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Everything posted by MadyGirl1987

  1. Not to mention all the moping over her relationship with Robin Hood. Especially with the whole Marian debacle.
  2. Thought this was much more promising then the reviews would have one believe. I thought it set up the characters and their dynamics well. I think Anson Mount especially did a great job with what has to be a difficult role. Even without talking, I think he did a great job at showing where Blackbolt was emotionally. His reactions and physical presence was good. So Attilan is on the moon huh? I guess that explains why Agents of Shield
  3. Oh geez. This is not going to end well. I foresee another unaired episode like last seasons infamous Trump episode. I am all for relevancy in my media, but some things are too soon. Also; with such a delicate topic you have to be a REALLY good writer to pull that off, and SVU hasn't had that quality recently. All In The Family they ain't....
  4. So, the channel Pop has been showing ER reruns and recently did a making of ER special. I am watching it, and while they are talking about casting Noah Wyle is talking about his final audition as Carter and how he was up against none other then Rafael Sbarge, our very own Jiminy Cricket! Very funny to think of him as Carter, but I think he would have been good in the role. I could see him as a sensitive young doctor who cares about his patients.
  5. I know it has been mentioned before in the forums, but this picture I saw on Facebook just reiterates what amazing casting they do for young versions of the cast... If there was an Emmy for casting they would definitely deserve at least a nomination...
  6. Oh, I meant Luke Cage the show... I can see how that could be confusing, the way I wrote it.
  7. This is a comic book show we are talking about. There is ALWAYS a way to make a dead character not dead. For example... In fact... That said, yay!!! He was one of the best parts of the series and I was so sad to think we might not see him again. Whether he is brought back to life somehow or in dreams/flashbacks/hallucinations I am glad he will still be a part of the show!
  8. Rewatching the episode where we find out how Rumple's father is Pan and I love the flashback. You can see where Rumple got his flaws from. It kinda makes it even more tragic that he fell victim to the same cowardice and self-interest his father displayed, although he seems to actually care for Bae and tried to be better as a father when his father did not. Also think the actors who played young Rumple and his father did a great job. Especially the father. There were scenes he was giving off the same energy ImpRumple can give off. I even noticed he did the giggle ImpRumple will do, multiple times. If they had stuck with the Rumple we see in the Neverland arc, facing his past and being conflicted over doing the wrong thing or falling into old patterns, instead of the Rumbelle drama we have gotten, the show could have done much better stories with him and both he and Belle's characters would have been better served.
  9. Sad news from the set of the sequel. A stunt woman was killed in a motorcycle accident on set.
  10. My biggest problem with the points laid out is that it ignores that Ross and Rachel were both horrible with to other and brought out the worse in each other. I think that this just goes along with the popular Ross hate that I just don't get(He just never seemed that bad to me... Not perfect but not worse they any of the others).They both had moments where they were jealous and possessive with each other. Especially Rachel with Julie and Bonnie. She came across as a kid who has a toy they don't play with but as soon as she sees someone else with it she wants it back. I mean, this is the women who flew to a different country to tell a guy who was getting married she loved him. Did she ever want Ross when he wasn't already in a relationship? That said, I never liked Joey and Rachel either. Just came out of nowhere and didn't seem to have any backing to it. Just came across as the writers throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what stuck. Monica and Chandler/ Phoebe and Mike for the win.
  11. Law and Order never fails to amuse when I recognize actors from other shows or films. The 13th season episode "Sheltered" was playing on TV just now and Ty Burrell and Sebastian Stan were guest stars as father and son. Knowing them as Phil Dunphy and the Winter Soldier makes it very amusing to see them paired up.
  12. That bugged me to! I get being pregnant is a big thing and they wouldn't want to make Monica too hard on Rachel in case she seems cruel and piling on a pregnant woman, but someone should have said something about Rachel upstaging Monica YET AGAIN. I would be furious if I was Monica. I mean, does Rachel even apologize to Monica or say something to the effect she doesn't want to take away attention from the wedding? She doesn't seem to care when what she does affects others. It's stuff like that, along with how the relationship of Ross and Rachel brings out the worst in them, which leads me to really dislike Rachel. I will say that at least it's not as bad as this story I read about a while ago.
  13. Hmm; we already know from the trailer that Iris doesn't want to be involved with whatever Cisco plans to do. As for "not just Barry", that sounds like he's talking about Caitlin, to me. Cisco definitely will work to get Caitlin back as well... I am wondering if Wally will not be in a rush to get Barry back? I could see him enjoying not having to share the spotlight with Barry. He cares about Barry, sure, but I could see him relishing being Central City's top hero. They could play up the conflict between his enjoying the spotlight and getting his friend back.
  14. Right? I'm supposed to feel bad for you that people have an issue with your evil ways? Another thing that stuck out to me is that we see the beginning stirrings of Hook's redemption in this episode. When he goes down to get the trigger to destroy the town with Regina, he mentions how their constant focus on revenge could be why nobody likes them and that he has nothing to look forward to once Rumple is dead. He says getting revenge is an ending, not a beginning. I didn't catch that the first time I watched the episode but it struck me as an important moment for his character. It also shows why his might be the only successful redemption arc in the show. He has self-awareness the others like Regina don't.
  15. So, I just rewatched the season 2 episode "The Evil Queen" and it has, bar none, the most rage inducing Regina moments I have seen so far in my rewatch. Not only, in the present, is she planning to destroy Storybrooke, killing everyone while taking off with Henry, but the flashback feature her going amongst the people in disguise and,poor Regina, realizing everyone hates her. This after killing a whole village for not telling her where Snow White is. Even Rumple points that last fact out! I just wanted to tell her to shut up and stop murdering people if she was so worried about not being liked! On a side note; while I am not too crazy about Neal, he provided the most enjoyable moment for me in the episode when Emma is looking for stuff on Tamara in their room, with Henry doing lookout using warning tactics Emma told him to and Neal just goes "Oh h... no! I taught her that!" Realizing Emma was in the room.
  16. In that case, it would end up with Henry not meeting the mother until near the end of the show, and them being awesome together, only to have her die and Henry get together with his true love, the on-again/off-again girlfriend who we will see never work together again and again through the show's run and was actually married to Henry's friend for a time. (Why yes, I am still bitter over that whole fiasco of an ending, thanks for asking) Seriously though, I do agree they should have had some mystery over who Lily's mom is and how he is in love with Cinderella 2.0. Let the mystery of how Henry went from the high schooler in the diner with his family celebrating their happy beginnings to the man who answers the door in Seattle years later unfold over the season. Show us, don't tell us main parts of the story before the season even begins.
  17. Season 2 First Look Very beautiful scene. Made me realize just how much I am looking forward to more of this show.
  18. I never thought about it as a kid, but as an adult who is a history buff, I am baffled that they made an animated kids musical about a murdered young princess who was an actual person. It is just such a tragic story in actuality, especially considering the turmoil Russia went though leading up to and after their murders.
  19. I still am of the mind they would have to be crazy to kill Emma off, and that at least ABC would stop them, realizing how it would torpedo the ratings and streaming. However, I would be lying if that, in addition to the "can't say" when asked if someone's heart was crushed to do the new curse didn't scare me about Emma's fate.
  20. Poster for season 7 posted on their Facebook page. They are really going all in on the bee theme, huh? Also, does anyone else find this less creepy and more gross?
  21. On the subject of Emma dying, especially if Hook kills her to cast the curse, wouldn't TPTB realize how that would torpedo the shows viewership? I can see A&E wanting her dead since they don't seem to care about any of the Charmings(they only take screen time away from Saint Regina after all), but ABC and Disney would have to realize that It would kill DVD sales, streaming revenues, con appearances, etc. I am usually ride or die with shows, especially this far into a shows run, but I would seriously consider dropping the show if they killed Emma off like that. Also; I don't think Jen would be back at all if that was the plan for Emma. She seems to care about Emma too much for that. My vote is either a separation by choice(such as Hook goes to help Henry while Emma keeps order in Storybrooke) or circumstance (They both go to help Henry but get separated inadvertently in trying to do so).
  22. Yikes! Sorry about all the hate you've gotten!
  23. Maybe I am missing something but I just don't get how some people can take a ship so far as to harass anyone they see as a "threat." Especially actors who, in most cases, have little to no control over what is written and are just doing their job. I get being invested in a ship and why Supercorp has special meaning to many but it sounds like to a small hardcore faction of those shippers it has been taken too far. The only ship I have ever really gotten invested in was Emma and Hook on Once Upon a Time and even though TPTB on that show treat that relationship horribly and as an afterthought a lot of times, I don't go harassing them, or the actors, on social media. With ships, nothing is owed to you or the characters you are pushing for. While it is nice when TPTB take what fans want into consideration it is totally up to them where they want to take the show, for better or worse. It's fine to be invested and complain, but it's ultimitely their show and they are the ones who decide what happens and the story they are telling.
  24. So, I kinda like the idea of Henry going out to discover the world and his place in it. It is realistic that someone who grew up in a hidden town, pretty secluded from the outside world for most of his life, and who comes from a family of people who have had so many adventures of their own, would want to find their place in the world. If there wasn't the whole thing with the curse, and it was just Henry exploring the other realms and crashing various fairy tales, maybe even having to get involved to keep them on track when he inadvertently messes things up (think Legends of Tomorrow but substitute history for fairy tales), season 7 could be promising. Alas, I know that is not what we will get, and even if that was where they were going, it would not be executed as promisingly as it could be...
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