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S04.E10: 410 Gone

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I don't stan "domlene" so this episode was a waste of my time. 

And in what world would Dom even take Irving's word that the Dark Army had no interest in Darlene and her anymore? This is a guy who once buried a hatchet in her boss' chest. 

I never cared for her character or the actress. I hope she stays in Budapest for the remaining three episodes. 

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I hope Dom listed all of Santiago's misdeeds in her report.

Why wasn't there an agent watching Dom at the hospital? Did the FBI feel the Dark Army wasn't going to go after her.

Dom can't win, even the Cold Drink machine is working for the Dark Army..

Of all the airports, Irving is in Boston, on a book tour for Dom to run in to. Surprised Dom mentioned what she did to Janice.

Such a waste for Bobby Cannavale in this episode. I was waiting for him to kill one or both of them or the revelation he put a bomb on the plane.

When did Irving turn from car salesman to author? His "page turning" book put Dom straight to sleep.

So is the Dark Army directing their attention to Elliot or someone else (if they don't care about Darlene, she is a part of Elliot) or getting rid of Whiterose? Who's left in the Dark Army?  They have no money to pay people.

No romantic ending those two. At least, Dom is finally getting her sleep and Darlene getting control of her anxiety of being alone (with no Elliot, Angela, Cisco or Dom around anymore), .

Why did Leon need a mirror? 

Edited by mxc90
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Still watching but... Didn't they just... Devalue the dollar, Euro, yen, etc.  By doing that???  If everyone has the same amount of wealth,  then isn't that wealth now worthless??? Am I missing something?

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9 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

I don't stan "domlene" so this episode was a waste of my time. 

And in what world would Dom even take Irving's word that the Dark Army had no interest in Darlene and her anymore? This is a guy who once buried a hatchet in her boss' chest. 

I never cared for her character or the actress. I hope she stays in Budapest for the remaining three episodes. 

9 hours ago, mxc90 said:

I hope Dom listed all of Santiago's misdeeds in her report.

Why wasn't there an agent watching Dom at the hospital? Did the FBI feel the Dark Army wasn't going to go after her.

Dom can't win, even the Cold Drink machine is working for the Dark Army..

Of all the airports, Irving is in Boston, on a book tour for Dom to run in to. Surprised Dom mentioned what she did to Janice.

Such a waste for Bobby Cannavale in this episode. I was waiting for him to kill one or both of them or the revelation he put a bomb on the plane.

When did Irving turn from car salesman to author? His "page turning" book put Dom straight to sleep.

So is the Dark Army directing their attention to Elliot or someone else (if they don't care about Darlene, she is a part of Elliot) or getting rid of Whiterose? Who's left in the Dark Army?  They have no money to pay people.

No romantic ending those two. At least, Dom is finally getting her sleep and Darlene getting control of her anxiety of being alone (with no Elliot, Angela, Cisco or Dom around anymore), .

Why did Leon need a mirror? 

Yes, everything about that was ridiculously suspicious or stupid.  I mean are we now supposed to just take it on good faith that the Dark Army and Irv will not lie because of  what....morals?

It would make much more sense if they were lulling them into a false sense of security to kill them at the end. Also, all these horrible killers showing up to reassure Dom that they were no longer interested in killing her in a horrible manner was getting a little precious.

I guess White Rose only cares about Elliot though Darlene was always a big part of the take down. Not enough Elliot in this. I was not invested in the Dom and Darlene romance and thought the actresses had very little chemistry together.

Darlene losing everyone she loves ( there is a good chance she will never see her brother again) could be quite poignant but they had to mess it up with the rom com stuff.

Elliot does love Darlene and made sure that she is safe but the truth is he is too damaged to be much of a brother to her. I think it was not a mistake that often Elliot often forgot who Darlene was, while she was trying to constantly take care of him. What a horrible family life they both had.

7 hours ago, hnygrl said:

Still watching but... Didn't they just... Devalue the dollar, Euro, yen, etc.  By doing that???  If everyone has the same amount of wealth,  then isn't that wealth now worthless??? Am I missing something?

This show has always been very simplistic about economics. I'm sorry a shit ton of money magically appearing in everyone's bank account would raise a ton of eyebrows.

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I know this show isn’t really built on happy endings and it is a dark drama but I wouldn’t have minded if Darlene and Dom had run away together.  Especially since this is the last season of the show.    

That being said I think this was more about making it ok for Dom to finally sleep and Darlene to be alone with herself.

as for the money exchange if I am understanding it correctly the whole point of the e-currency was that it was NOT tied to any government backed  currency.      It held its own worth set up by ECorp.   So  redistribution of it to everyone doesn’t actually devalue it at all.  

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8 hours ago, hnygrl said:

Still watching but... Didn't they just... Devalue the dollar, Euro, yen, etc.  By doing that???  If everyone has the same amount of wealth,  then isn't that wealth now worthless??? Am I missing something?

I think that only applies to commodities that rely on scarcity to maintain their value, like diamonds or oil.  If you flood the market with new supplies, their value is reduced.  The money that Elliot and Darlene stole from the Deus Group already existed and simply changed hands.  No new money was created so the value should remain the same.  More available wealth might have some effect on inflation or interest rates but I don't know enough about economics to be sure.

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I was breathless during the last 10 minutes, watching Darlene freak out in the bathroom, then her and Dom just missing each other at the airline check-in desk.  It was maddening to see, wait and hope that they finally got on the plane together.  I don't even want them together as a couple - I want them to help each other have a little happiness and healing.

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3 hours ago, patty1h said:

I was breathless during the last 10 minutes, watching Darlene freak out in the bathroom, then her and Dom just missing each other at the airline check-in desk.  It was maddening to see, wait and hope that they finally got on the plane together.  I don't even want them together as a couple - I want them to help each other have a little happiness and healing.

I think this was the kind of ironic ending Esmail would want.  No happy ending riding off into the sunset together.

They're both going to be safe but not together?

Dom will probably turn right back and return and eventually they'll find each other.  Or she's pissed and won't have anything to do with Darlene.

I guess they had to have some resolution for Dominic.  Really the end of the rut she was in is symbolized by Darlene rage smashing the Alexa speaker.

Of course they were flipping the bird to Amazon and Big Tech with that gesture.

Of course those speakers are cheap, Dom could just order another one very cheaply.

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I thought Dom’s  book would blow up the plane. No way she should handle anything from that guy...

this season has moved at a pretty good pace, but I did ffwd through a lot of chase scenes and dramatic effects/drama moments after the first episode. Did I just forget these In past seasons? Or were they really more tedious to you too?

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1 hour ago, Bubbetv said:

I thought Dom’s  book would blow up the plane. No way she should handle anything from that guy...

lol, seriously. Like others, not sure I buy that the Dark Army suddenly just doesn't care about Dom and Darlene. But sure, if that's how Esmail wants to end the characters' arc, we'll go with it. Because poor Dom did need to just get some sleep and have some peace of mind.

As others noted, was never a Dom/Darlene shipper so to be honest, this was officially my least favorite episode this season. I spent most of the hour getting distracted by other things. Again I'm just going to chalk it up to closing the chapter on their characters, while Elliot continues on to whatever the final, final thing to take down Whiterose and the Dark Army, is. 

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I can believe the Dark Army is no longer a threat to Dom and Darlene.  The game is over,  Whiterose is broke, so who's paying them?  The only one who's still active is Elliot so they might go after him just for their own protection.  Otherwise they seem to me like mercenaries who no longer have a purpose.  The job is over, time to pack it up.

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Yes! The airport book store appearance was pretty ridiculous. 

That and Dom bounding up a flight of steps like a toned athlete and not a person who had their lung punctured 12 hours earlier. 


I do love this show. But this episode was ridiculous. It just came across as some gift to the rabid fan boys of reddit. 

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So The Machine really was just a big McGuffin. 

I thought I was watching a sixties romance with all the running about in the airport. But it's not the sixties, they have phones. 

22 hours ago, TVbitch said:

What book tour makes stops in airport gift shops? I thought Dom was PTSD hallucinating!

It's not officially part of the tour, but it happens.

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Another waste of a time episode and the justification for 13 episodes for this season feels more flimsy than ever.  Esmail can't follow up last week's great episode and that doesn't surprise me.

Bullshit that Dom would be allowed to leave the hospital like that.  She would be in some kind of protective custody at a minimum and no way would she be able to resume her law enforcement career.  She's be forced into an early retirement at best.

This show doesn't understand economics at all and the ridiculous redistribution scene at the end is further proof.

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On 12/8/2019 at 9:21 PM, Giant Misfit said:

I never cared for her character or the actress.

I find all the scenes to be just filler tbh. I get they needed a character as an 'in' to the dark army but nothing against the actor, but they gave her next to nothing to work with. I don't know if she's not getting good direction or being directed like this but it's not working. The flat affect of her line readings just grates. The thing is, she's going on all the time about 'family' this and that, and I've never seen that investment.

I don't really buy Darlene's investment in Dom either. I don't even really buy her guilt or feeling bad about Dom that much either.

Wow, Dom, good for you for making a grilled cheese though. Given this show is rather merciless, I'm surprised they actually let her live.

I do like the dark army guy just rolling through life. I wasn't following the economics either. It seemed too simple.

I'm very much over the 'silly song in the background over dramatic scene' trope.

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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Well it grates as fuck and I think it's bad direction for a tv show. I take the point, but don't agree on the execution thereof. I also think there's way way way too much time on this particular character because they need to fill time for 13 episodes when her entire plot is worth about 7 scenes total.

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On 12/9/2019 at 6:57 AM, qtpye said:

I mean are we now supposed to just take it on good faith that the Dark Army and Irv will not lie because of  what....morals?

Yeah, I just got to Bobby C in the airport. That seems odd to me that someone wouldn't want to clean up loose ends.

I have to agree on the lack of chemistry with the actors but all off a sudden they're star crossed lovers out of seemingly no where, so I'm sure it was hard for the actors to sell too.

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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On 12/9/2019 at 5:45 PM, hnygrl said:

Still watching but... Didn't they just... Devalue the dollar, Euro, yen, etc.  By doing that???  If everyone has the same amount of wealth,  then isn't that wealth now worthless??? Am I missing something?

No, not at all. The money was just redistributed, not created. The same amount is in circulation in the economy. It's a zero sum game, especially since the money would have gone to everyone's ecoin wallets globally. In fact, this was a major economic boost and will improve GDPs in every country where ecoin is available. 

On 12/10/2019 at 2:18 PM, cdnalor said:

I can believe the Dark Army is no longer a threat to Dom and Darlene.  The game is over,  Whiterose is broke, so who's paying them?  The only one who's still active is Elliot so they might go after him just for their own protection.  Otherwise they seem to me like mercenaries who no longer have a purpose.  The job is over, time to pack it up.

They have more important things to worry about at the moment. Maybe they'd get to revenge eventually but for now they'd be too consumed with their legal and financial problems. Also, as you say, mercenaries need paying and they don't got no money.


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