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Everything posted by Haleth

  1. That is too funny, @Blissfool! If these women would spend 10 minutes looking into the hot topics they’d make more sense. Alyssa was totally right about Ron Klain’s remarks. He was criticizing Biden for focusing too much on infrastructure projects rather than addressing kitchen table issues. It is a real disconnect for a whole lot of people who don’t understand that the government doesn’t control the market. (Hello, capitalism!). As usual Whoopi was babbling about a whole different issue and didn’t want to listen.
  2. Too funny, episode several. That was funny too. Were they messing with him? Q is getting way too bossy. I'm starting to like Kenzie a lot. I wish Venus had been voted out instead of Soda. It's too bad being too nice will get you booted, Soda is a nicer person than Venus, who is way too pleased with herself. Glad Hunter held on to his idol.
  3. Is there anything she's good at? Maybe applying false eyelashes, something I cannot do, so there's that. Plus he said he went to school in Santiago, so he has some familiarity with the city. Ugh, there are so many annoying people in this race, good thing they are being weeded out each week. I'd had enough of the cousins' whining about not being able to do anything. It did surprise me how well they scampered up the wall though. Danny HAS to quit offering help to racers, because raaaaace! Hopefully falling to third (?) was a wake up call that younger, faster (than mom) teams will take advantage of his help. Ugh, Vinnie is the worst. He transfers his panic to Amber and tells her to calm down when he is the one getting frantic. How many times did Amber have to tell him to shut it? Run, Amber, run! He's a control freak who will always blame her when things go wrong. The only ones not annoying me are Ricky and Cesar (good for them for another win!) and the pilots. Both teams run their own races with little drama. The girlfriends (whose names I still don't know, not the firefighters) are ok too probably because they are pretty much invisible.
  4. That was very impressive how long Maria and Tevin lasted.
  5. I kept thinking how alien this concept must be to Whoopi. She certainly doesn't socialize with her coworkers. Not that she needs to but it shows that she doesn't consider herself part of a team.
  6. Omigosh, the tension was palpable in this episode. I was horrified that Hiromatsu killed himself with Toranaga watching. (Such great acting with their eyes speaking more than their mouths.) And then learning it was part of a plan? Heartbreaking. I'm a bit confused about this plan though. Was the point of Hiromatsu's action to repel Yabushige and make him take the canons to Osaka? So when Toranaga marches the canons will already be there to turn on the city? The young actor playing Omi was a standout in this episode. His grief over Nagakado's death and his alarm as Hiromatsu argued with Toranaga were well acted. Yes! Him too! I actually felt sorry for him when Mariko said what she said to him. It seems like Blackthorne is totally irrelevant at this point.
  7. It’s funny, just a few days ago I was talking with someone about the prick test for TB in elementary school. We both remembered it but thought it was for polio. (The sugar cube was for polio, right?)
  8. Sunny picks and chooses what tenets she believes as it suits her. That’s fine, most of us do. I was hoping her alarm over earthquake/eclipse/cicadas was a joke because anyone can Google the science. Yes, earthquakes happen on fault lines even if rare. Yes, solar eclipses occur regularly somewhere in the world. Yes, cicadas pop up every summer, but there are some species that take many years to hatch. It’s science, not a sign of the apocalypse. I was late to the show and only heard a bit of the Tamblyns but enjoyed seeing Russ. And Amber is always welcome.
  9. There is some joke there about an eclipse and butt deodorant.
  10. Yes! Let Trixie and Matthew and their son ride off to a happy ending. It’s hard to watch her try to balance being a wife and mother and a midwife and not doing well with any role. I suppose the writers are showing us that this was the beginning of the conflict women felt about giving up a career they loved, rather than automatically embracing the role of wife/mother, but I don’t think anyone wants to see Trixie’s marriage fail.
  11. I dunno. It seems to be a plea for attention. Plus she came in late.
  12. I remember being surprised to learn Amber was his daughter. She’s always a great guest. Oh, great. Pet Day. Will they all drag their dogs to the studio again?
  13. I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. He lacks the charisma the character should have and is the weak link among so many more gifted actors.
  14. The cord is a tripping hazard. HR would not approve.
  15. I'm loving this series. My only concern is that
  16. The Dolce and Gabbana commercial - is the woman one of the Jenner spawn? I don't know them well enough to know definitively, but D&G seem to be something they'd model for. There is a newish Sensodyne commercial with another dentist with a very annoying vocal fry. Not the one that sounds like Christina Haack, there is a Black woman dentist in this one. Is this something they teach in dental school?
  17. Oh, Mehdi, you don’t know Whoopi if you think she’d do anything to prepare for the show. 🤣
  18. I always wondered how the producers find the greeters. Do the local authorities they work with suggest someone? Do the producers grab someone off the street?
  19. Whoopi missed the point about Mehdi Hassan and the Sotomayor discussion. He and others don’t want to see a repeat of the RBG situation, saying she should retire now while the Senate will confirm a left leaning replacement. Who knows where we will be next year?
  20. At least now I don't have to worry about trying to remember which one is Mo and which is Liz.
  21. Wow, these teams are hard to watch. Between the snipping at each other and the stupidity it's hard to find a team to root for. So far the only ones I'm really enjoying are Ricky and Cesar. They've lucked out by having several challenges be right up their alley and speaking fluent Spanish helps, but they also run their own race with minimal drama. (For now.) The pilots are ok and the GFs are ok, but everyone else can leave now. The firefighters certainly lucked out by catching up to racers who can't read a map. Who goes on a show about travel without being able to read a map? Maybe I'll root for the dog who followed the rules on the escalator. Bizzy and Sunny had me in stitches with their random guesses of the puzzle phrase. Also loved Phil breaking character when the jump rope hit the camera. That'll make the cut!
  22. Omigosh, I thought the surrender was all a ploy to get Toranaga into Osaka castle, but then his son attacks the tea house and gets himself killed. Poor, dumb Nagakado. Toranaga is going to be devastated. Or a canon. (We shall see.)
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