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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I'm not keeping track. How long do we wait for the Infinity Wars movies, and how many Marvel flicks will we get in the meantime? Bruce proposes a work-around to wielding Mjolnir. I find it rather cute.
  2. Dunno where else to put this . . . Kishimoto is coming to this year's New York Comic Con. The site says he'll be showing up on Thursday and Saturday. I'm betting too may people will be there for me to contemplate getting an autograph or sketch.
  3. I forgot about that. I had The Empire Strike Back sheets, but I was little then.
  4. I got tomorrow off work, so I was able to watch the episode "live," as opposed to DVRing it. A black-and-white spoof on Twelve Angry Men debating Amy's hotness and comedic ability? And the show's star puts in a brief appearance and co-directs it? That takes guts. For the record: I find Amy funny. I don't think "hot," but a woman with a great sense of humor can go far with me.
  5. Impressive. Liked the measures, countermeasures and counter-counter-measures. Did not expect SkyeMommy to get EJO killed. Well, there's a silver of a chance he can be an Inhuman named "Stumpy." Or "Lefty." Yeah, we need more Patton Oswalt. The mystery of the Koenigs needs to be solved. Also: are "The Real SHIELD" folks worthy of lanyards?
  6. I'm willing to bet whomever gets voted off in tomorrow's episode will be up for contention. With our luck, it'll probably be Rodney, and Probst will stuff the ballot box.
  7. Well, that could have been worse. Sure, Eddie looks like a punk that needs rescuing, and Grodd is so gonna be the S2 Big Bad. But it could have sucked so much harder. Heh . . . Joe offered Grodd a banana. Would've been nice to see him pack it (Chekov's Fruit?), but it was good for a cheap laugh. I thought the Big Reveal to Iris wasn't that painful, though it looks like Wells was in charge of security at STAR Labs. How could the gang not see Iris coming? And Iris took it well, considering she had been lied to all this time. She was good . . . she didn't hand out kicks to the crotch or anything, but I thought she looked like an intelligent person. ETA: Anybody else figure "Grodd" is an acronym? The best I could think of is "Gorilla Really Ornery, Deadly, Dangerous."
  8. Got home a little later because I had to vote. In case I didn't say it months ago . . . I come from a Congressional district that elected a guy who had been up on twenty counts of nastiness, and he plead guilty to one of them. So he resigned his seat. And the election is today. And I'm sure that the Republican is going to win, even though he's the guy that couldn't get justice for Eric Gardner. If I'm running as a Democrat, I'd be coming out to "Won't Get Fooled Again" (or whatever the song is titled) every chance I got. So . . .. anybody see the new Avengers movie? I liked it, though I don't think it was as good as the original. Also, I got an urge to splurge on a sketch, asking for both versions of Quicksilver . . . from Age Of Ultron and X-Men: Days Of Future Past.
  9. Well, you can't say that the writers don't know how to go for broke, even if their treatment of females is a little suspect. Damn . . . Barbara is a nutter. I hope Erin Richards can act well in a straitjacket, because Barbara is more than likely off to Arkham. Her psycho turn can't erase a plodding character arc, but damn, it's interesting to watch. Since when is Selina on any team aside from her own? It took two weeks for her to get a Team Fish makeover? WTF?!? I guess I'm attached to her regular outfit, goggles and all. Penguin as Mob King of Gotham is a little too easy. He went from being an umbrella boy to big shot inside of a season, all because his rivals are dead, presumed dead, retired. I'm betting the first part of the next season will be full of mobsters who didn't get the memo about his new position. I hope his reign is as much fun to watch as his journey to get there. RIP Fish? Yeah, right. We've established a doctor exists that can do crazy shit with bodies. Just because Fish had the prisoners put the boots to Dr. Dollmaker doesn't mean he could "regenerate" her in a pinch. Attention, actresses! If you can sneer and chew a ton of scenery, Gotham might have a part for you! In other news: poor Butch. He needs a hug.
  10. Nice that the "pasta machine" analogy made it past translation. Also, Spandam needs an ass-kicking of the highest magnitude. But we already knew that.
  11. You know the shuffleboard-like game shown last week? Just saw it on The Simpsons. Just thought I'd mention it.
  12. Caught the movie today. I think AoU falls short of the original movie, but a. That was a pretty high bar, and b. Still better than anything DC Comics has put out without Batman. Seriously, the movie felt like more cool moments were stuffed in, as opposed to it happening organically the first time, if that makes sense. Vision wielding Mjolnir was out of left field. I was okay with it, especially with the ramifications of "worthiness" brought up afterward. Also was surprised Hawkeye got to live. I guess he gets his "happily ever after," especially with Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird off the table, Isn't it comics canon that Clint is a bit of a slut? Giving him a secret family was odd, but I could dig it. I heard there was no end credits scene, but I stayed anyway, like an idiot. Not like anything could top the scene from three years ago, but something would have been nice. And no, Thanos doesn't really count.
  13. Anybody else spot Jonny Yung Bosch's voice? I had to check the credits, and his name was at the bottom. Nice to have Ichigo Kursaki back for a night. In other news: Nui is nuts. No wonder the CEO keeps her on a long leash. Without Senketsu getting overwhelmed, it really wasn't much of a fight.
  14. Tonight's episode is brought to you by the letters "P," "T," "S" and "D" . . . Kirito's guilt for killing three guys in SAO, and Sinon's IRL fatality. They face each other in the BOB prelims, and Kirito goes God Mode yet again to win (or at least force a surrender). I'm not tired of seeing him do that, but I can see how that can be pain for other viewers.
  15. I know, I probably say, "Well, that was weird," but I think it fits more so with this episode. Something about imps that say "Chips" and "Ice Cream." I'm down with the Pokémon anime, so I'm used to it. A performer manages to transfer them from his head to Jake's noggin. Annoyance ensues . . . except for BMO, who is enthralled by the duo permanently attached to Jake's head.
  16. I'm thinking the "iconic" winner will be Mike. Probst loves him some Texans, and Mike winning every immunity challenge from now until Day 38 would be one heckuva story. Query: Which 'loved one" would show up for Dan? His wife? Seriously, who would marry that guy? "Somebody blind" would be my (mean) guess.
  17. Well, it's official: in order for the season to be redeemed, Mike & Rochelle need to win. I don't think it's a total longshot, especially after Amy & Maya lucked their way to a win last season. While the Blind Date couples have worked out well, relatively speaking, it's still a gimmick. A gimmick that should have never been foisted upon the show. Also, Mike winning would redeem big guys on reality shows, especially with Dan and Will stinking up Survivor: Worlds Apart. Speaking of Survivor . . . I think I've become numb to whatever nonsense Racers go through. Yeah, I'm prone to yelling "FREE BLAIR!!!" as the next fan, but my heart isn't in it. Hayley isn't a total shit human being like some of the folks over on Survivor. She needs to tone down the nagging, but it's not like Blair openly contemplates kicking her out of the moving cab while they went to the Andes. Nice llamas. Cute pigs. Pity we didn't see more of them. And Papas Lady for the win. Ditto for Mashey posing with Phil on the mat after their elimination. I smell a potential "all-star" team.
  18. Late thought . . . was it just me, or was Probst too into Rodney during the immunity challenge? As bad as Dan's yammering was, Probst just kept at it, encouraging Rod to buckle down. How is Probst not embarrassed by his flagrant favoritism?
  19. I'm torn about Shirin possibly becoming a S31 contestant. On the one hand, she's an impressive fangirl who knows what's what most of the time. On the other hand . . . how would she react to a new set of assholes, especially those who know about her being unloved in general? Also, the Reunion might have a ton of support for her, and she might be targeted early because of it.
  20. Before I go to bed . . . has Probst ever had a title quote before?
  21. ProfCrash . . . forgive my skepticism, but I feel that Probst would never throw guys he likes under the bus, even if the audience (in person and online) bay for their heads. He'll probably briefly touch on it, but he'd let a guy have the last word . . . like Dan whining about how he was adopted and grew up in a cupboard under the stairs. Cut to Probst changing the topic, giving Rodney some undeserved ego-stroking.
  22. Trying to look on the bright side . . . Shirin's jury speech will be friggin' EPIC. Even if we get a bland combination of Carolyn/Tyler/Sierra that didn't seem to pile on her, it should be fun for somebody to try and top Sue Hawk's "Rats and Snakes" speech. And if we wind up -- heaven forbid -- with Will/Dan/Rodney? Oh, man. Probst might order her into one of those Hannibal Lechter rigs, taking awau her ability to bitch out people that need bitching out. Seriously, Shirin, if you need somebody to hold one of those assholes while you give them the business, feel free to drop a line my way.
  23. ratgirlagogo . . . and thank you for agreeing with me. Brandon was never the second coming of his uncle. He struck me as somebody who needed to be far away from his family in order to be sane. And good call on the Anthony abuse. enlightenedbum . . . I don't remember if Alicia was on the same tribe as Sue. I only remember Amber not joining in the "fun," and thinking that was one nice moment from such a bland contestant.
  24. I'm calling it now . .. Will and Dan will not apologize for their meanness towards Shirin at the Reunion, and Probst will sweep it under the rug as fast as possible. Shirin might be a fan, but she's not an alpha dog that Probst loves. ETA: While I'm at it: I hope Shirin takes the bitter route on Day 39. I don't care if we have a Tyler/Carolyn/Sierra F3. I want to see her vent. And because she's a fan, she knows that she's got a high bar to jump over.
  25. ProfCrash . . . then I'm weak as well. At this point, I'm just hoping for Mike to win it all, and he didn't save Shirin. She forgave him, so I guess I should as well.
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