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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. I'm guessing that the world's use of Dimension W directly affects the Earth from another universe. Or would that be too obvious? In other news, Mira knows how to keep her head even after losing it.
  2. I'm up to Nick & Starr, and I made nine openings. I could use suggestions as to which teams should fill the slots. ETA: Here's the blog post, with ten replacements and a single additional entry. Feel free to leave any comments on the post. I rarely get feedback on my work.
  3. I'm up to 20 (Nick/Starr) on the list, and I opened up nine slots. I'm willing to listen to suggestions for snubbed teams to add . . . in addition to the six teams I mentioned, I'm also considering Derek & Drew, JVJ and the Afghanimals (they did finish fourth twice like Oswald & Danny). ETA: I'm done. I'm open to any criticisms on my blog. I honestly don't get that much with my work.
  4. I'm a bit of a traditionalist about Red Kryptonite, in the sense that it works great as a wild card plot device. In an "imaginary story," Kara/Linda got exposed to Red K, forgot she was Supergirl, and wound up marrying Jimmy Olsen (not "James" . . . this is the red-headed doof from back then). That said . . . I liked Red!Kara. Melissa clearly attended the Tom Weiling School For Acting Bad. And who wouldn't fantasize about throwing Cat off the balcony? The only thing that would've been better is if she had laid waste to The Talk. Thank goodness the crossover crap was over and done in the opening minutes.
  5. I should have known Bruce wouldn't kill Matches. Nicely-done scene, even if you keep expecting bats to circle the two of them. Now . . . Bruce living on the streets with Selina? That's unexpected. I don't think Alfred will sit idly by and let his charge potentially get killed. Anybody else want to look at Oswald's certificate for references to him not having donkey brains? His "sanity" isn't going to last long, especially since Hugo has him on his list. Ugh . . . heavy anvil with Ed. I know some characters have to reach their canon potential, but the question mark was a bit much.
  6. I'm guessing the Monarch's jig will be up next week. He's been too lucky for too long. It is fun to watch, though. His father is a bit of a perv. Billie Jean King? Really?!?
  7. Funny . . . Kenan brought up Kel in last night's monologue on SNL. Funny that Kel guested on this show. Probably would be funnier if I watched their show on Nick.. The bit with Jim Hanks and The Green Mile was interesting. Also kinda liked the ranger showdown. Ranger Smith like to poop his pants, apparently.
  8. Not much from Shinichi and Migi this week, as the authorities go parasite-huntin', with a lot of collateral damage. Not as bad as Man Of Steel, but it's pretty bad.
  9. In case you didn't see the link on the Media thread. . . CBS.com put out a list of "25 Most Favorite Amazing Race Teams of All Time." I plan on going over the list on my blog, because there are some questionable choices and omissions. Minimum. I would have put it the Frats, Chas, Ken & Gerard, Clowns, Chip & Kim, and Kris & Jon. Is there anybody else I should slide in there? Also, "Most Favorite"? Is CBS.com run by Dinobots?
  10. Dave & Conner are hard to ignore. I think they would have given Bates & Anthony a run for their money if Dave had been healthier. And Josh & Brent might have been stuntcast, but they were likeable underdogs. As big a fan of JVJ as I am (and believe me, I am), I don't know if they'd crack the list of 25. I'd probably put in Ken & Gerard before them, because the Duphineys were better Racers, and their sense of humor was awesome to watch. Like the time Phil tried to gas them after they blew a tire, and they broke down laughing on the mat, My short list of snubs: Kevin & Drew (the first good guys), Oswald & Danny (the direct ancestors to Tyler & Korey), Ken & Gerard, Jon & Al (the "bubble team" for me), Chip & Kim (the first fan faves to win), and Kris & Jon (brightest of a suck-filled season).
  11. Something I found on Cheezburger . . . customized Adventure Time Lego minifigs.
  12. I saw the episode on DVD, and I'll rewatch it later today. One of the things that gets cut for broadcast is the teaser for the next episode, which always concludes with Luffy boasting, "I'm gonna be king of the pirates!" In the teaser leading up to the Chopperman story, he went, "I'm gonna be . . . a giant robot?!?" I thought that was a nice touch.
  13. Brookside . . . Sheri is the mother running the race with her son, Cole. And yeah, I don't see how they fell behind Burnie & Ashley at the Pit Stop. Bad cabbie? Editing shenanigans?
  14. From Toonami's Tumblr: a little something from tomorrow night's episode.
  15. In other news, Sai still sucks at taking the temperature of a room. "Billboard Brow" and "Ino-Pig" are as forbidden as saying fat slurs around Choji. Getting two fists to the face meant that the girls went easy on Sai.
  16. Beautiful scenery, but I couldn't feel the "Race" part of the show's title. While I have trouble differentiating between the Racers, I will say that I don't hate any of them with the white-hot passion like I do with Scot and Jason over on Survivor. I'm guessing the teams don't want to alienate their respective fans, so they don't need tapes of Justin running in the previous season as a guide to what not to do. Sucks that we'll be on March Madness-based hiatus. As usual, I'll be rooting for high seeds winning and blowouts, just so CBS suffers low ratings. They can't put TAR on a different night for just one week?
  17. I got my account of this year's Big Apple Con published last week. I think that I'll have to "settle" for NYCC being the big adventure for me. I got at least three shows in the coming months to keep me active, including the MoCCA show I've missed for the past few years and a new anime convention taking place in NJ.
  18. I don't believe they were put in a specific order. I'll have to give it a closer look and comment on my blog. Frats and Chas not being on the list is a bit of a screw-up. And BJ & Tyler? Seriously?!?
  19. I was directed to this by my mother's one-time work friend: The 25 Most Favorite Amazing Race Teams of All Time. It's from CBS.com, and I think it'll be fun to nitpick the shit out of the list while the show is on hiatus.
  20. Too many anvils for my tastes. Racism, sexism, and Mick proving himself to be a real live boy . . . hero. Meh. Is Sara the DC equivalent of Captain Jack Harkness? I don't think anybody is safe when she's roaming about. Interesting to see Jax mutated. I'm guessing this is as close to a "Firehawk" as we'll be getting. I'm wondering where the wings come from. Also, Vandal still sucks as a compelling villain. Problem is, Chronos doesn't really fill the void.
  21. Found this on Cheezburger . . . Husky looks like an anime character. The resemblance is uncanny. I'd be tempted to offer an apple to the dog.
  22. Funny what you can remember. When I was a kid, I won a VHS tape of Double Dare highlights. One of the things I recall was from the first episode, where a kid was digging through balls for a flag, and he timed out. Turns out the staff forgot to bury the flag. That's what I thought of seeing the tribes almost die for crappy comfort items. I'm not expecting Probst to spilt the second place prize between Beauty and Brawn, but the flags should have been easier to find. Alecia, if you're reading this . . . maybe you should come to the Reunion dressed as a Celtics Dancer. They were probably as vital to the team in 2008 as Scot was, if not more so. Sure, Scot and Jason are alpha males that Probst would slurp, but I think the host likes leading a mob more. I think they're still finding chunks of Dan in the wheels of the Survivor bus.
  23. God, I hate this show sometimes. This wasn't the worst episode ever, but it ranks up there. I'm guessing people were hoping a tattooed jagoff would be booted from the game. Since karma is taking its sweet time arriving in Cambodia, it was Caleb who had to be sent off. Maybe my bar for him was low because I know Big Brother contestants never go to MENSA meetings, but he seemed like a nice guy. I hope my faith in him is rewarded when he comes back. Ditto Terry, even if he is a robot. I probably wouldn't want to be in a camp situation with Alecia. On the other hand? Fuck you, Kyle Jason, and fuck you, Scot Pollard. Oh, my God. The Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos survives another episode. They could have voted "Blondie" off in the first TC. Or the second. But they didn't. Stupid people . . . stupid, stupid people. Part of me was hoping Syndey would have been medevac'd out, because those two numbnuts deserve Alecia. Sure, they're getting a crap edit, but I want more punishment. I want people to boo them at the Reunion. Shit, I want the audience to hurl heavy objects at their heads. And Jason has actually bred? Twice?!? Yikes. As for Scot? HA! "Uncle Cliffy" from the first B/B/B season probably had more court time than that asshole. What was he, the eleventh man? Twelfth? Would Kevin Garnett have trusted the ballboy before Scot? Honestly, Scot is a fucking tool, and I want to see him suffer. I haven't been keeping track . . . how many positions has Debbie had in her titles? She didn't act crazy this week, and I'm glad. Seriously . . . fuck Jason and Scot. ETA: One thing I am grateful for . . no coverage of Jason and Scot trying to break Alecia down at camp. We went right to Tribal Council instead of enduring even more ugliness from those two hideous men.
  24. Season finale time! I'd put money that they do go to Hell, but it turns out it was Paddy's the whole time. Or just Philadelphia. ETA: I should have known the Gang wasn't dead. Good episode, though . . .they come close to having a genuine moment as they wait to die, then they try to kill each other in order to survive. Par for the course with those five. And I don't think Mac will be "out" next season. He's going to be repressing harder than ever.
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