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Baltimore Betty

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Everything posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. I thought about production playing with the timeline and filming out of sequence but I would not put it past her to go thru a drive thru on her way to surgery and stomp out a butt on her way in to the building.
  2. The hormones, oh the hormones...I feel for Yara but she will be fine and will settle in to the rhythm of motherhood. The thing that I find crazy is that they did not use birth control knowing that Jovi's job takes him out of the country for a month plus, this is how he makes money to keep Yara and the baby in an apartment, fed and insured. So Yara crying about Jovi needs to spend more time at home is unrealistic and stupid, does nobody plan anything, talk about anything or use birth control? Why is birth control the big evil? Having a mother in law that really wants to help is a wonderful thing, Gwen seems down for sleeping on the couch if needed. I can remember having my first, idiot mother in law was a nightmare, nasty piece of work that talked badly about me to everyone, telling people I did not know what I was doing...yeah, thanks for all the "help." She watched me days after I delivered crawl on the floor to pick up the newspapers she read and threw on the floor, I had to empty the sink of all the dishes she left, never offered to bring me lunch, sat in my living room and ignored me and the baby. Thank goodness for my mother but I managed and Yara will too, she may cry thru the days but heck, we all did!
  3. Are you gobsmacked because this season was so bad and they had something of interest to actually make a story about or is it because of the fact that Falynn was married to this guy, they filmed them as a couple and then all of the sudden they are not? I cannot remember the scene but didn't Porsha have something to say about that guy/the marriage for money, I know some of the women had something to say about it. I give it 1.5 years.
  4. That is a shame. I think some of the HW's with shaky marriages think this show will make things better, more exciting, deter the husband's bad behavior by having a camera around will keep him from straying, keep him honest because the eyes are on him and now everyone knows who he is. But we know it does not work like that. Also, Wendy does not live anywhere near Potomac, she lives closer to my zip code, should I try and stalk them? Is it worth it? No, it's not.
  5. I had a thought, Mah-kul is all wound up about this surgery, what he really should be worried about is taking care of Angela (that is if he ever gets to Hazelhurst GA), when she is diagnosed with COPD or lung cancer, this WLS and reduction is nothing, just wait till he has to carry her oxygen tank around.
  6. Kalani and Asuelo think that buying a house would be the thing to save their marriage? Yea, no stress there, they own no furniture, they will have utility bills, taxes, insurance premiums and not to mention the mortgage payment, yea, no stress there. They asked the real estate agent if they can buy a house and he says yes...of course that is what he would say, they have not talked to a mortgage company yet? Dumb and Dumber do not work, they have no income, how do you buy a house with no income, seriously how do they think they will come out of this a home owner? TLC pays that much? Kalani sits there and lets her tears roll down her fat little face, says she is 80% sure she wants a divorce but wants to buy a house to try and salvage her marriage, WTF? Why not have another baby, that might work too! Idiot. Also, let's sit at the table with a tray full of Lysol spray and hand sanitizer mixed in with the plates of food on the table. Let's all chip in and buy Koloni a shirt.
  7. I know! My daughter is a long time user of RTR, she has worn some of the cutest outfits and dresses and does not have them hanging in her closet never to be worn again, she is a smart girl.
  8. I think Leah usually bites off more than she can chew and in this case she has again. If she is all in with becoming an Orthodox Jew she will have to say good bye to the show, 90% of Orthodox Jews do not even own a TV much less star in a some times raunchy reality show. She could have gotten her feet wet with going to a Chabad in her neighborhood, maybe a Reformed shabbat service a couple times a month, taking a course at a Hillel, anything but the extreme. What she does not understand is the Orthodoxy is very oppressive to women and she will have a problem with that. Any questions she has about anything, the rabbi will tell her what she should do or it will be in the Talmud, even Modern Orthodox Jews have rules, rites, laws to live by. Does she realize she will have to keep a kosher home, should not be in the company of single men unaccompanied, not grind up on other women, not have sex unless it it is in the confines of marriage, this will be a real blow to her image and libido. I guess she will miss out on the Friday night parties, Saturday daytime festivities, wait until after sundown till she can use her phone, electricity...Rabbi's expect you to actually walk the walk, talk the talk of conversion. Sorry for the vitriol, I don't like Leah at all, can you tell?
  9. Do we think it was the brand that PK and Dorito had at their house warming/brand launch? I think Leah had a boob job, I was watching an old episode and she was at that Russian spa in a bikini and she had a very small bust and at the boxing gym she looked so much fuller. I hope we are not treated to her hideous, destructive behavior this season.
  10. I am always mystified by the fact that birth control is beyond their comprehension and they are to stupid to use or understand it makes me sad that they will be responsible for raising and teaching a child anything. Angela smoking in the hotel room prior to surgery, both are huge no-no's but she doesn't care. Also, Mah-kul talking to his brother about breast reduction surgery and gastric surgery, what frame of reference do either of them have, it is probably not happening a lot with people they know or even anywhere around them. Also, she referred to her boobs as Mah-kul's and vica versa, they most certainly belong to Angela, he will most likely never get to the states so it will be a long time till he sees them in person and she will probably gain back most of her weight by then so win win for Mah-kul. The doctor tells Angela she needs a reduction, fine but talk about size she wants to be verses what would look good, method of surgery, the results, scarring, etc...has she ever had a mammogram, wouldn't the doctor order one before she has the procedure? I guess he was too blinded by her beautiful boobs and all he could think of was pulling on them (EWWWWW). Angela says her breathing is affected by her breasts, I think it might be the 40 years of tar and nicotine stored up in her lungs that may be the culprit. She disgusts me.
  11. Angie's boobs are like tube socks with tennis balls in the toe part, she would be wise to get a small implant with that reduction.
  12. Angie's friend has the oddest coloring, I cannot put my finger on it, just so beige, so very, very beige.
  13. I'll just say this about this weeks episode...I watched it from a hospital bed and it did not distract me from my health issue. I went to visit my daughter in Miami, landed this past Tuesday, had dinner at a fabulous Greek restaurant and then things turned in a different direction, after what I could only describe as the scene in Bridesmaids when they were at the bridal salon...I was the one woman show re enacting that horror. I spent 3 days at Jackson Memorial in the Presidential Suite (not kidding, daughter has a friend of a friend), beyond sick with an intestinal infection from food poisoning. This episode was embarrassing to watch and most of the other episodes too. I cannot imagine these young women feeling good about themselves after watching themselves. Bravo should be ashamed that they have reduced the women on this show to feel that the only thing they can get screen time for is when they are trying to get laid, getting laid and nudity on film. Bravo likes bad behavior but sadly there are women willing to give their all. None of the men or women on this show are attractive or even interesting, the chef is odd, her reaction to information would make it hard for me to not want to punch her, Daisy told her that the guests were all seated and Chef's answer was why are you telling me your problems...what does that even mean and how does that help service? I've seen her IG account with heavily filtered photos of her in bikinis, we have seen her in her bathing suit and she does not look flawless, why try to make anyone believe you are flawless now? Why aren't we seeing photos of her cooking or her finished products, you know showing her career movement, why do you have to look "hot" in a bikini if your chef skills are oh so strong and you have worked your butt off to make it as a chef? Why isn't that enough? I still to date cannot tell you which girl is which and I don't care.
  14. Wait, are you saying there are few authentic moments on this show??? I for one am shocked, shocked I tell you!
  15. Tiffany kept saying things like she wanted him to "make up" the money which just hit me wrong, wouldn't it make more sense if she said contribute to or earn or send her money but make up the money sounds weird. Both of them keep saying how they have not seen each other in person for about 8 months, the make it sound like it was personal choice or a financially driven decision but it was the pandemic. Allegedly she bought airline tickets for a trip in a month to visit Ronald but would she have been able to actually go? Tiffany tells Ronald that she cancelled the tickets for that trip and Ronald's reaction was to ask how she made that sudden decision, it's a month out, it is not like they were getting on the plane the next day. All of that is moot because she would not be able to fly to SA during the pandemic. Tiffany knew what Ronald was when she met him. I have no sympathy for her.
  16. Why does Brandon have to call out Julia's English language and writing skills when she starts talking about career goals? Brandon should have told her that if she wants to be an event planner in the future she will need to learn about it, work at an event planning company, etc...I hope she does not think she can just tell people she is one, forging relationships with vendors, getting permits and locations and more importantly, how to do the billing so she can make money. All that aside, I wonder if she really knows what she is talking about, she will be working evenings, weekends, early mornings and Brandon will be on his own, he might look at a girl when ordering a drink!
  17. It was not a good look at all, when she sat down all I could see was the cellulite spilling out between the straps on her skirt...not that I am cellulite shaming but with all the money she says she has she could have chosen a more flattering outfit. LaToya, if she had pusher her shoulders back her nipples would have popped out. This has been a nothing sandwich all season so I figured it would be a nothing sandwich reunion and I was right.
  18. Angela and her skin tuck surgery, that won't happen for a while, a long while till her weight loss is complete so why is she all worried about the time she is taking now being away from home, I would think she would not have the nip tuck for at least a year, right? Also, why is she so worried about a doctor touching her, that is their job, did she think it would be sexual? How is she so proud of her boobs, those things are hanging below her waist and it looks painful. I feel for the doctors that have to deal with her, the non stop cackling and cigarette smoke smell and let alone the fact that she has not stuck to the rules makes her more of a liability on the table.
  19. Even if the doctor was a plastic surgeon this outfit is so unprofessional and unflattering...her necklace goes down to her belly button, thru the top? How many outfits did she pick out before she landed on this one? Also, I thought she was trans, don't hate me. Sue Ellen Mishke, hilarious!!! It is not fair that Angela can pay for or any part of this surgery but lives in squalor (don't even say she doesn't we have seen the inside of her home, crap everywhere), and has no self discipline. We saw her wearing a patch, I assumed it was a nicotine patch but she is still smoking? I wish the doctor could remove the cackle.
  20. I was referring to Teresa, I have not doubt Delores could have many suitors we would not question.
  21. That movie is everything!! I for one was shocked that she found a guy that was willing to be seen with her, her baggage and stupidity is sort of mind numbing and plus she has kids, that is a lot for a guy to take on. I figure this guy wants his 15 minutes of fame, right, I mean if it is not that then what is his deal? Delores will be fine no matter what happens to the good doctor, she tends to redo her house when she stresses about her relationship with David and Frank is there to make sure it is done, Delores always wins. Frank will forever flit around Delores and I do not have a problem with that, the get along because there is nothing at stake. Also, her dress game is strong and I would love to know where she shops, being home and bored I tend to shop on line and I am not that good of a detective.
  22. If I remember it correctly it took place at Dorinda's house, the HW's dressed up like flappers, Sonja threw herself at either the fake detective or maybe it was the corpse, the HW's were so busy fighting that the mystery cast sort of gave up.
  23. In sailing, tacking means you move the boat in a zig zag pattern to catch the wind in the sails. I read it as "track" too.
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