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S07.E17: Let Them Eat Penis Cake!

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On 2/1/2020 at 10:09 AM, Yours Truly said:

You see! And this is why I think it’s very annoying when you have those guests that want to suggest that their be a “friendlier” vibe or that someone needs to “perform” with more positive energy or whatever.

I so agree! I am one of those miserable customers who gets annoyed if a sales lady asks me if I need assistance after I just told her/him "I am just looking." I can't stand when waiters act chatty over over helpful, I just want service, not a friend. Lol. I wouldn't want to wait on me.

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If I go to a local chain restaurant, I won't be rude to the smiley person, as I know they are told to act that way. If I am on a chartered yacht though, I want Downton Abbey.


Edited by nokat
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On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2020 at 11:59 AM, The Ringo Kidd said:

In Peter Lugers renowned steakhouse the waiters are famous for being nasty. I would never go back. Why would you want to deal with someone who has a nasty face on all the time. Jemele was right the first time.  It’s the hospitality industry so it behooves you to be hospitable.

There's a restaurant here in Dallas (Dick's Last Resort) that has its waitstaff be rude to guests.  I go there sometime for lunch (it is one of the few restaurants around my office and it has really good burgers) but our waiter knows us and that we prefer not to be mistreated while we eat (and we are good tippers which probably helps a lot).  Other guests are forced to wear stupid hats and are belittled by the staff and they seem to enjoy it...to each his own!

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8 hours ago, RoxiP said:

There's a restaurant here in Dallas (Dick's Last Resort) that has its waitstaff be rude to guests.  I go there sometime for lunch (it is one of the few restaurants around my office and it has really good burgers) but our waiter knows us and that we prefer not to be mistreated while we eat (and we are good tippers which probably helps a lot).  Other guests are forced to wear stupid hats and are belittled by the staff and they seem to enjoy it...to each his own!

 I thought it was rude of the woman to say to Kate that she wasn't smiling enough. She's there for service, she's not your friend. If she's giving you great service,  that's what you want. I was glad she apologized for her attitude.

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On 1/28/2020 at 11:29 PM, Kdawg82 said:

I don't think I could ever work for any of these people. I feel creeped out by the "brü's" and Kate wouldn't be any kind of support as a stew. Simone annoyed me based on her general braggery of her "book smarts" and calling service basically a simple/menial job. She hadn't performed well at all this season.  I believe she also let Tanner the sloppy a**hole drunk get in her head. That's when she really went downhill for me. She should move on to another career path and get her self esteem in check.  

If we are meant to believe Courtney and Brian haven't had any sex this season, they take us for total fools.

And I'm tired of the "below deck" sob stories. Everything with these 25-38 year olds comes back to "when i was a kid, growing up, all we had was our friends..." "my parents split up," "my family member died," "we were poor..." - all meant to excuse and explain away bad behavior. Grow the fu** up. 

Brian and Courtney have nothing to do with "loyalty" issues. It's that he's done with her. Plain & simple.  So immature with the "loyalty" story. He's known Courtney the same period of time as the guys and she has also been a support for him. She is a lady & should be treated with respect. He can fu** off.


 I partially agree, I could easily work for Kate.  Remind have our differences, but she is business. Simone should not be gleefully supporting what the boys do to Kate. They are misogynistic a sick a** holes.  I use the term boys correctly. None of them have grown or acted like men.  Kevin is a real d***. Are these guys from Australia? Always read that Australian men are Not very respectful to women -- more chauvinistic. Maybe Australian women are used to it, but I think it's disrespectful.  If hes not from their common than is just a jerk all on his own. Is mother needs to teach him some manners and the same thing is true for Tanner and Ashton. Ashton has been such a certifiable drunk and A******,  His mother should be ashamed of him. All the guys are alcoholics basically. They get way too drunk.

12 minutes ago, antfitz said:

 I partially agree. Simone should not be gleefully supporting what the boys do to Kate. Like simone They are misogynistic and sick a** holes.  I use the term boys correctly. None of them have grown or acted like men.  Kevin is a real d***. Are these guys from Australia? Always read that Australian men are Not very respectful to women -- more chauvinistic. Maybe Australian women are used to it, but I think it's disrespectful.  If hes not from there,  than he's just a jerk all on his own. His mother needs to teach him some manners and the same thing is true for Tanner and Ashton. Ashton has been such a certifiable drunk and A******,  His mother should be ashamed of him. All the guys are alcoholics basically. They get way too drunk.  They need to learn to have fun and still remain cognitive.


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On 1/28/2020 at 9:28 AM, VagueDisclaimer said:

People aren’t blind to it. It’s that they believe Kate deserves it. 

 I think Kate as a chief stew is very good.  She works hard and she keeps everything moving and she plans well. I think these guys are used to being fawned over and they can't take it that she ignores them. Kevin is a supreme douche.  What chef has a special seafood night and doesn't have any lobster  Or crabs?


I think what gets me the most,  is that each one of those guys thinks they did a wonderful job and have no regrets!  Ashton even said at the end," I have no regrets." He better have plenty of regrets. None of these boys took responsibility for what they did.  That's the 1st thing, that they have to take responsibility. Even after watching some of the episodes, Ashton said on WWHL,  but but but... He was full of excuses.

Edited by antfitz
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On 1/28/2020 at 9:30 AM, esco1822 said:

Nobody deserves to be touched/kissed or anything else against their will nor does anyone deserve to be subjected to violent and threatening behavior. This comment is rape culture at it's finest. 

 I absolutely agree.  I did not think Kate "sewed" anything. She was doing her job.

On 1/28/2020 at 9:40 AM, njbchlover said:

I agree - I think all the women on the boat are emotionally exhausted and it is showing.  Courtney did not have a big smile plastered on her face while serving the welcome champagne to the charter guests - in fact, she looked downright miserable.  

Kate (and Rhylee, I think) spent a decent amount of time crying the night before.  They both woke up saying their eyes were very puffy.  

And, while I don't disagree that Kate does have a stand-offish demeanor at times, she IS the head stew, and has more on her mind than the other stews.  I have found that Kate has always been professional with the guests (with the exception of the blanket penis back in Season 2), maybe just not with a big beaming smile.  

The lead charter guest reversed her first opinion.  Some of her friends disagreed with Jemele's original opinion, and told her so.

If I were a charter guest, would I be put off by Kate when she's in full-blown resting bitch face?  Probably.  Would I call her out on it?  I don't know - I think I give some slack to those who are in supervisory positions as I have been there, and it's not an easy job.  


 Also think the last charter and Simone bonded because they were black. 

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On 1/28/2020 at 10:20 AM, Mondrianyone said:

I'm at a loss as to what any of this has to do with what I said in my post.  I didn't mention the guests at all.  I was referring to Simone finding friendship with the idiot, woman-hating deckhands (one of whom also treated her like shit).  If you can make a case for racism in that, go ahead.  Just leave me out of it, please.

 I do not think there was any element of racism. I think the black women bonded with Simone because she was black, it's kind of a natural feeling. 

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On 1/29/2020 at 9:21 AM, njbchlover said:

With regard to Simone in the audience at WWHL, along with Brian and Tanner, I think it was mentioned that they were filming the Reunion the next day, so that is why they were all in New York.  

I'm wondering if they were invited to WWHL because they were in NY, and Simone was the only woman who agreed to go?  I'm not making excuses for her, because I don't think I would want to sit anywhere near those assholes unless I was forced to (as in at the Reunion taping).  Simone made the choice to sit with them - I'm sure if she asked, she could have been seated in another section of the WWHL audience.  

Oh, and Tanner and Brian just looked gross at the WWHL taping - they looked like they needed showers and some personal grooming.  

Lastly - Kevin is just a no accountability douche.  I think he's realized he fucked up big time this season and just couldn't talk his way out of anything with his smarmy smirk and comments.

 Boy, do I agree with you on all of that.  Any chef who has a special seafood night, and forgets to get lobster or crab is a failure. I don't care if the guest liked what they got,  he did not fulfill his job.

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On 1/31/2020 at 8:36 AM, Yours Truly said:

You've explained it perfectly. I mean that's the whole premise of the show. Watching the crew and staff deal with the charters and charter guests and how they react to them. To be honest I wish that's where it would stay. The snarking on the ridiculousness of the guests, damage control when the crew fucks up, and how they get through the absurd demands and preferences of the guests. I'd rather that than the very cringe worthy bullshit they put each other through between skeevy hook ups, drunken violence and sloppy advances as well as the hideous disrespect.  

Lol  Up stairs down stairs with water slides. I couldn't have said it better.

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On 1/28/2020 at 10:51 AM, heatherchandler said:


If I had a dollar for every time this happened to me, I would have my own yacht!  I always end up saying, "wait, you liked ME, I didn't even like YOU!" when I inevitably started to like the guy.  Uuugh is there a playbook for assholes where they explain how to do this to girls?


I keep forgetting that I hate Kate for what she did to Caroline!  I start to like her, but then I remember how she went after a crazy person.


She didn't... I am not sure where that conversation is going.  😕

 Caroline maybe crazy but Kate could not work with her in that condition. Caroline refused to leave. IDK what you should do. I think captain Lee should have removed Caroline.

On 1/29/2020 at 9:26 AM, RoxiP said:

I suspect the reason they were all sitting so close together is for camera purposes - it is much easier to just point a camera at the three of them as opposed to locating people sitting separately.  Besides, time has passed by and Simone may have just decided to move on.  Of all the women on this season's BD I suspect she is the one who was least affected by the douchery (in my opinion she is just as guilty of the slimy relationship with Tanner as he is - she answered his call EACH AND EVERY TIME) of the Brus.  

 I agree about Simone.  She shouldn't have caved so easily and so quickly. She should have more respect for herself.

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On 1/28/2020 at 11:37 AM, Barbara Please said:

Kevin was really into making the penis cake. His jokes were especially unfunny. However, Tanner leaning in all creepily excited about the 'girth' of the penis cake was bizarre. 

The guests seemed fun and easy going. The Kate and Jemele interaction seemed like forced drama to make the episode seem more interesting. #fail

I agree with the poster who said Brian was all about the chase with Courtenay. Now that she's developed strong feeling for him, it was time to dump her.  Also, it was really irritating when she was trying to talk to him, he shut her down and called her a bru. I never want to hear that word ever again. 

I'm hoping Kate is fucking with Tanner and not actually going to fuck him. He's absolutely disgusting. I don't like any of the bru crew but he really grosses me out. 



 I agree about the boys.  Also the boys are delusional. They get all sloppy drunk and mean, and then want to hook up or kiss the girl's. eww just ewwww.

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On 1/30/2020 at 6:54 AM, tiredofwork said:

I suspect Jemele and her crew was feeling that with Kate as the footage shows she is doing that bitchy, pyscho attitude thing and I believe Jemele took the proactive necessary approach to either get clarification on the problem or nip it the fuck in the bud then and there to get some corrective behavior.  I mean Jemele and guests were on a yacht so there was no way to remove themselves from there, so the confrontation was the option.

What footage shows this?  That didn't happen.  I hate Kate, so I am not blindly defending her.


On 1/30/2020 at 9:09 AM, Crazydoxielady said:

I think it is a fair assumption the primary came onto the boat looking for drama and honed in on Kate. Kate has an admitted RBF, has had a horrible season, but remained professional. The primary was looking to upset the apple cart, likely for more camera time.

As others have also said, absolutely this bitch Jemelle came on thinking she would be the hero and call Kate out.  Too bad she ended up looking like a complete idiot. 

Is Jemelle a respected woman in sports reporting?  I have no idea who she is.


19 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Plus, the repeat of this episode with "secret" scenes is at 7 EST tonight.

I missed it, what was the secret scene?


15 hours ago, antfitz said:

 Caroline maybe crazy but Kate could not work with her in that condition. Caroline refused to leave. IDK what you should do. I think captain Lee should have removed Caroline.


There was a back-story to that - the producers asked her to stay for some reason or another.  They set up a confrontation, which was bullshit because Caroline was clearly emotionally fragile.

Edited by heatherchandler
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22 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Plus, the repeat of this episode with "secret" scenes is at 7 EST tonight.

The Sailing show has potential.  I'm liking the spy show that follows.

Me too. I have not been able to find a thread for it here. Have you?

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On ‎2‎/‎4‎/‎2020 at 1:00 PM, heatherchandler said:

Is Jemelle a respected woman in sports reporting?  I have no idea who she is.

It depends what you call respected. She is a sports reporter. Her notoriety stems from getting caught up in bashing Trump politics, he caught wind, and demanded she be fired. Low and behold, she eventually was fired over it.  My take on that is she likes attention and being the center of a shit storm. The last one cost her her job. This one just her dignity. She can back peddle all she wants and try to play cool with Kate. She came in playing the race and bait card, and she ended up looking like the dick Keven tried to serve her.

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10 minutes ago, Crazydoxielady said:

It depends what you call respected. She is a sports reporter. Her notoriety stems from getting caught up in bashing Trump politics, he caught wind, and demanded she be fired. Low and behold, she eventually was fired over it.  My take on that is she likes attention and being the center of a shit storm. The last one cost her her job. This one just her dignity. She can back peddle all she wants and try to play cool with Kate. She came in playing the race and bait card, and she ended up looking like the dick Keven tried to serve her.


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On 2/4/2020 at 2:22 AM, antfitz said:

 I partially agree, I could easily work for Kate.  Remind have our differences, but she is business. Simone should not be gleefully supporting what the boys do to Kate. They are misogynistic a sick a** holes.  I use the term boys correctly. None of them have grown or acted like men.  Kevin is a real d***. Are these guys from Australia? Always read that Australian men are Not very respectful to women -- more chauvinistic. Maybe Australian women are used to it, but I think it's disrespectful.  If hes not from their common than is just a jerk all on his own. Is mother needs to teach him some manners and the same thing is true for Tanner and Ashton. Ashton has been such a certifiable drunk and A******,  His mother should be ashamed of him. All the guys are alcoholics basically. They get way too drunk.


Am pretty sure Kevin is from New Zealand

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