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Central City Citizen: The New Media Thread


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Reminder that you can see all the scheduled programming for DC FanDome Part 2 here: https://schedule.dcfandome.com/

There are several things that involve The Flash cast and crew:

  • The full Flash panel with the cast and Eric Wallace,
  • 'Truth, Justice, and the DC Comics Way' panel, with Wallace as one of the panelists,

  • Fan Q&A with Grant Gustin,

  • 'Stars from DCTV Series React to Fan Art',

  • The 'BAWSE Females of Color Within the DC Universe' panel with Candice Patton will be available again,

As well as several behind-the-scenes featurettes; and 'etalk Celebrates DC in Canada' is supposed to talk a bit about the shows filmed in Canada. In the kids section, there's video(?) for making an origami Flash symbol.

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Oh, it's a whole campaign, actually: 'The CW Launches Voting Campaign...'


Unveiled by CW chairman and CEO Mark Pedowitz through a partnership with vote.org, the campaign PSAs will launch Sept. 15 and  feature actors from various CW primetime series.

"Given our combined multi-platform audience and our particular connection with younger viewers, The CW has a responsibility to use its platforms to clearly and powerfully encourage and educate everyone on the importance of being prepared to vote," said Pedowitz in a statement. ...

PSA on youtube:


Heh - they gave Grant the sign with the lightning bolt!

Some new quotes from Eric Wallace about an upcoming Season 7 storyline for Joe: https://ew.com/tv/the-flash-joe-west-season-7-eric-wallace/


"Joe’s story line this season is inspired by the societal changes happening in today’s world," Wallace told EW. "Because with everything we’re all waking up to each day in 2020, I felt there was a great opportunity here — even within our fantastical, family-oriented show — to comment indirectly on truths folks could easily recognize. And do so in an entertaining way."

(I'll put the rest of his comments in the spoiler thread)

On one hand, I'm glad Wallace feels he can tackle a story like this now, and that if it's going to be attempted, it's with a Black showrunner. But on the other hand, I'm highly skeptical of anything he says about storylines in general, and I'm cringing at how this might turn out on the show that can barely acknowledge that the Wests are Black, and was never good or consistent at the law enforcement aspect of the show.

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Eric Wallace had some nice things to say about the Flash characters (and WestAllen, in particular) in the Truth Justice and the DC Comics Way panel in terms of diversity and representation. I just wish more of his grand ideas made it to the end product. Maybe next year? I thought it was interesting that he mentions Cisco as Hispanic representation, but that aspect actually hasn't been referenced since Season 3.

Teen Vogue article with quotes from Candice: 'The CW Actresses Asking for More, And Getting It'



Asha Bromfield, Candice Patton, Nafessa Williams, and Vanessa Morgan are part of a unique sisterhood of actors who play dynamic characters, based on comic books on The CW network. Collectively, they have played groundbreaking roles that challenged racism, sexism, and homophobia in popular culture. They’re also channeling their superhero alter egos to affect real-life change by using their platforms to call for more diversity in Hollywood. They want to see more BIPOC in front of the camera, but also behind the scenes, better storylines for marginalized people, and better treatment on the job and in life in general.

Respectively, they have been applying various methods of speaking out such as chatting with executives behind the scenes, amplifying fan voices, and using social media, fan cons, and traditional media to express how Hollywood can support a more inclusive future.


“I saw these actors and actresses and people in the business kind expressing what they went through. I think it was kind of a cathartic experience for a lot of people to not feel afraid anymore, to start talking about the trauma that they've experienced,” she says. “That's something I find very interesting that we, as Black people, are finally finding the courage and the strength to speak out without fear of being fired, or whatever the previous punishment we imagined in our head would be. I think that's a really good space for us to be in, to feel encouraged to speak about ourselves so that things can actually change.”





Edited by Trini
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5 hours ago, adora721 said:

Jay Garrick will be back in season 7: https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/the-flash-season-7-jay-garrick-will-return/

I sure hope Jay helps Barry with creating a new speed force, which would make total sense.

So that whole "The Flash will disappear in Crisis" thing, which was already a cop out by having it be a non-Barry Flash, is just totally scrapped now since Garrick be back anyway? What was the point?? Is it just me or are the wheels completely falling off this show? 

1 hour ago, shantown said:

So that whole "The Flash will disappear in Crisis" thing, which was already a cop out by having it be a non-Barry Flash, is just totally scrapped now since Garrick be back anyway? What was the point?? Is it just me or are the wheels completely falling off this show? 

The same actor is playing both, but the Flash that died in COIE was Barry Allen from Earth-90; while Jay Garrick is supposedly on Earth-Prime now.

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The Flash is nominated for a People's Choice Award; "Sci-fi/Fantasy Show of 2020".


These are the best stars 2020 has to offer and the winner of each category will be decided by you since the PCAs is the only award show for the people, by the people. Voting starts today, Oct. 1 and ends Friday, October 23 at 11:59pm ET, so be sure to make your vote count.

You can vote up to 25 times per category, per day, per method (voting site, Twitter or Xfinity). So what are you waiting for?! The fate of your favorite stars hangs in the balance.

You can vote here: https://pca.eonline.com/tv/the-sci-fifantasy-show-of-2020

 Or on Twitter:


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'Shantel VanSanten Reveals Why ‘The Flash’ Season 2 Role Was Cut Short'

1) Good job trolling for content during these lean times, Matt! [rolleyes emoji]

2) Ick. So glad AJK and Helbing are gone from this show.  (Um, good luck, S&L.)

3) WestAllen endgame confirmed again.  😊

4) Patty did leave suddenly (also Scott; I wonder what the story is behind that...?), and at the time there was a quote that said maybe Patty could return; but really, what would Patty come back for now (or then)? The time has passed. Once Barry was with Iris there was no point to revisit Patty, especially with the way they ended things with her and Barry.

I do wonder how the rest of Season 2 would have played out if Patty was there for a few more episodes. I assume "Welcome to Earth-2" is where the love triangle would actually be activated with Barry's feelings for Iris re-surfacing, and then "Runaway Dinosaur" would seal the deal.

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On 10/16/2020 at 7:10 PM, Starry said:

Was AJK planning on dragging Barry/Patty out for more than one season? Because I don't understand why he would get mad at Shantel for making herself unavailable for season 3 when she was only contracted for season 2.

I don't know; he was probably just being a petty jerk. The news that she was cast in another show came out the same day as her first episode of The Flash. So he might have been mad he couldn't string people along by teasing that Patty might become permanent, when it was clear she'd leave eventually. But in any case, I think she always had 'guest star' status, anyway?

Interview with Grant Gustin at the Television Academy: https://www.emmys.com/news/online-originals/core-character

He talks about getting into the character of Barry Allen, and has a few other comments about the show and cast. A few excerpts:


Barry Allen, AKA the Flash, exists in many parallel, alternate worlds, and Grant Gustin moves among those worlds with what seems like an incredible ease. Truth is, it's not always that easy. Gustin says, "I think for me, it can become overwhelming, the overall arc of what's happening with the show at times, and keeping everything straight can be challenging. Especially last year when we were doing the five part crisis crossover.

"And honestly, when we were shooting that, instead of trying to make sense of everything at any given time, and this is usually what I stick to with the show as well, I just stay focused on what my, what Barry's arc is, and what his trajectory is.

"And I always read the entire scripts, and at some point, understand what every other character is going through. But my work has always been focusing on Barry's emotional arc, and just the through line from one scene to the next.


Although a wealth of source material exists, Gustin realized early on that he would have to find his own way into the character, He says, "Our Barry is very much his own Barry Allen. It's not necessarily pulled off the page of any specific comic. I think in a lot of ways, actually, the Barry we have on our Flash is a combination of different Barry Allens and Wally Wests that we've seen from the comics.

"Because Wally was always more of the tongue-in-cheek comedian, where Barry was more of the straight man in the comics. And so sometimes I'm that, and sometimes I'm. doing physical comedy, and I'm quirky and nerdy. But I think mostly, as far as the core of the character , it is me just trying to bring as much of who I really am, as Grant, to Barry.


"Watching the show, I see personally so much growth in us as actors. So I'm proud of that for all of us. And then to see all these guest stars that come in and out, like Mark Hamill, and to have John Wesley Shipp - his Flash show just had its 30th anniversary, I believe.

"We've had some pretty incredible guest stars come through, and I've learned a lot from them too. And it's just been cool to see them work, and to get to work with them. We've been really lucky. I mean, with Clancy Brown, back in season one, and all kinds of really cool, impressive actors have come through the show."

As the cast returns to film the seventh season, Gustin is ready for the future. He says, "Keep trying to level up. I'm preparing myself for whatever's beyond Flash too, but the character is really important to me. I know how important it is to a lot of the viewers, and I know how much bigger it is than me.


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7 hours ago, Trini said:

I don't know; he was probably just being a petty jerk. The news that she was cast in another show came out the same day as her first episode of The Flash. So he might have been mad he couldn't string people along by teasing that Patty might become permanent, when it was clear she'd leave eventually. But in any case, I think she always had 'guest star' status, anyway?

Patty was a recurring character but it wouldn't be unusual for a guest star to be upgraded to series regular if they are a hit with the audience and/or TPTB. Kreisberg strikes me as someone who wanted to play with multiple romances involving his leads. He tried it with Caitlin but that didn't work out for a variety of reasons and pulled the same crap with Kara and Winn on Supergirl. I also seem to remember that Oliver had way too many love interests when he was more involved with the show.

I am not sure in how many episodes Patty was supposed to be but the rest of TPTB could have overrun Kreisberg on his decision. They must have also thought it was for the best to end the Patty arc when they did.

Edited by Starry
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On 10/16/2020 at 6:10 PM, Starry said:

Was AJK planning on dragging Barry/Patty out for more than one season? Because I don't understand why he would get mad at Shantel for making herself unavailable for season 3 when she was only contracted for season 2.

It goes back to the theories he wanted to replace Iris with Patty. Again, Iris screentime was severely reduced when Patty was on. When she left, people took notice that it increased. 

I wasn't around for season 2A in the fandom. I do see people mentioning that Iris fans were very loud over her treatment in 2A. I feel like the backlash played a part as well.

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On 10/18/2020 at 7:25 PM, BeautifulFlower said:

It goes back to the theories he wanted to replace Iris with Patty. Again, Iris screentime was severely reduced when Patty was on. When she left, people took notice that it increased. 

I wasn't around for season 2A in the fandom. I do see people mentioning that Iris fans were very loud over her treatment in 2A. I feel like the backlash played a part as well.

The backlash may have played a part for sure but at the end of the day these people only care about making money and doing whatever they want. They might pander to fans here and there but not when it comes to entire story arcs. If TPTB (not just Kreisberg) thought that Patty/Shantel was their golden goose and were invested in the character and romance with Barry, they would have kept her on the show.

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'The 14 Best TV Parent Stunt Casting Choices (and Why They Mattered)'


2. John Wesley Shipp, The Flash

Paying homage or just being self-referential? Either way, there really wasn’t any other choice to play Barry Allen’s (Grant Gustin) dad on The CW’s version of The Flash than Shipp, who played the character in the short-lived Fox version of the series—especially since the actor had also worked with Flash executive producer on Dawson’s Creek.

“I think he was sort of surprised that [his version of The Flash] had meant as much to us and to a lot of people as it did, because I think it ended far too soon for him as well,” then-series executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told journalists at the show’s summer 2014 Television Critics Association press day, adding that “it’s not just a gimmick either. It’s not a cameo. He’s playing one of the most important parts on the show. So much of what Barry is doing, he’s doing for his father. That last scene between the two of them was … they did it, like, four or five times, and we all cried every time we watched it.”


On 10/18/2020 at 6:03 AM, Starry said:

Patty was a recurring character but it wouldn't be unusual for a guest star to be upgraded to series regular if they are a hit with the audience and/or TPTB. Kreisberg strikes me as someone who wanted to play with multiple romances involving his leads. He tried it with Caitlin but that didn't work out for a variety of reasons and pulled the same crap with Kara and Winn on Supergirl. I also seem to remember that Oliver had way too many love interests when he was more involved with the show.

I am not sure in how many episodes Patty was supposed to be but the rest of TPTB could have overrun Kreisberg on his decision. They must have also thought it was for the best to end the Patty arc when they did.

Caitlin isn't a lead - but AJK did try to make her into the lead.  I'm so glad he failed and that he's gone.  Those were hellish times to be Iris fans - the constant disrespect to CP was so rage inducing.

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I don't know how people find these things, but I came across this on Twitter: Danielle Panabaker did a podcast interview with Inside The Agency, she talks about her career and The Flash. She mentions some things that are different with production because of Covid, etc.; says she doesn't know if she'll direct an episode this season (sounds like it's mostly a 'no').

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11 hours ago, phoenics said:

Caitlin isn't a lead - but AJK did try to make her into the lead. 

That's probably true but I wasn't calling Caitlin a lead. I meant that AJK wanted his protagonists Oliver, Barry and Kara to have multiple romances. I mentioned Caitlin in the context of her being a possible love interest for the lead, not a lead herself.

After re-reading my comment I realize that I could have worded it better.

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On 11/4/2020 at 10:55 AM, Starry said:

That's probably true but I wasn't calling Caitlin a lead. I meant that AJK wanted his protagonists Oliver, Barry and Kara to have multiple romances. I mentioned Caitlin in the context of her being a possible love interest for the lead, not a lead herself.

After re-reading my comment I realize that I could have worded it better.

I think that's just the way Tv show romances go for the most part. In the early seasons especially the main character has a lot of potential love interests before settling down with just one even "loser main characters" have more options than their real life counter parts. With Arrow it's clear that though Oliver had many love interests Laurel was supposed to be the OTP from the pilot with how it's set up and it didn't work for a number of reasons so they quickly made Felicity The One in the narrative and never really deviated from that despite a break up and other love interests.

The same is true for WestAllen, they hammered home destiny even when Iris didn't have a lot of screen time and Barry was dating other people briefly and with some Caitlin teasing. I never saw them attempt to raze the foundations of WA the way they did with Lauriver in 1B and S2 of Arrow despite Patty. 

Even a show (albeit an old one) that had Lois&Clark in the title had multiple other love interests, stalls and a clone arc that makes Mirror Iris look Emmy worthy before finally getting married in S4. 


4 hours ago, Featherhat said:

The same is true for WestAllen, they hammered home destiny even when Iris didn't have a lot of screen time and Barry was dating other people briefly and with some Caitlin teasing. I never saw them attempt to raze the foundations of WA the way they did with Lauriver in 1B and S2 of Arrow despite Patty.

I replied in the Relationships thread.

Two nominations for The Flash in the inaugural Critics Choice Super Awards: 'Best Superhero Series', and 'Best Actor in a Superhero Series – Grant Gustin'.


The Critics Choice Association (CCA) announced today the nominees for the inaugural Critics Choice Super Awards, a special event honoring the most popular, fan-obsessed genres across both television and movies, including Superhero, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Horror, Action and Animation.  The winners will be revealed in a special television presentation, which will be produced remotely following COVID safety protocols, hosted by writer/director/podcaster Kevin Smith andactress/writer Dani Fernandez.  The ceremony will air on The CW Network on Sunday, January 10, 2021 (8:00-10:00pm ET/PT) and will stream the next day for free on The CW App and cwtv.com.

Edited by Trini

Another shutdown: ‘The Flash’ Pauses Production After Positive Covid-19 Test


A team member working on the CW series The Flash in Vancouver has tested positive for Covid-19, Deadline has learned. The asymptomatic diagnosis was confirmed through the rigorous testing protocols implemented by The Flash studio Warner Bros. TV for all of its production employees. Out of an abundance of caution, production on The Flash has been temporarily suspended and contact tracing has been initiated. According to sources, the studio is currently evaluating adjustments to the production schedule in order to resume filming without the affected employee and potential close contacts, who are self-isolating.


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'David Ramsey To Direct, Return As John Diggle'


Ramsey, who most recently starred in Arrow as John Diggle/Spartan, will return to direct five episodes in the DC Universe including the new series Superman & Lois, and Supergirl. Additionally, Ramsey will guest star in five episodes across the Arrowverse, returning as fan favorite John Diggle in Superman & Lois, Supergirl, The Flash and Batwoman, along with a mystery role in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow that is being kept under wraps.


So far, no info on which episodes he will direct. Taking my speculation to another thread.

Edited by Trini

'Are the Arrowverse Crossovers a Thing of the Past?'


The idea of the Arrowverse crossovers as we know them being a thing of the past is something that is, from a fan perspective, difficult to consider but is probably fairly likely at this point. There are three key reasons why those full-blown, multi-episode, multi-show crossover events are likely done, and they all make sense in terms of the direction DCTV's live-action universe is going. First, topping "Crisis on Infinite Earths" is itself going to be difficult. Second, there have been major changes in the Arrowverse itself since "Crisis" that do not lend to the ambitious event television fans came to know. And third, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is a factor as well, with all three things collectively spelling the end for the crossover as we know it.


I don't think crossovers are over. I don't think they will top COIE, but they don't have to. Smaller scale events are fine with me. There are still several shows that are connected, or could be connected; so I don't think a few shows ending is necessarily a hindrance.

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10 hours ago, Trini said:

'Are the Arrowverse Crossovers a Thing of the Past?'


I don't think crossovers are over. I don't think they will top COIE, but they don't have to. Smaller scale events are fine with me. There are still several shows that are connected, or could be connected; so I don't think a few shows ending is necessarily a hindrance.

I would PREFER smaller crossovers like the first couple that were just between 2 shows. As of now the majority of these characters don't know each other, so teaming up doesn't make any sense. I'd rather them start building connections between characters again rather than the big blowouts like COIE.

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7 hours ago, shantown said:

I would PREFER smaller crossovers like the first couple that were just between 2 shows. As of now the majority of these characters don't know each other, so teaming up doesn't make any sense. I'd rather them start building connections between characters again rather than the big blowouts like COIE.

I completely agree. DC is trying, once again, to emulate the team ups of the Marvel "Avenger" movies without enough build up. We saw how poorly that went with "Justice League." I understand that DC is behind, but they seem to refuse to learn from their mistakes. We care about the team ups because we've spent quality time with the characters first. 

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On 12/3/2020 at 8:58 PM, adora721 said:

I completely agree. DC is trying, once again, to emulate the team ups of the Marvel "Avenger" movies without enough build up. We saw how poorly that went with "Justice League." I understand that DC is behind, but they seem to refuse to learn from their mistakes. We care about the team ups because we've spent quality time with the characters first. 

It's different with TV.  Hate the crossover?  No biggie, it's one or two episodes to skip.  Hate a team-up movie?  Sorry, but that was your one shot to watch the character this year.

And there's no doubt that big, flashy crossovers do drum up interest from more casual fans.  Yeah, you might annoy the die hards (if I wanted to watch these other characters I'd check out their shows, dammit) but the trade off is worth it if you can suck in more people.

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