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Central City Citizen: The New Media Thread


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Some quotes from Tom Cavanagh about 'Armageddon, Part 4' at TVLine:


“Every iteration of Wells has a soft spot for Iris. And I’m pretty sure that every iteration of Iris cannot stand the Wellses. I don’t want to speak for Candice Patton, but that’s the Venn diagram it plays in,” Cavanagh posits. “And the amount of off-camera stuff I would do — ‘You know, if Flash dies, it’s me and you…’ — all speak to the idea that [the Wellses] all have a not-secret crush on her.

“Poor Candice would have to put up with my non-stop ‘This is clearly meant to be’ joking — like, ‘This is not meant to be!'” says Cavanagh with a laugh. “And now we have a storyline where we actually play that out. Neither Candice or I thought, ‘Well, that can’t possibly ever find a way to come to fruition,’ but now it has. For both of us [to play these scenes] felt funny and awesome and kinda cool and surreal… and very hard at times to stop from giggling.”


LOL - Tom manifested this storyline! (yes, I know it was in the comics first)


And at EW:


"I'm going to leave that to smarter people than me to talk about," Cavanagh tells EW, trying to avoid spoilers. "I think the larger point, which doesn't give things away, is when you've put in the amount of time that you put in when you're telling a Batman-Joker story or Lex Luthor-Superman story or Flash-Reverse Flash story, you've earned, in many ways, the big face-offs and twists that renew the rivalry. This is an instance when I felt like the writers' room did a tremendous job of organically working up to the clash of these two people."


Interview with Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers) about Alex in the 'crossover' and working on the Flash set at CBR.com:


It really just inspired him and he went, "This is so much better than I originally thought and I'm really proud because it gives Alex a chance to be a beacon of hope and love in a way that really respects who Alex is and her journey and also can come across as someone who is really encouraging for Allegra and Chester." It just gave a great sense for her to come in a little bit in that mama bear role and impart all that she's gone through. To give that wisdom and tough love was fun. I always love being tough Alex: when I get to yell at people, it's awesome....


On 12/7/2021 at 11:49 PM, Lantern7 said:

I'm not entirely certain if this fits the thread . . . but with the return of Reverse Flash, I wanted to share an "episode" of Death Battle from a few months ago, where RF was pitted against another villain that was too hard to permanently kill: Goku Black from Dragon Ball Super.


This was super informative - thanks - explains how Thawne is now a living paradox, which I didn't grasp before.

Interview with Katherine McNamara about Mia Queen and her part in the crossover:


Well, you pick up with Mia two years after we last saw her, and you get little glimpses of what her life has been. We see that she’s in a very dark place — she’s gone rogue, in a way, and become very obsessed with solving this one problem and this one missing piece in her life. As we know, when Mia gets focused on something and you give her a bone, she’s going to run with it until she wins, and that is what she’s doing. She will let nothing get in her way. But this does happen to take her through Central City where they’re having their own issues. Mia plays well with others when she needs to, and there’s nobody like Uncle Barry and Aunt Iris to come in and tell her what she needs to hear.

Yeah, sounds like she's the B-plot and doesn't directly connect to the main conflict with RF or Despero.

On 12/1/2021 at 2:25 AM, Trini said:

Nothing verifiable; it's mostly fan speculation, IMO. They're not friends in real life apparently. I'd ask which Danielle, but there are rumors about both.

 The sour relationship between Candace and Danielle P. seems pretty obvious from the few scenes they share and just how they're staged when they are in a scene together.  I hadn't heard she had an issue with Danielle N. and haven't noticed anything similar on screen.   What is their supposed issue?

14 hours ago, Maverick said:

 The sour relationship between Candace and Danielle P. seems pretty obvious from the few scenes they share and just how they're staged when they are in a scene together.  I hadn't heard she had an issue with Danielle N. and haven't noticed anything similar on screen.   What is their supposed issue?

It's more fan gossip. The Danielles are friends, therefore she's also an "enemy" of Candice.

13 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

Sounds like they're closing in on a season 9

Although if the article is accurate it'll be shorter or we'll get more episodes without Barry.  And if the rest of the cast only extended their contracts through season 8 then it'll be another round of negotiations.

Not surprised. Of course CW/WB would want to hold on to it as long as they can; it's still popular even with viewership down. Plus Gustin has a baby to support now.

With Gustin's pay raise, we might lose a couple castmembers, I'm guessing. I don't want to speculate who might go, but maybe the older (not newer) cast.

If the 15 episode number is accurate, Flash will end up the longest running CW/DC show, and Gustin will be in the most episodes of all the connected shows!

10 hours ago, Trini said:

With Gustin's pay raise, we might lose a couple castmembers, I'm guessing. I don't want to speculate who might go, but maybe the older (not newer) cast.

They do have some pretty easy outs if various stars sign up for reduced appearances or just leave, especially for the more expensive cast.  Iris could always be off on Citizen business or dealing with a recurrence of her time sickness nonsense.  Joe could be babysitting Jenna,  Caitlin could go and work with Cisco on a temporary ARGUS project, Frost could go on another walkabout, etc.

  • Love 1

At EW: ' The 100 best TV romances of all time '



43. Barry and Iris

The Flash

The Flash doesn't need to rely on physical intimacy to sell Barry a.k.a. The Flash (Grant Gustin) and Iris' (Candice Patton) love story. "A lot of the romance and chemistry between Grant and I has always been something even deeper than that," Patton told EW at DC FanDome in 2020. "It's the way we look at each other and the way the characters are written." Furthermore, showrunner Eric Wallace doesn't think they've lost that spark. "It's just a joy to watch Grant and Candice still, eight seasons in, giving it their all, fully committed to the roles, and making magic on screen," he said in an interview with EW about season 8's "Armageddon" event. When the show's eighth season resumes next month, we'll hopefully see their marriage progress further. "We're still getting the signs that they'd like to start a family and move forward with their lives," Gustin said.


  • Love 1

Interview with Jessica Parker Kennedy and a clip of tomorrow's episode at EW:


ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How would you describe this episode?


JESSICA PARKER KENNEDY: I think it's cute, because Jordan and I got kind of spoiled having this episode to ourselves in a lot of ways. The whole episode revolves around our ridiculousness. We felt very, very special when we were filming this episode, more than we have before. We always feel special, obviously, but this one is just an extra-cool one. I just think it's really sweet. It shows the dynamic of the siblings in another way. And it shows how incredibly charming and annoying Bart is all at the same time, which is a different enigma kind of way to be, and he captures that so well.


Jessica Parker Kennedy Previews Tonight’s “Impulsive Excessive” Flash Return


This is farther than they’ve gone back before. We get to see a character from the pilot who used to be around, which is very cool, which was very surreal for me filming it… I got to sort of be a part of the OG crew, which is really neat. So they definitely get to see very special moments that I think the audience are going to really love, with a true “blast from the past” moment. I think they’re going to really enjoy it.


'The Flash boss breaks down Legends Easter egg in season 8 midseason premiere' -- at EW


Also at EW: Eric Wallace interview:


...As we move into the next Graphic Novel, how would you describe the tone and themes of season 8?

I would say tonally very intense, perhaps one of the most intense seasons we've had in a while, I would say. The first couple of episodes after "Armageddon," one of which you just saw, are designed to be interludes that are a little lighter, and they're designed that way on purpose because when the next Graphic Novel of this season starts in a few more episodes, it's going to get very hardcore for Team Flash. We have a lot of things to explore emotionally, especially in Barry and Iris' [Candice Patton] relationship with Iris' time sickness; with Caitlin's [Danielle Panabaker] decision to start dating again that we introduced in "Armageddon." Also, Chester [Brandon McKnight] and Allegra [Kayla Compton], we saw them kissing in the future. What does it mean? Do we have to explore a little bit of that this season and how do they eventually get there? Do they get there? Is something standing in the way of them getting there? So it does get very emotionally intense, especially in the middle of season 8, very much so.


Edited by Trini

Eric Wallace interview at TV Insider:


One of the things that I’ve tried to do with the last three seasons of the show, but especially this season, is to create that comic-book ethic, which is: There is a whole world of characters, so why don’t we see them more often popping in, just kinda come through? You don’t have to have a full crossover to meet somebody on your show who’s been part of the same world for a long time. So it’s a very deliberate attempt to kind of use that comic-book method in television because it makes everybody feel like, “Oh this world really is populated with all these other people,” where we can refer to characters on other shows or characters our show from the past. It just makes it feel a little more fully realized.


Edited by Trini

More quotes from Wallace and Jessica Parker Kennedy at Den of Geek:


“This whole idea of leveling up—what does [it] really mean for our heroes?” Wallace asks. “We’ve seen what it looks like on Barry, but what does it look like when some of these other people start leveling up? And I don’t just mean leveling up [in terms of] powers. I mean leveling up emotionally. We’ll see all our characters leveling up either emotionally or in terms of their power bases, but there’s going to be consequences to getting those greater responsibilities or getting those greater powers. And that’s what they’ve got to deal with in the back half.”


I'm concerned that I haven't heard what Barry's story for 8b will be. Armageddon was Barry-centric, but it sounds like Wallace stopped right there, and everyone else will be dealing with something. But Barry's the lead, so that's going to be a problem I fear.

Interview with Damion Poitier (Goldface):


Can Barry learn any lessons from his interactions with Goldface on this episode?

We’ll have to watch and find out. What he learns… the ramifications that will show in future episodes, but there’s something to be said for someone who’s in a situation where them and their partner are fully linked up and fully working together, and whether or not someone who might be having difficulty can learn from that is really in the delivery and reception of the situation, I guess.


😐  TVLine's Performer of the Week:


HONORABLE MENTION | While we may not tune into The Flash seeking out updates on Frost’s love life, we’ll be damned if Danielle Panabaker isn’t having an absolute blast playing both the sassy metahuman and her milder-mannered “sister.” This week’s episode — in which Caitlin and new beau Marcus stumbled into a double date with Frost and Mark —  was a highly entertaining showcase for Panabaker, who ever since Frost split off into her own entity has found more and more nuances between the characters. Frost is impetuous and a bit naughty, but she truly cares about “Caity”; similarly, straightlaced Caitlin can get fed up with Frost’s antics, but at the end of the day she envies the relationship she cultivated with Mark. Throw in some nifty, ever-evolving split screen work, and Panabaker shines opposite one of her best “scene partners” ever.


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