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Thomas Crown

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Everything posted by Thomas Crown

  1. While I'm not a full blown shipper of Chen and Bradford, I thought I would spin a positive light on the article for those who are shippers 🙂 Reading between the lines of the above article stating the show not wanting to cross the line in writing a romantic relationship between a superior and their subordinate, I could still see the writers addressing the chemistry issue by having one of the 2 characters developing romantic feelings for the other and then not acting on it for the reasons stated in the article. The show could then revisit the romantic issue between the 2 characters down the line in future seasons when Bradford is no longer Chen's training officer.
  2. I checked out the Genetic Detective Facebook page and Cece writes that for the moment there is no intent on the part of ABC to produce more episodes. 😞 bummer. She does however invite everyone to leave feedback on the ABC website and maybe they'll produce some more. Meanwhile Cece is still helping to solve cold case crimes. She is posting links on the Facebook of arrests being made based on her work in identifying potential suspects in cold cases.
  3. I agree with you. I don't think Bill is wrong in what he is saying and there is a health crisis in the U.S. when it comes to obesity. He's right that the being healthier gives you more chances of recovering from Covid-19. It's common sense. I just wish he would have brought something new to the topic since he's addressed this issue more than once. Honestly I don't mind if he wants to revisit an issue if it matters to him, just don't repeat the same talking points that you said that last time you discussed the issue. I used to look forward to New Rules as something thought provoking and worthy of further debate/discussion. Now not so much.
  4. As the segment began, I thought the topic on cancel culture was a worthy topic for discussion based on everything that's happening right now in the world. I just wished that Bari Weiss wasn't part of the panel providing her thoughts. She's awful IMO and hypocrite too since she has a history of trying to cancel/silence out dissenting voices and opinions that differ from hers often labelling them as anti-Semitic. I had to roll my eyes when Bari brought up the dangers of repeating uniformed opinions that mislabel people since she's been guilty of doing exactly that herself on other talk shows. 10 years ago Bill Maher would have called her out on her BS and hypocrisy. Today not soo much.
  5. I recently rediscovered the WY and it's still one of my favourites. I'd forgotten how well the show captured the joys and disappointments of growing up. I'm currently on season 3 and the following YouTube clip is the ending to the episode "Don't You Know Anything About Women?" One of the best episode endings of the series IMO. Helps that the song in the background is Unchained Melody. https://youtu.be/O_klEA7EVXc
  6. Love these two examples. Both completely different but fantastic. First heard the Sarah Mclachlan song on an episode of Due South back in the 90s and quickly went to buy her CD.
  7. I'll be there - Jackson 5 I'll be there - Walk of the Earth I'll be there - Hardline (great 90s melodic rock band) I'll be there - Jack Wagner
  8. Real Love - Beatles Real Love - Slaughter Real Love - Jody Watley
  9. Well said. The stories of those couples are really tragic and the show is doing great job in giving the victims a voice. You look at the pictures of them smiling and looking happy then you realize that they all died under the most violent of circumstances. One thing I appreciate in the narrative is that the show IMO is not being overly sensational. Yes the details of the crimes are horrific but I don't find the show is being sensational or exploitive in presenting what happened. In the first episode, it was mentioned that in other types of shows reporting on true crime, you would get a re-enactment of the crime featuring an attractive woman being attacked. I'm happy this series didn't go that route. About the recording. Damn creepy. To be honest, at first it sounded to me like a child or teenage boy's voice so I wondered if someone was playing a practical joke on one of the victims. But then I remembered he did this to a lot of the victims. Hope that POS rots in jail then rots in hell.
  10. I just want to echo what others have said about the show doing a great job in portraying the sense of fear and paranoia that existed in the late 70s. I know that we sometimes look back with fondness at the 70s and the early 80s, but despite the nostalgia the 70s was a dangerous time in some places in America based on all the violent crime. Just speculating here, but in the episode it was mentioned that due to the public fear of the rapist and the mounting pressure to catch him, there was plenty of cops who on their days off would help patrol the neighborhoods looking for the GSK. I'm wondering if the GSK took advantage of this opportunity to scope potential victims homes as he could easily explain his presence in people's yards with his badge and identifying himself as a police officer looking for the GSK.
  11. 2020 aired last night their take on the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal. While it's important to listen to his victims voices and let them be heard, the story itself did not bring anything new that hasn't already been reported elsewhere. There is soo much to this story that remains to be uncovered but the mainstream news media won't go there or investigate. The irony to me is that in last night's story, the 2020 episode clearly outlined that there was sufficient evidence for not only a larger jail sentence that Epstein should have gotten but also enough evidence for further investigation by the FBI due to Epstein's ties to very influential people who appeared in flight logs to his private island or stayed in his NY residence. And yet this same network (ABC) squashed an Epstein exposé done by one of their reporters (Amy Robach) a few years ago because the story did not meet "their journalistic standards" of the ABC network. It's a sad reminder how power and money has a stranglehold on the news and can get away with almost anything.
  12. thanks. I may check out the book. The prospects to use genealogy to solve decades old cold cases is really intriguing and I hope law enforcement agencies continue to reach out to Cece Moore and others to help them.
  13. I looked up the ratings and they are unfortunately not great. The show has averaged between 0.3 to 0.4 in the 18-49 demo while averaging around 3 million viewers. Not great and it finished 3rd in the ratings for all the episodes that aired. That being said, I don't think this is a very expensive show to produce for ABC so maybe they might bring it back for additional episodes if production in Hollywood continues to be shut down by the Covid-19 pandemic. Has anyone watched the HBO series "I'll be gone in the dark"? Based on the book by Michelle McNamara and the search for Golden State Killer. I've never read the book, so I'm curious to see how that series will show the way genealogy was used to capture the killer. I missed the beginning of this episode but did the show mention that Cece had consulted or been involved in the Golden State killer search?
  14. Ignore other suspects? They're cold cases dating back to as much as 30 years with no recent clues or suspects. By the time Cece got involved you can see that all potential avenues for finding the criminals and solving the crime had been explored by the police. All those cases were thought to be unsolved until Cece got involved. Cece's work is just to provide the police with a new lead (suspect) on these cold cases. Nothing else. The police to do the rest which is to go out and investigate the potential new suspect. What other suspects are you referring too? And why would the police continue to search for suspects when they have a DNA match? In some of the episodes that have aired, the original DNA for the matches was extracted directly from a rape kit. Frame job by the police? Tainted DNA? That's quite the reach there and nothing to do with Cece's work.
  15. I hope this show comes back. If it was the last one, then last night episode was a nice send off as it showed the potential of genealogy detective work in helping solve not only cold cases but active cases too. It'll also be interesting to see how the appeals play out in court specifically the "privacy issue" related to how the new DNA evidence was discovered that led to convictions. IMO, I don't see how a convicted person can argue that their privacy was violated when it was a relative's DNA that was uploaded to a genealogy website.
  16. I agree. The police detective friend is required for all the exposition scenes in these type of shows. I hope that Michael Early comes back. However, Camryn Manheim's character IMO is not needed and I wouldn't be disappointed if they wrote her off.
  17. I agree. The show took a deep nosedive after the first season IMO and never recovered. How many showrunners were there? I wasn't following the drama behind the scenes so curious to know why the original showrunners left? I'm guessing it was the standard retooling to boost the ratings?
  18. Wrongful conviction in what sense? In all the episodes that have aired so far, I'm seeing the police using DNA for their arrests and convictions. The police are first given a potential suspect based on Cece's genealogy work but that's not sufficient for an actual arrest or conviction as the show has pointed out. The police still have to go out and get another DNA sample from the suspect identified by Cece in order to match it with the original DNA found at the scene of the crime. To me it's the matching of the DNA that allows them to build a case for a conviction.
  19. Not a sports documentary per se, but I enjoyed it nonetheless including addressing how Bruce Lee was confronted with racism and prejudice. Seeing the clip at the end of Brandon 😢 Tragic in the true sense. So much potential and to be robbed of that by the senseless accident that killed him.
  20. We are grateful that you are sharing these clips. 😀 Honestly, while I loved Hunter when it played I never remembered how much music they used on the show or how integral it was to the episodes unlike say other shows from the 80's like Miami Vice. Even when I watched most of season 1 a few years ago I barely noticed the music substitutions or edits. Those clips that you've posted makes a huge difference.
  21. Th 80's had many great themes and songs for TV shows but this is one of my favorite tv themes. It just perfectly captured the essence of the show. The first 3 seasons were almost perfect for me. So many things worked in its favour. The zany plots, the rapid-fire dialogue that had so many jokes and innuendoes flying at you that you had no choice but to listen carefully and of course the amazing chemistry between CS and BW. Wow time does fly. It feels like yesterday in some ways and it's hard to believe that it was 35 years ago the showed premiered on ABC.
  22. Those clips are amazing! Thanks for uploading. Now you are just rubbing it in for those of us who have the inferior North American DVDs with the music edits. 😀 😜
  23. I thought that Lucy talking to herself in the car and Tim catching her was pretty adorable. And her putting down the TV show "Cardinal" was funny too considering that it's produced by EOne entertainment who also produces the Rookie. Overall a pretty good episode and much better IMO than the last few.
  24. I feel the same away about the show as I'm still waiting to be wowed by at least one episode this season. They do have a solid cast of characters who have interesting points of views but the writing & plotting as you mentioned leaves a lot to be desired IMO. It's not the actors fault who are all doing a fine job with what they are given. And the comedy overtones are fine with me as well as the musical choices that pop up in each episode, so it all comes down for the execute of the overall story arc for the season. I'm hoping the writers can fix that next season and plot a more interesting arc as I do hope it gets renewed for another season. This could be a really good show IMO.
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