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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Caught the tail-end of Steven Matz's second start. He cooled off at the plate. . . 0-for-3 with a RBI, putting his average to a mere .500. On the bright side: six scoreless innings against the Dodgers, as the Mets broke their drought, winning 8-0.
  2. There wasn't a media thread, so I'm setting one up. I just found out that the "Boruto" movie is going to be screened at New York Comic Con in October, on Naruto's birthday. Here are the details . . . if last year's con was any indication, the screening is going to be jam-packed. And Kishimoto is going to be there on Thursday and Saturday.
  3. I checked Wikipedia. Turns out I caught episodes 97-100 today. Only one I'm "missing" is "Beast Man," and I'll DVR that tomorrow
  4. How many new episodes? I may have lost track.
  5. Ick. Don't watch this garbage. Waste of time and money. Ted 2 would've been better for kids to watch. Boo. (long pause. . . . ) Juuuuuuuusssssst kidding. Another great movie from Pixar. I didn't have the major emotional reactions, but I think this is a great "all-ages" flick, where the parents don't have to check out for an hour-forty-five. And yeah . . . Lewis Black was born to play Anger. Did anybody else have inappropriate thoughts watching Riley run away from home? All I could think was, "And that's how strippers are made!" ETA: Anybody else think of Fox's Herman's Head? Or am I the only weird one?
  6. Here's a teaser for the upcoming season . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90wG8ObCBE0
  7. NBC is rerunning the episode tonight at 9, for those who missed it last week.
  8. Lessons learned: Amy makes a terrible wingman, albeit a persistent one. Amy would make for a good witch. Multiple Amys are a handful thanks to time travel, but at least she doesn't have to do that naked. Oh, and Amy can squeeze choice info from an Amish maiden. No, the last one is not a sketch . . . that actually happens.
  9. Flipping between Cubs/Mets and USA/Germany. I'm amused that the latter is being played at Olympic Stadium in Montreal. I went there ages ago for an Expos game. All that was missing was a circus. Did they ditch the "retractable dome" once the Expos moved to Washington?
  10. Good cross-section of ninja tonight. Wipeout of the night had to be the MMA fighter. She seemed nice, and she had a good backstory . . . but how can somebody that fit biff the Quintuple Steps? She's probably never going to here the end of that, even if she can kick ass. Bummer about Michelle Warnky wiping out on the Devil Steps, though it's nice that she went far enough to qualify for the next round. And Joe the Weatherman Ninja (WeatherNinja?) did a great job. I was kinda/sorta expecting his cousin to be in attendance Maybe "Adonis" didn't want to take the focus from Joe's expectant wife? ETA: Is next week a one-shot special, or is it another qualifier? An all-military edition sounds intriguing either way. ETA2: Anybody else feel that the hosts should have worn the green wigs until the end of the episode after "Captain NBC" cleared the stage?
  11. How many more episodes are there? It looks like we'll be getting an ending soon. And for those who suspected Sinon's IRL friend to be involved in the Death Gun stuff . . . give yourself a round of applause. I know, we had a tiny list of suspects, but it was still jarring to see the guy turn the creep dial past 10. Natch, Sinon needs Kirtio to come to her rescue, but I do give her props for fighting back (urged on by her online avatar), even though she passed up an obvious nut shot.
  12. This week: Michiko is a "work in progress." Even with the violence that surrounds her, she's still a better adult for Hatchin than her former family. For crying out loud, her foster father tried to kill her for the insurance money. Even in a genre defied by shitty parents (Ragyo, Gendo, the dude with the daughter and dog in both versions of Fullmetal Alchemist), that's a dick move. ETA: Dunno why I was blanking on Shou Tucker's name . . .
  13. You know when Tom delivers a monologue between the show and the commercial? Well, Toonami let somebody else behind the wheel. I don't think it'll make the air, but it is pretty funny. ETA: Quick heads up: next Saturday, Toonami will be celebrating the July 4 weekend with a DBZ marathon.
  14. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Well. So . . . the Mets have a new pitching phenom debut in Steven Matz, As I write this, he's given up two solo homers . . . but that is overshadowed by his 3-for-3 performance with 4 RBI. SNY keeps cutting to his family (he's from Long Island), and they are going nuts. You gotta check out the highlights when they come on. ETA: I almost forgot . . . this is all coming off the completion of a game from Saturday that ended up going 13 innings before the Mets won. So yeah . . . the Mets are having a day to remember.
  15. I don't remember how long it's been since I read the Ennies Lobby arc in the manga. I don't think I saw Kokoro as a mermaid coming back then. There's a lot of humor to be mined from there, but that'll come later. Speaking of the manga . . . I don't recall any part where all the air comes out of Luffy like a deflating balloon. Now that I see it in the anime, I have to say it makes sense to show that visual before we see Luffy at one foot tall. Don't ask me why his clothes shrink with him . .. because Japan, that's why.
  16. I should be more squicked out than I am, shouldn't I? I mean, one of the main female protagonists (Satsuki) runs around naked after freeing herself from bare-ass captivity, while her sister Ryuko is basically mindraped into putting on Junketsu, getting a new set of memories with her now-doting mother. I should be showering off the grime, but I'm all, "Hey, they're wearing each other's kamuis! Great way to end the episode!" You know things are strained between Ryuko and Senketsu when even Mako's "Hallelujah" speeches are ineffective.
  17. From Bleeding Cool . . .blind box Cartoon Network figures from Titan to come out this December. It's a nice mix of classic characters and current favorites.
  18. First impression: I need to go see what "It's a hard knock life" is when translated to Spanish. From the first search engine that I came across, it comes out "Es una vida de duro golpe." Damn, Hannah's life sucked. Michiko could be a cannibal for all we know, and Hannah would be in better hands than with her foster family.
  19. Apparently, Phil is/was in on the whole "takeover" thing on Big Brother. I didn't watch, but Andy from RealityBlurred.com did, and he wasn't impressed. My question: how can Phil engage in BB bullcrap when he's got a Race to host and greet?
  20. Aw, I like Shii Ann. I was happy that Amber gave her the $100,000 prize at the Reunion, because she was the only person who voted for her (as opposed to voting against Rob). And Miss Alli be damned, I enjoyed her victory celebration when she won immunity in S8
  21. Here's the trailer for 7-1: Sabaody Park! Celestial Dragons! The Eleven Supernovas! I'm tickled that Trafalgar Law is in the center of the cover, since I always find at least one dude cosplaying him at conventions.
  22. Just in case anybody is reading this . .. Comedy Central will start re-airing the tenth season tomorrow night at 10.
  23. The nasty part of my psyche says that he works at the theme park, and he had to do some fast talking to get out of wearing a Minion suit. Seriously, though, I think he was in the "While We Were Away" montage.
  24. I think that reruns take place nine days after they first air.
  25. NBC will be running this episode again tonight at 9 p.m.
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