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Everything posted by indeed

  1. Kurt puppet as chew toy for his dog? That episode was terrible, but I liked the Kurt puppet. LOL
  2. "Speak for yourself." LOL Yup. It's really not hard to believe it would all boil up and come out...especially when the crew was in front of them. No matter how glad some of them might've been at that point to be free of Glee.
  3. Ah, yes, he did enjoy that! Good suggestion. Other than some of Kurt's clothes (like the tightest pants) and maybe that hippo pin (or whatever it was), don't know what would be a good souvenir from a Kurt/Chris perspective.
  4. He said almost the same exact thing in the EW article. I've only scene a clip so far (Ellen doesn't air until later today here), but it seems the mystery of Chris' Glee set memento goes on...or at least I didn't hear him chiming in when the others were talking about what they took. Hmm...Kurt's neck kerchief collection perhaps--for his dog?
  5. Sorry for the OT, but there was more than just what was already mentioned for Kurt's "journey to NYADA". He went to see Madame Tibideaux while he was in NY and she referred to him applying again with a video or something we didn't get to see because it didn't involve Rachel or Blaine. So, yes, more telling and not showing, but he did do something other than just being in the audience for Winter Showcase and being lucky enough for Madame Tibideaux to notice him and call on him.I can't really call into question Kurt's "earning" his spot at NYADA when we have Blaine's effortless acceptance to such a competitive school. Now Rachel is just let back in? Madame Tibideaux is really losing her cred lately... As for this episode, I can't believe the rise and fall of Sue Sylvester didn't involve Figgins in any way (or did I miss a blink-and-you-miss-it cameo?). That Becky, not cool. Ugh, I hate the Warblers and their stupid Blazers. LOL
  6. The TV Guide article does reference DSB, like its kind of a given. Yeah, I'm not still (ever) swooning over Klaine. I don't know who would be after season 3.
  7. Plus, it looks like he's going to be on Ellen next week (3/12) with other Glee cast members. I hope to catch that.
  8. Seriously, five years into the future and Blaine's still wearing bow ties and Kurt's still sportin' the neck kerchiefs. Ugh. At least Blaine's hair looks decent. There's that.
  9. Maybe they're both shown singing the song, but they're not signing it together. So, Kurt can keep his season 1 Kurtness and not have much time for one Miss Rachel Berry, but they can show both of them having something in common early on that will help build their friendship later. There are a few ways to have them sing Popular without Kurt owing the rest of his life and married bliss to Rachel because she helped steer him toward glee club, but we'll see...
  10. That would have made too much sense.
  11. (I was kidding above, BTW. Just in case anyone thought I was being serious. God help us if they were cranking out 24 episodes. They couldn't give us a nice tight final season with only 13 "planned" out.) If they only had five episodes to wrap things up, they probably still would have spent 4 1/2 on stuff no one cares about...
  12. It's because they didn't get the full 22+ the two cut from last season. If they had 24 episodes, they could've written something amazing for the final season! With only 13, they figured, why bother? It's not like any of the writers hope to have writing careers after Glee ends...
  13. Is "CC" being used to cover two separate sets of fans here (CrissColfer vs. Chris Colfer), because I think there may be some confusion regarding which set is being referred to in these posts (or maybe it's just me!)?
  14. I could have sworn there was a quote saying the original five would each be singing solos (which I thought at the time, "Ha! We'll see!"), but I guess that means each get to sing. Sorry, Kurt! You're not important enough for a solo in the present or past (or probably even future--soon to be confirmed). Seriously, they could have fit more songs in--we know they can do it!
  15. Well, maybe it will be. Right, we don't know yet? His song is just one of her final songs. I can't be too bothered what her final song is out of possible multiple songs she might be featured on in the finale when others have barely been featured at all so far.
  16. Isn't it supposed to be one of her final songs? I don't see a real problem here. Now that Glee has absolutely nothing to lose, DC's doing two songs. Good for him. I hope they're decent. LM's singing at least one of them (don't remember what's going on with the other one). None of this is anything to brag about at this point in the series, but it probably means something to them.
  17. Click bait for 17 Again? There may have been other stars (I don't know, I didn't click and read), but maybe they thought DC would get more eyeballs. A table read itself doesn't sound that exciting.
  18. It's cable, but I wouldn't be surprised if Cougar Town is probably doing better in the ratings for its final season.
  19. Maybe Tartie's inexplicable placement is foreshadowing...'cause it's not like I believe these polls are real anyway.
  20. What staging? LOL I never said it did, so I don't know why that needs to be pointed out. I said it was a team effort.
  21. It was Rachels's idea and if not for her, the glee club would still be a computer room. However, after that, it's really been a team effort. Kurt, Sam, Kitty, Blaine, alumni appearances, and now Will (and probably even Sue) all will contribute to the New(+) Directions' new success and staying power. ETA: I am well aware of the history of RDJr.'s rise and fall and rise and fall and rise, etc., for I am that old. It is possible to compare because I just did. He was toxic for a while after many chances to restart his career and he had to prove himself more than just being talented. I'm not saying it's the same exact situation, just that if he can bounce back, Rachel surely can. Yes, it would be nice if it took more than Mercedes lining up an audition that she nails, but we'll see.
  22. I guess Rachel is the fictional Broadway equivalent of Robert Downey, Jr. He may have had to prove (and insure) himself, but people took a chance on him when he was a major financial risk and he is now a super star. They totally glossed over the repercussions of Rachel quitting FG so soon, so we don't know just how persona non grata she is there (if at all).
  23. I've never been in a high school show choir, and I'm sure they would have typical lead singers that they would go to often to perform, but I never thought they would be automatically guaranteed the solos and duets. The show always seemed unfair.
  24. If Parks & Recreation was a musical show, I'm sure main and significant recurring characters would have had ample song coverage in their final season...and then some old faves sprinkled in for nostalgia. Nope, we get people we don't care about singing as the big countdown to the end approaches. So, let's see how another show in its final abbreviated season (mis)handles their big send-off...
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