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Everything posted by MadyGirl1987

  1. Oh man, the comments for that episode thread is going to be... interesting... Hopefully mods are aware of the subject matter of the episode and will be monitoring closely. And yeah, that doesn't seem like someone likely to watch Black-ish. I doubt viewership will be impacted too much. Someone likely to be offended is probably not watching the show to begin with. Honestly, I am surprised they will be touching on the election so directly in a sitcom, since it has been such a touchy emotional topic for everyone on both sides. Not exactly sitcom material. I wouldn't be surprised if many on both sides sit this one out because of that.
  2. Yay!!! So glad to see her get some recognition!
  3. These two commercials for some game play when I use the FX Now App to watch old Simpsons episodes to fall asleep. They make no sense... For one, why does only one person change costume in both of them? Is that something from the game? And more importantly... What does the game even do? Just random people arguing with each other and a quick 2 second shot of the game being played shows nothing about what the game is about. https://ispot.tv/a/AiKd https://ispot.tv/a/AmVu
  4. Renewed, along with Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl.
  5. Renewed, along with Arrow, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow.
  6. So funny! Glad they won't be drawing out a love triangle. That worried me. Loved Eleanor and Tahani bonding. Especially watching the British show and wedding. Loved Chidi's repeated "what?" Of course Chidi would have problems with decision-making. I loved Michael's growing impatience with him. We saw how Chidi died! Yikes! In front of his friend to! Now we only have Tahani and, maybe, Jason left and we will know how every main player got to the Good Place. I think the video of Jason on the weather report being told to take shelter from the hurricane might be foreshadowing that is how he died. if Shawn is someone from another Shur project, might I suggest Nick Offerman, aka Ron Swanson?
  7. Such a funny episode! Loved Charlie panicking about Diane having the internet. Made me remember some of my experiences on the internet as a kid. We got internet back when I was in 5th grade, the days of AOL and dial-up, so just a little older then the twins. One time, when I was in late middle school probably, I searched porn. Just typed in porn. Not to see anything but just wondering if it was really that easy to find. Just typed it into the search and then closed it out. Kids are curious and the internet can be such a series of landmines... If I was a parent it would freak me out... It's easy to see where Dre and Bow are coming from. Also thought Ruby had some good advice at the end about how stuff you don't want will always make its way into your home.
  8. Really enjoyed this episode. Especially loved the reveal that Barry is an actual MD in real life. Loved Pops "His answer was farts!" Loved that Murray knows how to motivate his son, even if it's not the most positive way to do so. Loved the Adam, Emmy and Erica story. Liked the encouragement Erica gave Emmy at the end. Would love to see more of that between them.
  9. Nice! Thanks! Guess the other two long hiatuses were because of Agent Carter...
  10. I thought there was a ratings and scheduling topic but couldn't find it, so am starting a new one. What I am wondering is, with Agent Carter cancelled, will AOS still go on hiatus until March or will it be back in January like most other network shows. It's stupid to have it off for three weeks and then back for two and then nothing until March. On a related note... While I loved Agent Carter, the long hiatus always annoyed me. ABC does the same with Once Upon a Time and I hate it there as well... I feel like it often sucks momentum out of a season or causes a jumbled rush to get through story and plot lines for a conclusion instead of just continuing them after the long break.
  11. Does this mean the show is doing an episode in Italy? It seems like a lot of lead-up for a trip we won't see...
  12. The magic isn't repressed since he didn't know there was anything to repress, maybe? They touch on this in the first movie a little, with the boa constrictor in the zoo, but in the books they mention a bunch of weird stuff happening around Harry, like a bad haircut his aunt gave him regrowing overnight, that is pointed out as signs of his wizardry. His muggle-born mom is shown in memories doing magic before knowing she is a witch, as well. Maybe stuff like that helps prevent such a situation?
  13. I was wondering that myself! It certainly seems like it would fit the description of what happened with Ariana. Even how Dumbledore's mother I actually went back to Deathly Hallows and looked up Aberforth's description of what happened to Ariana and it made me even more certain that is what happened to her. It could just as well be describing Credence.
  14. Really liked it. Wish the New Salemers were a bit more fleshed out and less cuultish and one dimensional. Feel like that would have made them better, more threatening foes. Also: what was going on with the execution they were staring on Tina? It seemed almost like a giant pensive(used by wizards for storing and observing memories). Were they trying to get her to go into the liquid and drown by enticing her with memories. While I guessed Credence was going to be the person linked to the Obscurus I was not expecting Grindelwald to show up. While I suspected towards the end, I should have guessed it sooner. I noticed he gave Credence a Deathly Hallows necklace. Wanting wizards to come out of hiding was very true to what is shown of his philosophy in the book. Really enjoyed all the animals. The niffler and bowtruckle were adorable! Also liked having a non-magic character be part of the main group of characters. I like having an outsiders perspective into the wizarding world.
  15. Liked this episode. Wish they hadn't brought Geoff into it... That storyline just drags the show down. I liked the interactions between Murray, Marvin(that's the Uncle's name, right?) and Adam and the conflict between Beverly and Bill with Barry and Laney trying to play peacemakers. As a vegetarian I found it true to life how dismissive people were of Erica. I have had relatives tell me it was a phase(even though I had already been Vegetarian for years). Multiple people have actually asked me what I eat at Thanksgiving, as if turkey is the only thing served.
  16. The only thing I am worried about is that it will be up against This Is Us, a ratings powerhouse, on Tuesday at that time. Hope that the live ratings don't take a hit because of that. Luckily I think streaming now plays such a big role a hit to live views isn't necessarily a death sentence.
  17. First off; Wally... I wish I could be surprised that you would pick up a villaina glowing rock of evil, but you were willing to jump in front of oncoming vehicles to "kick-start" powers you weren't sure you had, so.... I really liked the end and reveal of the Savitar. Had a real horror movie vibe. Like that Caitlin's powers are out in the open now. Keeping something like that secret would only serve to hurt the team.
  18. We are getting an Inhumans TV series next fall on ABC.
  19. I really liked several things this episode. First was the Snowing scenes, and how you could see it wearing on them over time. Especially liked David watching the video Snow made of her and Neal. I am sure this will be solved before too long, but I was just thinking how it's good Neal is a baby and how it would mess him up if he could register what was going on with his parents... Loved Hook. From helping Henry choose a tie, to figuring something was up with Emma, to getting the EQ at the end he was awesome this episode. I know this will be unpopular but I like when Emma and Regina team-up and it is not all about what a martyr Reginia is. I like when they are a united front, especially when it comes to Henry. Oh, Rumple... I love when you are a scheming, manipulating, evil bastard but you have been past that for a long time now and it was reaching alarming heights. I was (and remain) sincerely scared for Belle. Even though the Rumbelle pairing has long since crossed the line into abusive territory this was a new low for Rumple.
  20. Being born in 87 I was excited to see the year portrayed in the show! I enjoyed the dynamic between Ray and Mick. They are tied with Jax and Stein for my favorite paring of Legends. Both pairings play off each other really well. Sara... I get wanting to avenge your sister, but you are the captain of a time traveling team dedicated to protecting the universe from timeline aberrations. You know better and have seen how even little things affect the future. God only knows the trouble that could be caused by killing Darhk. We would get "Legendspoint." Loved Martin putting younger Martin straight about not taking Clarissa for granted.
  21. Me also! I may not be a Dr. but I have watched enough episodes of ER to know that is not sterile OR procedure.
  22. Just saw this and really enjoyed it. Thought it was a good introduction to the character and had it's own unique vibe. It had impressive imagery and even some creepy vibes at times(the astral projection while Christine was helping him when he was stabbed). I also thought they did good at making him likable and someone to root for when he could be an arrogant a-hole at times, even worse then Tony Stark. Tony was never as condescending or heartless as he was. During the argument with Christine after his accident he was totally unlikable. However in the end he was someone to root for. Did we get a Rhody shoutout with the calls about potential patients he was taking before his crash? It went fast, but I thought I heard one described as an ingured Air Force cornel and metal exoskeleton?
  23. That was hilarious! I was actually expecting the joke to end differently. I was thinking it was going to subvert expectations and actually have Janet have the real file.
  24. Of course Brockman would be a reporter who sensationalized stories to make himself a hero. I loved how the apology broadcast where he couldn't stop lying and the Simpsons reactions watching him. Loved the late night part with the skits made to go viral and the buzzfeed parody with the scarily faithful headlines.
  25. I liked this new twist to the season. I think it will stop the overall season from getting stale and maybe keep the season on track instead of going off the rails like AHS can tend to do. I really hope this isn't the end of Evan Peters this season. Maybe he will come back as a ghost and help his wife fake Shelby(forget her name) survive? If this is it for him, what a waste... even Zombie Kyle from season 3 got more screen time then he has this season. Love how crazy Kathy Bates' character is in real life, lol. Just wondering; Maybe I am tired and it was just me or did it seem to anyone else like the text they put up on screen flashed by fast. Like after the assistant gets killed in the car, they cut to commercial before I could finish reading what it was saying.
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