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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. It is creepy but I don't think it's uncommon. My mother had a really abusive childhood and she spoke of her mother as if she were a saint. My sisters and I found out about the abuse when my mother and aunts would let stories slip, and they'd act like it wasn't a big deal. I'll bet Big Kathy instilled so much guilt into her daughters that they still feel shamed if they say anything negative about their mother. I feel this way about my late mother, who was also abusive. The other day I read a blog post I'd written several years ago about my childhood, particularly the dynamic with my three sisters (similar to the Richards sisters). The post was a true reflection and I was satisfied with how it came out, but I felt guilty over how I spoke of my mother. I considered deleting it. It's a very complicated, disturbing dynamic created in childhood that seems to last forever (at least for me). And even after all of it, I do still love my mother. I don't think this show is good for any of the sisters. If Kyle wants to turn over a new leaf, then she should pass next season. But she has a lot of narcissistic traits and probably is hooked on being on TV, so I doubt she'll let it go. I don't think she was honest about her relationship with Morgan or her feelings with her. After so many seasons on the show, Kyle is primetime ready all the time. She's very aware that she's on TV and super careful about how she presents herself. I keep seeing ads for Buying Beverly Hills and they are focusing on Mauricio and Kyle's relationship. I was planning to watch it but after all this, I've about reached my limit. If it's going to be all about the two of them, I might skip it. I'm not sure where they're going to go next season. I can't stand Erika and don't think she has much of a storyline given this season was supposedly her redemption edit. I don't really want to see Kyle living the single life. Dorit and PK are on the rocks. Please don't subject us to another unraveling marriage.
  2. As children I’m guessing Kathy was the Golden child, Kyle perhaps the Lost child and Kim the Scapegoat. Is it in S1 or S2 of Paris in Love that Kathy’s meanness is revealed?
  3. So true! You nailed it! Despite the tears and hugs, I don’t believe Kyle and Kathy will ever have a healthy relationship. It will be the same push and pull it has been for years. They are both too damaged from their mother, and so is Kim. It is one screwed up family dynamic. When Kyle was sidestepping the direct questions about her marriage, this is what I inferred: Mauricio cheated and Kyle caught him this time. She couldn’t keep looking away. She as much as said this. It sounds like it’s been going on for years. The clip went back a decade. I’ve been suspecting this since the story broke and Kyle’s behavior on this episode confirmed it for me. Her answers about Morgan were laughable. It sounds like she doesn’t want to admit that she’s had (having) a fling with this woman, but as others have said she’s willing to behave with her publicly in a way that invites speculation. Not to mention the huge age difference, which for a man is often a joke about how he’s having a midlife crisis. Shallow note but I didn’t like Kyle’s green dress, hair or makeup. She looked stuffed into the dress and it wasn’t particularly flattering even though she’s tiny. Something is off with her lips and lower jaw, and Kathy’s is similar. Did they go to the same plastic surgeon? Speaking of Kathy, she comes across menacing to me at times. I see a nasty person channeling her mother’s behavior. I’m glad Sutton and Garcelle escaped. There was no reason to have Kathy on the reunion. Having Kathy there showed that Andy is far up Kyle’s behind. And Kathy did walk like a little old lady!
  4. I think it's Kelsey. He has great chemistry with her. I've never warmed to Daisy and she seems ambivalent about Joey. Agree. No spark between them. Friend zone.
  5. I get so annoyed watching her smug, robotic self. Why on earth did they give her the Bet on Blonde show? She is horrible! It's bad enough having to watch her on RHBH. I hope it bombs.
  6. Has it started yet? I've been looking but in my Netflix queue it's still saying "coming soon."
  7. My oldest sister died right in front of me 15 years ago. I still miss her so much sometimes it hurts. And my sweet dad died in 2021. I had been taking care of him for six years. He had Lewy Body dementia. Some days I will remember something out of the blue and feel overwhelmed with sadness and loss. My mother died six months later. You are right. It never really goes away. Totally agree. If you don't want your relationship with Morgan to be talked about, don't do a video like this. Total PR opportunity for Kyle. She wants people talking about her. That is her life. I doubt she would know what to do otherwise. I was mentally applauding Sutton when she came right back at Dorit, remarking that she didn't know how many "carcasses" Dorit went through a night. Bravo! Dorit is exhausting. I don't blame PK for wanting a break from her. And it does seem like she uses her PTSD as an excuse sometimes to justify her obnoxiousness. Can someone with talent at Photoshop post a picture of Dorit in that red dress but with her hair down and normal looking? I wonder if the dress would be ok without the ridiculous hood.
  8. I think we are seeing more of her true personality this season. She hasn't done as good a job of playing to the cameras. Thus, her narcissism is on display.
  9. The narcissist uses flying monkeys to do her bidding. Kyle is no different. I was so irritated listening to Kyle I turned it off for a while. Not looking forward to guard dog Kathy coming on. And I don't believe Kyle is not on Ozempic or wasn't when she lost the weight. Perhaps she went off it after, and that's how she's now stating that she's not on it. She's playing with words. I watched the special about it on Hulu and it was said that half the women in LA are on it. An exaggeration but the point was it is all the rage for women in the industry. Anyone notice how now skinny Erika was quiet during that part? Kyle's lips did look weird, as did those two pieces of hair hanging down. I wanted to slap her when she mocked Sutton. She is such a mean girl.
  10. She is so checked out and doesn't participate in many of the events. She shows disdain for the cast members outside of a few. I don't understand why the producers would want her as a full-time cast member.
  11. I can't imagine having a giant picture of myself on the wall, even if my husband was also in the picture. I was surprised at this. She looks really skinny to me. As you said, it looked like skin, not fat. The problem with this show is it was built around them working at one of Lisa's restaurants, yet most of them don't work there anymore. So the interactions seem artificial and strictly for TV. I guess this isn't unlike the HW shows, but somehow on here, it's more glaring to me.
  12. Also seems like he is resentful that Scheana will only let her mother care for Summer when they are away. These two are headed for trouble if they don't resolve this issue. Why did Raquel go back to being called Rachel? Did I miss something? It wasn't a good exchange between them, but Scheana can also be controlling and critical. She wasn't very nice to him in a later discussion about the pink clothes. I get it. He screwed up the laundry, but talking to him like that won't serve her well. She sounded like his mother, and men don't like that.
  13. I just watched this Hulu special (Skinny Confessions: After Ozempic) featuring Heather. Wow! Her face looks so different. I don't just think it's weight loss. She's getting the Instagram face.
  14. Same for me. I fast-forward through a lot of it. Joey was over Maria. Did anyone notice his expression after she told him she was in love with him? I knew then she was done. I'm calling Daisy and Kelsey as final two with Kelsey being Joey's pick. I don't Joey and Rachel have much chemistry. He seems really into Kelsey though. And I agree her dad is hot. Next GB because he's not as old either. I think he's a better age for it, early 50s?
  15. She didn't even look that upset when Mia called her a gold digger. She knows it's true. Same for Mia.
  16. I noticed this and thought the same thing. Are they bigger than her previous implants? I don't recall her breasts being this large. Michael didn't have a problem being on the show for a few seasons. I guess he doesn't like it when he can't control the narrative (not that he did a good job of it previously). Was Mia a stripper or not? Why is she dancing around it? Excuse my pun. I couldn't resist. It is weird how they make comments about Karen being with other men. If she and Ray were in a monogamous marriage, I don't see how those remarks wouldn't really upset him. Yet they have persisted for a few seasons. What is the deal with these two?
  17. I was glad Dorit called Kyle out for this. If there is one benefit to this season, it is that Kyle’s mask dropped. We’ve seen her true colors. It’s be scary to look behind Kyle’s ears (and her sister, Kathy’s, too).
  18. Is it true what Ann Marie said that in several states they don’t have to work under a doctor’s direction? If so that is surprising to me.
  19. Agree. The segment irritated me. These women always need something to fight about. Sorry Anne Marie. Too late to try to redeem yourself. We don’t like you. Bye. I’m not understanding why Kathy is going to get a seat at the reunion when she wasn’t on this season. Erika, shut up. You’re no victim.
  20. Right. i watched it so I don’t know why I forgot. Adriana was vicious to her.
  21. I like Joey but Andrew Firestone and Brad Womack are still my favorite Bachelors. It might be my generation. I find Joey a bit too boyish.
  22. Also called flying monkeys, soldiers for the narcissist.
  23. Agree. I don’t believe this, especially because I read a story that said Brittany was “forced” to stay with Jax when she was on VP. So if she was drinking from the Bravo fountain then, I believe she would do it again.
  24. I’m way behind watching this as I have to take it in small doses. I really like the cast and the idea, but the heavy-handed political agenda turns me off. I liked it more the first season when it was about the lead anchor sexually harassing employees, After that it veered off course and became preachy to me. But I want to see how it plays out so I keep watching. I like Jon Hamm and think he and Jennifer Aniston have great chemistry. Alex is a flawed but interesting character. I’m lukewarm on Stella. I just don’t see the great talent others see. Perhaps it’s the actor’s performance. Bailey can grate on my nerves. The word “strident” comes to mind. She and Laura don’t have much spark as a couple to me. I like Cory even though he can be a total jerk. I find him interesting to watch. The short jab from Paul was petty but realistic. I’ve heard men speak this way to each other. I know Paul is probably not a good guy (although he’s making a convincing argument to Alex) but confess I find him HOT! I can understand why Alex is attracted to him. I also like Chip and am bummed Alex fired him, but I saw it coming. I wonder what happened to Kate D. Is it me or is there something up with Jennifer Aniston’s face? in close up, she looks strange. Too much filler?
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