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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. You can still make one. I'd request it, but I can never remember the characters' names. Maybe if they were in big block letters and in English, I'd remember them.
  2. So there's still a chance we'll be spared Rodney on the jury? Or giving a speech to the jury? On the bright side, he'd probably be with Joaquin (Joaquim?) in the losers' lounge. Out of curiosity, how soon does CBS air teasers for upcoming episodes? Or post them online? I feel like dissecting material and making educated guesses.
  3. I liked the episode. It takes something special to up the crazy for the finale. Sure, Adam Reed did a Fantastic Voyage-themed episode of Sealab 2021, but it's still a good concept after the adventures of the last few finales. And, natch, Krieger ruins everything. Serves the doctors right for throwing implements at him. He would've been less trouble on the ship I don't understand why Lana bothers trying to get Archer to contemplate his mortality. Also, I didn't think Cyril could be so dark. We've had Cheryl "Julia Gluey Dreyfus" Tunt coherent, though, but then she snaps back to being her sociopathic self, which is always a hoot.
  4. Just catching up. Todosai is the name of the sword forger, right? Anybody else impressed that his three-eyed cow demon thing can project images from other dimensions like a movie camera? I'm oddly amused by it. I'm taking to this show like I did with Gurren Lagann . . . I don't know most of the characters' names, the plots are insanely intricate, and I like it when we go into old reliable tropes. Miroku's lechery, for instance. Or Kagome being the worst student ever, ditching school for feudal fantasies. Or the simple fun of "SIT, BOY!"
  5. Checking in to see if anybody else has caught the last few episodes. Tonight, we had the Titans defeat four martial-arts party dude turtles with the power of pizza-fueled wacky humor. It was better than it looks on paper. (or screen).
  6. Okay. That was funny. Probably because the tweeters can barely articulate their hatred for Johnny. And who runs up to Johnny (or a lookalike . . . poor bastard) for an autograph? He's still a noxious gasbag. Sadly, I don't think we'll be seeing the last of him.
  7. I wound up catching most of the episodes. It was an interesting series. I will confess, I don't remember that many of the characters' names beyond Kamina, Simon, Yoko, etc. It did make a good impression in my head for being over-the-top. And I didn't cry when Nia "died," though I can see how that can jerk a few tears. Simon knew it was going to happen . . . might've been nice if he told the friggin' wedding party about it beforehand. Oh, and how come the pig-mole thing de-evolved from the penultimate episode? It was kinda kinky to have the silent animal sidekick go humanoid for a few minutes.
  8. Did not know about this thread until I checked in on the Gurren Lagann thread. Nice to see like-minded geeks like myself in this neck of the woods. SD Gundam was a Toonami show back in the day, and I remember it being kid-friendly. Now, The Big O? Too much higher thinking for younger minds. I can't recall anything beyond the big mecha, outrageous characters, and tomatoes. Lots of tomatoes. Oh, and one character was voiced by the VA behind Pegasus from Yu-Gi-Oh! I'll be watching SAO II . .. or should it be called "Gun Art Online"? Oh, and I expect far less accidental sibling lust with this version of SAO.
  9. I'm assuming that we've reached the jury phase with next week's merge. I think all bets will be off as to who goes next, but I must say this: Rodney's jury speech is probably going to be a keeper. Or "keepah," depending on the accent.
  10. With this show? Not for several episodes. Sorry . . . I just had to.
  11. Thanks, guys. Routh is better at being ATOM than Superman. I know, not saying much.
  12. I just think Ray is a schmuck with too much money and time. At least he's good as an impromptu minister. Aaaaaaaaaand that's all I have for Ray. I guess I adhere to the canon Atom and his powerset over the ATOM armor. BTW, what does ATOM stand for? I forgot . . . and there are fewer words to memorize than FIRESTORM over on The Flash.
  13. I was out last night, and caught the episode on DVR today. Not much newness I can add, save for this thought: a parka with the hood up is not a good look for Wentworth Miller. I know he's trying to be a badass, and he's succeeding for the most part, but that damn hood takes away from the mystique. I think it's one of those things that doesn't translate from the page to the screen. Poor Barry. And poor, poor Cisco. That boy can look so beaten down, between last episode and this one. I'm a little annoyed by the "gold gun." Couldn't the writers skew closer to the comic? Then again, maybe "villainous figure skater" would look even dumber than that darn parka hood. Isn't "Lightning Psychosis" the name of a glam metal band?
  14. Sorry, Joaquim, but Rodney has an easier path to victory within him. I mean, Rodney isn't Russell or anybody of that ilk, but he would be a non-factor on Day 39. Joaquim is a sharper knife, so he had to go. Bonus: we get to see Rodney rage in the episodes to come, and he had a Top 5 expression on his kisser after the blindside. I'm feeling closer to hoping Shirin wins. I know, she's probably a pain in the ass, but she seems to enjoy the game, or at least tries to enjoy it. The immunity challenge was a bit confusing for me. If the game is best of five, wouldn't Dan and Kelly need to be switched out after failing? Weren't there six to a side during that challenge? Or am I missing something? Also, throwing challenges is bad juju. It'll probably bite Mike in the ass after it's done with Boston Rod. Thanks for the nickname, Straycat80!
  15. Thinking about to the original heroic Sarah from The Gauntlet, I'm glad there wasn't a reunion. Thinking about the prospect of the likes of Adam and Veronica dogpiling on her would've been too ugly to bear. Fast forward to today, I have to hear Johnny make excuses and try to eviscerate Sarah Rice. Hey, Johnny? It was someone else's turn to win. Sit down, shut up. Not much I can add about the reunion. How come none of these people get booed? You got Johnny and his whinging, Nia and her ill wind, and Mr. Women Are Swamp Donkeys himself, and they get cheers. Unbelievable. Also: Jordan got rid of the Jack Sparrow look for the reunion. Good for him.
  16. I had fun. The good guys wound up winning. How often does that happen on this show? Sure, Sarah is an acquired taste, and Jordan is a bit of a meathead . . . but compared to the rest of the field, they're practically saints. Johnny and Nia can eat shit as far as I'm concerned. Oh, Jay & Jenna. You know what would've been a baller move from Teege? If he had drank one glass of the noxious drink, not recoil or throw up, then drop the glass at Jay's feet. Yeah, Jay's manhood (or at least his stomach) deserved to be challenged, but I thought TJ was trying to be like Jeff Probst, and nobody is supposed to be like Probst. In other news, Jay is currently blocking people on his Twitter feed. Seriously, this was the right ending. Jay & Jenna winning would've been too much like Amy & Maya winning TAR25, and it wouldn't have been fair for Leroy & Theresa to be have been victorious. And Johnny got shut out before the big finale. Great ending to a decent season. ETA: Putting up Jay and Jenna's Twitter feeds? I'm still undecided whether that was genius or plain sadistic.
  17. From RealityBlurred: S32 might be determined by fan vote. I can just see Probst stuffing the ballot box for his personal favorites . . . if this is true, I mean.
  18. Anybody else catch "Bubble Master Kalifa! The Soap Trap Closes in on Nami!"? Kalifa's new power only looks dumb on paper, but she's still an assassin. Meanwhile, Chopper goes massive and nearly kills Kumadori, and Luffy nears a rematch with Rob "Pigeon Guy" Lucci. ETA: And we got a teaser for the next episode. That never happens! I guess the episode ran short, so Toonami didn't feel the need to cut it off as per usual.
  19. Heads up: With the end of Gurren Lagann tonight, Toonami/[adult swim] is bringing in Sword Art Online II to fill the gap. I saw both seasons of the original SAO, and it should be interesting to see what happens to (looking up Wikipedia) Kirito this time. SAO II goes into the 1 a.m. slot, displacing Naruto Shippuden to 2. One Piece, sadly, remains at 2:30, though "reruns" of episodes air on the following week at 8:30. ETA: If anybody missed out on Attack On Titan, it'll rerun at 3 a.m. starting next week, replacing Deadman Wonderland.
  20. I read the first trade paperback years ago. Looks like the show isn't going to adhere to the comics. On the other hand, we're not going into severe sorrow porn that is The Walking Dead. I'll give this show a chance, even though I never got into Veronica Mars. As for the brains? As long as Liv prepares them with some semblance of her old life, I have no problem with the eating.
  21. Heads up . . . there's going to be a "Shit They Should've Shown" episode on Tuesday at 9 p.m. That means three hours of Challenge "goodness" to be had, between that special, the finale and the reunion.
  22. Probst really was high on this episode? And Worlds Apart in general? Yikes. So what . . . rampaging sexism, a couple of oddballs out, and a woman gets clocked in the head? Sounds about right. BTW, I can see that the first reward challenge had Nina in mind, what with the one blindfolded person whose mere job was to help raise the lift. At least that's where my mind went when I saw it.
  23. Well, at least Archer wants to reconcile with Lana. He just goes about it in the most Archer way possible. Also, I don't see why Lana would need her usually present guns, what with the hands and the martial arts moves. And I don't blame her for making out with the Welsh "freedom fighter" to fool the MI:5 guy. BTW, who is Matthew Rhys? I'm unfamiliar with him. B-plot was all right. I thought Ray would get an artificial arm. Having a transplant from another race? Sure, why not? ETA: Hey, Cyril wasn't sad this week. That's gotta be an improvement.
  24. Good episode. I would've expected Dennis to start a cult on purpose, but the long con of him getting Mac to stop eating his Thin Mints works. Had to laugh at him battling Dee and Frank over who the best "Master" was. And, of course, people had to suffer because of the Gang's brand of idiocy.
  25. Well, that wasn't much fun. I still don't find myself caring for anybody left in the game, and I'm disappointed that Max is out. You need as maybe Survivor geeks as possible, and we're out by one. Oh, and Max? I reckon the most uneven twist was S4, when one tribe was just old Paschal and four women. Take heart in knowing that your spilt probably ranks in the top five. Seriously, I feel more compelled by the lizard with all the nasty critters on its face, because I saw it in the teasers. I think I'd get along with Shirin, but I'm not fretting about her seemingly inevitable ouster. She's probably an interesting person, but she's on the wrong tribe now. Also, the majority at the red tribe seem intent on keeping Will, which is nuts. Did any of the blue or white-collars see him in action? Or inaction? Bit of a waste of two hours. We could've had an episode of TAR to offset the NCAA tournament-influenced hiatus, and that would've been more fun than what we had tonight.
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