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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. This is my problem with it. They all have to get stupid for Dany to go this way. Why is Dany even rushing back? She should take her time. Perhaps starve out Cerci's supply lines. Take a few meetings with leaders around the globe that want to see Cerci out. Send for the second sons. Gather intelligence on what is going on. Send someone to buy off the golden company. Make directed strikes at Cersie's forces. Not to mention that for 7 years Cersie has been depicted as someone who thinks she is smarter than she is. Until now... now she is a bigger threat than the night king. Nope, not buying it. On the other hand Dany has been depicted as someone who always has people underestimate her and she is very smart and savvy. And frankly why is Euron so loyal to Cersie? Dany is much better looking. You would think Euron would want to be married to her as queen and would betray Cersie for what looks to be the winning team. And I don't buy Brienne sleeping with Jamie. She has been made fun of her whole life she would be too paranoid that Jamie was putting one over on her. No matter how much she desired him. That is complete fan service.
  2. I disagree. That is war. I hope she burns it all to the ground. Flattened. It is for the greater good.
  3. Maisie also said she thought Arya was asexual going into this season.
  4. Me too. I won't be watching anymore episodes. HBO just got cancelled in my house hold. If these leaks aren't true I will watch later but I am sure they are. I would have been fine with Missandei or Rhaegal dying if it was done in a smart or reasonable way. But the clips I saw made it like Dani lost all her brains and was skipping through the tulips when that idiot Euron took out her dragon. Also, I would be fine with it if Dany came back strong and destroyed Cersi and Kings Landing, taking out Euron and breaking the wheel... but then for Jon to kill her for being the mad queen? Sexism alert. ANYONE who doesn't have a vagina doing this is just the winner.. if you have a vagina, you're a mad hormonal crazy woman that we have to take out. What do you guys think of the suggestion in the the same thread that Stannis Baratheon shows up tonight?
  5. I read someplace that when he told Rose Leslie the ending she wouldn't speak to him for 3 hours.
  6. There is just no way the dragons should be so easily defeated... nor should the ballistas be so easy to fire. No should Dany have gone to Dragonstone. This is not the sneaky smart boss we saw get the unsullied in season 3. This is not the person infuriated with her hand last season because he wanted to discuss things after she took the throne and she wanted to discuss how to get the throne. Oh and I don't believe for a second that Brianne and Jamie would have sex. Nope that isn't Brianne that is fan service.
  7. And just like the long night people have to be stupid for it to work out. How is it exactly that Euron, the towering moron, manages to take out a dragon? Ugh that annoys me most of all. Why isn't Dany more prepared? Over in Essos she was a boss, over here she is a moron. Everyone has to be different than they should be for the plot points to work.
  8. What was her downfall was being "nice" and not going with her instincts. Over in Essos she did what she wanted. Over here whenever she listened to anyone else it was always the wrong move. I guess it is a lesson for the ladies out there... go with your gut.
  9. It is so freaking sexist. Cersie is the crazy bad woman, Dani is the crazy bad woman with dragons... Bronn a man gets on the council and Jon, as usual, has everything go his way.
  10. Ok I just saw them. I frankly believe that D&D should be brought up on charges of fraud on the viewer. HBO will be cancelled tonight and if I ever get the opportunity to make D&D pay for their stupidity... i look forward to doing so.
  11. Is it me or wasn't this Arya? I mean I literally jumped out of my chair. I have never done that before. If you watch the reactions on you tube people were screaming at bars and pubs. I refuse to believe these *foilers*. Not at all consistent with what people have said about the season before. Such as Kit Harrington saying he was satisfied with the way the show ended. Or the ending being bittersweet. These foilers are more like people rioting in the streets.
  12. This is exactly my problem with all of the people saying it should have been Jon. This is the battle on the show that isn't personal. (I didn't like the NK smirking -- that is the first time we saw that) The NK is just going about what he needs to do and Jon is doing what he needs to do. To the extent that Jon has some personal animus, Jon has always taken on the NK when he was lacking back up. Caught off guard. Not sufficiently prepared. Under those circumstances yes.. the NK is a significant threat. But this is the first time Jon brought a serious challenge filled with various and sundry threats to the NK. Thousands of people armed with dragon glass and information about them all going all out with the only goal to kill them all. Is there any evidence that the night king knows who Jon is personally other than a living? To me a lot of the people who dislike it want the night king to be this kind of human like thing that holds personal vendettas and that is why they want it to be Jon. But I never really saw that on the show. They also wanted the night king of have some sort of massive powers and while he isn't stupid he isn't this massive unstoppable thing. They look to the last walkers invasion but isn't possible that the last time was so devastating because people were not as prepared as they were this time? If Jon hadn't been around and gotten people to listen the nights king would have just slowly and quietly killed until millions of the dead showed up at Kings Landing and they would not have been prepared to fight them off.
  13. I am typically with the incels because I dislike when a woman just wins the day without sufficient care taken to make it believable. But in this case Arya doing this was more than justified. It is true that the show seemed to hint Jon would have some massive role but this show constantly makes you think a character is going to do something and then they come to nothing. Off the top of my head, Ned, Rob, Stannis.. all seemed fated for massive things only to have a quick and perfunctory end.
  14. I really don't see why he is a hero. Other than the plot / fans demand it. Everything he does is piss poor and he just "lucks out" constantly. The people that killed him didn't think he was a hero. The 49% of the nights watch that didn't elect him leader - didn't think so. Sansa won the battle of the bastards but he got the credit. He bent the knee to Dany and most of the north is still mad at him for doing so. Ned Stark stayed trued to his convictions and doomed most of his family because of his "convictions". To me, that is a fool. Jon takes after him. But the "go go" theory is straight up lame and I can't see anyone taking it seriously -- unless that is, they are desperate to somehow give Jon credit for the NK kill.
  15. You could argue Walder Fray but there is no way she has had every hero moment. It is Jon who has a hand in EVERYTHING... despite not really being good at anything. It is Jon who is the Mary Stu. I would have been amazing to me if he just avoided Winterfell totally. Just walked on down to Kings Landing. Didn't love the idea he was after the three eyed raven but even if he was, seems logical that he would see what was waiting for him and just go the other way.
  16. Agree. It is really concerning how desperate some of the fandom is to have the man be the hero.
  17. For me the tip off is that it contradicts the earlier statements the cast made. Such as that the end was bittersweet. I cannot see those spoilers are "bittersweet". I feel this is just a way to get people to watch. Every single episode is hyped. Suddenly they are all on Kimmel going on about how the next episode is crazy. You might say, why? Well clearly to justify the spin offs they are hoping to make. They want the numbers to appear gangbusters.
  18. There is no way that GOT stands for the idea that power corrupts. Cersi never had any power until now and she lusted after it for years. Robert had all the power in the world and cared more about shagging. Ned was the hand of the king and his lack of respect for power got him killed. This show stands for the proposition that most people are deeply flawed for their various and sundry reasons. Jon is never written as corrupted by power because he is never written that way and the fandom doesn't demand it. When Dany kills two people she is the mad queen. When Jon does it... its ok cause.... its Jon.
  19. https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/3/18528437/game-of-thrones-got-season-8-jon-snow-hero-westeros-daenerys-bad-leadership-dragons This is everything I hate about Jon Snow. He is literally on my last nerve lately.
  20. Drogon had holes in his wings after the fighting pits in Mereen. He is still here.
  21. Me either. All the leaks that have come out have been wrong wrong wrong. I suspect there is a campaign by everyone on the show to put out false information so the fans will be fooled. Who even remembers this week some of the spoilers form last week that turned out to be false.
  22. I said with the other dragon standing guard.
  23. Me too. Everyone had to get dumb for this battle to play out like it did. There should have been a trap waiting for the night king around Bran. (maybe a hidden tunnel that people could have come out of) Home alone type traps. Heck Bran should have had a weapon. The dragons should have been used effectively. One dragon on the ground blowing fire at the wrights and the other standing guard against the night king. No humans should have been offered up to die. The living have an edge... they can think. That should have been how they won. It isn't like the night king can see though walls. The night king was always formidable before because Jon didn't have back up. Now he had plenty of back up. There should have been something bad ass by our team... such as the NK firing on Dany only to discover she is the "unburnt". But it seemed like everything just went the NK's way. On the behind the scenes video it says that they wanted things to go wrong. Well, fine, that could have happened but it doesn't mean that the original plan had to be stupid.
  24. Something else I was thinking about, I felt like there was a massive plot hole at the end of season 6 when Arya just "left" Jaqen H'ghar and the assassins order. Jaqen H'ghar actually smiles when Arya says that she is NOT "no one" she is Arya Stark and she is going home. Why would Jaqen H'ghar ever be happy about that? This always bothered me because are you telling me that he would just allow her to be trained, kill the waif, and then, tell him basically to go to hell- and this would make him happy? Then, these people would just never come after her? Why? Is it ok to make a fool out of the many faced god? The entire plot was all about Arya accepting that she was no one and at the disposal of whatever they told her to do. But at the end she says nope and walks away? Arya taking out the night king perfectly solves that plot hole. Jaqen H'ghar and the many faced god would want Arya motivated to go home and use her skills on the night king. Not to mention that there clearly seems to have been a purpose to assign her to go after the actress in the play about her life. That play was meant to remind Arya of the importance of her family and instill a desire in her to go home.
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