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Everything posted by deSchenke

  1. It would have looked so much nicer with a lace that matched the gown.
  2. On the topic of Darlene and Ben at his apartment, if he wants guests to remove their shoes before entering, that is his right. When I visit someone and notice a pair (or multiple pairs) of shoes near the entrance, my eyes go right to the host's feet. If they are in socks, I ask if they want me to remove my shoes. That's being a polite guest. On the subject of wine, if your guest doesn't care for the drink you are serving and it's obvious you have an alternative that they would like, you open the bottle for them. You don't force your likes upon them. I'm not terribly fussed about wine and food pairings, others might be. But they should never insist you drink their selection if there is an alternative. On the subject of salting food... If I was stirring the paella and tasted it, thinking it needed salt, I would ask. "Hey, do you think this could use a bit of salt?" You really shouldn't just grab the salt shaker. Even if it was habit for Darlene, she should have conceded as soon as Ben objected. I was more worried that Ben was going to be weirded out by her tasting off of the stirring spoon. You don't taste something in front of someone and put the spoon (now full of your germs) back into the pot!
  3. I had to wonder about that. Does the guest bathroom have a water heater of its own? If Jay turned off the water heater, wouldn't he and the rest of his family have to take cold showers as well?
  4. I imagine that line was edited out because in the end, it makes no sense. It was HIS desk! I don't care whose bottom was on it, or what mess might have come from them having sex on it - Ben would have to do the day's tasks on it afterwards.
  5. I just don't think RS would have fallen for it if it was a hoax by Jordan. He's very cautious about sources and news he passes along. I think this is Jenna's way of back-peddling out of it and putting the blame on Jordan. When they appeared as a couple on the After Paradise show, Jordan did all the talking and she had this tight grimace grin on her face. It was Jordan who asked Chris H to officiate at their wedding while Jenna said nothing.
  6. To me a hooker/prostitute is one who solicits sex for money. A BJ is $100, all night is $1000. You know what you are getting and how much you are going to pay for it. What Jenna does is sleeping around and then swaying the guys to help her out financially.
  7. I don't think she's a hooker in the literal sense. I think she seeks wealthy men, get's into an intimate relationship with them, and then asks for money to help her fund her business venture (whatever she's promoted it to be). I don't think her "business" is sex. I think she makes up some sort of business idea and needs seed money to get it started. But there really is no business plan and she sleeps with multiple men at the same time getting money from them this way. Why she went on The Bachelor and BIP is anyone's guess. Maybe to get close to wealthy Hollywood producers? Maybe to get into modeling or acting? Her troubles started when Jordan became absolutely smitten with her and she played it up to stay in Paradise. She stupidly accepted his proposal and one of her lovers got upset when it aired. So he outed her to Reality Steve.
  8. I think Jordan had enough clues, prior to Reality Steve's revelation, that he realized Jenna wasn't what she made herself out to be when in "Paradise". Why should he come out more publicly and shine the spotlight on how he had been "had". He's hurt, embarrassed, and wants the entire thing to just go away. Jenna was caught pretty much red-handed. She really doesn't have any excuse and is hoping that silence will make this whole thing go away and she can attempt to continue with a normal life.
  9. Don't forget how Chris tried to gaslight Tia. Now he's engaged to Kristal. Wonder how long that will last.
  10. Did I miss some scenes? Why is Eric sad that Angela left? He gave his rose to Cassandra! So he’s the one who sent Angela packing. And everyone is so sad to see him go, yet were so mad at him for lying about being “all in” with Angela, like yesterday! And what happened to Kristen? What happened to Chelsea? Last we saw, they were needing medics.
  11. Colton made such a big deal about his virginity to Becca, saying that he had always hidden it when he was in football. Then come to hear all the other guys speculating if Colton had told Becca about his virginity. Then he has a convo with his Mom about his virginity. I'm sick of hearing about his virginity Dammit! Although I did find it hilarious when he asked Chris Harrison about what happens in the Fantasy Suite. I really don't want to see the end of the Hometown Dates all about which 3 he picks to accompany him to the FS and the "fatherly" talk he's bound to have with CH. It makes me cringe thinking about it. (Heck, do you think they'll throw in a phone call to Mom about it too? -- Maybe Becca will come in for a surprise counsel as well.) No to Colton as Bachelor!
  12. Dancing with the Stars doesn't start until September 24th. From memory, when one of the Bachelor franchise season ends, DTWS starts right away. What would they do on the 17th if BiP ends before that?
  13. I don't care if Yuki knows English or not. It's that awful voice! It sounds like a sick goose honking.
  14. Unpopular opinion here, but I didn't like the ending - at all. I wish the show ended at the end of Season 4, only with a reunion of Juliette and Avery instead of the plane crash. This felt rushed, disjointed, and unbelievable. I know pregnancy hormones do great things for your hair, but Juliette going from shoulder length to mid-way down her back in a "few months?" That would take me years to grow!
  15. And let's not forget the new one for Becca's season. "I'm not going to lie..."
  16. Why didn't Tia tell Becca she was still crushing on Colten when Becca asked her about it weeks ago on the spa date? That was her opportunity and sorry to say Tia, you don't get to claim him at this late stage of the game! If Colten was into her, he would have asked her out again and not signed up for the Bachelorette. But I don't think Becca cared all that much about Colton anyway. She thought he was hunky, but that's it. If Becca had dumped Colton last week, it would have looked like it was because of him telling her he was a virgin. Then she gets Tia saying she wants him back and that was as good excuse as any to cut him this week. Why was his virginity such a topic of discussion with his family - how odd is that? I couldn't imagine that happening and especially with production and camera crews around. Then the convo with Chris Harrison about what really goes down in the Fantasy Suite was cringeworthy. Chris had a look of a deer in the headlights. Garret's talk with his mother made him seem very juvenile. His manner of speaking was slow. He's just creepy looking and acting. The way he's thrown all the blame on his ex for the marriage only lasting 2 months isn't attractive either. Any time he and Becca have a difference of opinion, it will be all Becca's fault. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. How he treated or talks about his ex will be how he treats and talks about you! Run, Becca, Run!
  17. I watch this with Closed Captioning on Hulu. When Tia and Becca left the room, the CC came up with, "that skirt" while looking at Kendall mouthing, "What?" Did anyone else see that. I rewound a couple of times, and couldn't hear "that skirt" myself.
  18. I don't think there are any private moments until the fantasy suite. I think the subject of Colton's virginity should have come up privately - in the fantasy suite. But then he already told the guys, so he isn't all that embarrassed about it.
  19. If I had a drink for every time I heard Becca or one of the guys say, “I’m not going to lie”, I’d be in a coma. Blake is one of the few men on this show who can dance.
  20. "Guardian Isaac, he's not at his post. He never showed up for his shift this morning." That to me does not imply that they thought Isaac was a deserter. Perhaps he was sick, perhaps he broke a leg - who knows. There was no alarm that he was a deserter at the point that Commander Waterford brought this up to the attention of Nick (in front of June alone). No real alarm bells ringing until Nick reacted and stated, "we have a situation".
  21. There were only him and June in the room when Fred said Isaac hadn't shown up. Nick could have kept his mouth shut at that moment. Later, he could have said he thought Eden was with Rita or Serena Joy. Maybe 8 hours later is unreasonable, but an hour or two might have made a difference. If Eden and Isaac had a little more head start, it would be less likely they would be found.
  22. It occurred to me that Nick should have withheld the information that Eden was missing as soon as he heard Isaac hadn't shown up for his shift. Possibly it was a knee-jerk reaction and he didn't think it through. Nick had to have known what would happen if the two of them were caught. I think he should have waited at least 8 hours so they could get a head start on their escape. Instead, he just blurted out to Fred that "we have a situation."
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