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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. Cluck has really grown on me. I love the way he appreciates and respects Kasha. He's a good man.
  2. The first time I really paid attention to it was in an episode of Turn(?), the show about the first spies during the American Revolution.
  3. Vince Gilligan et al. have earned my trust and I know they are going to take us on an interesting journey here. And unlike other shows, the writers believe that the audience is smart and they don't talk down to us. I've watched a ton of television in my day, and nothing has ever come close to the finale of BB. We all know that finales oftentimes suck (I have a gnawing feeling that Mad Men is going to go the same way as The Sopranos which, well, I just can't.....). I'm on board for the long haul with BCS. Seems to me like Kim(?) has had a long-standing relationship with the McGills. She asks about Chuck (when Jimmy called her, it was the first thing she said--Is Chuck okay?), has an easy chemistry with Jimmy and understands who he is and what he is about. Surely we'll be shown their backstory at some point.
  4. Did they keep showing the same mother bear and her cubs time and again last night? Color me suspicious.
  5. I hope that all the viewers got a lesson in teamwork. Cut the dickwad loose, and you will succeed.
  6. Question: I didn't understand the Helen-Zac Posen connection. Does she work for him? If so, in what capacity?
  7. I don't really understand the logic of having the designers create eight looks in four days. The viewers don't want to see a pile of crap walking down the runway; we want to see well constructed, beautiful clothing, things we haven't seen before. I used to love this show........ Helen's last outfit, the cape/coat, looked like it was created for an Amish woman. Awful. And can't remember if it was Sonjia's or Helen's, but that patterned dress with the figure flattering black side panels was straight out of the Stella McCartney 2011(?) collection. Those dresses are a dime a dozen, completely derivative.
  8. Time and again, we saw Dimitry completely disregard Zanna's critiques and it always turned out great for him. Who in his/her right mind would ever take advice from a woman who dresses and looks the way Zanna does? I don't care if anyone thinks she is the height of fashion; to me she mostly looks like a clown who refuses to dress her age. Was that a jumpsuit she was wearing? Why was the crotch at her knees?
  9. Seemed to me like it was going to be a Greg versus Mei cook-off from the very first episode. If only they had cut to the chase and simply not aired the intermediate shows. Glad Mei won. I went back on a promise to myself about this show. After last season's gratuitous Padma in her fringe bikini shots, I decided I'd had enough. But I had to watch because I live in the Boston area. And yes, I have about three feet of snow in my yard.
  10. Goodbye, Sweeney, you miserable excuse for a human being. Why the hell would he have agreed to go on this show if he hates people, hates anything mechanical, has a bad back, has a bad hip, refuses to be on a team, etc? Actually, I am more pissed at the producers who knew he was a pain in the ass yet wanted the drama of a stubborn douchebag for the competition. It was unfair to the Lower 48 team and it is the same level that every other "reality" show drops to. The only thing missing is the abundance of alcohol. Come on, NatGeo, you should be better than that. If it weren't for the two former military guys who are my tv boyfriends, I'd stop watching.
  11. So what exactly is Juicy Joe doing to provide for the family now that Teresa is behind bars? And apparently I missed it, but I didn't think he had a license anymore. Ugh, I'm so far behind! Can't wait till Teresa decides to give some suggestions to the kitchen staff/inmates about how to make better tasting food. I'm sure they'll really appreciate her input.
  12. Just watched this episode and it seemed pretty clear to me that Campbell is dead, but anything is possible. I love that this show makes you root for the bad guys (the Shelby's), except just about everyone is a bad guy. Michael will end up being a great asset. He has that look in his eye, the one that John is missing. Seems like he's steady and calm, just like Tommy. Love this show. Can't wait for Season 3.
  13. Done binge-watching Season 1 and it was really very good. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Sometimes the BBC gets it perfectly right. The acting was superb and very nuanced, the set design and production values were incredible. So many viewers love Downton Abbey which pales in comparison to this gem. I hear there is going to be a Season 3 which is fantastic news; one of my New Year's resolutions is to waste more of my time watching television, since I only watch about 5 hours a day (it's a joke, folks!).
  14. I figured she'd probably already broken it. This is a problem throughout the reality show universe--trying to make things interesting and keeping things lively when, in fact, most people's day-to-day lives are boring and uneventful. Since it's NatGeo, they can't get away with plying the cast with alcohol and hoping that the fists fly.
  15. Just like every other "reality" show, the Hailstones probably do all that hunting in order to provide some interest for the audience. Maybe they just want to make sure NatGeo renews their contract, kind of like how the Real Housewives (ugh) fight all the time; if you bring the drama, you get more screen time. That being said, I do find it hard to watch all that hunting.
  16. Am I the only one who channels Sue? When I bring a load of firewood to the house so that I won't have to go outside into the elements if I need more wood during the course of the evening, I think of Sue and how difficult her life must be. It sort of inspires me to get the job done. And while I'm cursing the rain, snow and freezing temps, I also wonder how she stays ahead of it all. I'm roughly her age, live alone in a semi rural Northeastern town and some days I just don't feel like doing anything more difficult than a load of laundry and wiping down the counter tops. Obviously I would never survive in the Arctic.
  17. Padma, down girl! She looked like she'd love to tackle Gronk in the Top Chef kitchen and commit a personal foul on him. I'm a huge Pats fan, live in the Boston area, and between this and the recent ESPN photos of Gronk with a tiny kitten, the sports talk guys have been having a field day. I was faked out by the Gregory back story, figuring that he was the one going home tonight, but I won't miss Katsuji; I guess I never found him charming, like others did. To me, he was just annoying. Where did they find those authors? There are a ton of well-known writers/authors here in Massachusetts but they were nowhere to be seen. Mei's dish was beautiful. She deserved that win.
  18. Benjamin's design was basically just a woolen drabber version of Zanna's horrendous dress. Which begs the question, Why would any of these designers take tips from a person with that terrible hair and her poor clothing choices?
  19. I read an article in the Daily Mail UK that said she'd get $2M for the show, Bravo is going to try to do jailhouse interviews with her and the same source said Teresa was planning to serve Juicy with divorce papers while he is in jail because she is livid about what he has done to her and their four beautiful daughters. Not sure I believe all or any of the report. Oh, and I will absolutely not be watching the cooking show. I don't reward bad behavior.
  20. Where were Rayna's daughters? Still sending out an APB on Tandy. Teddy, stupid is as stupid does. Couldn't they get a kid who is a better actor and looks at least a tiny bit like Gunnar? If Zoey leaves, no great loss. She's not interesting. Rayna and Luke have no chemistry whatsoever. Deacon is only one of the few bright spots and Juliette and Avery should just have a show of their own.
  21. A house is only worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it and that overdone monstrosity ain't worth the new asking price. They'll be lucky to get even $2M for it. A potential buyer knows s/he is in the driver's seat and can low-ball it because it's basically a fire sale.
  22. Oh yeah. Tandy. You know, your sister. Remember her?
  23. This just in--there was a price cut of $500K on the eyesore, I mean, Guidice mansion. My prediction? Still no interest in it.
  24. The gays had me with "Here come the Stories from the ER community players" line. They have a great delivery. You have to admit that that segment was a gem.
  25. Why do I feel like I finally fulfilled my obligations and now I no longer have to watch these stupid ass housewives and their dickwad men? If I had a gun, I think I would have shot the tv screen when Wee Jim continued to blather on about whatever the fuck he was trying to sell. That guy needs a stake through his heart. Amber, dear, life is short (no pun intended); get rid of that asshole. The Twins? ZZZZZZ Melissa? ZZZZZZ Dina? ZZZZZZZ Teresa? Who's kidding who? A better person? In this lifetime? Yeah, not likely.
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