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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. "Overwatch"?? Was "Oracle" not on the table? At least have Felicity go WTF for a spilt-second. RIP The Wall. I kinda saw it coming, what with Suicide Squad coming out in August and the need to not have two Amanda Wallers. Actually, there would be three, but Green Lantern never happened. Ever. I thought the episode was good. Sure, Gothlicity was fanservice, but it's nice to see Felicity get back on the horse. Also, Diggle got to connect with his brother, and Andy got to meet his niece. Oh, and the Diggle Bros backstory tied in with the ongoing flashback subplot, which I thought was a nice touch.
  2. ETA: Well, that was a bit of a letdown. Granted, anything following "The Gang Hits The Slopes" would be weak . . . but Richard Greico parodying himself isn't much fun, at least for me. Also, Dennis was about a 3 on the sociopath scale, and Cricket didn't get abused. What's the point of having Cricket unless something bad happens to him on screen? I did get a laugh at the thought of Dennis getting "raped" as a teen by a Rick Moranis-looking librarian.
  3. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Does this mean London will have second division teams littering their cricket fields soon? No way would they get Red Sox/Yankees during the regular season. For anybody outside of NYC . . . the Mets are going to retire Mike Piazza's 31 in July. He becomes the fourth Met to be honored in that way. I'm hoping John Franco gets some credit, since he gave up that number to Piazza when he came to the Mets in 1998.
  4. Wait . . . that was Randy Sklar that Whitney killed? So . . . when is his brother Jason going to avenge him? I'm surprised to see Howard. I kept waiting for a line about him "finding religion," but it never came. He's fun as usual, horny as ever, brilliant as hell but still susceptible to Peggy's charms. She's great, as is Jarvis. The guy from New York can get killed by Dottie any time now. If he wasn't the big boss, I would've expected Sousa to shove his crutch where the sun doesn't shine. Also surprised to see Jason back, albeit as a g-g-g-ghost. I'm hoping he and Peggy can make things work despite his condition.
  5. I try not to think too hard about time travel with this show. Eddie shot himself so that Eobard can be erased from existence . . and yet, here's Eobard, because it's his "origin story." I think the writers decided to adapt Mark Waid's "The Return of Barry Allen," and they didn't put their all into it. I hope Reverse Flash doesn't show up again. Now . . . if he runs into Rip Hunter and his band of misfits, that would be cool. I'd like to see Captain Cold and Heat Wave meet him. At least the Wally jerkiness was toned down this week. If Francine is close to dying, does that mean his racing days will be over? ETA: Nice to have a Hunter Zolomon reference. And nice to have a Cisco episode, even though the implications and paradoxes might cause my nose to bleed.
  6. I forgot until I read the AVClub review: does anybody else hear "dome" and think of the Legion of Doom-style prison in Kingdom Come? Or is it just me?
  7. From AVClub: climax of latest episode based on real disaster.
  8. Weird question: does anybody else see the stretchy ninja attacking Hinata and think "living sex doll"? It the outfit and the face that makes things creepy.
  9. In addition, there will be a half-hour special focusing on the final teams. I don't think it's the After Show . . . MTV is probably still trying to find Zuri Hall's defect.
  10. Bumping up for the repeat airing tonight. ETA: They ran the epilogue past 1 a.m.
  11. RIP Lubbock. Nice that he took the Minster's son with him, but the landing was way too brutal. Poor guy . . . didn't get to tell Najenda what he thought of her. She probably would have pulled his pants down and laughed at his small pecker, but still . . . ETA: I think there are no spoilers to this spoof.
  12. Little Spoon . . . first of all, nice avatar. Now . .. to me, CT is proof that you can do this show and not be an asshole. Sure, it took him years to reach a point where he's not slugging everybody or doing it with Shavoun (ew), but he seems to be chill. On the other hand, Zach is a misogynist asshole who needs a beating. I mean, better to see him than Frank, but he's a long way from redemption.
  13. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    The Mets signed Cespedes. Would not have put money on that happening.
  14. I don't have Netflix. Basically, I don't grab cutting edge services unless I really need them. Imagine my surprise when I found the fourth season of Arrested Development on DVD at my local library. I got ideas for posters, but I don't know where to look for screencaps. Can anybody help? In the meantime, here are two I got from Google Images: (Jeffery Tambor) (Maria Bamford/David Cross) (And this isn't a slam on Cross . . . I think he does a good job playing a starfucker like Tobias)
  15. Bumping the thread up for the season premiere of Children's Hospital on Friday night. Does anybody else watch?
  16. Thinking about it, I'm okay with Abram & Mike going out. They were brought in after the game started . . . I don't think it would have been right for them to win, even if they were actual substitutes, as opposed to BMP bringing in Abram because of Cara Maria's dalliance. Also, can you imagine how much meth Abram could buy with the prize money?
  17. Good pilot. I hope to become a fan . . . as opposed to Heroes Reborn, which I gave up on before I got to see familiar faces. Stein is a bit of a jerk. I know . . . Jackson is probably in the minority when it comes to travelling through time, but drugging him? No. I'm hoping the Rogues and Sara get more screentime and not just brawl. Forgot that Sara could bat from that side of the plate. Nice of Cisco to provide her the White Canary outfit. I'll try to overlook the fact that they've never met. Did Laurel say, "Like me, but a few inches shorter"? Oh, and shut up, Laurel, on general principle. Anybody else finding it hard to divorce Arthur Darville from Doctor Who? And isn't Heat Wave's real name "Rory"? "The first person to ask why the Waverider isn't bigger on the inside gets five across the face. Do not test me on that." (ETA: Turns out Heat Wave's real name is Mick. Mick Rory. Cute) Nice that Chronos is reincarnated as a Time Council nemesis. I'm also guessing there's going to be hand-wringing over the Hawkfolks having kids during their prior incarnations.
  18. I grew up in the Eighties, but I must have missed out on ski movies in my adolescence. I'm willing to bet that a lot went over my head. The only think I can compare this episode to is "Asspen" from South Park. I will say it sucks that the only winner was Frank. Charlie got to have explicit sex, but she was a hooker. He'll need to get checked out. The big loser was Dennis, who wasn't in on Frank's plan, and he broke his ankles hotdogging it.
  19. So many people to be upset about. Especially the Blue Team, which denied us CT/Johnny IV, where CT could have made Johnny a bitch in a public manner. And Vince is basically a hemorrhoid that refuses to go away. How did he not get a vote? He should have been the one getting emasculated in the Pit, not Jamie and Mike. One good thing about Johnny & Vince winning . .. .they'd probably have to spend their prize money on hospital bills once Abram gets through with them. Shit, I might punch people if Johnny lucks into yet another Challenge win. If MTV ever pulls the plug on this show, Johnny would be fucked. I won't lie . . . the mission was inspired. I never learned how to swim under the water, so I'd be useless. Johnny and Abram sharing personal space was funny.
  20. We have a new trailer . . . ... and Adult Swim will be airing "All This and Gargantua-2" this Sunday night, for anybody who missed it. ETA: Here's a clip from the season premiere.
  21. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I was just about to post that. And remember Steven Matz's first game? Good times.
  22. Maybe they thought Ren/Ben would come across as badass as his grandpappy. Also, Darth Maul was kinda cool in 1999, right?
  23. Wow. The favorite in the dead pool is off the board. Totally would have expected Felicity to have bought the farm. Granted, paralysis isn't much better, but I'm glad to see she'll live. I wonder if Ray could whip up a solution for her, but I understand he's going to be very busy soon. Totally forgot about Anarky, as well as Dark's family. And, apparently, Mrs. Dark may be as bad as her husband. Did not see that coming. Any reason for the flashbacks? I'm asking because the prior seasons had a reason for the "five years ago" sequence. The only reason I can think of is bringing in the British guy who couldn't hold his own series.
  24. It would be cool if Mace Windu was Finn's grandfather. I know, he seemed adherent to Jedi rules (re: no nookie), but I'd welcome Samuel L. Jackson as a Force Ghost. And open profanity. "I have had it with these motherfucking Sith on this motherfucking Starkiller Base!!!" ETA: So we'd have to wait two years between installments instead of three. Works for me. And I'm out of the loop . . . how often will the tie-in films be launched?
  25. Something feels wrong about competitors running side-by-side. It's supposed to be Man (or Woman) Versus Obstacle. On the other hand, Matt and Akbar turn their respective dials up to a new level, and that's entertaining to hear. I liked the obstacles, though I'm a little alarmed that the spider and rope climb don't have the safety platform underneath. One slip and you have an ugly situation. Any word as to whether Isaac or Geoff will be competing?
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