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Everything posted by MadyGirl1987

  1. Interesting. It was preempted here in Phoenix for a football game, but shown on another local station which I guess is a CBS sister station or affiliate.
  2. Right? I was driving family cars until I was 24, and even then it was used and the only help my parents gave was money towards a down payment and cosigning the loan. Funny episode overall. I like Lily better when she is actually talking like a normal 7 year old, like in this episode, and not a snarky, catty diva. Thought the bar and tattoo plots were good even though I thought it was kinda bad of Gloria to encourage the tattoo thing when I am assuming she knew Claire wasn't crazy about it and it was HORRIBLE of Haley to back out after convincing Claire to get a tattoo. That is permanent, painful and something Claire did ONLY because Haley was going to get one as well. Loved Jay and Phil at the dealership and the reveal that Jay paid so much more then Phil was going to.
  3. So we are supposed to a cop with no connection to either Dandy or Regina will be offered a million dollars and be like "screw it, I'm in?" and shoot Regina with NO second thoughts? Right... As much as I hate GS's acting and am glad she (hopefully) won't be around anymore this season, It bothered me how unrealistic that scene was. As others have pointed out he had no assurance Dandy would pay the money or even that Dandy wouldn't just kill him. It would be more realistic if they just had the cop not believe Regina, dismissing the word of the black women against the white man, and leave. That would have at least been true to the 1950's setting. I actually thought that is what was going to happen at the beginning of the scene, as it seemed the cop was kind of dismissive of what she was saying about Dandy and seemed to not believe her until he made that digging a hole comment. That was my main takeaway from the episode. Also; Glad we saw Ethel in ghost form! Would be sad if last week was the last we saw of her. And I am the only one who thought Dandy seemed actually normal and charming when he was at the door of the party? It was like a totally different guy.
  4. Thinking about the big reveal of Arendelle being frozen for 30 years, I had an Epiphany... It makes NO SENSE! Wasn't the first curse happening 30 years ago? Even if it happened 31 years ago, that doesn't work out. We see Charming still at home as a farmer when he meets Anna. You still need a couple of years at least for him to become Prince James, meet Snow and fall in love, have them defeat Regina, marry Snow and for Snow to become pregnant and have a full pregnancy. Major plot-hole!
  5. Anyone else feel that it was in bad taste for Franco and Rogan to make fun of the Sony hack? I mean, Sony employees were sent emails in which their families where threatened because of their movie. While they had nothing to do with the hacks, it still seems insensitive for them to joke about it.
  6. Sneak peek of "shattered" Charming and Snow... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLKRAqCu5Q8
  7. I think it will be Thredson. The second time in his office, with Dandy, it really started to hit me they were trying to hide him. That is when I thought, "what if it is Thredson?" We keep hearing "all AHS seasons are connected" so it would fit. (On a side note; am I the only person who thinks that the whole connection thing is something they just came up with and are now trying to make an actuality after the fact? Universes seem to be "in" now, such as with Marvel movies.) Also; Freak Show is 59 and Asylum is 63 right? The timeline fits for Thredson to be working in FL in 59 and move to Mass in time for the events of Asylum. Sad to see Ethel go! Hope we still see Bates in flashbacks or some other way. I can take or leave Gloria. Underwhelmed by her, much as I enjoy Conroy. GS's acting and her character of Regina is terrible. I have never liked GS in anything I have seen her in. She always seems emotionless and monotone in her acting.
  8. Loving this season! I can't wait to see what happens next and where this is going! The show has certainly come a long way from those first episodes, hasn't it? Poor Mac! I just hope Fitz doesn't have a breakdown or lose his progress on his recovery due to losing Mac. That would be hard to watch. I want to know what secret Bobbi is hiding from Hunter and what Hartley being gone has to do about it!
  9. http://www.buzzfeed.com/staceygrant91/14-times-ada-rafael-barba-from-law-and-order-svu-xpfm Found this about Barba. Thought people might enjoy...
  10. Loved the episode. As soon as we saw the women from 1945 in 1989 I thought she was Skye's mom. Did not need to see the 'experiments" though. And this is from someone who watches American Horror Story... Who else thinks an Infinity Stone is in the diviner/obelisk? The way it was described sound very infinity stone-ish. In fact, when my sister, who has never seen the show before but has watched some of the MCU movies, heard how it kills people who touch it, mentioned Guardians of the Galaxy and the stone in it.
  11. I just can't with Ma Petite and Dell. He can go die the most violent of deaths now... And after I was really loving him and Jimmy together when they were coming back from drinking... That was hilarious. Also; I KNEW I had seen the women running the museum before. She is Cam's mother on Modern Family!
  12. Really enjoyed this episode. Very suspenseful. I was getting very nervous watching the lead-up to whether Emma would fall for Rumples deception.When Ingrid was trying to get Emma to not go, I actually shouted at the TV for her to listen to her. I was also all sorts of nervous in the Hook and Rumple scenes. I loved Hook getting all worked up in the Gold's store, and was just waiting for Rumple to come out after hearing Hook's confession and mess him up. It is because of Hook I am hoping for Ingrid to mess Rumple up before her defeat.
  13. Jay said there was more shouting then in the Miracle Worker.
  14. Are crossovers back in vogue now? I have seen three now this season, two in the last week. I wasn't even sure I would watch this as I have never seen anything from either of the Chicagos and I found myself underwhelmed by The Simpsons/Futurama crossover as I have never seen Futurama. For example, there would be things I am sure were references to Futurama, but didn't understand. That said, I felt it was well done as a crossover. There were not a lot of things people who didn't watch the other shows would get. I did find myself wonder what "family life" Lindsay and her brother had that was hinted at, and why her Sargent would know her brother.
  15. So funny! Really well done all around. Loved the kids especially. Also thought Bow with the neighbor was hilarious. I swear I have seen something like that, where Neighbors thought a family was having hard times, done on another show, because this was better. Am I crazy in thinking that?
  16. I liked this episode. Don't know anything about Inhumans so will have to take others at their word that is what the show is setting up. Seems to have people excited, though, if that is where they are going so I am excited to see that play out. I am starting to see the breadcrumbs for future movies. Now that they announced an Inhuman movie, will Skye and her father be in it if that is what they are, like I have heard people speculate? What was Ward doing at the end? Trying to infiltrate his brothers security? He seemed dressed like a bodyguard to me...
  17. Wow, so sad. Wonder how they will handle this in the show... I would be excited, even with the sad reason, to see Simon handle the storyline of Howard losing his mom because I feel he can often knock emotional scenes out of the park.
  18. It was a good one. Good set-up for the crossover in having something done that the future characters would have to fix. I have never watched anything more then a clip or two of Futurama, so I kinda feel I didn't get as much out of it as I could. Did they even give names for most of the Futurama characters?
  19. Ugh, Snow! Just ugh... I get being scared by something you don't quite understand, but you grew up in a world with magic and should know enough not to blame Emma when something is obviously not right and she is obviously not in control. You have know Emma for a while now and know this is an isolated incident. When stuff like this keeps happening consistently, then we'll talk... Maybe we will get a Smallville-style power switch and SNOW will have to see what it is like having powers you don't understand(I wouldn't put it past the show) Was happy when Elsa spoke about her experience with her family. The Captain Swan shipper in me did love how Hook was trying to comfort her and was still trying when she ran off. I enjoyed the flashback and have to say this is the first villain I have actually felt sorry for. I also liked we found out why Elsa has powers; all magic comes with a price. That ending scene with Elsa and Anna's mom confused me though. Does SHE remember the incident, or is her memory wiped as well, because I was thinking how her experience with her sister colored her parenting of Elsa, but if she didn't remember her sisters... Also; am I the only one who thought she looked SO MUCH like Anna in that last scene with Grand Pabbie?
  20. With all the shipping in the OUAT fandom, I thought this would be amusing to people... http://www.buzzfeed.com/emmamariemusic/17-struggles-of-having-an-otp-11sp6
  21. Oh, right! I had remembered about the cousin but forgotten that was the episode it came from... Thanks!
  22. I love that episode! What was the callback? I missed it. Anyway, really enjoyed this episode all around. Especially loved Leonard and Penny and Sheldon and Amy. My only issue would be that Emily's fascination with creepy and bizarre, while fun here could easily be overdone.
  23. Didn't Rumple, when talking to the Snow Queen in her ice palace, mention "becoming part of the tapestry" of the hat? That, and the fact we see a star added to the hat when the apprentice is sucked in, makes me feel that you are stuck in the hat, becoming part of the magic of it...
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