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S07.E10: Everyone Hates Kate

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On 12/19/2019 at 11:30 AM, Lunula said:

This episode caused me to feel a lot of empathy with and sadness for Kate. I don't always love her snarky jabs at others' expense, though I understand that's what the show/fans want from her. However, her calling Brian a "yachtie" seemed like a genuine compliment and I was initially surprised (then I remembered: Alcohol) that he overreacted in such spectacular fashion.

Even when drunk-Kate was trying to explain, using positive terms, Brian automatically degenerated to calling her the B-word. I could honestly see the confusion and hurt on Kate's face. And truthfully, Brian is the last guy on that yacht I would expect such inflammatory language from - he seemed the most level-headed and mature of the bunch. I think he woke up, sobered, and realized he was a putz - but Kate generally doesn't handle criticism/rejection well so, of course, she acted within her standard MO and outright dismissed him while, I'm sure, was scheming to make him look like a fool at some point in the future. 

This show is a huge lesson in Psychology for me. I'm absolutely appalled at the frat boy mentality, the under (and over) stated misogyny, the double standards, the childishness of the crew & guests, and the dramatic effect alcohol has in making everything 100% worse. I'm regularly disgusted, sad, angry and resigned - all in one episode.

I'm not making excuses for these misogynists, but this blow up really was a case of both parties being drunk and wrong. It doesn't matter if yachtie is normally a compliment Brian repeatedly told her he didn't like it. He overreacted by calling her a bitch. He also apologized that evening, but he was also the douche who said Kate needed to be put in her place. That said, I did a transcript of the conversation. Brian was pretty patient and Kate was pretty rude in her refusal to let it drop, but once again alcohol.

This is that conversation verbatim:

Brian: Do you know I packed a whole thing (cooler with drinks). Thank you very much.

Courtney: Thanks.

Brian: No problem.

Kate: Thank you, Brian.

Kate: You're the best yachtie I ever met. I will say that.

Brian: Please don't call me a yachtie.

Kate: Really?

Brian: Please don't.

Kate: You don't like it?

Brian: Mm-mm. Brian shakes his head no. He kisses Kate's hand

Kate: I know, that's how I know you're a real yachtie.

Brian: Please.

Kate: No yachties love being called a yachtie.

Brian: Please.

Kate: I think a yachtie is someone who is agreeable, hardworking,..

Brian: I'm not a yachtie.

Kate: Well travelled.

Brian: I'm not a yachtie; I'm a seafarer.

Courtney: She's giving you a compliment just be quiet.

Brian: I don't like it. I don't like it.

Kate: Why? It's...

Brian: So I'm asking you nicely not to do it.

Kate: I'm not calling you...

Brian: You should stop doing it because I asked you not to do it.

Kate: I'm not calling you a yachtie, Brian. I would like to be called that too. What do you think I am?

Brian: You're kind of a bitch.

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On 12/9/2019 at 8:15 PM, SevenCostanza said:

Her lips looked really big in that scene, she needs to stop messing with her face.  She shouldn't have told Courtney what happened with Simone that's  unprofessional.  But that seems to be her thing she always has one stew on the outs.   

Tanner and his mom were trying too hard, tone it down.  Tanner's gross and disrespectful and Simone is just stupid. 

I don't know how they consume so much alcohol.  They were drinking at 10;30 in the morning to well after sundown, no wonder they have ridiculous arguments all the time.

I really think they all have drinking problems from what they show us.  It seems like they all get shit faced every time they have a night out.  

I call Kate liver lips every time I look at her 👄

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Ashton has no right to force Kate to kiss him. That’s just not right.

I get it. He’s frustrated. So he should just go to Kevin and borrow a halibut that he has in the freezer for the next seafood extravaganza.

It would give him the same sensation as kissing Kate and removes the sexual harassment element that nobody wants to see.


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On 12/21/2019 at 12:15 AM, HunterHunted said:

I'm not making excuses for these misogynists, but this blow up really was a case of both parties being drunk and wrong. It doesn't matter if yachtie is normally a compliment Brian repeatedly told her he didn't like it. He overreacted by calling her a bitch. He also apologized that evening, but he was also the douche who said Kate needed to be put in her place. That said, I did a transcript of the conversation. Brian was pretty patient and Kate was pretty rude in her refusal to let it drop, but once again alcohol.

This is that conversation verbatim:

Brian: Do you know I packed a whole thing (cooler with drinks). Thank you very much.

Courtney: Thanks.

Brian: No problem.

Kate: Thank you, Brian.

Kate: You're the best yachtie I ever met. I will say that.

Brian: Please don't call me a yachtie.

Kate: Really?

Brian: Please don't.

Kate: You don't like it?

Brian: Mm-mm. Brian shakes his head no. He kisses Kate's hand

Kate: I know, that's how I know you're a real yachtie.

Brian: Please.

Kate: No yachties love being called a yachtie.

Brian: Please.

Kate: I think a yachtie is someone who is agreeable, hardworking,..

Brian: I'm not a yachtie.

Kate: Well travelled.

Brian: I'm not a yachtie; I'm a seafarer.

Courtney: She's giving you a compliment just be quiet.

Brian: I don't like it. I don't like it.

Kate: Why? It's...

Brian: So I'm asking you nicely not to do it.

Kate: I'm not calling you...

Brian: You should stop doing it because I asked you not to do it.

Kate: I'm not calling you a yachtie, Brian. I would like to be called that too. What do you think I am?

Brian: You're kind of a bitch.

 She really only called him a yachti once. After that she was trying to explain to a drunk what it meant.

I'm getting sick of these drunks over reacting. The captain should forbid them from getting drunk on their nights off. You can see how Ashton's drinking affects the whole crew even after he sobered up. His arrogance is obnoxious.  His behavior suits a strip act but not an expensive yacht trip.  I think if captain Lee really looks at this, he should not have him as a bosun. He is a poor example of a leader, talking smack about everyone on that ship when he gets angry.

Edited by antfitz
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On 12/11/2019 at 12:38 PM, The Ringo Kidd said:

The reason why the stews didn’t team up against Kevin is because as bad as he might be Kate is still much worse.

That’s why as the title tells us “Everyone Hates Kate.”

I like Kate.

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23 hours ago, antfitz said:

I'm getting sick of these drunks over reacting. The captain should forbid them from getting drunk on their nights off. You can see how Ashton's drinking affects the whole crew even after he sobered up. His arrogance is obnoxious.  His behavior suits a strip act but not an expensive yacht trip.  I think if captain Lee really looks at this, he should not have him as a bosun. He is a poor example of a leader, talking smack about everyone on that ship when he gets angry.

I agree.

I remember back in the day when drinking was strictly forbidden on the boat. Clearly times have changed - I think regrettably production wants it because clearly over consumption of alcohol brings the drama. I wish they'd go back to no booze on the boat, it would probably cut down a bit on the level of drunkeness, since off the boat they have to pay for their booze vs getting it for free. It has really been over the top this season.

I'd be surprised if Ashton comes back, or as I like to call him, Asston. He's gone too far down the inappropriate rabbit hole. Not to mention the fan backlash. I doubt there are many who enjoy him outside of dude-brus and gals who don't have an issue with dude-bru behavior... Maybe they'll give Brian the Bosun position. Or Rhylee (not sure how I'd feel about that but it might be interesting to see).

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16 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Why do you hate us?

ha ha - I'm just so over Asston I'm grabbing at straws. Maybe they could just go with a complete unknown 😉 Tho they usually seem to want to cast a known for the Bosun position.

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Bravo is rerunning this Dumpster fire this morning. The grossness and misogyny of the “Brus” aside, what the hell was up with Tanner’s mother? Trying to do a very poor imitation of Colin’s mom? She sounded so childish it was ridiculous and embarrassing.

That’s all I’ve got of my least favorite BD season ever. Between this and BDM, there is a very definite pattern of male toxicity here. 

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On 9/21/2020 at 10:25 AM, RoseAllDay said:

Bravo is rerunning this Dumpster fire this morning. The grossness and misogyny of the “Brus” aside, what the hell was up with Tanner’s mother? Trying to do a very poor imitation of Colin’s mom? She sounded so childish it was ridiculous and embarrassing.

That’s all I’ve got of my least favorite BD season ever. Between this and BDM, there is a very definite pattern of male toxicity here. 

Yes, pretty much ruined the series for me. With Kate not returning I don't know that I'll care enough to try the new season. 

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Kate is pretty, extremely smart and she is the Captains right hand.  What don't the staff get about the fact Kate needs to be kept in the loop so that things can run smoothly.

How many of them or us would talk to the lead person like many of them have and still have a job. rhetorical of course

Ashton and Rhylee had history and they should've kept it between them.  Rhylee could not accept the fact the guys were only trying to help her since they knew she does not nor will she ever measure up to their strength. 

She should be ashamed of herself for not caring about putting others in danger.  I applaude Ashton for giving her jobs that matched her strength physically.

Ashton, should be ashamed of the disrespect he showed Kate as the one who was the one the captain depended on to coordinate e v e r y t h i n g pertaining to the guest, shame on the cook for the way he let his ego get in the way for no good reason. 

The way he spoke to the guest and never looked how in the eyes really showed what manner of person he was.

The cook, made triple work for Kate.  Rhylee was like a little slithering snake spreading her venom amongst the crew. I hate that she dragged Kate into her crap.

All of them made triple work for Kate except for courtney. Simone complained and all Kate was trying to do was train her while trying to keep things together and running smoothly.

The tape speaks for itself and backs up what Kate told Simone.  Ice Coffe, need I say more!

What Ashton did to Kate in the Van was scarey and out of line.  If it had been any other female Ashtons behind would've been b e a t.  The cook did the right thing. 

This crew was the worst crew e v e r, if Kate ever leaves everybody will see she was the glue that held it all together!!!

And tanner, I don't really know what to make of him except simone should get checked for every disease known to man. He is like a dog with the mind of a puppy with the mindset of a silly female. He had ashtons hook in his nose and ashton used the poor man.  

I think Courtney misunderstood Brians' text. I think Brian was feeling her out to see if she would be a good fit for introducing to his daughter.  I think the mistake he made was asking her the having fun question rather than asking her point blank where was her mind and heart in the equasion.

I think Ashton thought about how things didn't work out with Rhylee and was relieved she was gone but when she popped back up he had to face her. On the flipside she seemed to not accept the fact she wasn't the one and that's life. She was scorned and she couldn't accept it. But the bottom line is Ashton did not force her into the relationship and he never promised her a hereafter at any time.

Personally, maybe the Captain should have never asked her back because he only heard half a story.  Rhylee was so busy trying to show she was as much man as they were to the point she lost sight of the fact it was never about her, rather, it was about the safety of crew and guest.

I am still appalled at how they treated Kate, I guarantee you none of them could do her job and had she not returned it would've be a disaster.  Kates job was to plan and make sure others knew the job and to not put one in the position that put them on a level of incompetence.  She really did all of them a favor by putting them in the positions that showcased their strengths and allowing them to branch out and if she saw danger she put them back in the position she knew was best. 

The cook basically broke her stride and would've thrown everthing off had not Kate been as strong as she was. 

Thankfully nico, bruno and leon weren't invited back. When Bruno put his hands on the female he is lucky she didn't kick his bells and whistle up into his eyeballs. Those three were three clowns nor fit to join any circus. Leon might try that sprayn on hair to cover his warped brain, he was like a big slithering snake. Kate never flinched a muscle , he could not scare her. Hopefully he's at his house cooking beefcake for whoever 

I personally think Kate should open her own company and distance herself from grown childish people or carry a can of mace for people like leon and ashton.

Kate, was a wise leader and one day they will understand and thank her for caring.

Again, Nico was not up to the task and when he brought his brother in and showed out in front of him it was sad and sickening. I think had either of them jumped TJ would've given them something to think about. Personally, I think Nico found a quack doctor to say he was hurt, as for bruno he was a slimy slithering snake with not one extra fang but a mouth full.



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On 12/9/2019 at 8:36 PM, njbchlover said:

Kate was wrong several times in tonight's episode - she doesn't get to be late because "she's the highest rank on the ship" - being late is rude, whether you have one stripe or four, or even if you're a captain.  I hate lateness!!  

I agree about the lateness.  They had one day at the sanctuary and they wasted an extra hour waiting on her and then she comes out looking exactly like she did before she got up!!!!  One of the boys should have said that to her when she came out.... we're waiting on you for an hour for that!?!?!? EYEROLL lol

She also was wrong with discussing Simone with both Courtney and Rhylee, but it seems that BD follows along with the typical reality TV requirement - we must see gossip-fueled drama on every episode!  While I usually like Kate, this is one thing that I do not like about her - she does seem to like to pit one stew against the other, or she chooses a favorite.  

She absolutely does like to pit them against one another.  I also don't like the way they pull rank when it suits them.  To me, once you're off that boat, you are not my boss.  You are a patron just like the rest of them.  How is anyone supposed to extend respect when you have your boss falling down drunk and trying to fuck everything that has a vagina (Ashton) or a chief stew who also gets wasted, says whatever she wants to whomever she wants but they're supposed to respect her rank?  NOT!!!

I also felt that Kate was being pretty anti-social at the beach club, but that wasn't such a big deal to me.  Hey - she just gave Kevin more time to gossip about her to everyone else, and try to get the dickheads deckhands on his side.

This didn't bother me at all, lol... I'd be the same way.  You live with these folks so nice to get a break from them.

The guys on this season, with the exception of Bryan, are total misogynistic, frat-boy wanna-be, assholes.  Tanner - I wonder how proud your MOMMY is after seeing the last two episodes of her "baby" being falling down drunk, talking out of turn (and rather nastily) about Simone, and just being a straight up douche.  Ashton - it's not cool or funny if you have a name for your drunken side.  Smashton is not fun, suave or endearing - he's just another asshole looking for easy sex - which is usually a HUGE turnoff for any girl in her right mind.  Kevin is just fucking egotisitcal control freak - starting with giving Courtney a direct order to NEVER use the fridge for storing guest wine, to then arguing with Kate about the same (IT'S MY FRIDGE!!!!), to bitching and moaning about Kate to everyone and anyone who would listen, and then arguing with her about paying the bill?  I didn't even understand that whole argument.

I literally laughed out loud when he told them to go use the fridge upstairs and she replies, "oh, you mean MY fridge" ROFL.... very good come back, imo.  He's a douchebag

Kate was acting very, very bratty when she returned to the ship with throwing everyone's clothes on the floor - that was not mature by any means.  I'm curious to see how this all plays out with Captain Lee next week.

Lee gave her another off.  Just like the penis blanket... she outright bullshitted him about making the blanket and he allowed her to continue like okay, well, its Kate so.... he should have given her a stern whatfor and told her straight that she's not getting special treatment but nope, Ashton gave her a stronger talking to about the clothing on the floor in front of captain.  Also, why did he just sit there with that questioning look on his face... why didn't he say to her, wtf are you doing??? 

It's weird - Kate's been called a bitch and other insults before, and always seemed to let things roll - I think the alcohol got to her (wasn't she drinking wine before they even left the ship for the beach club?), and she was in her feelings.  Kate is finally showing a vulnerable side, and I kind of like it and can understand it.  It's not easy to feel like everyone is against you.  

I thought it was great!! She is always making at least one subordinate feel this way, hope she learns from it but she won't.

Surprisingly, Rhylee didn't offend me this week, but I didn't like her comments about Bryan - she's just crass.  I'm really liking Courtney and can take or leave Simone - she seems whiny and entitled to me.

I don't care about Simone anymore.  She can get her heart stomped, its her own fault.  How do these gorgeous women have such low self esteem? Courtney at least has some self respect.  She's the first one!!!

As someone mentioned upthread, this really is the most immature crew that I can remember.  For the most part, they seem to drink to excess each and every night/day off, and love to discuss sexual prowess constantly, or throw sexual innuendo into many conversations.  

Not saying I'm going to stop watching, but I'm getting a little bored with it all.

I am feeling the same however, I'm thinking of just hopping forward to watch the reunion and see if there is anything mentioned that seems worth back tracking for.   I'm a few years late watching this series, lol.. so lots to catch up on.


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On 12/11/2019 at 10:40 AM, biakbiak said:

Since she isn’t on a paleo or keto diet and made a big deal about it I would mock her for it as well.

but she's "not on a diet" she said, lol... two different englishes going on there... lol.  He's trying to say to her, "here, you look after your own diet" meaning, whatever you eat diet, not "diet" to lose weight.  She kept saying "im not on a diet!!!" LOL... I wanted to reach through the tv and tell them both to stfu, lol..

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