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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Dorinda’s main problem is her drinking. IMO therapists don’t understand alcoholism. Alcoholics in denial will list every excuse under the sun to explain their drinking. Dorinda needs to start a 12-step program and stop drinking. If she does that and honestly works the program with a sponsor, her behavior should dramatically improve. But it takes time.
  2. It looks like a bad wig to me. It takes me out of nearly every scene with her. They can’t afford a better wig? Found this on https://m.uniwigs.com/blog/does-beth-dutton-wear-a-wig.html “Beth Dutton does wear a wig in Yellowstone. The ombre blond wig with front bangs is the signature look of Beth Dutton. Thick golden shoulder-length hair covering Beth's face goes hand in hand with her 'villain-ish' character in the drama. As the series progresses, the length of Beth's hair also keeps changing.’
  3. After watching the last episode my thought was this season went out with a whimper. I found the whole season disappointing, especially after waiting two years. Are we going to have to wait that long for the last season? Yes she was too tall. I looked up their heights. Site below lists Diana and Charles as same height, 5’10”. Elizabeth Debicki is 6’3”. Wow! That explains it. Dominic West is pretty tall at 6’ but still noticeably shorter than Diana here. https://www.goodto.com/entertainment/royal-news/was-diana-taller-than-charles-princess-diana-height I also think Michael Sheen was better as Tony Blair. I don’t think he would’ve been too old for this role, because a few times in the episode Charles comments on how he and Blair are the same age. It distracted me because Dominic West looks about 10 years older than Bertie Carvel, the actor playing Blair. Turns out West and Sheen are both 53 and Carvel is 45. I think it could’ve worked if the emphasis was them being the same age, because West is also a little too old as Charles during this period of his life.
  4. Agree with your assessment. Michael still seems a little guarded to me, as if he wants to be all-in on Danielle but can’t quite get there. I’m speculating, of course, based on a TV show, so I could be wrong. But from watching them, Danielle seems more ready to commit. How long ago did her spouse/boyfriend die? I’m guessing it was more than a year ago. She’s probably further along in the grieving process. One4Sorrow, agree Victoria and Greg were tacky. I don’t think the audience liked them much either. Victoria strikes me as someone who uses men to get what she wants.
  5. Me too. Victoria and her new boyfriend sounded callous and smug. They don’t seem in love. There is a hard edge to their vibe. They are made for each other. I also believe Tyler over Brittany. She was cold to him. Maybe Tyler was needy but she could’ve made her point on the show in a nicer way. She didn’t look very good either. She looked better on the show than the reunion. Winners of the reunion: Johnny, Tyler, Rodney. So glad Rodney didn’t fall for Eliza’s mistake B.S. She is either very confused or desperate to be on TV. I’m glad Michael and Danielle are still together but I still don’t see it lasting. JMO. Hope I’m wrong. I wish they had spoken to Lace and Andrew. Also why not cover Ency’s meltdown? Romeo’s expression really was funny!
  6. I sensed the same thing. I like Danielle well enough but I’m not sure their relationship will last. I can’t pinpoint why. It’s just a feeling I have from watching them. It sees like she was more into him. I didn’t really enjoy watching Brandon and Serene. It was too sickeningly sweet from me, mostly coming from Brandon. I also think he’s effeminate and I don’t like the “baby girl” bit but I guess it’s ok if Serene likes it. Kate is insufferable. Logan, consider yourself lucky! I understand what Shanae was trying to say to (was it Justin?) but she could’ve put it more diplomatically. Saying she wants “a man” wasn’t cool. I’m glad Aaron and Genevieve broke up. I was exhausted watching them. They both have issues. Aaron pushes Genevieve’s buttons and she reacts by screaming or running. He’s right. It won’t work. Definite showmance. I really like Jesse Palmer as the host. My only criticism is he wasn’t on often enough. I fast-forwarded through Well’s story time. Too much for me.
  7. I agree. Mia started it by throwing the drink, but Wendy continued the argument by goading Wendy. I didn’t hear a lot of what she said because it was bleeped, but it sounded ugly. But Mia clearly started it! It rankled me that Robyn and Gizelle seemed more on Mia’s side. Hard to know how much Mia had to drink, but she was probably drunk or at least a few drinks in. If she can’t control herself, she shouldn’t be drinking. Same goes for the rest of the women. Speaking of drinking, I laughed when Ashley cooly ordered another glass of wine after all hell had broken loose. The Johns Hopkins comment made me wonder if Wendy will be fired due to some ethics clause, such as her behavior not reflecting well on the university. If she’s not tenured they can fire her. I don’t know what classes she teaches, but I can see how she’d lose credibility as a professor being part of this show. I can’t figure out what’s going on with Mia and her friend, but there is simmering tension.
  8. I agree. I don’t understand why any of the women are friends with her. She’s nasty and unhinged a lot of the time. On her best days, she’s full of herself.
  9. I agree. There were hardly any rose ceremonies and no real structure to the show this season. People were leaving frequently instead of waiting for the rose ceremony. There weren't enough new people arriving on the beach at regular intervals. Taking the women away early in the season was a bad idea. It was a terrible season.
  10. Yes. The issue is they don’t know how to communicate and disagree in a healthy way. They are in the honeymoon stage and are already having major issues, so I think their relationship is doomed. I know Genevieve is dramatic and high maintenance, but in this instance, I side with her. Aaron overreacted. It seems like he can’t handle it when she disagrees with him about anything. He acts like he’s being attacked. Major problem! Gosh, what a pathetic display between Andrew and Ency. She was begging him to say. Where was her self-respect?
  11. Yep. He should've gone out with Lindsay. If Kate is already acting this way this early in their relationship, it won't get better. I find her condescending, critical, rude and arrogant. Logan explained pretty well what he thought about her accepting the date with Hayden. As he said, why didn't she just turn Hayden down? These women with their "fight for me" dramatics. Please! You're grown women. Quit playing games. Besides, can you imagine having to listen to Kate's weird voice non-stop? It will probably get worse as she ages. I wonder if the women gravitate to Logan because he's tall. I can't see the appeal of him. I felt satisfied watching Justin send Eliza away. I thought only Gabby got engaged. Who was Rachel engaged to?
  12. I don't see much of Philip's ladies man charisma in Pryce. He also looks older than he's supposed to be to me, as if he would've been a better pick if they were in the 2000s instead of the 90s. That aside, I think he's doing a good job. If I close my eyes, I can believe DW is Charles. But once I watch him it all falls apart. He is better looking and less dorky than Charles. (My husband doesn't know who DW is and said the same thing.) I didn't watch The Wire but remember him from The Affair. He's doing a good job with Charles' voice and accent. I was shocked at the scene of Charles blatantly asking Camilla's husband if he could talk to Camilla, interrupting their family event. How humiliating for the husband, and this probably went on for some time before the tapes were made public. I'm still on the fence about the actress playing Diana. She looks like her from a distance but I think Diana was prettier. Often the actors are better looking, so this is a bit different. I think her voice is good and she captures some of Diana's mannerisms, so I'm not sure what is missing in the portrayal. I can't put my finger on it.
  13. Ugh. I could barely tolerate Dorinda in the last one. I may skip this.
  14. In the first six minutes or so Denise talks about Lisa Rinna and if she'd come back to RHOBH (she would but hasn't been asked). The rest of it is mostly about her Only Fans account. Is it me or does her voice sound different? She sounds subdued, almost whispering. I didn't notice how low her voice was when she was on the show. Looks like she's had some facial work done.
  15. Yikes! It's the Kardashian effect. Disappointing. She was already pretty.
  16. I didn’t realize fans were clamoring for Rodney. Have they started filming with Zach yet? I hope they don’t dump him for Rodney. Didn’t they do that once before with either a bachelor or bachelorette? I remember someone being selected and even filming a few scenes and them being dumped. I agree Rodney isn’t one of the better looking guys on these shows but I still like him and would watch him if he returned in any capacity. I didn’t think Jill or Genevieve were that attractive either. Clayton was plain and boring to me!
  17. I think I’m the only one watching this, but I’m almost done with season 5. A few observations: — Christina doesn’t sell any houses, so why is she still at the OG?? Especially since most of the other women can’t stand her. — Christina’s lips have gotten gradually larger over the past five seasons. — Emma’s body is insane! The hot tub scene with the developer ticked me off. How can someone look that perfect? I don’t understand it. — The newer agent with the English boyfriend who is gone most of the time… can’t remember her name, but she doesn’t seem to be selling anything either. — Chrishelle and Jason clearly won’t last as he doesn’t really want children. Surprised to hear she’s 40. I thought she was early 30s. I guess that’s LA! — Totally understand why Mary’s fiance was ticked she put an offer on a house without telling him. If it were reversed, no one would think it was cool.
  18. Agree. I think Alex is gorgeous. Oh ok. I didn't realize it was Romeo who left with the doctor. So Justin wasn't picked and was still allowed to come back? Obviously the producers brought him back to create a love triangle and break up Eliza and Rodney. Their plan worked. I wonder how Lace feels about Rodney getting dumped. I'll bet Rodney is a front-runner for the next Bachelor.
  19. I noticed that too but I think it's misleading. I'm betting he'll say he wants to be with her. The petty side of me is hoping it won't last because I don't like how Eliza manipulated Rodney. I knew Eliza was going to dump Rodney when she was kissing Justin right in front of him, especially because during their talk she didn't kiss Rodney It surprised me how little attention and air time Alex got. He's a hunk and seems like a nice guy. Why weren't Shanae and Florence interested in him instead of the puppy twins? I know he said he was into Victoria but she picked Johnny, so they could've at least tried. I would've thought Kate might go for him too. He's older and established and definitely a better catch than Hayden. Didn't Justin leave with the doctor woman? I can't remember her name. Why didn't they explain what happened with her to make him come back?
  20. Same with the two women talking about being cougars and and how much older they are than the guys. If it were reversed and the women were 24, no one would think anything about it. The double standard bothers me, as does the term “cougar.” So what do we call the 50 year old guy dating a 30 year old woman? How come he’s not a wolf or something? Because there are a ton of them! To be fair, I think it’s being mentioned more because the twins look so young. They could pass for about 20, and they don’t exactly come across as mature. It seems like stunt casting. I wish they would’ve brought in two older, attractive, nice guys. Or maybe give Adam more to do. He’s just background scenery. I no longer like Eliza. I hate what she’s doing to Rodney. I guess Justin taps into her bad boy thing. This season sucks.
  21. I watched part of the first episode. Looks like Farrah is going down the plastic surgery path like her mother. It was weird because a few times when I wasn’t looking at the screen, I heard one of the daughter’s talking and thought it was Kyle. Not sure I will finish it. I’m not that interested in Mauricio and his daughters. I did notice Mauricio skipped over the part about working for Kathy’s agency. I didn’t realize his agency was that successful. So it’s bigger than the Oppenheim Group? I wonder why they did “Buying Beverly Hills” instead of “Selling” like the other Netflix shows. Are they trying to distinguish it from the others or do they just like the alliteration?
  22. Same here! I get so nervous when I see dogs in suspense or horror films. I’m afraid they’ll die. I knew it was coming when I saw the dog barking in the basement, but it still bummed me out. Agree about the puppy in John Wick. I didn’t realize it until I was in the theater. I was so upset! But the whole movie is based on the dog dying so it didn’t seem as gratuitous as in horror movies. The scene of Jennifer Coolidge screaming and running down the street like a bat out of hell was hilarious. I didn’t understand the last scene. Were they trying to imply the wife was in on it? I didn’t follow the original story it’s based on, but it sounds like the writers took a lot of liberties. So why not actually resolve it at the end? It would’ve been more satisfying for the viewers. Mia Farrow’s character was so weird I thought they were going to make her the watcher, especially during the last scene with her and the other group members. Why have that if not to throw suspicion somewhere? Who was the fake John Graf guy? If the Theodora confession wasn’t true, who hired him? So many unanswered questions. One thing that unsettled me out from the beginning was the creepy, soulless voice of the watcher. Did they use some kind of voice distortion device?
  23. Just noticed this. Not sure where to place this so mods please move if necessary. Mauricio is the lead and Farrah and Alexia will be featured. https://www.tyla.com/tv-and-film/buying-beverly-hills-netflix-selling-sunset-20221101
  24. Agree but this is a woman who cries when a hat drops. I think if she knew her husband was having an affair with a coworker, she'd be more than bothered. She'd go nuts.
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