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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I went to New York Comic Con last week. Turns out Titan has a new bunch of blind box Doctor Who figures, titled "Rebel Time Lord Collection." You can get characters from last season in addition to the heavy hitters. I wound up with a standard Twelve, Twelve in his "Caretaker" outfit, and "Rusty the Dalek." I got 'em for $10 apiece . . . .not a bad deal. ETA: Here's what to look for.
  2. Here are the unaltered opening credits, in case you missed it the first time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPPfG-VAscQ While I'm thinking about it . . . what does "the Maxim" indicate in the title?
  3. Did not see Tatsumi's latest turn coming. Esdeth reminds me of Maxima from Superman: The Animated Series (and, to a lesser extent, Smallville), only she's way more up front about wearing the pants in the relationship. Or holding the leash. Can't wait for her to find out that he personally hearsed one of her Three Beasts.
  4. Decent episode that gets bumped up by a killer song. Remind me to never get into the business of food reviewing. The Yelpers had it coming, but still . . . ew. I'm kinda/sorta hoping we get more of Ike going to clown school. It's too weird to not follow up on.
  5. In light of tonight's episode . . . what is the record for days before first Tribal Council? I'm thinking it's either Rupert in S7 or the Koror tribe, but I could be wrong.
  6. While I'm thinking about it . . . is Flashback Ollie going to go completely feral-looking in the next season? I was taken aback at the haircut. It's like the show ran out of budget on the wigs.
  7. Well, we're down one insufferable old-school male. Progress, right? I can't really describe why Jeff rubbed me the wrong way, but he just did. Not as bad as Abi-Maria, though . . . hate that she's going to be ridden to Day 39. And she wound up stabbing Jeff in the back. Hate her. Blindfold challenge is always fun due to the wealth of injuries that can happen. And the blind wandering. Aside from a few peeks, I don't think there's a story to be told outside of Angkor. Most of the people in the game are practically invisible. Is Keith not spitting during interviews anymore?
  8. Laurel, Laurel, Laurel. Just when I think Ollie is on top of Dumb Idea Mountain, she finds a new peak. What the fucking fuck, Laurel?!? I know, we got a spinoff to think about, but so much disbelief has to be suspended. Laurel sees that Thea has become unhinged, and her big idea . . . is to dig up her sister and dip her into the Lazarus Pit? After a year of being dead? I hope Malcolm kills himself laughing at her. And Ollie running as Mayor? Dude was presumed dead for five years. Even though Star City people don't know about his time in hell, they would probably figure that he's got PTSD from surviving on his own for half a decade. And he's been accused of being the Arrow. Twice! Honestly, it's like this show has become a microcosm of the status quo of DC Comics itself . . . doubling down on the insanity. "Whatever" on Anarky. Should be nice to see a threat beyond Dark (screw the pretentious spelling) and his ghosts. And he'll probably look better than his counterpart on Beware the Batman. If Sara's corpse had smacked Laurel in the face, that would have made my night.
  9. Nice to see I'm not the only one thinking of Lost with Simmons. Maybe there's a cantankerous raccoon she fell in love with. Or a tree man. I was busy posting about The Flash, so some stuff may have went over my head. I did like the English-to-English subtitles. And May continues to kick ass. I'm guessing Ward won't go down so easily, though.
  10. Not much to add to the conversation. I figured the story was a bit crappy, with Barry being a jackass, but it stuck the landing with the Flash #123 cover homage. Very cool. I'm thinking "Zoom" isn't Wells-2. Too obvious. Also, I don't know if I can get used to a Central City in Earth-2. It's always Keystone City, dangit! And I'm okay with Patty, since Linda's in the cornfield, Iris is off the table, and Felicity is with Oliver Queen. I don't know who had the bigger nerd boner . . . Barry reciting Monty Python with Patty, or Cisco in general.
  11. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Maybe this is the Cubs' year. Of course, if they face the Mets in the NLCS, I'll change my opinion. Given that we're guaranteed only one NL Central team in the NLCS, would it make sense for a wild card team to no longer face a divisional rival in the LDS?
  12. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I'm probably going to miss most of Game 4 due to geek programming. Maybe I'll DVR Tosh.0 (I know, should avoid) and Drunk History to see if the Mets can shut down the Dodgers. Also: I can't believe Chase Utley was part of the pre-game introductions, and I would've guessed Ruben Tejada would've required crutches, as opposed to a cane.
  13. I'm still recovering from New York Comic Con. I did my best to have fun . . . I missed some stuff, but I got to meet interesting people and I got a lot of walking done. Here are the sketches I got and the pictures that I took.
  14. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Since when does the scoreboard at Citi Field produce fireworks? I thought the giant apple would be enough of an exclamation point.
  15. Are we ready for Team Ninja Warrior? Sounds intriguing, but a lot could go wrong.
  16. The return of Buggy the Clown! Warden Magellan! And Impel Down!
  17. I'm thinking Barnes isn't corrupt, but he would have a lot of skeletons in his closet . . . and I'm not talking about No Ordinary Family. Anybody else think Silver might be part of Theo's master plan? Way to jerk around Bruce . . . and Penguin. Theo obviously doesn't give a fuck He doesn't care that any other city would have ferretted out his own assassination attempt. Did the GCPD check the bullets at the scene? I'm betting blanks were used. Kinda cute how Eddie and Kristen had to take off their glasses in order to kiss. Eddie is still a sociopath, though, and Kristen should be award of the red flags he's waving. Nice that Selina has her old outfit back. It works for her.
  18. Here's the teaser trailer for "Magical Friendship," which airs next week:
  19. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Revenge can be botched. I remember when Roger Clemens made his first appearance at Shea since he chucked a broken bat at Mike Piazza. Everybody knew he was going to get hit . . . and the pitcher missed him. Yeah, even with that big butt of his, the pitch was about a foot behind him. I think Clemens felt bad about the situation, and he may have grooved pitches to Piazza and the pitcher (Estes, I think) for homers.
  20. I picked up three titles at Midtown Comics for 20 percent off. They have blank covers, so I could get them sketched at New York Comic Con. Amazing Spider-Man #1: New status quo! Peter Parker is now a player on the global stage, and Spider-Man is his "bodyguard." Fun stuff with the new Spider-Mobile and an "over it" Mockingbird. And there's a wedding! We also check in with previews of books from Spider-Man 2099, Silk, Spider-Woman, and the Web Warriors (with Spider-Gwen) screw around in 1602. As for spoilers . . . Doctor Strange #1: It's a "day in the life" deal with Doc, as he deals with stuff from beyond this realm. Chris Bacchalo's artwork is surreal as always. Invincible Iron Man #1: Is Tony no longer "Superior"? He seems to be less of a jackass these days. He creates his latest end-all/be-all armor, and he goes on a date with a woman who has And the last page: I don't think I'll be collecting any runs. At least there's an air of fun with Marvel, as opposed to the doubling down of insanity over at DC.
  21. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Thanks, I've been occupied with New York Comic Con. And I may be biased, but that's a dirty slide. I think Utley should be suspended for the rest of the NLDS. It's gonna be so ugly at Citi Field tomorrow night.
  22. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I'm a bad fan . . . I haven't even seen the play. Where can I find it?
  23. Well, that was lame. Once again . . . if a team got brought back on TAR, the fandom would be up in arms. And if that team won? The show would take a huge hit in the ratings. Cadets so should have won. Nothing against Brody & Geoff, but that was a bullshit ending, even with the Ice Dancers taking the bronze. I haven't really followed the TDI franchise. What do y'all think they'd do for an encore? Or wound TRR be it?
  24. Man, a lot of the plot went over my head. So the Doctor didn't actually die, but he got the idea from his ghost/hologram self, which . . . seriously, how does Clara walk around without blood gushing out of her head orifices trying to sort out the paradoxes? Anybody else feel that Fisher King would've been scarier if he hadn't be in front of a camera that often? Or at least spookier?
  25. Caught the massive AS panel today at New York Comic Con. Neon Joe, Werewolf Hunter comes from Jon Glaser, who trades in his ski mask for an eyepatch and attire that can give headaches to the blind. I'm thinking this "miniseries" will appeal to those who dig The Heart She Holler.
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