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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. The Hulu doc is also being discussed in Erika's thread.
  2. I can't figure it out either. I just finished watching the documentary. I noticed they left out that Erika has a son. I wonder why. I'm glad they included interviews with so many victims including the families of the crash victims. I had no idea Tom was the Erin Brockovich lawyer! I really want to see Tom and Erika held accountable. I don't believe he has dementia. My father had it (and recently passed away), so I'm very familiar with the signs of even early dementia. Tom's lawyer is just trying this because it seems like the best way to reduce Tom's sentence.
  3. I didn’t notice it on first watch either but after reading your post, I checked again and did see it. Yikes.
  4. I disagree. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Luann talking about her new boyfriend. I think Sonja is jealous and she was mean and petty about it. If Sonja had a new boyfriend, I could see her going on and on about it and expecting people to be happy for her. I cannot stand Leah. The best part of this episode was Leah’s few hours of silence. I wish it had lasted longer. I agree with Ramona. Leah was vulgar. There’s no reason to talk like that at a dinner party. It seems like she’s just trying to shock people and get attention.
  5. I don’t get it because I thought her nose looked fine before the surgery. Hadn’t she already had at least one nose job? Why are these women so obsessed with super slim, tiny noses? Aren’t they worried about their breathing? She looked ridiculous and her emaciated frame made her head look huge in that wig. Is she getting skinnier or just shrinking as she ages, because all I see are these gigantic lips and bulging eyes on a scrawny body.
  6. Agree! Actually, I think anyone trying to stay sober should not be on the HW shows. But I guess the money and fame is too tempting for most of them.
  7. I suspect she is mixing benzos with alcohol, which is dangerous. But I also think she just drinks a lot. She might be having a few by herself before she joins the women for the group events, and so it looks to them that she’s getting drunk quickly. Another sign is Luann admitting she didn’t remember how she got home a few times, so she was blackout drunk. I cannot stand Leah. Despite her condescending attitude, I don’t think she’s going to stay sober either. In some of the previews for the upcoming season she looked drunk.
  8. Not buying Kyle’s injury on the movie set (reminds me of Carrie Underwood’s “accident”). I think she just wanted to tweak her nose again, because many of these housewives are obsessed with having the smallest, slimmest noses possible while still being able to breathe. Having said that, she looks great and at least 10 years younger. She looks 40-something instead of 50-something. Her surgeon does good work. I think she had a facelift too or something else done with the rhino. I think her nose look odd in the scene in the car because of swelling. It can take up to two years for swelling to go down and nose’s final shape to be revealed, especially after a second or third rhinoplasty. (I speak from experience.) In the THs, her nose looks very slim. Still cannot stand Lisa and wish she was off this show. It bothers me that she wasn’t held accountable for how vicious she was to Denise. She looked awful in the scene with Garcelle while Garcelle looked gorgeous. Lisa’s wig was askew or something because it looked fake and her face kind of gaunt and haggard. I have no sympathy for Erika. I’m surprised she is still on this show. I don’t believe a word she says. In the THs it looks like she’s had extra lip plumper in her top lip, which IMO wasn’t necessary. I’m not sure about Kathy. She didn’t have a very big presence on the first episode. Is she a main cast member or friend? I didn’t see any opening credits. She and Kyle don’t seem close. Dorit looked gorgeous in every scene. I like Sutton. New woman seems ok so far.
  9. Their relationship seems toxic to me. D’Andra was wasted in that clip when she called her mother the b-word. Strange no one mentioned that. No an excuse but she probably wouldn’t have said it sober. Brandi and D’Andra’s faces both looked over-filled to me. Kam, Stephanie and Tiffany all looked good.
  10. I don’t like it either. I noticed last season Leah did it but not as much as Eboni this season. Is this trendy now or something, like the woman on ATL talking about “shade” all the time? I feel ancient, because I wouldn’t like it if any of my girlfriends referred to me that way. Both Leah and Eboni have an edge to them, some simmering aggression or something. Mostly Leah but I see a little in Eboni too. Last season I said I wasn’t going to watch if Leah came back and now here I am again, sucked right back in. Something is off with Sonja. I can’t put my finger on it but have noticed if for a few seasons. I’m concerned for her. Her behavior is erratic.
  11. I don’t know what Luann had done but she doesn’t look good to me, especially in the THs. She looks hard. Actually, none of them look good this season. Sonja is an absolute mess. I really wonder if she has a mental illness or is medicated. She seems off. I didn’t like Leah last season and don’t like her this one either. Ramona looks a bit rough. Eboni is thirsty. Her bragging reminds me of Wendy on Potomac. That is all.
  12. I think it’s impolite to correct someone’s grammar. It calls attention to them in a negative way and makes the person correcting sound condescending. I would stay silent. If you really feel led to say something, then pull the person aside privately. Just my opinion.
  13. I know this is an old thread and I watching this documentary when it was released. At the time I believed the accusers. I was disgusted and horrified by MJ. However, after watching another documentary linked below, I’m no longer sure he was guilty. There are so many inconsistencies and issues with the stories. I’m posting it for anyone else who is interested in hearing an argument for the other side. https://www.amazon.com/Square-One-Michael-Danny-Wu/dp/B0887TPJ6Q/ref=nodl_
  14. Agree. I thought he was condescending and sexist. Contract pending means they had an offer, they accepted it and are awaiting to see if the buyer’s financing goes through. I’d be very upset if my husband accepted an offer on our house without even discussing it with me. That’s not a partnership IMO.
  15. I don’t like it. The super-short hair makes it look even more odd IMO. This is the lowest number of women I’ve ever seen on WTA. Not impressed with Katie’s Bachelorette audition. It seemed insincere and robotic to me.
  16. I agree. There is a lot more to the story that was left out—A LOT MORE—including how that Lou woman and others are shady and are making money off Britney. It’s unconscionable. It makes no sense to claim she’s not able to manage her own finances and affairs and then have her doing shows, releasing albums, etc. And her dad and the lawyers are making a percentage of her profits, so they have an interest in keeping her working so they can get rich. It’s disgusting. Her dad is known to be an alcoholic who is active in his addiction and irresponsible. It’s also known that she doesn’t have a good relationship with him, so why on earth would he be put in charge of her? They left a lot of stuff out about how Britney wasn’t even allowed to attend the initial hearings and wasn’t allowed to pick her own representation! And she’s paying for all of this. It’s disgusting. It’s as that one lawyer said. He thought Britney clearly seemed able to speak for herself and hire representation, but then the judge discounted it all. That decision changed things dramatically for Britney, because now others are making all the decisions for her. Who is really looking out for her best interests? I don’t believe she has dementia. My father has dementia and is memory care. I am his POA. My sister is trying to get guardianship/conservatorship for my mother, who is in bad shape and also have dementia. I don’t make a dime taking care of my father. I manage his finances and all his affairs and don’t take a cent for myself. I have some experience with this and believe what is being done to Britney—what has been done—is horrible. I don’t understand why her mother has taken a back seat either. I also don’t believe her mother is a saint. She pushed Britney into the business when she was just a child. Oh sure, she’ll say how much Britney wanted it. Perhaps she did but she was a child. A child should not be supporting her parents! They moved so Britney could be a star and become the money-maker for the family. That was the first problem right there. I’ve read her sister, Jamie Lynn, has also tried to attach herself to all of this. I really don’t think any of these people care about Britney. They just want her money. It’s sickening. At the end it said the NYT wasn’t even sure Britney has received their messages, and that’s just one example of what is going on. She’s been silenced and has had her freedom taken away. She’s not even cleared to drive without permission and she has to have someone with her at all times. Why? There are also other docs I’ve seen that go into more depth and talk about how Britney is not allowed to talk about the conservatorship. Shut her up, shut her down, silence her and keep the money rolling in. Why couldn’t Britney comment on this show? Why couldn’t they interview her? Why couldn’t they even know that she received their message? Because she’s being controlled by her handlers in order to maintain the status quo. I think she had some substance abuse in her past and is likely on a lot of prescription medication now, probably due to her handlers. But there are plenty of celebrities with substance abuse issues that don’t lose their freedom like this. This is another whole level of horrible!
  17. I don’t see any romance with any of them. I can’t figure out if he isn’t into the women or they aren’t into him, but there is no chemistry. The editors are going to have to work hard to create the fairy tale proposal. Even Rachel doesn’t seem that excited about him and she appears to be the front-runner. Matt looks distracted and bored in most of scenes until he leans in for the disgusting kiss. Maybe he’s kissing them to get them to stop talking, because he’s clearly not interested in what they’re saying. I don’t understand why they wasted time with the Heather drama. All that and then she’s out in one episode. They must be desperate to fill time. I liked Chelsea and wish she was still there.
  18. She was ticked off. Not even a “bye” or a hug. She couldn’t wait to get in the car. Does Matt keep licking his lips and rolling his tongue around because he’s salivating over the women or is it some weird tic? His eyes look glazed over too.
  19. I agree! Watching her my first reaction was, “She really needs a a “makeunder.” Tone everything down! Lighten the hair, ditch the eyeliner and please leave the lips alone! The frosted pink lipstick was hideous. The red was better but not much. Still too much lips! She looked so much better with her natural lips. Looks like she’s using a lot of filler too because her face looked pretty full in the ending interview. Her whole look needs to be softened. The super straight hair wasn’t flattering either. I can’t remember what magazine it was that used to do makeunders but Benita would be an excellent candidate. I wonder if Pretty Woman is one of her favorite movies. A little strange as the Julia Roberts character is a prostitute, but the fantasy elements are there: being rescued from a lonely life, whisked away, an extravagant shopping trip... so many women still dream about this kind of stuff. They still do it on The Bachelor. They’ll have dates where the guy takes the woman shopping, she buys a bunch of expensive clothes and they travel in a limo or helicopter to an extravagant dinner (that they don’t eat). Sometimes he’ll cap it off by giving her the perfect diamond necklace and earrings to go with her dress. It’s all fantasy, a modern-day Cinderella story. Another one: Richard Gere in dress uniform in An Officer and a Gentleman strutting into the factory and lifting Debra Winger into his arms and carrying her out of that horrible place while the other poor women cheer. I guess some women still want a version of this story, even Benita who had a career, a child and seemed to be earning a decent living. Where was her gut feeling? Where was that little alarm going off in her head that something wasn’t right?
  20. A two-hour show and I still have so many unanswered questions: who was the woman in Barcelona? Was that actually his wife and there wasn’t a wife in Italy? Benita said she knew he was married, so why was she planning a wedding with a guy who was still married? Wouldn’t she want to verify he’d actually gotten a divorce? Who paid for all the lavish trips they went on? How could she look at that ring and think it was worth $100k? It was obvious the ring wasn’t extravagant. What about his education? Did he actually graduate from medical school somewhere? If so, where? We know he faked a bunch of other credentials so I really wanted to know exactly where the chain of lies started in terms of his education. And why on earth weren’t some of her friends and colleagues in “investigative journalism” raising questions about all this, especially when he took it to the level of the Pope officiating their wedding! Come on! Frequent absences, cancellations of trips and dates, not wanting her to see where he lives, multiple phones. Uh... in my world that means he’s MARRIED and not in name only. I mean married and still living with his wife. How could this woman be so clueless? I was into this until the last 15 minutes. They really dropped the ball. There was no payoff because the guy isn’t even in jail. Are there lawsuits pending against him or the hospital? I think they only mentioned one, which surprised me. Seven people died! Where is the guy living now? Is he still with his wife? They didn’t follow up on a lot. It just kind of dropped off, especially in the last few minutes. I wasn’t even sure it was over until I saw the credits roll.
  21. Watching the Anna Nicole Smith story made me wonder why this hasn't been made into a movie, either TV or maybe even theater. There was so much drama in her life. It seems like a story made for the screen. It would be interesting to see who they'd cast to play her though, because she was a larger woman and most actresses are so skinny. I don't really understand how antidepressants and Methadone caused her son's death unless he was taking more than prescribed.
  22. I don't know why Tiffany talks that way but it is hard to hear. Super slow, over-enunciating. Ugh. I don't like her and fast-forward through most of her scenes. I expect we're supposed to sympathize with her for the pressure she got from her mother, but I don't. I am just not interested. I kind of miss LeAnne. I know she was a piece of work but she could be good TV. Not many people I like on this show. Probably just Stephanie.
  23. I agree with her when she said she didn't really fit in with the group and didn't want her participation to seem forced. I thought that was the case last season.
  24. Me too. I just wish he would have stipulated that point, but Andy seemed intent on shutting him down. Andy seems to favor Madison. Agree about Craig's hair! What on earth happened? It looks like a bad hairpiece. Kathryn looked good except I didn't really like her hair color. It looked unnatural. I liked the style though and she's lost a lot of weight. Her makeup also looked good. I saw a clip of Cameron explaining why she left the show. I'll post it in the media thread. Why doesn't Patricia come to the reunions?
  25. The biggest change is how much weight she has lost. She is skinny now! I like her better as a redhead.
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