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S07.E08: Hot Butter and Toxic Narcissism


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I like the idea that Wendy has this super interesting past, but we are getting it in small doses. I am totally onboard with random fact about Wendy's past becoming a regular part of the series. 

I know I've probably said this before, but I want Jill's movie room. 

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I had a feeling that there was going to be a scene involving the son of the person whose car Christy hit. I figured "Okay, he's a handsome guy, so I guess maybe he'll want to have coffee or something like that." But then you-know-what happens and that whole thing was scrapped altogether. I also thought the father was funny, but then again, I have always respected Keone Young as an actor, who is also a funny guy at times. I remember thinking he did well in the Crank movies, even with such little screen time.

As for the other plot, I liked the revelation/twist that Trevor's home life wasn't all that great. It almost seemed like the wrap-up bit with Trevor punching the bag had more than met the eye than what we thought. So it's good that we got a little backstory from that character.

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I loved Tammy cutting out the necklines of all her sweatshirts after watching 'Flashdance' - that whole plot (incl. her providing Christy with an alibi based on 'Dirty Dancing) was pure comedy gold.

We learned something new about Wendy and Bonnie and Adam managed to work things out - that was all very good even though I cringed a bit about the TMI of Trevor's private life. It was funny but also felt a bit forced - why does he not have a bell? And why is he having arguments with his wife in his undies in the middle of the day (okay maybe it was morning). It all felt a bit contrived to get Bonnie a chance to turn the tables. Which she did beautifully.

But what about Kevin??? C'mon show give Christy a break - he seemed to have the dry humor required to deal with a Plunkett lady and since she did return with a second check maybe they can give it another go? Let him pick her up and do the driving until he's convinced that her glasses will prevent a third mishap.

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I loved Tammy dancing during the tag, lol. She's hilarious.

I also laughed when Bonnie's shrink came into the room after she heard him arguing with his wife and dropped to the ground like he couldn't see all 6'0" of her lying there, heh.

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The therapist continues to be one of the highlights of the show, his interactions with Bonnie are so funny and yet, different each time.

The young chinese (?) person who asked out Christy for coffee was extremely handsome, I was happy we were going to see more of him, but then it all went bad...well I remember there was a person in one of these threads who felt very strongly that Christy should not date, so at least they will be happy.

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It was a pretty good episode but I'm really tired of it being all about Bonnie every single week. I do like the therapist and it was a funny bit but it just feels like they come up with a new Bonnie story every week then just half ass it for all the other characters. Christy's "story" was just sort of a one-note joke and the others had their usual bistro get together with a few lines each. 

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11 hours ago, MissLucas said:

But what about Kevin??? C'mon show give Christy a break - he seemed to have the dry humor required to deal with a Plunkett lady and since she did return with a second check maybe they can give it another go? Let him pick her up and do the driving until he's convinced that her glasses will prevent a third mishap.

Sorry. Christy doesn't get breaks. She's the new punching bag and the show is now all about Bonnie. The rest are just supporting characters. Just change the name to "Bonnie" and be done with it. I am really starting to get sick of Christy being crapped on from a great height. But unfortunately I think when the show eventually ends in a decade from now (hoping it lasts that long) Christy will still be getting the short end of the stick.

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I love the totally random reveals we periodically get about Wendy.  You couldn't do that with any other character on the canvas because we know too much about them.  We know Wendy, but we don't really know her.

The Bonnie and Adam fighting felt like it was coming out of left field for most of the episode, even if their first go round in the kitchen with the touching and counting was hysterical.  The two actors really do have great timing with each other.  I totally get Bonnie's confusion and muddling the lines of personal and professional with Trevor.  It can be weird and sometimes uncomfortable to realize you're telling all this intimate stuff to someone who you may know almost nothing about in return and worse, is listening only because you're paying them to listen.  Her trying to scrape out $35 in very small bills and loose change from all her various pockets had me rolling, as did the collective group pointing out that Christy either doesn't know what hypothetical means or was using it entirely incorrectly.

Christy really is the worst at continually self sabotaging herself.

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8 hours ago, Amazee-Dayzee said:

Sorry. Christy doesn't get breaks. She's the new punching bag and the show is now all about Bonnie. The rest are just supporting characters. Just change the name to "Bonnie" and be done with it. I am really starting to get sick of Christy being crapped on from a great height. But unfortunately I think when the show eventually ends in a decade from now (hoping it lasts that long) Christy will still be getting the short end of the stick.

I agree with you on this. It seems that for the past few seasons, Christy has been given the "butt monkey" status. I really hope that she doesn't stay like this.

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5 hours ago, MissLucas said:

Luckily she isn't there yet - probably because the writing in general is better on this show. But the character definitely needs some TLC by the writers. 

I agree. But one of the things Christie hasn't figured out yet is how to deal with other people and not be desperate for their approval. If she were just confident where she stood (a long reach, I know), and not so desperate to be liked, she could find some friends outside her AA group. Of course, she's in grad school and working two jobs. And that's pretty damn tough (I have friends who took a few years to recover from full-time work AND grad school.)

I'd like to see them at least start working toward a happier Christie. And of her various flings, the one I'd like to see her at least become friends with again is the young guy she dumped for Patrick. She was teaching him well. :-) 

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On 11/25/2019 at 1:38 PM, bad things are bad said:

So how close is she to being Alan Harper?

Or Raj from Big Bang Theory

On 12/1/2019 at 12:49 PM, Agent 817 said:

Okay, you made a good point. She's not quite close to Alan Harper levels.

Yeah, Christy still has some dignity.

23 hours ago, kwnyc said:

I agree. But one of the things Christie hasn't figured out yet is how to deal with other people and not be desperate for their approval. If she were just confident where she stood (a long reach, I know), and not so desperate to be liked, she could find some friends outside her AA group. Of course, she's in grad school and working two jobs. And that's pretty damn tough (I have friends who took a few years to recover from full-time work AND grad school.)

I'd like to see them at least start working toward a happier Christie. And of her various flings, the one I'd like to see her at least become friends with again is the young guy she dumped for Patrick. She was teaching him well. 🙂

I think the worst was when she totally was blowing off Adam's hot brother because Jill was having a crisis. The issue was many of the other ladies in AA were there to help Jill and Christy did not have to mess up her one night with a long distance boyfriend. It felt like it was more about Christy sabotaging a potentially good relationship than helping Jill.

What was even more insulting was how she bitched and moaned when she found out that the brother was engaged. She kept on going on and on about how big the ring was and how it should be on her finger.

Well Christy, the guy was crazy about you and you treated him like crap. A nice good looking successful man that is looking for marriage is not going to be on the market for very long.

It would be better if Christy just admitted she is happier being by herself, which is perfectly fine. I would hate to see another plot line where she mistreats another guy for really stupid reasons. 

Edited by qtpye
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25 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Or Raj from Big Bang Theory

Yeah, Christy still has some dignity.

I think the worst was when she totally was blowing of Adam's hot brother because Jill was having a crisis. The issue was many of the other ladies in AA were there to help Jill and Christy did not have to mess up her one night with a long distance boyfriend. It felt like it was more about Christy sabotaging a potentially good relationship than helping Jill.

Christy is Jill's sponsor. When her sponsee is having a tragic backslide she is not going to be able to just forget all about it and enjoy her night out on the town with Patrick. There was nothing wrong with what she did there.

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15 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Christy is Jill's sponsor. When her sponsee is having a tragic backslide she is not going to be able to just forget all about it and enjoy her night out on the town with Patrick. There was nothing wrong with what she did there.

Then she needed to be an adult and tell Patrick that Jill needed her as a sponsor to help get her through a rough time and they would have to reschedule.

He would have been disappointed but would respect her commitment.  Instead, she kept on showing up to do things with him and ditching him, which left him literally holding the check.

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Jill was unresponsive that night and all the others were rushing to her. Christy being there made zilch of a difference - plus it wasn't the first time she ditched Patrick for sponsor duties. I think her actions came close to a helper's high and were more about her need to be needed than Jill's needs. But YMMV - however her reactions to Patrick getting engaged were completely off.

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I'm not sure what they were doing with the Patrick arc. I like Steven Weber, and he looks enough like William Fichtner to be believable as his brother. But...he was just out of a long marriage and essentially looking for a nice woman to take care of, and to take care of him. And Christi certainly liked his attention, but even she admitted she wasn't in love with him.

The fact that HE rebounded so quickly shows that she wasn't a great love for him, either. If she wanted a rich guy to take care of her, if Harry Hamlin hadn't been so awful to Candace, she could have done very well there. In both cases, Christie actually made the right choice.

So I do wish TPTB would at least give Christi an interesting guy within commuting distance to at least start a friendship/fling with. 

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4 hours ago, MissLucas said:

Jill was unresponsive that night and all the others were rushing to her. Christy being there made zilch of a difference - plus it wasn't the first time she ditched Patrick for sponsor duties. I think her actions came close to a helper's high and were more about her need to be needed than Jill's needs. But YMMV - however her reactions to Patrick getting engaged were completely off.

I really did not like how they handled Christy’s relationship with Patrick. Christy feeling like she had to be there for Jill no matter what would have worked better if the show remembered what happened the last time Christy ignored a sponsee. One line about Jodi and it would have seemed less like a helper’s high. Unfortunately they rarely bring any lasting depth to Christy. 

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Christy's reaction to Patrick moving on was utterly ridiculous, but I didn't see anything wrong with her going to Jill.  Beyond AA, these ladies are each other's family.  They've been in relationships with each other that far outlast any romantic partnerships they've had on the show (or in some cases, ever).  Patrick and Christy never really seemed that serious to me.  Basically they were single, age-appropriate people who found each other attractive enough.

And Patrick was being SUCH a whiny child.  Seriously, what grown ass man is THAT concerned with his birthday?  Bonnie left, and Adam basically said, "see ya".

But then, I love Adam, and his relationship with Bonnie.  Even when they fight - like in this episode - their chemistry is amazing.

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But then, I love Adam, and his relationship with Bonnie.  Even when they fight - like in this episode - their chemistry is amazing.

And Adam "gets" why their recovery is so important, from "if you watch enough Star Trek, you learn a little Klingon," to realizing Bonnie needed a meeting on their honeymoon. The group is "chosen family" and Adam is also chosen family as well as a spouse. (And presumably, he could still be attending Al-Anon.)

They ALL need to have that in a partner: that Jill's BF said: I can just stop drinking showed respect and understanding. 

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On ‎12‎/‎03‎/‎2019 at 4:25 PM, Jane Tuesday said:

Christy's reaction to Patrick moving on was utterly ridiculous, but I didn't see anything wrong with her going to Jill.  Beyond AA, these ladies are each other's family.  They've been in relationships with each other that far outlast any romantic partnerships they've had on the show (or in some cases, ever).  Patrick and Christy never really seemed that serious to me.  Basically they were single, age-appropriate people who found each other attractive enough.

And Patrick was being SUCH a whiny child.  Seriously, what grown ass man is THAT concerned with his birthday?  Bonnie left, and Adam basically said, "see ya".

But then, I love Adam, and his relationship with Bonnie.  Even when they fight - like in this episode - their chemistry is amazing.

I think if Christy had told Patrick why it was so important to her to go to Jill, something about the last time she didn't for someone she was sponsoring, it ended badly, he'd have understood it better.  As it was, she just kept blowing him off without really explaining the seriousness of the situation.  I don't think they'd have ended up together anyway, but it would've made them both look less like idiots.

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