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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I also wondered if Mou Mou actually said all those words to the press or creative license was taken. (There are many people online who are still buying his theory. One of them blasted me when I commented there was no proof of this.) I was surprised when William suggested Kate move into the house. I'm not sure of the timeline on their relationship. It seems to have sped up on this episode. I liked the scene with William and the Queen. I don't like any of the scenes with Harry, mostly because I think the actor is miscast-with an atrocious haircut and looking too old. The actor playing William was a little better in this episode, although he's still not wowing me. I'm not really feeling the actress playing Kate. She's ok but doesn't remind me at all of the real Kate. I liked the balcony scene with all the family.
  2. Crystal is also slim. Maybe Erika and Kyle's new bodies triggered her, especially Erika as she has lost a lot of weight. Sometimes with eating disorders it becomes competitive with women who are around each other. I remember reading about it happening on the set of Ally McBeal. Some of the female costars got really skinny in reacting to Calista Flockhart's thinness. I'm waiting for this season to be over. I want to hear how Kyle explains her relationship with Mauricio at the reunion.
  3. She has those two nailed! There is no reason for these two women to be so hateful to Nicole. Their jealousy is showing. As someone else mentioned, they were nasty to Karent too. They are both mean girls. Yep at least two and it also looks like she may have had cheek implants, which might be why her face looks wider. I don't think it's just filler, although she has a lot of that too. I didn't understand why Julia was so covered up during the fashion way when they showed her trying on swimsuits earlier. Kiki also wasn't wearing swimsuits in the show. They are both stunning. I agree that Julia is naturally pretty. The shorter hair emphasizes her beauty. I can't figure out what Marcus sees in Larsa. He seems like a decent guy, but I wonder what he does all day. I'm assuming he doesn't run the sneaker store but has staff. Does he just hang around her most of the time? I wonder about this too. Why is he producing Adriana? The woman not very talented.
  4. I believe so too. I had a similar childhood and my mother did the same thing in pitting my sisters and me against each other.
  5. I still can't believe Annmarie made the eating disorder comment about Crystal and then 10 seconds later said she didn't say it. Either she's incredibly manipulative or she has the memory of a goldfish. Agree with all of this. Kyle is a mean girl in disguise. I was uncomfortable watching her look in Sutton's refrigerator. She was probably doing it so she could report back to the others that she has proof Sutton doesn't eat. As someone who had an ED for years, I can't tell you how uneasy I am with this storyline. It's flat-out cruel to challenge someone about this or allude to it in front of other people. You are playing with someone's mental health. I cannot stand Kyle. I didn't think it was the best look for a charity even either, but she looked beautiful. She probably wore the dress more for her Instagram photos as she seems obsessed with IG. Looking back at the older clips of her reminded me that I preferred her as a blonde. I thought she was more striking blonde. I realized most of you disagree about this though. Erika's dentist was hitting on her. He told her she looked great at least three times. I don't usually like what Sutton wears, but the pink dress was pretty and perfect for her.
  6. Yes! Why couldn't the woman simply say, "I'm sorry I pried into your medical history. It was none of my business." She is awful! No way is Crystal jealous of her either. Agree. They look awkward together and like they're barely speaking or only for the cameras.
  7. I think they are afraid of her as they were of Jen Shah. They don't want to get on her bad side because she's a hateful bully.
  8. Ridiculous that Mary said telling Heather she looks "inbred" is less of an insult than what Heather said about Mary's house. Give me break! I can't believe how rude Mary is, and often her behavior is unprompted. She brags about saying what she thinks to someone's face. Well you know what, Mary? You need a filter! You don't have to voice every thought that comes into your head. Doing so is often unkind and unnecessary. The woman isn't all there. Something is not connecting in her brain. I hope she never comes back on this show. I can barely stand to watch her. If I had a friend like Mary, I wouldn't be talking to her long. And her hair looked awful! Exactly. Whitney rightly asked for an example of something she's said or done to give Mary this impression, and Mary couldn't think of anything. She simply has a feeling about it? Well I have a "feeling" that Mary is a hateful person. So there. Monica is also awful and her story about her names made no sense. I believe nothing she says. The woman seems like a compulsive liar. Having an abusive mother doesn't give her a pass to be abusive to others.
  9. I thought she looked better last year when she had relaxed the fillers. Still plastic and her lips were too big, but the rest of her face was softer and more natural. It's a shame she went back to the fillers. It's like an addiction for many of these HWs. Agree she is not setting a good example for her children. She seems hypocritical to me. She says she wants to show them they don't have to depend on a man, but her behavior and history shows that's exactly what she has done. She's depended on a man or she's capitalized on her looks. I think Jody is just a stop gap for her. She will use him and move on unless he gets fed up with her first. I looked up when she and Lenny met -- 2007. Lisa was about 25 and they married two years later when she was 27. She wasn't that young. Old enough to know what she was doing.
  10. Me too! Fantastic casting. I struggled with the scenes of Margaret during and after the strokes. I took care of my father for six years until he passed away. He had dementia, but the similarities of seeing the wheelchair, sickness, his decline, etc. It brought back sad memories. I expect LM to get an Emmy nomination. She was wonderful.
  11. I thought I read they were airing it after the NY Legacy one that just finished, although the story didn't say exactly when.
  12. Speaking of Brandi, anyone know when they are airing the UGT featuring her and Caroline Manzo?
  13. Yep, he was hammered. I think they were all drunk. That was my main takeaway. Typical drunken fights that happen when alcohol is involved and inhibitions are lowered. They looked hungover the next morning too. Shep is an angry guy with a hair trigger. He scares me sometimes. Yeah, just like when he was mad at the egg toss and called Taylor an idiot. Abusive jerk. I couldn't believe it when Taylor said it would've been easier for her to admit to Olivia that she and Austen had sex. Uh... what? How is that easier? Is she stupid?
  14. The listing says 6121 SF. I guess Alexia exaggerates along with some of the other women. Incredible views. Didn't Lisa once say her house cost a lot more than it did? I wonder if her house is really 20,000 SF like she said or it's another fish story.
  15. I was so irritated watching this! Adriana threw Nicole under the bus when she said she invited Ana "with Nicole's blessing." Gee, what a great way to take accountability, Adriana. I like this about Julia too. She holds Adriana accountable. Once again, I was struck by how different Larsa looked in the clip. I almost didn't recognize her. She was much more attractive before she screwed with her face. I don't know what she did but it seemed to actually change the shape of her face and not in a good way.
  16. She does seem to be going through a difficult time. Her marriage doesn't look good now. PK seems fed up with her. I don't like Kyle but understand how much Lorene's death has affected her. I have never had a friend that long. I wish she hadn't made the COL about herself though. That is how it came off to me. Maybe it was different for people who were there in person. I wouldn't do something like that on a reality show with cameras everywhere. I wonder what happened to make Lorene so depressed. I read a few stories that made it sound like her depression hadn't been going on that long. It makes me wonder if an event prompted it. It's tragic. One of the stories said Kyle and Kathy reconciled after Lorene died. Obviously it didn't last long.
  17. They seem to be the head mean girls on this show. Candiace can be really nasty in person and on Twitter. I wonder what Monique is doing on. She was big on this show until she went nuts on Candiace.
  18. That was funny. He did it a few times. Meredith's face looked better to me. It looks like she's backed off the filler a little. She sounded less drugged so perhaps she skipped her daily pill(s). I didn't really like any of their dresses. Whitney went overboard on the face tanner. Sheesh! Heather's face looked less frozen and plastic. Monica is pretty but hateful. I don't like watching her. I wasn't buying Whitney's excuse about Justin's ring. It seemed convenient. If it was that simple, it seems like it would've been said much earlier.
  19. Anecdotal but this occurred to me. I have a friend whose husband is a marriage counselor. Their marriage has been awful for many years, and he is unwilling to really talk about it or even go to marriage counseling. She's come close to leaving him a few times. I've known a few other people who were therapists but had troubled personal lives, so maybe some of them don't do as well with their own families? Isn't there another woman on one of the HWs shows who is a therapist and yet seems like a narcissist and/or really lacking in self-awareness? I think it's one of the HW's mothers. Shows what good plastic surgery Kyle has had for the most part. She looks better now.
  20. Late to the party... the THs of all of them talking about sending nudes and how common it is made me feel old. I have never sent a nude photo to anyone, not even my husband. I don't get why the guys are all defending Taylor. I guess the sweet young thing energy is working on them? She seems dim to me.
  21. Thank you for saying what I was thinking as I watched this scene. If Morgan was on The Voice, they'd probably tell her she needs to work on her enunciation. It's the trend now with many female singers--garble your words and sound breathy and sexy. It irritates me. Yes! I looked her up on YouTube. She sounds like this in other songs too.
  22. Yep! Kyle even admitted she buys something every day, and I'm sure whatever it is, it's not cheap. No way is PK making big bucks just representing Boy George. Something doesn't smell right. All she needs is a sports car and 25 year-old. Oh wait... I thought it was in poor taste. Kyle seemed to be making it all about herself, which is nothing new.
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