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Everything posted by Haleth

  1. Yeah, and I’m guessing she never hiked the Appalachian Trail either.
  2. Sunny said she used all her embryos. I guess she didn't have many to begin with. I too loved when Dr Jen kept dismissing Sunny's comments with science.
  3. This was cute, certainly similar to Poker Face and Columbo with the cat and mouse game between the quirky investigator and the villain. I agree Elsbeth can be a bit much if the writers aren't careful with her, so we'll see how well they can balance whimsy and drama. I never watched The Good Wife but I loved The Good Fight. Double spacer here. Heh. I'd heard that was a Boomer thing. I think it's maybe a mark of people who learned to type on a typewriter vs a keyboard. Maybe?
  4. But he didn’t know until Macao until he talked to the priest in the prison.
  5. He did say he was fluent in Portuguese. I didn’t think it was strange that he’d know enough Portuguese (and Spanish and Dutch) to converse in his travels.
  6. I’m with Joy, very depressed about the current state of things. Poor Sara. Being so firm in her opinions and willing to argue with the other hosts must have been too much for her. Taking a day off. From yesterday’s silly segment. I soooo disagree with the hosts that seem to think it was perfectly ok to invite a person to a wedding but not their spouse. I would be pissed off and wouldn’t even send a gift. Don't let the door hit you, Mitch.
  7. Yeah, when he was complaining about that I said “don’t worry, it won’t last long.”
  8. Wow, have they ever had a more useless, less self aware player than Jelinsky? He had to be a fake, right? Quitting every challenge yet thinking (acting) that he would sail through tribal? He couldn't have been real. If you are allergic to everything (especially coconut!), why in the world would you apply to be on Survivor? I'm liking Bhanu and Soda. Tiffany is the one who found the idol? I like her too but I don't know why contestants can't keep quiet about finding idols.
  9. Same here. I watched the original miniseries and read the book decades ago so I remember little except both were fantastic. This one probably is closer to the book since television has changed so much in the meantime. More brutally real. I do remember the antagonism between Blackthorne and the Portuguese and I do remember some of the Japanese politics. Whew, you really have to pay attention to who is on what side. I imagine many viewers are really confused by all the names in the first episode. Omigosh, I had no idea that was Nestor Carbonell! Guess it's been a while since I last saw him on an island. (Or Hiroyuki Sanada for that matter.)
  10. The Kara Swisher convo was really interesting. I hope TPTB listen to her about regulating tech.
  11. Yay! Nicolle is finally back from maternity leave!
  12. Wow. McGraw was certainly asserting talking points without offering anything to back up his words. And we’re supposed to believe his new news network doesn’t have an agenda?
  13. Yeah, at first he gave good advice, but then celebrity went to his head and his show became platform for exploiting people with mental illness for entertainment.
  14. I started watching The Wire after seeing here for years how great it was. I do understand why people loved it, but I don't think it's for me. It's pretty rough. However I do want to give young Michael B Jordan a hug. (And older MBJ too for that matter, but that's a different issue.)
  15. Of course not. She picks and chooses her Cath-o-lic beliefs based on her own family situation.
  16. Does anyone want to hear from Dr Phil?
  17. Could you explain this? I grew up in a CT town on the Sound and no one ever referred to it as Long Island (CT). Long Island (NY) was over there (pointing) across the water.
  18. Haleth

    S01.E06: Home

    There were two conversations going on, Mercy and Margaret and Mercy and Hillary. Different places, different conversations. I would have been happy for Hillary and her rug o' freedom except for how shitty she was to Puri last week. She really was clueless about what an awful person she is. (Except for killing her father, she gets that.) And an even more awful person is Margaret. I get that grief makes you do and think irrational things, but sheesh, lady, you are really screwing up your other two kids and torpedoing your marriage. Get help. I cheered when Charly yelled at Mercy for being a brat. Whiny, self pitying, blaming her poor choices on a supposed "curse." This was a weird show. So many pointless sidebars, especially last week with the cleaning lady and her son (grandson?) and the crossed mops. Did any of that mean anything? I kept thinking the big X was going to be symbolic of something. Plus never learning Gus's fate. While that is not unrealistic, when you are watching a fictional drama you'd kind of like to have closure. You know?
  19. Yeah, the facilities and their officers and directors would already have liability insurance, but it seems like employees would be screwed. Another possible unexpected result of the ruling? I'm guessing all IVF research will be in danger of shutting down. My daughter is in the middle of a new medication trial that will have no purpose if IVF is deemed illegal. In this country anyway.
  20. Whoa, Sara is pushing back hard on Sunny’s opinions re IVF. Whoa, Ana is pointing out Sunny’s mushy religious convictions. Yes, this is worthy of a civil suit, not a criminal one.
  21. Isn’t that an old story? I thought the dog was sent to live at the Bidens’ DE home a long time ago because he was too stressed by the activity at the WH.
  22. When my daughter and her husband started IVF (second time) they had to sign a document stating what should happen to the frozen embryos in case something happens to one or both of them or in the case of divorce. Not sure how legally binding it is but I’m sure it would be useful in a dispute. And yes, there is a storage fee but that is far less expensive than having to repeat the procedure over and over again, which would be the only way to avoid unwanted extras, or forcing a woman to be Octomom.
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