carpet as Ariana's escort. If she should get a serious boyfriend, he can kiss that goodbye, too. 

  • Love 3

I really wish there was a chance in hell that they would show Frankie's freakout on the show. Even if production hates him as much as we do, it would be way too out of the blue considering how positively he's been portrayed up until this week.


Now that I no longer have to worry about Donny's safety in the game, it's a whole lot more enjoyable to watch these people suffer. For the second season in a row, that is the only reason I'm watching. It's sad, but I'm fine with that.

Nashville, do you have a time for the Frankie kitchen meltdown? I some how missed it and would love to go back and watch it.


Check right at 11:00PM BBT.




Annnd the rationalizations begin.  From Joker's:


Fri 12:38 AM BBT Fr: superfans of *this* show don't give a sh&t about our families & thinks he has brought a lot of new viewers to the show


Sorry, Charlie -er- Frankie.  Not if the ratings are any judge.

Fri 12:37 AM BBT Fr: omg you guys we're the villians. but i kinda like it. Derrick: we're not the underdog, but he would root for the underdog


Yeah, Frankie.

Sure, Frankie.

We've had over two months to see just how much you don't care about people's opinion of you.

Tell it to the Marines - the Navy ain't buying it.

  • Love 3

I'm just impressed to see how quickly Derrick has moved on on the whole "America doesn't like us" angle. He's obviously disappointed, as well, but I think he sees it as "Well, that sucks, but I can't let it distract me from winning the game." And he's clearly well on his way to that goal. I like that he's not trying to be delusional or calling it like anything it isn't - he knows how it is and he's dealing with that and not freaking out over it. I'm still not overly impressed by his game this season, but he continues to play the best game in the house and will be a worthy winner this season. 

  • Love 5

I knew he would figure out a way to convince himself that the reason America hates him is because America is just a pack of assholes, but it didn't occur to me that he would decide it's because he's just another victim of America's rampant homophobia.

I don't dislike Frankie because he's gay - hell, my youngest daughter is gay. I dislike Frankie because he's a callous narcissistic self-aggrandizing two-faced backstabber - and by all appearances, he occasionally takes joy in maximizing that part of his personality. His treatment of Nicole in the kitchen immediately after Hayden's eviction was atrocious.


There are so many other great reasons to hate him that honestly, it never crossed my mind that he would land on "America just can't handle a man in drag".

Bet that news flash will surprise the shit out of RuPaul.

  • Love 13

Sigh.  Joker's:


Fri 12:56 AM BBT Fra: I am a superstar. This is the life that I have chosen. That's why I'm hated.


Robert DeNiro is a superstar.

Kevin Spacey is a gay superstar (just in case you try playing the gender discrimination card again).

You, Frankie, are a schmuck.  And I don't hate you; I don't care that much about you to invest in hate.  I just dislike you immensely.

I'm about done with this delusional fool.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 5


Uhhh, y'all, Christine said she was supporting Aaryn during her show because no one else was. Like I need another reason to detest that woman.

Nicole also has stated a couple of times that Aaryn got a raw deal from Julie during her eviction interview and felt that Julie was too tough on her.



His [Frankie's] outburst at the table, shouting "WHAT HAS HE EVER *DONE* IN THIS GAME!?"

Frankie it's not even about Donny's game (he'll even admit that), it was more about Donny being a decent human being - that was the reason he was popular.  Looking forward to queuing up BBAD after reading everyone's comments this morning.

Edited by duskyliterati
  • Love 2


I loved the look on Donny's face tonight when Julie told him that "The Bold & the Beautiful" wanted him for a walk-on!

I'm wondering.....with or without the beard! I was hoping he'd get to shave it off in the JH.



"America just can't handle a man in drag".

Bet that news flash will surprise the shit out of RuPaul.

LOL - you get an "Amen" from me on that. I looooove RuPaul.  No, Frankie,  America just doesn't like bad drag.

  • Love 2

The JH is hoping and praying that Frankie makes it to F2, at this point.  Can you imagine the fear they feel for having to be stuck with him - again, but only worse than before because he will be despondent and rant about how unfair life is - for weeks on end??


If I was in JH, and found out Frankie would be soon joining the JH, I'd leave.  "Sorry, ain't no amount of money worth that!"

  • Love 2

Frankie: Obviously, America is obsessed with Donny. He's obviously going to win America's Player.


That's the first intelligent thing that's come out of your mouth this season.


They know. They knowww. Bwahahahaha!




Reading that sentence with my morning coffee is like a giant basket of puppies left at my doorstep farting glittery rainbows.


Taste THAT rainbow, Frankie!

  • Love 7

BBAD again shows nothing. I don't think the feeds are real time.  By my calculations I should have seen the Frankie meldown or at least something of interest.  Hopefully it will show up on youtube.  I REALLY hope it will, that is Frankies moguldom.  He would not be pleased to see his home territory marred by his poor behavior. 


On Today, crowds have been sleeping overnight to see Ariana Grande this morning, it is packed.  Did I read correctly that Frankie said his sister was not a star?  I thought he was proud of that and it somewhow made him more. 

Well, Nicole is trying but no one believes a word she says as she tried to tell Caleb she would put up who he wanted if she wins HOH, wants to work with him, always has blah blah blah.  This is lame Nicole. 


She would probably have made better headway had she said, I will help you get Derrick and Cody out, you need me.  Go for broke.

Nicole will be out for sure.  Then it will be Victoria, my guess.  Caleb will nominate Christine and Nichole so if Christine wins veto she cannot take Nicole off.  As if she would. 

It'll be interesting if Derrick decides that after last night, Frankie is much more of a liability to his game and that America would love to see him sent to the jury house.  I would love to see the footage in the jury house when Donny tells him he's going to be on Bold & Beautiful.



Ohhhh, I would, too.  I think we will.  I would put money on it. 


What is your avatar symbol?  I know it must mean something!


What is your avatar symbol?  I know it must mean something!

My avatar was a custom design for my book blog (unfortunately, not updated since beginning of year).  Formal explanation: The Africanized font and logo of 4 lines and a circle incorporates my Dusky Literati personae as a graphical representation of literati (Dusk + Literature = Face). The lines represent lines of Literature and the circle represents Dusk (the sun below the horizon).

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JOKERS:  Caleb and Frankie are laying in bed in the HOH. Caleb looks at the cam and says “Ari, if you’re watching right now, me
08/29/14 04:28 AM  and your bro kicking it just hanging out”

Frankie then says “I love you. I can’t believe you watch the live feeds before you go to bed!” He goes on to say that Beast Mode is his hero for winning the comp tonight. He says wants to get Beast Mode tattooed across his chest.




Oh Frankie, her career just took off at warp speed.   She is not watching the feeds. 

My avatar was a custom design for my book blog (unfortunately, not updated since beginning of year).  Formal explanation: The Africanized font and logo of 4 lines and a circle incorporates my Dusky Literati personae as a graphical representation of literati (Dusk + Literature = Face). The lines represent lines of Literature and the circle represents Dusk (the sun below the horizon).



Thanks.  I suspected it was profound.  ;-)

"I realize America wasn't ready to see a man in drag, it's a family show after all."

America seemed OK with Klinger on MASH--and that was decades ago!


From Jokers  08/28/14 10:54 PM:  Frankie announces Caleb deserves a duet with Ariana after winning that comp NT


You just know that Frankie's going to continue to dangle his sister in front of Caleb all week. He's so gross. One of his worst habits is hijacking conversations to bring focus back on him. He does it all the time and I give the others credit for not ignoring him or telling him to be quiet and wait his turn to talk. And he was so giddy after the comp, he was insufferable. I'd rather have anyone in that house as the winner over Frankie.

  • Love 5

Sigh.  Joker's:


Fri 12:56 AM BBT Fra: I am a superstar. This is the life that I have chosen. That's why I'm hated.


Robert DeNiro is a superstar.

Kevin Spacey is a gay superstar (just in case you try playing the gender discrimination card again).

You, Frankie, are a schmuck.  And I don't hate you; I don't care that much about you to invest in hate.  I just dislike you immensely.

I'm about done with this delusional fool.


Yeah...America hates Neil Patrick Harris, Ellen Degenerous, Jodie Foster, Ian McKellen, George Takai....yeah, Frankie.  It's real tough out there for Gay folks.


See...America likes talented, pleasant people.  Oh, they happen to be gay?  that's nice..pass the toast.  America DOESN"T like entitled famewhores who throw themselves at every publicity opportunity and feel a sense that fame is owed to them because their sister is the flavor of the month.  America doesn't like people who mock the disabled.  America doesn't like people who invade others' personal space.  No, Frankie...America just doesn't like YOU!


(Although his periods of rants throughout the night about Donny's clear favoritism by America is truly stellar.  It's seriously eating him up, no matter how much he protests otherwise.  Please, CBS...can we have a camera on him when he finds out Donny is gonna be on B & B?)

  • Love 16


Sad as I was to see Donny leave, watching Frankie starting to go into low-grade gibbering panic on BBAD brought a certain degree of joy into my heart.  The conversation with Cody in the kitchen was REALLY bringing Frankie to a boil.  When Frankie started going on about how America was "obsessed - obsessed - obsessed" with Donny?  I loved it.  And when he was leaning over the stove, fighting with himself but finally mumbling out the words "... and they're probably going to vote him America's Favorite Player"?  My heart leaped like I'd just been acquited in a murder trial.  His outburst at the table, shouting "WHAT HAS HE EVER *DONE* IN THIS GAME!?" - only to be met by Caleb(?) manner-of-factly stating, "Well, he saved himself like a half dozen times"?  Beauty.


Just the way Frankie said the bit about AFP convinced me on the spot Frankie was certain he had a lock on AFP - a prize Donny somehow took away - and Frankie has absolutely no idea how.  Donny must be "someone", because surely America would never favor Mr. Just-A-Groundskeeper over the legendary Frankie J. Grande - would it?  Frankie was certain he was the public's favorite of the season - but now, not only is he not America's Favorite, he just succeeded in kicking America's apparent Favorite out the door - after multiple attempts.  So if Donny is The Good Guy, and Frankie just helped kick Donny out the door, how does Frankie now think the public views Frankie?


It's eating Frankie alive.  Somebody pass the A1, please.


Yes, this is so great.  I'm on the Julie Chen love train tonight.  "It's an OVERWHELMING... No" was a great way to convey to Frankie that everyone hated him and his stupid idea.  We usually don't get to see the delusional houseguest's bubble burst... that typically only happens when they return to the outside world. I'm so glad the producers found a way to get the point across to Frankie.  The results are delicious and probably the only source of entertainment we'll be getting this week.

  • Love 7

I knew he would figure out a way to convince himself that the reason America hates him is because America is just a pack of assholes, but it didn't occur to me that he would decide it's because he's just another victim of America's rampant homophobia.  There are so many other great reasons to hate him that honestly, it never crossed my mind that he would land on "America just can't handle a man in drag".  And since when is Big Brother a family show???  He knows in his black, twisted heart why their stupid "play" was an OVERWHELMING NO, but as long as he doesn't say it out loud, as long as he believes he can convince someone, anyone that it was because he's a victim of bigotry, then he can sleep better tonight.

I was thinking the exact same thing.  Way to go Frankie, insulting America by calling us bigots!  And exactly how is he a superstar.  I never heard of him before the show.  He is truly delusional.  Is he really just realizing that he is not in the running for AFP?  I hope he doesn't get a good night's sleep for the rest of the season.

  • Love 1

Ariana is going to sing the National Anthem at the opening football game of the season.    Frankie is going to be sick with envy when he discovers his sisters career is waaay more than it was when he went in.  But, he has a one man show that is 70 minutes long on youtube!  He can't wait until Caleb sees it and they can sing together and do skits.

Didn't Milton Berle dress in drag on his show in the 50s?



Yes and he was gay. Many did not know that. 

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