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Speculation Without Spoilers

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I figure when most people have to squat, they have a gun in their hand.

Michonne probably held her katana unsheathed, angled upward.

Carl, of course, just sits there completely blind, because his hat obscures his view of anything coming at him.

But Carol watches down from a nearby vine to make sure nothing happens to him.

  On 10/20/2014 at 6:28 PM, Mu Shu said:

I'm sure Bob was a Termite who got out while the getting was good, hence his almost catatonic state when being found, and the fact that Gareth  seems to know him.    Then again, why would Bob go back to Terminus?   Maybe he was a pre Terminus Termite? 


Gareth called Bob by name in the trough scene. I remember thinking, "Who bothers to get to know the meat's name?" 

  • Love 3

And, you have to remember, we never really saw how Bob's group was welcomed into Terminus. They came in through the main gate with weapons down, saw Mary, and next WE saw of them - they were in the boxcar. We did hear from Abraham that he apparently made some mention of the cure and DC, and that's when the Termites decided they had enough of them. But it's quite possible that introductions were made, names exchanged - and Gareth does seem like one who pays attention to detail. 


I talked about this in the episode thread, but when Gareth said (paraphrasing) - "It could be some sort of cosmic justice that we ran into you. It could have been anyone. It will be" - he COULD have been referring to it being Bob they came across that night, vs. others in his group. But I think it's more likely he meant it was "cosmic" that they ran across CDB, period, and not some random people they'd never seen before. 

  • Love 4

I just had a random thought. If Jesus-Car took Beth when she was travelling with Daryl, maybe they purposefully led the walkers there as an ambush and then took Beth because they thought Daryl was keeping her for some unsavory things? Maybe we'll find out that they're taking people to an actual safe place. The next time we see her, she'll be sitting in a circle of children teaching them how to read. That's the perfect place for Beth.

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  On 10/20/2014 at 9:36 PM, SpaghettiTuesdays said:

Came back to say I just rewatched Season 5's trailers and it looks to me that all of the shots were in the first episode. Their editing made it seem different than it actually was.

If you mean the trailer from Comic Con on p. 1 of this thread, many of the shots were from 5.1, but then there are quite a few shots from the second ep. such as the waterlogged walkers at the food pantry, Rick & Co. entering the church, the group sitting in the church for their feast, some of the shots and voiceovers of Gareth talking to Bob,  and others that were from 5.2


And then there are other moments we haven't seen yet, such as all the scenes of Beth, Sasha yelling something about "our people" to Fr. Gabriel (I think), Abraham putting his rifle butt into something (I think inside the church), the church mini-bus going airborne, spraying of walkers with a firehose, a van careening off an overpass, etc. and ... at about 1:28 a shot of Michonne with what looks like her katana (so fingers crossed that that's not trickery and she gets it back!).


I did notice one bit of trickery from the promo monkeys: the clip of Rick telling Carl "I don't trust this guy" (when talking about Fr. Gabriel) was followed by a shot of Gareth.

  • Love 3

I was going to comment about the van (I remember seeing notices when that was going to be filmed, so that one always stands out), but lulee beat me to it. I didn't remember that about the katana...must go rewatch trailer.


eta: Just rewatched the trailer. How interesting and annoying how they splice things together so in the end, you know very little of what actually happens. But yes! I saw the katana. Michonne is wearing a leather vest, versus the white shirt she had on in this ep, but it looks like she's in front of the church steps. Ahhh. Reunited and it feels so good.

Edited by mandolin
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  On 10/19/2014 at 6:48 PM, Disraeli Ears said:

Does anyone else think that Maggie might end up preggers? If you remember, they had that discussion back at the prison and they also had some spur-of-the-moment sexy times later in that season.

I sure hope they don't do it because I hate the "OMG....let's throw in a pregnancy storyline!" thing that shows love to do. And we've already had one. But Glen and Maggie are so lovey dovey obsessed with each other that I could see them doing something like that.

And then Glen would die. Guarantee it.


If Maggie were to end up pregnant right now with the trajectory the show is on, I guarantee you that she'll late term miscarry and the baby will eat its way out of her stomach.


So how many limbs will Bob lose before he's found?  I think we may be heading down a 'Boxing Helena' route here (both legs and both arms)?  There is no doubt in my mind that Rick and company will find him alive and have to put him out of his misery.  They really can't travel with a man with only one leg which was always an issue with prison/Hershel but because of Hershel I think he'll lose at least another limb to make that obvious.

Yeah, I'm thinking we're going to get a lot of Abraham in the next ep or two, judging by the not-yet-aired glimpses from the trailer and from his character's eagerness to hit the road to DC which will clash with the sudden disappearances of Bob, Carol, and Daryl. I bet it's Abraham, Eugene and Rosita in that church van.


I wouldn't be surprised if we see little to none of the search to find Beth on Sunday and instead it's put off another week.

  • Love 1

So I watched again last night, and I have a lot of questions for Father Gabriel. First, I want to know what he was doing out in the woods that day. Why did no one think to ask him? He claimed he hadn't gone any further than the stream by the church, and even then he hadn't been out much. This was the first time he was venturing further - why? Because he ran out of food, I'm guessing. He said he HAD scavenged a few nearby places. But really? With no weapon? And he never had to kill a single walker? Sounds fishy. And where was his bag? What was he going to carry food back IN? 


It's just really hard to believe that he has survived that long without having to kill anyone or anything, and looks that put together. So I started thinking....some of us have already spec'd that he is helping Terminus. And upon first watch I guessed that he had locked his flock out, leaving them to die and keeping all the food for himself. What if the two are related? What if someone from Terminus, Mary perhaps (maybe with her sons?), WAS part of his flock? They were locked out with the rest. Some of the church-goers obviously made it to the canned food place. Perhaps they were bit on the way there, hence all being walkers now. But some others got away unscathed....found Terminus. And since they were kicked out of a possible safe haven, they decided to open their doors and try and help people - the way they weren't helped. 


Of course that all goes horribly wrong, and they turn into sadistic cannibals. So then let's say there hasn't been any new blood at Terminus for awhile, they're hungry. Mary, or whoever, remembers - "Oh, hey, our priest that locked us out. Let's go see if he's still there. He'd be mighty tasty". And Fr. Gabriel, so desperate not to die, offers to make a deal with them. "Hey, I'm a priest, I've got this church. People will trust me. I can help lure people for you". I mean, really, there would probably be a lot of people on the road who would think some big sanctuary was too good to be true. But a little ol priest in the woods, who needed your help initially? A lot easier to let your guard down. What if him being up on that rock that day was all a ruse? 


I'm probably putting too much thought into this. It's probably as simple as he locked his flock, including his lover, out and that's the sole basis of his guilt. And the Termites probably just tracked CDB there on their own. But it would be mighty interesting if my crazy theory was correct!



Oh, also, I'm speccing now that the scene where Abraham falls to his knees in devastation is the moment when they get to DC and he realizes Eugene was full of shit. There is no cure. You're just stuck surviving. 

  • Love 5

Ghoulina, I don't know what I think of Father Gabriel, but I think your level of suspicion is spot-on. By the timeline on a TWD wiki, they're going on 2 years of the ZA. How exactly would he have survived like that? And he never ventured past the stream but he did go on supply runs and never killed a walker? Does he have a cloak of invisibility?

  On 10/21/2014 at 12:32 PM, ghoulina said:
Oh, also, I'm speccing now that the scene where Abraham falls to his knees in devastation is the moment when they get to DC and he realizes Eugene was full of shit. There is no cure. You're just stuck surviving. 

I don't think the timeline will move fast enough for that to happen in the next few eps (and I'm assuming that the season 5 trailer only contains scenes from the first 3-5 episodes). The show rarely pins down locations, but I think it's likely that Terminus - that they just left - is meant to still be in Georgia. They have a long way to go before DC and there'd be a ton of obstacles in the way. I think Abraham's breakdown is probably about the bus crashing or maybe something that shakes his faith in his ability to get to DC.

Edited by lulee
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I am starting to doubt Bob and his innocent I am an alcoholic story. I mean, really? I don't see it as too plausible that an active alcoholic would survive the ZA very long. I mean yes we see him in that forest hovel with a bottle of NyQuil but that's really the only time we see him drinking anything. That I can recall, anyway. And yes the liquor store grab, but he never made it out with any booze. It could have been an act being all butthurt that he lost the bottle. I just can't see how somebody who claimed to be perpetually drunk (or worried more about finding his next fix) could make good decisions often enough to remain alive for the 2yrs or so that the world has been overrun, even with other people. I also think that before he met up with Rick and crew he was basically just existing because he was still alive. Going through the motions but not necessarily caring. Like the ZA was a dead-end job (and it kind of is) he was enduring to go home to a shitty apartment that he also hated.


I just still don't have any decent theories about his connection to Gareth, but I do think it hinges somehow on his former groups.

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They have a long way to go before DC and there'd be a ton of obstacles in the way. I think Abraham's breakdown is probably about the bus crashing or maybe something that shakes his faith in his ability to get to DC.


Yea, you're probably right about that. Maybe Eugene dies? I could see that bringing him to his knees.


I just can't see how somebody who claimed to be perpetually drunk (or worried more about finding his next fix) could make good decisions often enough to remain alive for the 2yrs or so that the world has been overrun, even with other people.


I don't know. Merle was apparently a meth head and he lasted pretty long. He'd probably still be alive if he didn't commit that selfless act to try and help CDB. There are functioning alcoholics - people that go to work every day, etc. I'm not really sure how much hooch Bob would have been able to get his hands on during the ZA, maybe he had a lot of dry spells? 


But I do think there is something questionable about him being the sole survivor of his previous two groups. I would like to know more about that. And I still spec that Bob started the entire ZA. I'm not giving that one up easily! =)

  • Love 1

Here is a speculation: Daryl and Carol chase after Beth. They find her but it's either too late or she comes to some other awful, but known fate a few episodes later. This gives Daryl the time (by his existence, his agonized guilt over losing Beth and story of the claimers and Rick's doings) to let Carol know that everyone has done stuff. And thangs. And everyone knows.

Or Beth lives on to be a hero and Maggie dies, giving Glenn back to the lonely life. Daryl and Carol still have that time to talk.

  • Love 3

I don't think both Greene sisters will survive either. And I also don't think that both Beth and Carol will make it to the end of this season, due to the ambiguous relationships they've had with Daryl. So I see Beth being the one to go - kill two birds with one stone. Or Maggie AND Carol could bite it....that would truly suck. 

  • Love 2

Well, the way the producers keep adding characters, someone has to go.  Still, I hate to see any of the original bunch dead, or undead, or undead then dead (and I include Maggie and Beth in that, but not Tyrese, Sacha, and Stumpy, and definitely not Abe's A-Team)

And where's Morgan??!!??  I hope he hands Rick the red-handed machete to make a headless Garath, or Darth, or whatever the hell his name is.

  • Love 2
  On 10/21/2014 at 7:08 PM, ghoulina said:

I don't think both Greene sisters will survive either. And I also don't think that both Beth and Carol will make it to the end of this season, due to the ambiguous relationships they've had with Daryl. So I see Beth being the one to go - kill two birds with one stone. Or Maggie AND Carol could bite it....that would truly suck.

I dunno....what's the count?

The originals left from CDB are Carl, Carol, Glenn and Daryl. And Rick, who wasn't there from the start, but who quickly became what kept the group together. That's 5 left of 14 if we're not counting the family who struck out on their own. If Carol dies then no female originating at CDB survives. Boo?

1 woman left out of the 6 females from CDB. Terrible survival rate. All from stupidity too.

4 men left of the 9 men from CDB. (Carl being the only one so far to survive childhood during the apocalypse)

Maggie and Beth are the only ones left of those we met on the farm. (I know, Beth is a question!?) Both are women! If THEY both die then this really is a sausage fest. (while Andrea and Lori did survive the first camp and the farm, I'm just listing those currently alive.)

2 women left of the 3.....I'm not counting those who were in the barn.

0 men left of those 3 we met on the farm and included in the group.(looking at you, Randal, and giving you a pass)


3 women left of 9

4 men left of 12

Was there ever a count at the prison after the woodburians settled there? There's no "out of" for this place. I'll just go with surviving characters not from Woodbury.(Sorry Lizzie and Mika)(oh yeah, and governor? You were just that irrelevant)(shit stirrer!)


Judith, Michonne, Tyrese, Sasha, and later Bob all survive from the prison. I'll add Tara because she's with them and is probably the only one from her group who survives ....Yeah, I know, poor Bob. But he's still.....there?

4 females

2 males


7 women left of 13

6 men left of 14,

Aand we must now add Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene.

Not adding any terminites just yet.

Which gives us 8 of 14 women we've gotten to know, and 8 of 14 men we've gotten to know,(outside of former woodburians, terminites and creepy loner priests)who are still with us.

Interesting balance.

I just don't KNOW!

I really can't take Carol not making it, being the only woman left from CDB. And SOMEONE has to survive from the Farm. Remember those lazy days? And what about Tara? Totally a third wheel if she doesn't attach herself to someone other than Glenn. Sorry, Bob's taken. Whoops. Hmmm. Who will die? I may lose sleep.

Edited by Seawolff
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  On 10/20/2014 at 11:55 PM, ParadoxLost said:

If Maggie were to end up pregnant right now with the trajectory the show is on, I guarantee you that she'll late term miscarry and the baby will eat its way out of her stomach.


So how many limbs will Bob lose before he's found?  I think we may be heading down a 'Boxing Helena' route here (both legs and both arms)?  There is no doubt in my mind that Rick and company will find him alive and have to put him out of his misery.  They really can't travel with a man with only one leg which was always an issue with prison/Hershel but because of Hershel I think he'll lose at least another limb to make that obvious.

I'm thinking Bob nods off and dies, and the Termites think it's shock and don't pay attention.  Bob reanimates, takes one or maybe two out.   Or, they eat another leg, leave Bob to die, bob turns before he's eaten by walkers, and the group finds Zombie Bob.   Poor Sasha.    No way Bob gets out of this alive.   I hope to be wrong. 

  • Love 1
  On 10/21/2014 at 9:50 PM, Mu Shu said:

I'm thinking Bob nods off and dies, and the Termites think it's shock and don't pay attention.  Bob reanimates, takes one or maybe two out.   Or, they eat another leg, leave Bob to die, bob turns before he's eaten by walkers, and the group finds Zombie Bob.   Poor Sasha.    No way Bob gets out of this alive.   I hope to be wrong. 


@Mu Shu, I think I need to take a break from this show because your user name is making me hungry.  Dinnertime.


I'm still convinced that they'll find Bob alive because that is more horrifying than anything I can think of (except when Hannibal Lecter fed a guy his own brain in one of the movies...I can't tell you how relieved I was that Bob didn't get fed his own leg before realizing it was his leg).  If he's a zombie there is still that kernel of hope that maybe, maybe Bob lost his leg after he died or when he died.  That he's up and talking after its been eaten is horrifying and I think they'll want Rick's group to know that or at least some of them.  No way will the ones that find Bob tell anyone else the exact details.

  On 10/21/2014 at 10:04 PM, ParadoxLost said:

@Mu Shu, I think I need to take a break from this show because your user name is making me hungry.  Dinnertime.


Good. It's not just me.


I can't tell you how relieved I was that Bob didn't get fed his own leg before realizing it was his leg.

Lord, I wish they'd shown that. Can you imagine how much fun Talking Dead could've had with that? Picture the shot:

- Close-up of Bob crying while chewing on a hunk of scorched meat.

- Shot pulls out wide enough to include Bob's fresh new stump, and his leg grilling on the fire behind.

- Fade out to black, then the following words dissolve into view (in plain type):

Remember - ALWAYS recycle.


  • Love 1

Just from the narrative, they can't manage Bob without full mobility since they are on the move.  It requires them to have transportation all the time.


Thinking that way, I've just had another thought of how his demise could happen besides suicide or mercy killing.  Abraham might off Bob for the "greater good" to keep the journey to Washington DC on track.

  On 10/22/2014 at 1:30 AM, ghoulina said:

I too think CDB will find Bob while he is still alive. But I don't think he'll make it. Even if the bite was on the part they cut off. They've already done the peg-leg thing with Hershel. I don't think they'd do it again.

Agreed. 'Sides, Rick whacked Herschel's leg off immediately. If it was bit, Bob's leg has had time to simmer. I hope the terminites find out in a way that helps their spiritual growth.

And I mean that in the very most karmic way.

What scares me is the idea that our friends may not know what happened to Bob, and make some altruistic partnership with Gareth for the trip to DC. Or some such Randallesque situation. All the whole season we'll be in agony anytime someone makes a deeper relationship with him.


I need to watch the comic con trailer again. Because at first I was so sure it showed Gareth with them, but now I wonder if the editing was tricksy. I should go do that right now.



ETA - Okay, watched it again. The editing definitely tried to make some things look different than they really are, in the episodes we already have seen. But there's still a shot of Gareth saying, "You have a choice. All of you. You can join us, or you can go to Washington and cure this thing". 


That just seems so weird to me. Why would that even be a choice. Why would ANY of them join up with the Termites after seeing what they do??? And Gareth seems so hellbent on bringing down and eating every last one of them, why would he give them a chance to live, and actually go to DC? 


Also, looks like Rick and Abraham are really going to get into it, because Abe is going to want to leave ASAP, and get Eugene to DC before he gets eaten. And Rick aint going to go anywhere until the group is all together. I predict some more fragmenting this season.

Edited by ghoulina
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  On 7/27/2014 at 9:37 PM, kikismom said:

Daryl is on a city street.


Take a peek at  :22 seconds---Is that Sam? the male partner in the fruitcouple? That Rick and Carol were waiting for, and the whole thing about the watch?


Finally got Sasha off closed caption

"Do you realize three of us are gone?!" (Must be about Abraham wanting to leave now and the others "not leaving without our people".)

And now we know that she's talking about BobBQ, Carol, and Daryl. People are disappearing and Abraham's going to keep to his mantra of "gotta get to DC" and it will not fly.

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Someone needs to stand up to Abraham (and Eugene) and tell them what (potential) idiots they are.  Then again, Glen's already done that.  And, surprisingly, Abe and team caved then.  But, I think these are different times.  But knowing Rick, I can see him getting into Abe's face.  Hasn't he done that with everybody, at least once?


More importantly, it needs to happen from the story standpoint.  Like I've been saying, I just don't see how everybody (with the exception of Bob, probably) can make their way to Washington.  The group is just too big.  Plus there's Judith, and a baby crying at the wrong time is like the dinner bell being wrung.  I think the group needs to split up, with some staying put in a sheltered location.  The stories would then alternate between the "away team" and the "home team."


I know people don't like that idea and, yes, I like the whole group together, but it's just not practical.



I think the group needs to split up, with some staying put in a sheltered location.  The stories would then alternate between the "away team" and the "home team."

As far as I'm concerned, the "away team" can be The Three Stooges.  Let Abraham and Rosita escort The Mullet to DC, then I can fast forward through their story and get them off my screen.  Bu-buy, asshats!

  • Love 3

It's not practical, but seeing as how Abraham told them there was safety in DC, I see Rick wanting to get EVERYONE there (especially his kids). But, of course, no one from CDB is going until they're all reunited. What I want to know is - HOW does Abraham know this? I'd be asking questions. Have you been there? How long ago? How did you meet Eugene? End up together down in GA? 


I would be pressing him for details. Just because there was, at one time, a safe shelter of some sorts in DC, that doesn't mean it's standing now. 

  • Love 3

Yes, they've really got to start questioning the DC crew. I mean, they did the three questions with Father Gabriel immediately upon meeting him. No one has asked these guys much of anything. It's like, "Oh, you don't immediately try to kill, maim, or eat us? You must be all right!" 


I like that they have a mission, but unless they could really show some evidence, their story is just unbelievable.

Edited by mandolin
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Like I said (somewhere on this board), I can see Rick getting into Abraham's face.  I think the only reason he hasn't yet is because everybody was feeling good about being reunited and about getting out of Terminus with all their meat still attached.  I think now that things are going a little bonkers, Rick may start to get all, "So, Abe, the details about DC seem a little squishy to me.  How 'bout running through things with me again."  Rick may or may not get hostile with Abraham, and probably won't initially since, so far, Abraham has been an asset.  I think the only reason Rick hasn't done this is because too much else is going on.  (As it appears it will again this Sunday.)

  • Love 1

We can save a lot of space by going back to the posts when the comic-con trailer came out.


You can check it, but I did post pictures etc that Gareth did not say those things to Rick, he did not say those things in the church, he is sitting on the steps in front of a red-brick building with 2 double doors with big glass panes and walkers inside the building.

But in the reflection of the glass panes behind Gareth you can see the silhouette of the person Gareth is talking to...and it isn't Rick that crap was just editing trickeration.


But there are posts on this and many other sites talking about how could our group team up with Gareth to go to Washington. It never happened, Gareth is repeating to others what our people's plans are.


I don't mean to vent, but we did add a lot of people who came here recently and Previously doesn't have a hard rule about 15/15.

(Read back 15 pages etc.) It's cool in a lot of ways, but it also means we are now getting a lot of questions already answered. (There's like a TON of kudzu and foraging stuff waaaay back on the survival plans thread that people could check out and save time.)


I know this will be taken the wrong way by some, but I really love our discussions and I'm amazed we're looking like we could hit 50,000 views or more easily per week....we need to not keep losing our place cos it's hard enough to keep up without re-working the same ground.

I know people have steered me back when I've missed something already solved. I hope I have always been able to take that with good grace, I know many people here are very cool about getting a moment of amnesia cured.

Just saying, before this season gets any more episodes in...try and find a moment to catch up on earlier pages of threads. And feel free to let me know when I missed a connection.

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 4

I hear what you're saying, kikismom, but the problem is there are more new people joining the conversations midstream.  I know back at the other site we frequented, for whatever reason, I'd maybe jump in late and see that we were already on Page 15, or whatever.  I might not go back and read everything.  But I'm a fast reader, and I'd scroll and get a sense of what the 2-3 "hot topics" were, and try to join in accordingly.


Another thing, and I mean this sincerely, you and a few others are marvels in that you watch the trailers (from FOREIGN countries, for chrissakes), and keep up with the other boards, so your wealth of knowledge is far and away greater than mine (and others).  I watch the show.  Period.  I don't do any of that other stuff, mostly because I don't have time.  I know I tend to say the same thing over and over because it's something I believe.  I'm speculating.  And I can speculate with the best of them.  Of course, that doesn't make me right.


But I'll be the first to say that, occasionally, I probably do miss something that someone said back on page 4.  Or, maybe I saw it and it didn't make sense the way it was worded.  Who knows?


I do think things move pretty well here, and everyone seems to get along.  And I just wish I'd chosen Gareth as my screen name!

  • Love 6
  On 10/22/2014 at 4:05 PM, kikismom said:

We can save a lot of space by going back to the posts when the comic-con trailer came out.


You can check it, but I did post pictures etc that Gareth did not say those things to Rick, he did not say those things in the church, he is sitting on the steps in front of a red-brick building with 2 double doors with big glass panes and walkers inside the building.

But in the reflection of the glass panes behind Gareth you can see the silhouette of the person Gareth is talking to...and it isn't Rick that crap was just editing trickeration.


But there are posts on this and many other sites talking about how could our group team up with Gareth to go to Washington. It never happened, Gareth is repeating to others what our people's plans are.


I don't mean to vent, but we did add a lot of people who came here recently and Previously doesn't have a hard rule about 15/15.

(Read back 15 pages etc.) It's cool in a lot of ways, but it also means we are now getting a lot of questions already answered. (There's like a TON of kudzu and foraging stuff waaaay back on the survival plans thread that people could check out and save time.)


I know this will be taken the wrong way by some, but I really love our discussions and I'm amazed we're looking like we could hit 50,000 views or more easily per week....we need to not keep losing our place cos it's hard enough to keep up without re-working the same ground.

I know people have steered me back when I've missed something already solved. I hope I have always been able to take that with good grace, I know many people here are very cool about getting a moment of amnesia cured.

Just saying, before this season gets any more episodes in...try and find a moment to catch up on earlier pages of threads. And feel free to let me know when I missed a connection.

Thanks for the heads up. I'm so happy that you have mentioned reading all posts. I do read every post before posting. Even when there's 28 pages. I really wish everyone would! I even re read on the rare impulse. And it is painful to read the same thing over and over and over in those 28 pages because some either don't read the thread before posting or feel that it isn't said unless they themselves have said it. (that's what the thumbs up button is for!)

I am sorry if I didn't realize that this has already been hashed out. Rereading an entire thread of a repeated conversation could drive me to take a hammer to my own skull.

THAT being said, I hope there is leeway for the satisfaction involved with discussing things as they unfold on the show, despite a conversation relating to the same concepts previewed in a cryptic trailer six months ago. Some have recently read the whole thread including etc...about the trailer and still speculate that there is a possibility of this agonizing thing happening where Our Gang makes stoooopid choices on a horror show.

My original speculation about CDB somehow joining Gareth for save the world purposes was based only on it not being impossible yet. It wasn't based on the trailer at all. I'm not spoiled and I doubt they will join, but I didn't imagine Andrea being stupid enough to go back to Woodbury either. As to the trailer having anything to do with it, maybe, since we currently haven't yet seen that part of the content on the show, and it seems to be a terminus scene, it's probably someone's regretful or philosophical flashback relating to either some new choice someone has to make or the choice Bob is glad he already made despite the kettle he's in.


Tyrese is going to end up being the one to finally off the gum smacker.(Martin?) Tyrese will first recognize Martin is still alive when he hears Martin's voice mentioning Judith by name. Funny because: Martin got himself and all of terminus in trouble in the first place by being overheard identifying The chick with the sword and the kid in the hat.

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