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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I read the Reality Blurred article going into tonight. Apparently, three people who were considered for the voting: Greg, Ian and Shambo. Damn, I totally would've voted for Ian. And anytime I think of Shambo, I remember Miss Alli's recap of an episode where she led off by using "Russell" about 20-30 times, then ended with, "Also, Shambo's mullet."
  2. I think Rodney would've given Joaquin a vote instead of Will. And I'm not surprised that Probst gave Joe a lap dance. He's probably going to do that again in December.
  3. Two things: 1. Would it be too much to ask for the final tally? I wouldn't want to hurt the feelings of those shut out, but I'm curious as to who got the votes. 2. Anybody else think it would be funny if the S31 contestants had to vote off somebody before they get to the plane? I keep imagining a cheesy long shot of a dummy getting chucked off the bus going 65 mph and going under the rolling wheels. ETA. . . for anybody who lost track . . . FEMALES: Kelly, Kimmi, Peih-Gee, Ciera, Abi Maria, Kass, Monica, Kelley, Shirin, Tasha MALES: Jeff, Keith, Vytas, Terry, Andrew, Stephen, Woo, Jeremy, Spencer, Joe
  4. Shut up, Dan. I was scared that the only happy ending for a reality show that I watch would be Jordan & Sarah winning The Challenge. Good for Mike. It was like watching Tom Westman make it to the win, if Tom had his back to the wall through half the game. We might have lost a S31 contestant, but we gained a worthy winner. Shut up, Dan. Anybody wanting the winner of the Reward Challenge to take Rodney Sr. on the love-in? Oh, and Jeff? Stop making me like Rodney. He's not CT. CT had to work hard to not look like a thug. Rodney is a wanker, pure and simple. That said, I would've liked to have seen Rodney win the fire-making challenge just so Shirin could go off on him. Shut up, Dan. Surprised Shirin didn't turn the flame on Will up to 11. Anybody else feel that if contestants were music acts, she'd be a cover band? In her defense, she'd make for a kickass cover band. And I'm happy she made S31. No, shut UP, Dan. Why have the reunion? In the speculation thread, I put the over/under on ignored contestants at 9.5. Between the overflow of the voting and the S31 announcement, eleven cast members didn't have a say. I think that's a record. I know that nobody is really interested in Nina's beef with Jenn and Hali, or how big a nutjob Vince might be, but it would have been nice to -- I dunno -- have the S31 announcement on another night. Shut the fuck up, Dan. I don't think Probst has ever laid into anybody like he did with Dan. And Dan didn't even quit the game. He rolled the fatass under the bus, then produced a bogus suicide note. I will say that it kinda/sorta sucks Dan didn't make it to Day 36, because I would've wanted to see the person that would marry Dan Fucking Foley. Seriously. What the hell?!? Dan, shut up. I'll say it . . . Keith was eleventh among males. I guess voters love spitting. I'm happy with the cast, though I'm stumped as to how Shane didn't get enough votes. The man probably would have been a "character" even if he didn't go cold turkey on Exile Island. I'm not a betting man, but I'd lay a few bucks on a dark horse like Kimmi. Also Shirin, because I like her. Here's hoping the sympathy doesn't result in a backlash and an early boot. Fuck you, Dan. And take off the suit, Rodney, you blue collar ignoramus. Seriously, I hope his family smacks him around. Hard.
  5. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    The Mets are playing an afternoon game on Memorial Day. If I get up early enough, maybe I'll make it out to Citi Field for the first time in years. I haven't seen the rotunda they put up celebrating baseball history. Any fellow Mets fans have feedback on good seats, eats, etc.? And yeah, I'm thinking of going at a later date in order to catch one of the younger bucks on the mound, since I'm thinking Jon Niese would be on the hill that Monday. Or maybe I should hold out for Bartolo Colon. His at-bats are fun to watch.
  6. Biting the bullet.. . the stuff I have to think hard about happens after the ellipses . . . Females: Kelly, Kimmi, Teresa (I'm betting we'll get "T-Bird" jammed down our gobs), Mikayla (because she was voted out for "tempting" Brandon), Sabrina (if you had to give an immunity idol to somebody on the other tribe, you would've done it with Colton too), Abi-Maria (she's not the worst Brazilian to be on reality TV; that would be Camila of The Challenge), Shirin, Carolyn . . . Tasha (barely remember her, but better her making it than fellow female "Brain" Kass), Kelley (don't know who she is; I want confusion on having two people with the same name and different spellings). Males: Jeff, Stephen, Vytas, Woo (because David Jacoby from Grantland wants him back), Spencer (though I hope he's over Mitt Romney), Joe, Max, Mike . . . Shane (fuck it; I'm curious to see if he's gone cold turkey again), Jeremy (it would be on him to redeem Boston/New England after Rodney). Oh, and screw Andrew (he kept Osten . . . Osten) and Terry (poor man's Tom Westman).
  7. I lost my job today. One bright side of that . . . I get to watch IAS "live," as opposed to having it on DVR for a few days. I don't know if we needed two acts of Amy as an overgrown pageant princess. It easily eclipsed It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia in terms of producing squicky imagery with little beauty queens. I take it Amy doesn't talk about her experience on Last Comic Standing*, in the sense that it would have been natural if she brought it up with the Bachelor contestant. I've heard bits and pieces about Juan Pablo, and he sounds like a doof. *Also Reality Bites Back, but I think I'm the only person that remembers that show.
  8. Given that the episode is going up against the final two episodes of Supernatural, is it weird that I'd want the prologue footage to be set to an abridged version of "Carry On My Wayward Son" by Kansas? Especially if Mike is the focus character. Just a weird thought I have.
  9. I don't know what I was expecting. I guess it's logical . . .if a downbeat/gritty show like Arrow can have a happy ending, The Flash should end its first season in tragedy. And questions. Lots and lots of questions. Damn, Eddie. Wouldn't it been easier to get a vasectomy? Poor dumb bastard. Maybe he'll be revived in some other time. I mean, the wormhole leads to everywhere, and he can get a second chance there. BTW, how long in the future did Eobard say he was from? Canon dictates Reverse Flash is 500 years from the "present," so putting him in the mid-22nd century threw me off a little. Another question . . . why was Wentworth Miller credited? All he did was gawk at the wormhole. Probably thinking, "Oh, my" in that Garfield voice he does. Didn't see Killer Frost. Upon looking at her, I have to ask . . . what's with the cleavage? Also, I was more focused on the helmet coming out of nowhere before Eobard tried to leave. I guess that's what makes up for a stinger this week. I'm hoping for a "Flash of Two Worlds" situation to start S2. This show usually makes me happy. I'm glad we'll be back in the fall. ETA: I'd like to see pics from the future in addition to the view of Killer Frost.
  10. I expect "live" cut-ins during the episode. Between that, the finale taking up four days and S31, we might have the shortest reunion ever.
  11. Where can I see Andrew's banner ads? That sounds sad. Sure, the outcast twist was a bit mean, but his tribe (and the other one) could have won the challenge and kept the losers out. But both tribes failed, and Andrew had to take the heat of Lillian. Also, Ryan Shoulders' "DIE JERKS" buff. That was awesome. Day before the announcement, and I still haven't voted. I'm thinking the casual fans will have their say, and we'll be getting only a few of the old-school players. I also expect we'd get all of the S30 gang, except for Max.
  12. I'm thinking Mike wins, getting all but one vote (Dan) in beating Rodney and Will. I also figure Probst will try and bury the bullying behavior of the beta males, especially with Shirin is concerned.
  13. For those keeping up . . . more fun inside Naraku. To me, a casual viewer, it feels like the story is making itself up as it goes along. Am I alone on that? Also: how many more episodes do we have left? There's no new ep this coming Saturday due to the Kill la Kill marathon. ETA: Stupid question time . . . I can get how Kagome can travel between eras. But how does InuYasha pull that off? Is it a demon thing? If so, how come Shippo never made the trip? You'd have to hide his ears and feet, but it might be fun.
  14. I think there's more than just slapping, Sandman87. I'd elaborate, but I set up this thread to not have spoilers. Also . . . yeah, my mind wanders towards swimsuits. I imagine an elaborate swimsuit designed by Gold Roger, something for Sanji to beg Nami to wear.
  15. I'll probably have to rewatch the episode. I think it would be less clunky if they brought in the hosts of "Big Shots" from Cowboy Bebop to provide GGO exposition, instead of having a clearly irritated Sinon provide Kirito with the rules.
  16. I'll have to watch the episode again. I didn't notice any real sparks between Gamagoori and Mako. Also . . . am I weird for wanting a spinoff featuring the Osaka guy? I'm betting liberties were taken in translation, but it was still fun. In case you haven't heard . . . there's going to be a marathon of KLK episodes next Saturday. All reruns, but it's good to catch up.
  17. Well, it finally happened. No . . . not the end of the Luffy/Lucci fight. Robin getting the cuffs off and proceeding to slap the hell out of Spandam with her Flower-Flower power. I knew it was coming, I saw it on YouTube, and it was still refreshing to watch. You can even forgive the show for the Ohara flashbacks. ETA: No "new" episode next week . . .Toonami is having a Kill La Kill marathon during Memorial Day weekend.
  18. Well, that season happened. Seriously, can you really distinguish Laura & Tyler from the other winners? Or the other Racers in their season? I can't. Maybe they're comparable to Eric & Danielle, but that wouldn't be fair to Laura & Tyler. Still, a bland team wins a bland season. At least Hayley didn't win. And at least Blair didn't haul off and deck her, which makes him a better person than me for not thinking about doing that. She blew it. She. Blew. It. Not as satisfying to watch as Dan flaming out of Survivor, but it's still pretty sweet to watch. Damn, Mike & Rochelle got sucky cabbies. Couldn't the second guy run on fumes for a little while? I guess I wanted them to win because Mike represents big guys better than Dan and Will over on Survivor. Would've been a nice way to finish things up had they prevailed in the end, but it wouldn't have saved the season. Anybody else want to see Phil officiate Matt & Ashley's wedding? Also: There are a lot of teams that could be invited back in the future. I know, weak season, but everybody north of Bergen & Kurt has valid reasons to race again. Here's hoping TAR27 is an improvement, and that we get TAR28 soon after.
  19. Quick question . . . did TAR5 wrap up in Dallas like TAR26? All I remember is the final maze and Earl the shoulder-driving cabbie. Oh, and Chip & Kim winning, which was awesome.
  20. Lantern7

    Secret Wars

    Like I said on another thread, I got the first issue, but mostly for the blank cover that I can get sketched. Problem is, I don't know which character I should ask to get sketched. I was thinking Miles Morales/Spider-Man, or maybe something cosmic like Galactus. Any thoughts?
  21. Speaking of Special Edition . . . turns out I'll have to get there extra early to get a shot at NYCC. The October con sold out quickly yesterday, and I didn't find out about it until it was too late.
  22. This week: the love life of Cosmic Owl. Yeah, this was weird even before we found out his intended was a Gunther. Dream lives of the citizens of Ooo . . . odd stuff, even for this show.
  23. Sandman87 . . . .Zoro tends to level up during fights. He learned how to cut through steel while battling Mr. 1 in the Alabasta arc, which was needed since Mr. 1 had Devil Fruit power of becoming steel. I forgot to mention Spandam's wickedness, Should I be impressed by Robin biting down on the rail in order to forestall her fate?
  24. What a difference an episode makes. Going into tonight's installment, I had Rodney beating Dan and Will on Day 39, and I contemplated whether I'd watch it play out. But now, Dan's gone, and any of the other three players can take Rodney and Will to the end and more than likely get the unanimous win. Mike would be the favorite because Probst called the winner "iconic" . . . and he loves him the alpha males. As much as Probst would enjoy slobbering over Rodney, I can see him getting his eye taken by Mike. I don't know if I'll get around to posting a prediction of next week's Reunion. Between the lackluster season and the hyping of S31, I'd put the over/under on ignored cast members at 9.5. Shit, the non-jury members might get shut out and relegated to the kids table . . . even Max, who might be leaving for S31 that night.
  25. Auntie Anxiety . . . that's where my mind went, though I think Newman is a closer comparison to Dan, even with the New England angle. Who had the title quote? I missed it. They've gotten too general lately.
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