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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Bankerchick didn't say you should dye your hair. She just said she's not a fan of gray hair. She's entitled to her opinion. I thought Emily was beautiful. If my hair looked like that, I'd wear it that way. But mine comes in ashtray gray mixed with mousy brown. I don't like the color so I highlight it. SassyCat , thanks for the tip. My eyebrows are so blonde they look invisible! I liked Susan the best. I'd like to see her come back as the Golden Bachelorette if they go that route. I'm not sure they'll pick her though or that she would be popular enough with the men. I know Joan is popular here and pretty from a distance, but I'd rather not watch her frozen face a whole season. I have no interest in watching Gerry and Theresa's wedding.
  2. The women were right. Jody is going to get tired of it. No one wants to hear their partner going on about an ex, even if it's in anger. She needs to find a therapist and vent to that person about Lenny. Her anger is also bleeding into her relationship with her children, which is sad. The pizza episode showed how distracted Lisa is by what she's going through. She could barely focus on her kids long enough to eat with them, and she was testy with them. Her anger is understandable, but she needs help. I admit to fast-forwarding through a lot of Julia singing, but I did like the expression on Martina's face and how pleased she was after. It was a very sweet moment. I'm wondering why Larsa is on this show. I don't enjoy her at all. Is it because she's dating Marcus Jordan? It seems like before that, all the talk was about her friendship with Kim Kardashian. Then she started dating Marcus and now it's all about the two of them. It doesn't appear she is interesting enough by herself.
  3. I've wondered if Denise has a substance abuse problem. She knew they were filming and it was her first opportunity to come back. Why would she show up in that condition?
  4. This was my impression too. She wanted her TV moment. I thought Aven was reasonable and she was being ridiculous. I thought she handled herself pretty well. She didn't start crying and carrying on. She just said a few words and left. Good for her.
  5. I think she had much more than a drink or two. She was wasted.
  6. It's triangulation and not uncommon in families like Kyle's when she was growing up. I had it in mine. It was very stressful because I never knew when I'd be the one who was on the outs. It was controlled by my mother. The other two sisters knew it was wrong but would do anything not to be the one ostracized. It's a sick, hurtful family dynamic that does damage for years. Yep. Kyle seems to always be on the outs with one of them. It does seem like Kathy is pulling the strings most of the time. I like Denise and wish she hadn't showed up at the dinner so drunk and out of it. At one point it looked like Kyle was helping her walk. Surprised how quiet Camilla was. I barely heard a peep out of her. What was Cynthia Bailey doing there? Has she moved to LA? Sutton's comment about Kyle's sisters didn't bother me because I loathe Kyle, especially this season. Hilarious and I loved the producers for showing the clip!
  7. Bre seemed drunk during her tough chick rant. It came off to me that she was ticked off Cassandra was trying to get on the show. No need to be so nasty though. She could've just ignored her. I just finished watching the whole season including the reunion. The polygraph bit was amusing. Basically, they all think they're the hottest LOL! I wonder why Jason gets involved with women at the office while Brett seems to keep his distance? I knew Jason was short but didn't realize he was under 5'6. I thought all the women were just really tall. Marie-Lou did tower over him though so I see it now. I still don't like Chrishelle and didn't enjoy seeing her painted as a victim and Amanza sucking up to her. Chrishelle has changed a lot since the early seasons and not in a great way to me. She doesn't treat people very well. Surprised when she said she hated Nicole. They don't usually use the word hate on these shows. Will Bre stay at OG just so she can be on the next season?
  8. If Kyle stays on the show, let's see how she holds up through divorce proceedings with Mo, which I think will happen. I'll bet she will want a lot of compassion and understanding. She has so little self-awareness, she probably won't even remember how she treated Sutton.
  9. Larsa seems like one of the least intelligent HWs I've seen on these shows.
  10. Gizelle is such a liar! She needs to go back and watch what she said about it on the last reunion, because she has changed her story. I don't blame Candiace for being ticked off. I was surprised when a few of the women broke the fourth wall and talked about Wendy not wanting Nneka on the show. Whatever the case, I believe Nneka. Wendy is not coming off well at all. I suspect there is a lot more going on with Mia and her husband than we're being shown.
  11. So much for Leslie not saying anything about what he said because "it was just between us." Guess she changed her mind.
  12. Good point. What I don't like is the ex is allowed to make these assertions without revealing her identity or allowing anyone to question her background and statements. Doesn't seem fair.
  13. Kathy's facelift looks very fresh. Wonder when she had it done?
  14. Megyn Kelly talking about the Hollywood Reporter story about Gerry--about 3 minutes.
  15. Interesting because I think the “my person” thing was also from Grey’s Anatomy.
  16. I understand why Leslie was upset and don't think she overreacted. I actually thought she explained herself pretty well on the after show. She seemed especially upset that he told her she was the one. She believed it and had no doubt, and then he did a 180 on in her in less than a day. It was sad to me when she mentioned wanting to "be chosen." I've heard that term a lot on these shows and even on Bachelor in Paradise. It strikes me as someone who wants to be affirmed by someone else... kind of a spin on the old book, I'm Ok, You're Ok. But instead they're saying "You said I'm ok, so I must be." I think when Gerry rejected her, Leslie thought she wasn't ok. She was back to being "broken" and the insecurity she's had for years was reinforced. I think she would greatly benefit from a few Brene Brown videos and a good therapist. Gerry did a poor job of explaining himself. He basically said he felt that way in the moment and then didn't a day later. Ok... sure Gerry. Understand you liked Theresa better, but you shouldn't have told Leslie she was the one. Just own up to that part of it.
  17. Instead of addressing her own radically changed behavior, Kyle mocked Sutton's eating habits. Kyle deflects, deflects, deflects. That's one of her main tactics. Deflect, then attack. Someone mentioned upthread about how Kyle is acting towards others as she treats her sisters. I see this especially with how she treats Sutton. In the interview I saw the other day with Kathy (looked like she had a fresh facelift) she said Kyle is the youngest but bossiest. I believe it. I'd go beyond bossy and call her a bully. It really showed in this episode.
  18. If that is "therapy" these days then I will pass. Sheesh. It's the med-approved version of an LSD trip. Julia looked lovely but I'm not looking forward to hearing her sing. If she really wanted to make it special for Martina, why not hire a professional opera singer? A person cannot just learn to sing opera... at least not at the level Martina wants if she's been listening to it. The only thing good about the podcast was Marcus' voice. He does have a nice voice. Larsa is dim, dull and annoying.
  19. My mom used to do this when I or others were talking, and the other day my elderly friend did it too. She was following me while I spoke. I don't know why people do it but I don't think it necessarily means they are controlling. It is distracting but I chalk it up to a behavioral tic. If they do another Golden Bachelor, I hope they pick someone a little younger, maybe mid to late 50s. I would be more interested in that age range.
  20. I noticed Kyle doesn't look very good close-up. Her hair also isn't looking great this season. She used to have beautiful hair.
  21. It was weird. She was acting like she was into him, and I haven't even noticed the two talking. I guess it was edited out. Gosh, none of these men are into Rachel. I wonder what is up. She's a pretty woman and men are visually and sexually motivated, especially in their 20s. I felt a little embarrassed for her. Eliza is simpering and little girlish for my taste, but she is also adorable. Her smile lights up her face.
  22. I know I sound cynical but it does make me wonder. No one had really heard of Morgan Wade before this big story about her and Kyle. i wonder how her music sales and tour dates are doing now? I saw an interview with Kathy and she made it sound like she heard about the separation from the media. So I wonder if Kyle and Kathy are speaking at all?
  23. Yes it made me think Morgan's sobriety factored into Kyle's decision to stop drinking. Probably also why she's getting multiple tattoos, like Morgan. Kyle is codependent due to how she was raised. She will mold herself to be like those who are important to her. I was frustrated during the argument about Kyle's ring. Why didn't anyone say what was telling wasn't that Kyle bought herself a ring. It was that she replaced her wedding ring with another one. She easily could've worn the new ring on her right hand. Agee. Kyle was awful to Sutton. I don't remember Kyle being this nasty. She is so ticked off this season and it's coming out towards the women, mostly Sutton. I like that they showed a little more of Allison's comments from the infamous dinner party. I didn't realize she also said that the marriage would dissolve after the kids were older, when Kyle and Mauricio wouldn't have anything in common (which happens to many couples). She called that one. Also interesting that Kyle changed her initials on her luggage, removing the U. As Sutton pointed out, it's not one thing, the ring. It's the combination of things: removing her wedding ring, hanging out with Morgan, stopping drinking, losing weight, exercising a lot, getting tattoos, being angry, removing initials, etc. People aren't stupid. If Kyle were a man, everyone would say he's having a midlife crisis. Something did seem off with her. I think she is gay or bi. I saw an interview with a woman who said she was in a relationship with Morgan before she met Kyle. IIRC, there were photos of them together.
  24. It sounds like she is deep into substance abuse. It's surprising she lasted on the show as long as she did.
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