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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I can see both sides with Rodney and Eliza. I understand why she wanted him to tell her not to go and why he didn't want to sound controlling. I think the better option would've been if she just refused the date with Justin. Others have done so. I have no doubt Serene would've refused a date with someone else. The fact that Eliza didn't refuse makes me question her interest in Rodney. Is it genuine or is she playing games? Or perhaps it's an ego thing of having two men vying for her. She did mention it. Whatever the case, I really like Rodney and think if Eliza picks Justin over him, she made the wrong choice! On the other hand, maybe he's better off if she can be so easily swayed. I knew Victoria was going to pick Johnny. I called it last week. The stuff with Alex was producer-driven drama because this season is so boring! Aaron has really grown on me. He deserves better than melodramatic Genevieve. She's showing classic narcissistic, manipulative behavior. He calmly told her why he was upset over what she said, and then she turned on the tears and made it about herself! So he's left consoling her! I've seen this in my own life when dealing with a particular narcissist. Aaron: run!
  2. I’m not buying the term “psychotic break.” Lisa loves to exaggerate. Kathy got drunk and angry and started ranting. Lisa and many others on these shows have done the same thing. So when Lisa broke a glass and lunged at Kim, was she having a psychotic break? Also not buying that Lisa was traumatized and has PTSD. Her old soap opera actress is coming out. Just this season, she got drunk and screeched “I will take you down!” She’s no shrinking violet. Lisa wants to take out Kathy as she did Lisa, Kim and Denise. Kathy gave her the perfect opportunity because no one else was there and there were no cameras. I have seldom seem so much attention paid to something that happened OFF CAMERA on this show. Why aren’t we discussing Lisa and Erika’s vile on camera behavior?
  3. Thanks for clarifying. Hasn’t she also made fun of Ashley’s forehead? I think it’s so low to attack another woman’s looks, especially someone who is a friend or coworker. It reminds me of childhood bullying. I’m sorry to hear that about Katie but not surprised. She hasn’t seemed well in a lot of the footage I’ve seen of her on this show.
  4. I don’t find Erika a credible source and don’t believe her about this. She and Rinna have aligned to take down Kathy.
  5. I think Denise does not like or trust Rinna. Many of these women agree to be on the show because they want the job, even though they realize they may be working with women they don’t like. Not always. I believe Denise RIchard’s original contract was for either 2 or 3 years. When Kathy told Rinna she was a bully and listed the people Rinna had treated badly, I wish she had included Denise. It was a glaring omission. I also wish Andy had made the point that given how aggressive Rinna has been in her own behavior, it’s surprising she was “traumatized” by Kathy. He mentioned her yelling but didn’t speak to the wine bottle incident with Kim. Erika also did not come off well at all. She sounded angry, defiant and cold. I’m surprised she has any fans. I have no interest in hearing about her sex life, especially the sexist, dismissive way she refers to men. Imagine if a man was walking about women this way. He’d be pummeled. Kyle is a mess. Why does she encourage her sisters to come on this show if it is so emotionally draining? Speaking of sisters, I wonder what Kim thinks of this season and the reunion and if she’s on good terms with Kyle. It’s just a rumor, right? I don’t think there are receipts or Kyle wouldn’t be talking to Dorit at all. Actually, I think if it were true that Dorit and Mauricio were having an affair, Kyle would leave the show or at least stop filming for a while (like Heather on RHOC).
  6. I didn’t understand the neck and ankles comment. What did she mean? When I first saw Charisse I thought she had gained a lot of weight, but maybe it’s the too large implants? This is one of the reasons I won’t get them.
  7. Totally agree! Kate is spooky! There is something robotic about her, not to mention her weird voice. When she tells Logan how much she's into him, it sounds forced. I don't believe it for a minute. I think she is preying on a weak guy she can easily manipulate to stay on the show, because Logan is all over the place. He doesn't strike me as the brightest bulb either. This show is circling the drain. The supposed love triangle of Victoria, Johnny and Alex seems producer-driven. Did she even kiss him? I don't think she did, right? He commented on it. Well, I don't remember many people on this show choosing someone they haven't kissed and made out with over someone they had. Yes, it's possible, but Victoria keeps talking about how Alec is good "on paper." I expect she will give Johnny her rose, claiming how it shouldn't work, the other guy was a better fit, but she has to be true to her heart and go with Johnny, blah, blah, blah. I don't blame her for wanting to know Johnny's goals, but does she really expect to be engaged after a few weeks of this ridiculous show? What happened to just leaving together or saying they'll continue the relationship when they get home? And Victoria is only a few years older than Johnny, so the age difference isn't relevant. It's more about the stage they're at in life. I get that, but gosh, she's coming on pretty strong considering how long she's known the guy. This season is so boring they're having to pull stunts like removing the women and having producers create drama, which is what I think happened with Jessenia and Tyler. She isn't interested in him. They're pot-stirring. I think one of the problems is they haven't had enough new people showing up at regular intervals as they have in previous seasons. They let the groups get uneven before they removed the women. They brought on a bunch of new people at once, giving hardly any time for us to get to know them. They also don't have interesting people. Are they serious with the twins next week? They look 20 years old.
  8. Agree. I don't think she's that into Logan. I think she just wants to stay on TV. Hard to believe Tyler is 5'10". He looks much shorter. Wonder if he fudged a little. Alex is a hunk and seems smart and sweet! This season is missing something but I'm not sure what it is.
  9. It reminds me of Crystal’s story about Sutton on RHOBH. Crystal mentioned Sutton’s “dark” comments but couldn’t specify. She just reverted to feeling uncomfortable and how that was her “truth.” I find it hard to believe Gizelle of all people was intimidated. She can hold her own against anyone. She is setting up Chris and some of the others (Ashley) are glomming on. The dramatic way she went about telling the story made it obvious to me that this is a set-up, probably producer prompted, and her storyline for the season. Agree about over-served. Just admit you drank too much! Karen’s hugging story and her comment to Ray about other men finding her attractive made me laugh. She’s got a high opinion of herself. I doubt she’s walking down the streets and heads are whipping around. Sheesh. Most of these women are narcissists. JMO, but I didn’t like Giselle’s flowered jumpsuit. Ugh. Maybe it looked better in person though. Mia is a liar and attention-seeker. Something is off with her. Robyn looks really good in the TH in the green outfit. Were there other husbands on three years ago that we’ve forgotten about? I don’t think it was Chris or Michael. Maybe it was Monique’s husband. He’s a big guy. Perhaps he had a few too many and didn’t realize his own strength. I could see Karen not saying anything to Monique. I had a friend’s husband hit on me at a party once. I dismissed him and never told my friend. He was drunk and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings over something stupid.
  10. I've been out of the loop on RHOC, so I was surprised about this. Also didn't realize David Beador was getting a divorce. I wonder what Shannon thinks. https://www.allabouttrh.com/2022/10/04/lesley-beadors-ex-got-a-restraining-order-against-david-beador-just-days-before-the-couples-recent-split/
  11. Her breasts don't look good in it either. They look a bit saggy, which is surprising as she recently had them done. I don't like Kyle's entire look including hair color. Kyle was really aggressive. She was drunk but that's no excuse. Andy let her off too easily as usual. I don't believe it. I think he picked Rinna because he knew he couldn't say Dorit. She looks like a drag queen. I laughed when Erika told her she looked good. I'm still waiting for Andy to play the clip of Rinna going nuts and lunging at Kim. Let's see how the "shook" snowflake reacts to her own aggressive behavior. Can she get PTSD from watching herself? Dorit is a useless flying monkey for Kyle, Rinna, etc.
  12. Tyler doesn’t look tall. Maybe like a lot of men he makes up for his lack of height with extra muscles. I know he made out with her but I don’t think he’s that into Shanae. He could’ve waited for Jill to leave. I couldn’t believe the women were moping around. Sheesh! They’re at a nice resort with air and there are some hunky men who want to have fun. The men at the beach are having a great time. Even the ones who don’t want hook-ups with the new women are still participating in the fun. Jill is a basket case. She is the least attractive person on this show to me. I don’t know how she made the cut. Agree would her weird expressions. Rodney and Eliza are so cute together. She is a doll. I still don’t understand why Shanae hose Logan over James. James is really nice-looking and a sweetheart. Logan is a tool. She seems to bounce from guy to guy with no real discernment. Alex is hot! Are these women blind? I’m surprised Lace’s eyelashes held up to all that crying. Loved how the guys went into major deflection mode when Lace questioned them!
  13. Yes I noticed this too. I think there is something going on between PK and Dorit. Hope the rumors about Dorit and Mauricio aren’t true. PK seems to be traveling a lot. Garcelle was the best part of R1 to me! I love her direct answers to Diana, especially when Diana made the “you must have a low opinion of me” statement and Garcelle agreed. And Garcelle wasn’t shouting or shrieking but firm and giving it right back to Diana. I didn’t like the Crystal pile-on but I kind of understood their point. Crystal implied that Sutton had said some horrible things. Lisa is evil. Her cross should’ve been upside down. I don’t know if it was the makeup or the lighting, but most of the women didn’t look their best tonight. I’m including Kyle. I didn’t like her hair color, make-up or lipstick. Dorit and Erika looked harsh. Crystal and Sutton were ok. Diana was saved by the Zoom lighting.
  14. I don’t think the dark blonde hair is as flattering on Kyle. She’s striking with dark brown hair. Not black but a rich brown. Lisa looks ridiculous. I’m glad Kathy is going after Lisa but I wish she would’ve also mentioned how Lisa ran off Denise. Re: Lisa’s hair: it’s been the same style for 25 years (as Brandi once said) but a lot of times, it’s a wig. She must have a ton of them in her signature style. No telling what her real har looks like.
  15. I cannot believe how she looks 3 weeks after giving birth. I’ve seen women bounce back quickly but she’s at a different level with the midriff-baring outfits! It’s making me irritable LOL. She didn’t look big when she was pregnant except her stomach, so I figured she would look good afterwards but gosh. And she certainly knows how good she looks given by her choices in clothes. I didn’t realize Davina was German. She sounds American to me. I know the brothers are short but she really towers over Jason in their scenes, so she must be tall. I don’t know about Emma. She seems there just to cause drama with Christine. I’m cracking up at all her slow-mo walking scenes. It reminds me of Pam Anderson on Baywatch.
  16. I barely made it through the second episode. This was so bad I was cringing. Everything is subpar: the writing, the acting, the direction. Even the performances aren’t very good. And I don’t believe the three actors as siblings. They look nothing alike and don’t have any chemistry. Yes, that was Shania. I wanted to like this but it’s horrible. Deleting from DVR.
  17. Second picture is super annoying video of smug Lisa gloating. Cannot stand her! Has her top lip gotten even larger? If she doesn’t watch out it’s going to hit her nose. https://realityblurb.com/2022/10/04/rhobh-lisa-rinna-video-fans-offended-drink-xanax/
  18. Absolutely agree. I grew up in a similar fashion. My two sisters and I were always at odds. That is what my mother taught us, and she never got along with her siblings either. My oldest sister died at only 51, very lonely and still tormented, probably because of our childhood. I watched her die and it was devastating. My middle sister and I barely speak. We've tried to get past the hurt feelings but it hasn't worked so far. The dysfunction has turned into resentment. It runs deep. I'm not really big on Kyle but I feel for her in this situation. I think Kathy has power over her. Kyle was probably the peacemaker, conflict-avoidant, people pleaser of the family. Someone like that is often bothered being on the outs with anyone, but with family it's much worse. Having said that, I wish Kyle would've just said, "Lisa, I've had enough. Don't say another word about my sister."
  19. I'm a few episodes in to Season 4. I enjoy this show but am a little intimidated at how gorgeous and perfect-looking all the women are, super slim and fit in skintight, revealing outfits. I'm getting an inferiority complex watching them LOL. The slow-mo of Emma in the red outfit was over-the-top! Looks like they're positioning her to be the new Christine. Speaking of Christine, I've never seen a woman 9 months pregnant decked out like that in a tight dress and heels! She pulled it off though. I think Crishelle is so pretty, but I like her hair better parted on the side as she wore it last season. I don't think the middle part is as flattering for her. I also liked her hair color better last season. Her hair is so perfect. I'm assuming it's wigs or extensions...? I liked Tyra Banks' former house. It looked warmer and more like a home than a glass box like a lot of the other ones. The Property Brothers on HGTV are identical twins. I can easily tell them apart, but not Jason and Brett! The only way I can tell is Jason is usually the one talking.
  20. I agree. I wish they hadn't come in so hot with the character of Eileen. She's arrogant and unlikable. Her speeches also got on my nerves. And yes it reminded me of Shonda. It's why I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy years ago. ) But I want to watch this show because I grew up in Anchorage. I worked for the two newspapers there, The Anchorage Times and later the Anchorage Daily News, which ended up being the main newspaper. I love that they opened with scenes from Anchorage--the Captain Cook hotel, 4th Avenue and even Chilkoot Charlies, which used to be the big rocker bar. I think the picture Eileen looks at online is the building that used to be the Anchorage Daily News. A few weeks ago, I emailed a few of my former ADN friends to see if they'll be watching. I heard the show isn't shot in Alaska so they must just gotten some footage to set the scene. Also read they have a source that used to work for the ADN. One quibble: the Alaskan native characters on the show aren't really natives. Not the same physically and most also have a distinctive accent. Even if they've lost the accent, they have a kind of flat cadence in their speech. I could especially tell with the mother of the missing woman. This isn't a big deal to me as I expect it might be a challenge to find actors who are Alaskan natives. I'm meh on Hilary Swank. My husband said she's hard to look at it. Oh and my name is Eileen. Weird huh? It's not a common name so I was surprised to see if for the lead character.
  21. I was so angry watching her talk about how she'd never witnessed such behavior, how "shook" she was, how Kathy "needed help" and so on. I was waiting for someone to say this: "Really Lisa? You haven't experienced this kind of behavior? What about when you shattered a glass and lunged for Kim's throat?" It bothered me that no one brought it up!
  22. Surprised she'd post a photo of herself with her face looking bloated and her wig so obvious!
  23. Just my opinion but I don't think she or Jill are that attractive. Maybe they don't come across as well on TV though. I agree with you about the humidity. I have curly hair and it frizzes like crazy when I'm at the beach and looks awful. It makes it stressful because obviously getting wet a lot. Genevieve is intense and moving much too quickly. Calm down girl! You just got there.
  24. Something did seem off in the music numbers. I couldn't tell if they were lip synching or if the arrangement was just bad. One thing I really liked about Nashville is there was so much talent on the show--acting, singing and writing. I like Trace Adkins as a singer but he seems wooden here. Hope he loosens up some. I don't really buy him as Susan Sarandon's husband either, although I had no idea she was 75! Looks like she's had a very good facelift and probably some other excellent work. In Nashville, I absolutely loved many of the musical performances and could see myself buying the songs. The one problem I had with it was Connie Britton. Although I really like her as an actress, I didn't think she was a good enough singer to be such a country queen like Reba McEntire, Dolly Parton, etc. Nashville had a more authentic feel with the sessions at the Bluebird and all the original music. This first episode of Monarch was clunky to me--music, acting and writing. I'm willing to give it a few more episodes though to see if it improves. Maybe they haven't found their groove yet. I was uncomfortable with the assisted suicide scene. I wish they hadn't done that. Why put that burden on the daughter? Why even show it? If they were going to have her kill herself, they could've just had someone find her the next day. But as someone else said, it was too close to Naomi Judd's death. It unnerved me.
  25. Thanks! Well for the most part they are good wigs and extensions. She is always decked out to the nines. I'm having trouble telling Jason and Brett apart. Anyone else? OK, I was laughing at the scene where heartbroken Crishelle was thrown out of her home, "grabbed some stuff" and went to the Four Seasons, which is about $1,000 a night. I guess it was closer than the Hampton or Holiday Inn Express or she is a lot richer than I thought! And something is up with this storyline. I'm guessing one of them cheated. He wouldn't just text we're done over nothing.
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