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Baltimore Betty

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Everything posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. Harris is sweating bullets. Who is surprised that the psychic said there could be trouble with one of his baby mama's? You don't have to be psychic to know that would happen. Now we see a pleasant Rebecca using her love language on Zied and he is giving her his full attention, lol. How would she have lost her precious engagement ring in the sofa?
  2. WIthout her using logic, yes it makes perfect sense. If he turned in to an asshole on day 70 would she have called it off?
  3. Is that idiot Tarik wearing a Thailand tee shirt know how jealous Hazel is of all things Thai? I like Tarzel's friend, she should be talking to all of the participants and straighten them out! And drunk/high Stephanie is back on the screen, RyHarris has kids and some baby mama's does Stephanie know that he will be sending money back to them, her money specifically. Why do I think Liza Minelli could play Stephanie in a movie adaptation of 90 Day Fiance?
  4. Rebecca is an idiot but I am glad to see that she was able to move some furniture in along with her decorating with mops and brooms it is looking very homey, right? Rebecca has done this 90 thing a few times and she still does not understand what those 90 days are for, she says she wanted to use those 90 days to spend as much time together as possible but she is working 70 hours a week. Why is Ramadam still a surprise to her? Why is she pissed off with Zied about whether she gets married in 2 weeks or 4? It is not a surprise engagement, she said she has waited 2 years for him, she could have had some assemblance of wedding details hashed out, right? Maybe had a dress picked out or how to go about things at the court house, idiot. Amira in Serbia is about the stupidest thing ever. Do we think her hair is all her own?
  5. Especially odd if she knew Stephanie was in Belize, I am sure Mother Ryan knew she was on the island.
  6. Seems TPTB thought putting these two wounded people together would be a "misery loves company" kind of thing. Jake is still scorned from some past relationship (he might have been slighted by not being included in something and so he is bitter about not being included in everything) and Hayley finds it hard to want to trust men. In my unprofessional opinion, they needed to fix themselves separately before they agreed to marry anyone. How can you set your sights on other people if you are not at the top of your game and then expect the other person to be the best they can be, it is a recipe for disaster as we are seeing.
  7. Also add to that list when the HW's say, "in my culture family is important," seriously? What culture does not think family is important? You are right about being on a reality show, the edits tend to show a lot of warts on everyone so to speak, not always a picture perfect existence is highlighted, I would be afraid my boss and coworkers might look at me a bit differently after seeing me participate in a reality show even if it was my spouse that was the focus. Side note, years ago when Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie were filming that not very reality like intern show my husband was on an episode, I forbid him to utter a word while filming, nothing ever comes off as clever on film as you think it will if you are not the one editing it! Before that he was on The Weakest Link, it was before I knew him, I cringed a bit when I saw it later on down the road., lol. He got a lot of ribbing from friends over that. Evan might be okay with filming but I think if someone is super worried about how they will look in the business world I would stay far away.
  8. Why would she have done that activity more than once if it has never been reciprocated, ever.
  9. I have never watched, those people are too vapid for me and my bar is low based on what I do watch, that is saying something. Summer House, "Douchy guys doing douchy things, stupid girls doing stupid things and then crying about it." Running time, too long.
  10. Has Natalie ever had a pizza before? No sauce? Corn? Big bell sleeves was a brave choice. The constant posing with ingredients was odd, her whispering cooking directions was odd and the 70's porn editing was distracting. Do we think Mike ate any of that pizza?
  11. I read that too fast, had to do a double take, lol. I guess if we were all on TV people would be picking us apart too, it is a good thing I am perfection!
  12. 1000% Tre did a masterful thing, she can be front and center without even having to film, endless conversations about her, her name on their lips, the rumor being grist for the mill and she can sit back and collect her check, the lazy way. I don't think Evan cheated but the more Jackie talks about the rumor the little cracks begin to show so what does Jackie do, continues that narrative making it worse, not Tre, it is Jackie and her inability to let it go. Well played Tre, well played. My husband is leary when the BJ's increase, it means we usually wind up a car dealership, lol, seriously I am just joking, really, I am.
  13. Thanks a lot, now I have a twitter account. I am not sure what sort of hold Jen Shah has over that group of people that is suposed to be her squad, after that outburst I would have quietly walked out of her house and blocked her number from my phone. Why stay for more abuse? Wait, are these people really relatives like Mary's cousins that enjoy cleaning her house? Seriously, Jen is in need of a good mental health professional.
  14. Enjoy your new dress, what do I know about fashion. I am sure you will look fab.
  15. At least she did not know that the rumor was circulating at the first party but the second...she did that! I sort of loved JoeGo (I never really say I love anything about him, ever) asking Evan why he did not come to the boys night because he was hoping he'd bring the girls, lol. I do not believe that Evan cheated, that is why Tre got the reaction she got from the the others, she put it on the most unlikely suspect. Please for the love of all that is good someone have an intervention with Jackie and her wardrobe of denim outfits and dresses.
  16. Hahahahaha! She did look like she was playing a character!
  17. Jackie must have a closet full of acid wash denim dresses she saved from the 80's and 90's, her fashion sense is painful to watch. Also painful to watch is her inviting her brother to film, talk to him about her rumor issue the way she would tell her 9 year old, I found it less than sincere, that guy does not care about any of that crap. I am tired of the hair petting all these women do with their extensions. I love Delores's dresses, every last one of them, where does she find them? I think money is owed, it always is. How do those women constantly ignore Tre's inability to pronounce words? Tre telling the real estate agent that she won't list her house with her until the issue with Joego is resolved, are we stupid, papers had to be signed before photography would have been scheduled, wheels were in motion. The agent's jumpsuit was a costume from the Nutcracker, right?
  18. Paige is officially an idiot, she is playing along with whatever stupidness Chris is coming up with. There is nothing to talk about anymore, I thought she saw him for what he is, what is with the "I'll see what the good lord wants me to do" OMG, even the lord is telling you to run, why aren't you listening? Heck, the pastor told her to cut bait and run, what is her problem?
  19. Virginia has a horrible sense of style and no idea of what quality clothing can do her for her. She should burn those leggings she wore to the driving range, they did her no favors. I have decided that Eirk is built like that Chrisley father, his shoulders and neck are sort of scarecrow like.
  20. I got the Jon Peters vibe from him, you know what he really wants to do is direct...that song was supposed to be him singing and he did not know the meaning of the song? I got the impression his assistant was the girl he slept with the night before. D'Andra should probably stop the shaman habit if she has to ask Mama D for mortgage money, not sure why Mama D didn't tell her "I don't give a rip about that Hari Krishna guy, pay for your necessities first before you start asking me for money."
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