Trini February 10, 2020 Share February 10, 2020 'Family' reunion! I'm not sure who hosted, but apparently some of the cast were together at an Oscars viewing party: 1 Link to comment
BeautifulFlower February 10, 2020 Share February 10, 2020 2 minutes ago, Trini said: 'Family' reunion! I'm not sure who hosted, but apparently some of the cast were together at an Oscars viewing party: Some people think it was Tom who was hosting because kids were there and he's the only one with kids. A lot of people now speculating that this with Jessica could be a spoiler about Nora Link to comment
Trini February 10, 2020 Share February 10, 2020 4 minutes ago, BeautifulFlower said: A lot of people now speculating that this with Jessica could be a spoiler about Nora Maybe, but not necessarily. Jessica is a Canadian actress, and there are other productions in and around Vancouver. I would love to see her back, though. Link to comment
Trini February 11, 2020 Share February 11, 2020 From the show's Instagram: I hope they do a few with other cast members. Link to comment
Primal Slayer February 11, 2020 Share February 11, 2020 11 hours ago, BeautifulFlower said: I thought people knew this already when it was first announced. Anyway, so far they suck at hiding her pregnancy. As people have pointed, her belly was very noticeable in 6x10 Most shows suck at it, it isnt the easiest thing to hide after all. But it wouldve been a good time to bring back Killer Frosts coat that she had orignally. Link to comment
Trini February 11, 2020 Share February 11, 2020 Article and photoshoot featuring Candice Patton in Miami Living magazine, available to read here: Quote "We will see a duality in Iris," Candice says of what we can expect in the back half of the season. "There is a lot coming for her. She is a big part of the second half villain of season six. She is very much tied into that, so we're going to see her a lot, her investigative side, her team at The Citizen," she explains. "You see Grant [Gustin, who portrays Barry Allen/The Flash] develop more. We're constantly out trying to solve this big mystery--it's a lot of good stuff for Iris." ---- I wish someone would wrangle Grant for an interview, too! 1 Link to comment
Trini February 11, 2020 Share February 11, 2020 More Wallace quotes about the storylines for Season 6 at Rotten Tomatoes. Quote [Re: Black Hole:] “We were looking for a way to tell a Team Citizen story, not just a Team Flash story,” Wallace explained. “That’s one of the important things in these first few episodes of the season. They are going to have a real story, and so when we started coming up with the threat for the season, we had to include one that also included Team Citizen in an absolutely indispensable way.” Quote As seen in “Marathon,” other Post-Crisis changes or anomalies are already being cataloged by Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes). His glass marker boards offer eagle-eyed viewers the geographic positions for Supergirl’s National City and Black Lightning’s Freeland, which previously only existed on other Earths. The boards also indicate some of the changes to previous events and crossovers, like “Crisis on Earth-X” involving time-traveling Nazis clones instead of an invading army from a world where World War II never ended. Both the map and the timeline reflect charts and graphs the writers came up with while trying to understand the changes they wanted to make to Earth-Prime, but Wallace said they no longer exist in a physical space as much of this information has been “internalized” by the writers — although the actual documents remain on file with the staff’s writing assistant. Sadly, Cisco’s journey to put all of the changes into his “Who’s Who” binder means the character will be absent for the next little while. “It is a pause for the character [because Carlos is] not available,” Wallace explained. “But don’t worry — he is integral to the upcoming graphic novel No. 2 in ways that are really going to test him. He’s on a really great journey.” Link to comment
Trini February 11, 2020 Share February 11, 2020 (edited) Interview with Eric Wallace (fairly recent): Quote ERIC WALLACE: Oh good! I know everybody thought Episode 6×07 “The Last Temptation of Barry Allen Pt 1” was freaky (laughs), y’know with the black goo coming out of their mouths, kind of a very different episode for us. And I think that what was great for me was talking to Grant about that episode in particular and how much he said to me he enjoyed acting in that one and making it, y’know how it challenged him in the best possible way and I think that’s what you see on screen, you just see an actor going for it. The director, Chad Lowe, I thought did a terrific job and I thought Sendhil did such a great job as Barry’s adversary, we got really lucky and blessed with someone as wonderfully talented as Sendhil Ramamurthy in Graphic Novel #1, ... Quote ERIC WALLACE: Iris will grow in ways she didn’t know she could, and I mean that emotionally. Being sucked into that mirror will push her to the edge and a little bit beyond. It will literally test her sanity, which is really great because it’s given Candice as a performer a wonderful opportunity to just give some of the greatest performances she’s ever given on the show in my opinion and just knock it out of the park. One of the things that was important to me as a storyteller was, we spent a lot of time with Barry’s emotional state leading up to Crisis, while in Graphic Novel #2, which is the second half of this long season, it’s not necessarily all about Barry, we wanted to focus equally on Iris in the back half. And that’s what getting sucked into that mirror believe it or not, is going to allow us to do. Who knows what lies behind that mirror but I guarantee you it’s a different place. It’s a place that will affect her in a way that she will have to examine who she is and what makes up Iris Allen-West in all of it’s different facets and if that’s a good or bad thing. Quote ... Specifically it’s painted with a new main title credits. That is something I planned from Day 1 when I took over on the show. I said “When we get to post-crisis, it’s a brand new world. What’s the best way to visualize that for the audience and send them a literal message that says this is the line of demarcation between the previous seasons of the show and the show from this point on going forward? Well… it’s just a card that comes up with some lightning, what happens if we do 15 seconds of awesomeness” which the composer got excited about, Warner Brothers got excited about, who did just a terrific, bang up job on the title for us. ... Edited February 11, 2020 by Trini added another quote Link to comment
Trini February 13, 2020 Share February 13, 2020 2 Link to comment
RedVitC February 13, 2020 Share February 13, 2020 From her instagram videos it looks like Natalie Dreyfuss (who plays Sue) is doing some press for the next episode so keep an eye out for that. Also, looks like she's going to be on Afterbuzz after the next episode 1 Link to comment
Trini February 14, 2020 Share February 14, 2020 Aw! From the show social media: 2 Link to comment
legaleagle53 February 15, 2020 Share February 15, 2020 I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this yet: Rick Cosnett (Eddie Thawne) just came out of the closet: 3 Link to comment
Primal Slayer February 15, 2020 Share February 15, 2020 I miss him! I want him to return. 2 Link to comment
Trini February 16, 2020 Share February 16, 2020 I'd stopped checking Cosnett's social media because he was hacked a while ago and it was dormant. --- Reminder that some of the cast were at Fan Expo Vancouver this weekend: Clip of Hartley on CTV here: ------ Fan Expo's Q&A panel with the Cavanagh, Valdes, Sawyer, and Nicolet is Monday at 1pm. 1 Link to comment
Trini February 16, 2020 Share February 16, 2020 (edited) Hartley Sawyer segment on Global News: Edited February 16, 2020 by Trini Fixed link Link to comment
Trini February 16, 2020 Share February 16, 2020 Link to comment
Trini February 17, 2020 Share February 17, 2020 Photo from the Flash panel at Fan Expo Vancouver: Link to comment
Trini February 17, 2020 Share February 17, 2020 A few more: Link to comment
Trini February 18, 2020 Share February 18, 2020 A few more things from social media about the cast that attended Fan Expo Vancouver this weekend: This account live-tweeted: And some more here: Link to comment
Trini February 18, 2020 Share February 18, 2020 From TV Guide's Black History Month articles: 'The Flash Finally Let Iris West Be Black, and Now the Show Is the Best It's Ever Been' There are quotes from Patton and Wallace, but I think they are from previous interviews; Quote Wallace said that growing up surrounded by strong black women, including his mother, grandmother, sister, and aunt, influenced his understanding of the significance of Iris sporting her natural hair, and he realized what that meant to young black fans in a way that previous showrunners couldn't. He listened to his black leading lady and just got it. "I have always, from day one since I took over, encouraged Candice to tell me what you'd like to bring into the show from your own life, your own uniqueness as an African American woman, and let's do it because now that door is open," Wallace said. Patton noted that she had great experiences with The Flash's two previous showrunners, but added "it's different having a person of color who's running the show." "I feel more comfortable bringing up concerns that I have, and I feel like those concerns are received and listened to a little differently," she said. "There's just a level of care and concern on my behalf which you don't always have from other showrunners, not because they don't care but just because I think it's hard for them to relate or understand or see why it's important to me as a black woman." Patton explained that having a black showrunner who understood where she was coming from gave her a newfound safety net. Longstanding issues — like the way in which her pigmented skin was lit during a scene or having access to artists equipped to style her hair and paint her face for the camera — were finally being addressed on a more serious level, which is a rarity. ... Quote On-screen, Iris's role has changed drastically since The Flash's early days. Evolving from a damsel in distress of sorts to a Team Flash leader with her own successful website, Season 6 saw her gain a new sense of independence and finally set out on her own adventures. With help from Team Citizen — her crew of smart, diverse women journalists including Kamilla Hwang (Victoria Park), Allegra Garcia (Kayla Compton), and consultant Cecile Horton (Danielle Nicolet) — Iris has taken on a more active role and feels more integral to the plot than before. We're starting to see who Iris is outside of her marriage to Barry, and it's been a refreshing ride. "Whenever we can, the intention is to pepper in what makes Iris West-Allen and not define her by her marriage to a man. I love marriage. It's great, but that's not how people should be defined," said Wallace. "One of the most important things for me when I took over as showrunner of The Flash was to really make sure that Iris Allen-West was an equal character with equal time and equal stories to her male counterpart, Barry Allen — to establish equality, not just as a wife and a spouse. No, no, no. As a reporter, and as an individual with her own interests and her own stories, and, even more importantly, to show the independence of a working African American woman and bringing all of that out." 1 Link to comment
Trini February 18, 2020 Share February 18, 2020 (edited) Also from TV Guide: 'The Greatest Black Superheroes of All Time' (gallery with captions); a listing of Black superheroes in film and TV. Quote Iris West (Candice Patton), Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale), and Nora West (Jessica Parker Kennedy); The Flash Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) casts a long shadow on The Flash that can be very easy to get lost in. Both Iris (Candice Patton) and Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) initially struggled with playing backup to Barry's eponymous hero, but over the course of six seasons, they've found ways to stand out as heroes in their own right. Wally took on the moniker of Kid Flash in Season 3, becoming the first speedster of color on the series, and has been bopping around the Speed Force to satiate his endless curiosity ever since. Iris had powers only temporarily in Season 4, but she has stepped up as the leader of Team Flash. Without her, the whole team, including Barry, would be lost. Season 4 also introduced a new hero to the West-Allen family tree: Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy), Barry and Iris' daughter from the future with speedster powers of her own. She proved she was a true product of her parents in the Season 5 finale when she sacrificed herself in order to rewrite the timeline that would allow Team Flash to take on Eobard Thawne (Tom Cavanagh). But that hasn't stopped us from hoping The Flash will find a way to bring the young speedster back for an emotional family reunion. -Megan Vick Edited February 18, 2020 by Trini Link to comment
Trini February 18, 2020 Share February 18, 2020 Nevermind, Candice did get interviewed for that article: Link to comment
Trini February 18, 2020 Share February 18, 2020 Interview with Natalie Dreyfuss, who plays Sue Dearbon, at DC: Quote So, at this point in the show, Ralph has been searching for Sue Dearbon for a long time. Is hiding her superpower? Yeah! What we're sort of aware of is that she is this very mysterious debutante. She obviously comes from this background of a ton of money, and she's completely just fallen off the face of the earth. And it's this kind of case that of obviously Ralph is going to love. At this point, that's all we really know about Sue. She's clearly been hiding, but we don't know why and we don't know exactly what she's gotten into, or if she's okay. We just know that she clearly has some mysterious elements. Care to elaborate on that? What would you say are some of Sue’s more interesting qualities? She’s a fun character to play because she has so much wit and humor. My background as an actor is mostly in comedy, so it's really fun for me to be able to play in that arena. When Ralph finally does find Sue after this long, long search of his, what can we expect? What’s their relationship going to be like? I think it's going to be a really fun thing for the audience to see this chemistry that happens right away between these two people. They sometimes talk at the same time by accident. It just feels like they're connected in this weird way. And it was really fun to find that in those scenes with Hartley, whom I've known personally for ten years. Link to comment
Trini February 19, 2020 Share February 19, 2020 Video of the Flash panel at Fan Expo Vancouver, lots of joking around: Link to comment
Trini February 20, 2020 Share February 20, 2020 2 Link to comment
adora721 February 20, 2020 Share February 20, 2020 I haven't visited the @CW_TheFlash Twitter account in a while, but I'm hearing that the account has been better about supporting Iris; here's the LWG comment that made me realize things had improved: "Hi ladies! How y'all doing? Did u peep The Flash's acc activity lately? I think Eric or Suzanne finally fired the trash intern who used to handle the acc because the account has been posting Iris regularly and they even rted that article about Iris blackness! I was shocked! Also racists are big mad abt the article. If so many racists are mad it's a signal that Eric is going right. Anyway I hope Eric keep the good work. I can't wait to hear the podcast ❤️" 2 Link to comment
Trini February 20, 2020 Share February 20, 2020 Promotion for The Flash and Berlanti Productions producer, Sarah Schechter: Quote Sarah Schechter, who has served as President of Berlanti Productions for the past six years, overseeing both television and film, has been elevated to the newly created position of Chairwoman and Partner. The article also gives a rundown of Berlanti Productions' past and current projects, and some quotes. Link to comment
Trini February 24, 2020 Share February 24, 2020 Some quotes from Natalie Dreyfuss about Sue Dearbon at EW: Quote Turning Sue Dearbon into a cat burglar is a major departure from DC Comics canon. In the comics, Ralph meets Sue after crashing her debutante ball under the pretext of chasing jewelry thieves. To be sure, Dreyfuss was very surprised when she found out about the twist. “It was kept pretty secret from me,” Dreyfuss told EW in an interview for this week’s installment of SiriusXM’s Superhero Insider. “It was kind of like I was landing on the plane and they were like, ‘Hey, we’re going to the leather store,’ and I was like, ‘What do you mean? I have like a cool jacket?’ And we built a suit and it was so cool to get to wear the catsuit.” ... “I think that’s going to come in and out of the unfolding of the season — what’s going on with this girl? There’s a lot to who Sue [is], she’s got a lot of layers. So I feel like that’s kind of coming out more and more each episode: What’s her motive here and what is their relationship really? And I think the fun thing about playing a character like that is that the audience will never really know how much I’m messing with them,” she said. Link to comment
Trini February 25, 2020 Share February 25, 2020 Article praising the new format this season at Medium: The CW’s ‘The Flash’ Has Finally Embraced the Graphic Novel 1 Link to comment
Trini February 25, 2020 Share February 25, 2020 Candice Patton article also in Mac Directory magazine: 2 Link to comment
Trini February 28, 2020 Share February 28, 2020 (edited) Article at DC about changes to the comic book characters when adapted in the Arrowverse; talks a good bit about Sue Dearbon on the The Flash. Edited March 1, 2020 by Trini Link to comment
Trini March 2, 2020 Share March 2, 2020 PSA with clip from the show: Link to comment
Trini March 3, 2020 Share March 3, 2020 The Flash is nominated for a Kids Choice Award; category: 'FAVORITE FAMILY TV SHOW'. Ceremony is March 22. Voting here and on Twitter. Link to comment
Trini March 3, 2020 Share March 3, 2020 Interview with The Flash comic writer, Josh Williamson mentions the TV adaptations: Quote Yeah, it's really weird! I was just thinking about it this morning: This season of The Flash has already had Godspeed in it, Bloodwork was a big part of the first half and now they're building a story with Black Hole -- which was also introduced in the Godspeed storyline at the beginning of Rebirth -- as a kind of anti-S.T.A.R. Labs; it's just super weird. I was actually just texting one of my editors -- Brian Cunningham who was my editor the first year on The Flash -- and I told him, "Dude, it's weird. All this stuff we came up with back then is in the show now." And it's cool to see the different versions of it, like, we had a design for what the Black Hole logo looks like and they have their own spin on it and it looks awesome. It's kind of like business cards? It looks really cool and it's a nice treat with all the stuff that you're making to see it all live on and grow past you. ... Link to comment
Velocity23 March 3, 2020 Share March 3, 2020 Get ready for more Chester in s7! Brandon MCKnight promoted to series regular for s7. 2 Link to comment
Trini March 4, 2020 Share March 4, 2020 2 hours ago, Velocity23 said: Get ready for more Chester in s7! Brandon MCKnight promoted to series regular for s7. I like the actor and character; but this is only a good thing if - a) there are cast members leaving, because the cast is too big for this writers room to handle already; and b) if there will be more African American writers hired also, because now there will be 4 African American regulars - nearly half the cast (if no one else leaves). 5 Link to comment
legaleagle53 March 4, 2020 Share March 4, 2020 6 hours ago, Velocity23 said: Get ready for more Chester in s7! Brandon MCKnight promoted to series regular for s7. Team Flash is going to need a lot more coffee (and it had better be decaf)! Link to comment
Featherhat March 4, 2020 Share March 4, 2020 (edited) It's a bit hit and miss with cast members leaving when it comes to these shows in later seasons. Some of them just keep adding new members with no one leaving but only use a lot of the "regulars" part time anyway, giving everyone time off for family and other projects. DP might cut down a lot next season with the baby, CV who knows, we've gone through the 'is he leaving?' question quite a bit recently but Chester is an obvious potential replacement in skill set. Though it wouldn't be unusual for the Arrowverse to double up on skill sets if they like the character. Efrat Dor is likely only for this half season anyway for the Blackhole/Mirrorverse plot. It's possible ND will also be promoted if only so they have her if they need her and like Ralph she'll miss plenty of episodes. Then they have Kamilla and Allegra as recurring and I could see them thinking about securing KC for Team Citizen if that remains a thing. Edited March 4, 2020 by Featherhat tidying up a bit Link to comment
Lady Calypso March 4, 2020 Share March 4, 2020 (edited) 14 hours ago, Trini said: I like the actor and character; but this is only a good thing if - a) there are cast members leaving, because the cast is too big for this writers room to handle already; and b) if there will be more African American writers hired also, because now there will be 4 African American regulars - nearly half the cast (if no one else leaves). I assume that we're going to get at least one series regular leaving. Otherwise, yeah, there are too many characters. I know there's been speculation for at least two years on Carlos leaving, which could be finally coming true, especially with Chester's skill set being similar to Cisco's. Chester could also be coming in as a temporarily replacement for DP. Not that I think DP would leave (staying on The Flash does still give her a steady income, after all, and DP does seem to enjoy the show a lot) but having an actor guaranteed to stick around next season does allow for better planning with the show and with certain actors maybe taking more time off. DP may decide that she wants to scale back on her role a little bit, depending on what happens when she does give birth. So promoting an extra cast member allows for the show to have more options on which characters to include in which episodes (as I assume they'll continue almost a rotational system with various characters being absent for an episode or two here and there). Also...I do hate to say this, but I could potentially see Jesse L Martin leaving, at least in terms of being a series regular. Which would mean that Danielle Nicolet could also potentially step down as a series regular (not guaranteed, but possible). Though DN has been in episodes that JLM hasn't...and I realize that I just made it sound like DN can only be a series regular if JLM is. I do expect someone to step down from their series regular role, though. I just haven't decided who that may be. Edited March 4, 2020 by Lady Calypso 2 Link to comment
BeautifulFlower March 4, 2020 Share March 4, 2020 I understand that series regular contracts are given to have the actor they want available when they need them. I know that there are current shows with ensemble casts. I know there are past tv shows with ensemble casts. The problem is that The Flash doesn't know how to handle a cast of this size. How many episodes did we have of just characters showing up and not really doing anything in an episode? Too many to count. Currently, we're getting episodes with pointless subplots. 3 Link to comment
Featherhat March 4, 2020 Share March 4, 2020 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said: I do expect someone to step down from their series regular role, though. I just haven't decided who that may be. This is also around the time the original cast start to renegotiate their contracts or let producers know they'll be leaving at the end of them, so that could be a factor in to everything. 1 Link to comment
adora721 March 4, 2020 Share March 4, 2020 3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said: I know there's been speculation for at least two years on Carlos leaving, which could be finally coming true, especially with Chester's skill set being similar to Cisco's. The way I see it, the best Cisco replacement based on skill set alone is Ryan Choi. We learned in S5 from Nora that Ryan is the one who found a way to shrink Barry's costume into a ring using Ray's Atom technology, and Ryan is also a paragon. Ryan doesn't have the wit or exuberance of Cisco or Chester, but Ryan's skill set is the better replacement for Cisco. Link to comment
Starry March 4, 2020 Share March 4, 2020 (edited) I think it's telling that they've secured Brandon McKnight as a series regular before the actresses who play Kamilla and Allegra despite them having stronger ties to the plot and the other characters. Unless something changes and he gets more of a story Chester is the guy who's there when Carlos is unavailable. Many characters have similarities but Chester and Cisco are almost identical in what they can do. I personally don't think they'd feel the need to give Brandon a series regular contract if Carlos wasn't stepping down or leaving. I am not necessarily talking about season 7 only but a potential season 8 too. Secure replacements for more expensive original cast members who won't renew their contracts. I doubt DP is going anywhere for now but I can see her not being in every episode. Same with Jesse. I don't think he would want to leave a steady gig that is not even taking up most of his time considering Joe is barely there these days. I expect them to make Natalie Dreyfuss a series regular just to make sure she's available for when they want to focus on the Ralph and Sue romance plot. Edited March 4, 2020 by Starry 2 Link to comment
Trini March 5, 2020 Share March 5, 2020 (edited) I hesitate to speculate about who may or may not be leaving, because there are several original cast members who I thought would be gone or demoted by now, but they are all here six seasons in. (Is that typical for a 6-year old show?) And the show has never been afraid to add barely useful, or irrelevant characters, so who knows. On 3/4/2020 at 1:01 PM, Starry said: I expect them to make Natalie Dreyfuss a series regular just to make sure she's available for when they want to focus on the Ralph and Sue romance plot. We'll see; they didn't do that with either of Cisco's girlfriends, and Nicolet (Cecile) didn't get an upgrade until after she recurred for two seasons. Edited March 6, 2020 by Trini clarification Link to comment
adora721 March 5, 2020 Share March 5, 2020 I wonder where they're getting all this money to add to the cast. Is it because "Arrow" isn't airing anymore? I'd think any "Arrow" money would go into the coffers for the new "Green Arrow and the Canaries" show. Perhaps there's a reason DP is pregnant now because there's only more season (S7) on the main cast's contracts. It's perfect timing to have her child and make plans for what happens after S7. Same with Melissa Benoist; although her show is only at season 5. Maybe Melissa has an out clause in her contract. Link to comment
Featherhat March 5, 2020 Share March 5, 2020 Each show gets it's own budget from WB/CW so I don't think Arrow finishing has anything to do with it. The new Superman show is likely to be more expensive than Arrow or any possible spin off. 17 minutes ago, adora721 said: Maybe Melissa has an out clause in her contract. It's been speculated that the Supergirl original cast are all on CBS contracts which were for 6 seasons but there's been no confirmation. I don't know what if any role contracts had in both ladies becoming pregnant now. It doesn't necessarily happen as soon as you start trying and they could both have decided it happens when it happens, it's more important than my job. 39 minutes ago, Trini said: We'll see; they didn't do that with either of Cisco's girlfriends, and Nicolet (Cecile) didn't get an upgrade until after she recurred for two seasons. She's also been a lot more hyped than either of Cisco's girlfriends and a lot more "she's his eventual wife!" wink wink in her first episode so I'd think she was more a priority to get under contract than others but I don't know. I doubt they'd use her all the time but they'd want her under contract so ND didn't get offered a great part and was never available again. Then again Ralph isn't really much of a priority lately so maybe they're willing to take the risk and Sue will be out of town a lot. 1 Link to comment
adora721 March 5, 2020 Share March 5, 2020 (edited) On 3/4/2020 at 5:38 PM, Featherhat said: I don't know what if any role contracts had in both ladies becoming pregnant now. It doesn't necessarily happen as soon as you start trying and they could both have decided it happens when it happens, it's more important than my job. I realize that getting pregnant isn't an exact science in which you can just have a baby on command. My point is that both women seem to have waited until the waning years of their current contracts to try to get pregnant. It would make more sense for both women to not actively try for a pregnancy in the early years of a contract when committing to shows that require lots of time and are in their early seasons, during which cancellation (therefore, joblessness) is always a threat. Their shows are now very mature and, hopefully, both are on financially stable ground because they've been employed for five and six years respectively (you usually expect to get future residual income once a show is eligible for syndication at season 5 (or 100 episodes, typically)). Both women were in their mid to late twenties when their shows started; both are now in their early thirties. Aligning their contracts ending or renegotiations with trying to start a family makes sense. Perhaps we'll hear Grant announce a bundle of joy coming his way soon, too. Edited March 10, 2020 by adora721 1 Link to comment
Trini March 6, 2020 Share March 6, 2020 I find this a little surprising: 'Kayla Compton Upped To Series Regular For Season 7' Character description from the article: Quote An up-and-coming journalist, Allegra (Compton) fell in with a bad crowd and was incarcerated at a young age. But since her release, she’s refused to let her rocky start in life define her future. Now she helps Barry Allen as a new member of Team Flash, thanks to her metahuman ability to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum. That is, when she’s not helping Iris chase down headlines for CCC Media. ... It's interesting that they're making these announcements so early. Link to comment
adora721 March 6, 2020 Share March 6, 2020 Some fans having fun with the every growing Flash series regulars: Link to comment
Lady Calypso March 6, 2020 Share March 6, 2020 I've definitely hoped that Kayla would be promoted, but with all of these promotions (and most likely one more with Sue/ND), it seems like the cast is too crowded if nobody is planning to leave at the end of this season. So....going back to at LEAST one cast member leaving. It's still between Carlos and Jesse for me. Link to comment
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