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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. I agree that they had a casting call for the most irritating people on the planet. I have more important things to watch than this show. If I want to listen to morons trying to make a plan, I can always tune into Big Brother. That NY lawyer will be hitting his head against the wall in no time. The preacher? I'm of the Jewish persuasion and I just can't listen to that stuff. Not everyone in the world (or the US) is Christian, dude. Yeah, it's probably one and done for me.
  2. Your husband is definitely a keeper, Portia. Maybe a little bit of the youngest Brady Bunch brother mixed in for good measure.
  3. The producers really should have spent some money and hired a toupee wrangler because Eph's wig looked like it had a mind of its own.
  4. I thought the real reason he was out of the running was because Ephra Stein owed the Palestinians as part of the deal to get Nessa back but Nessa was made to believe that Schlomo had a shady deal what with the money transfer. Or maybe I'm just thoroughly confused like so many other viewers.
  5. My favorite part of this episode was when the Stephen Rea character met the Israeli guy at the park. While they were sitting there discussing who killed Meshal, in the background a dog lifted his leg and peed on a bush. Obviously totally random, but it seemed symbolic to me.
  6. For a minute there, I really thought the writers allowed Crystal to bite the dust. I am sorely disappointed.
  7. Dammit, LuLu123, now I'll be humming the Shire theme until I go to bed.
  8. I was expecting the Getalong Gang to somehow get a gasoline pump ready to light the entire place on fire while making a run for the Wonder Bread truck, throwing a lit match on the puddle of gas they drove away.
  9. Sean Bean had me at Boromir and completely owned me at Ned Stark. His acting and appearance [/shallow comment] can raise even a meh show up to something I look forward to watching every week. When I heard that Ali Larter is pregnant, I hoped that they wrote her character out of the show, getting killed or going on a break or some such thing. Yes, kids, hope springs eternal.
  10. I figured that when Robles got taken away by the soldiers (in the beginning of the episode), he was made to tell them about Fausto. Remember Robles took a few days off and left Marco in charge? I took that to mean that he went underground for a bit after ratting on Fausto, waiting to come back after Fausto was arrested by the soldiers. Except we know that the arrest didn't happen. It's not going to work out well for Robles.
  11. Totally agree with you. As if the Hollywood Progressive crowd never does anything nasty or selfish/self-serving. I'm sick and tired of being lectured about the environment and big bad business (read Conservative/Republicans) when the Hollywood bigwigs (read hypocrites) take their private jets and huge SUVs and limousines (carrying one or two people) to events and then get on stage and berate everyone who isn't as "ecologically aware" as they are. They scream about those nasty immoral Koch brothers but give opportunists like George Soros a pass because he throws billions of dollars to their causes. If I want political news and commentary, I'll read some articles or watch news shows. I don't need it in my hour drama series. Don't mean to start a battle here, but I'm tired of remaining silent while idiots like Selena Gomez weigh in on issues that they know nothing about. Looks Like Christine never got the memo that it's 2014 and that there are video cameras at just about every job site. My first thoughts were that she's on tape dragging Eric's body and she'll be found out very quickly. And if Terry was going to take off the cuff anyway, why didn't he just remove it and get rid of the body himself? Billy Magnusson is a terrific actor. I never heard of him before this but now his name keeps popping up (he's starring in a play opposite Anna Gunn; I saw some scenes and he killed it). That kid will go far.
  12. Well, I never saw all of that coming. Yikes. And Christine is an idiot, but that's old news.
  13. I guess this was a good cliffhanger, if I actually gave a crap about Barry. Which I don't. I tried to like this show, really I did. But it's just too stupid. Other than Jamal and Leila, I've seen better acting at the local regional high school winter musical. After Leila spoke to Barry and walked out, Barry just stood there, wooden, not moving a muscle which made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Isn't an actor supposed to, I don't know, act? I've been spoiled by good cable dramas and will probably not be back for season 2, if there is one.
  14. Looked to me like the kids were basically written out of the show because they were too boring. Even Sammy's hookup with that guy was predictable and boring. Doubt it had anything to do with the network's desire to deal/not deal with sexual taboos. There was no mention or sighting of Jamal's son and his wife. I mean, where does that plot line actually go? Whoever gave the guy who plays Barry acting lessons ought to be shot. A cardboard cutout has a bigger range of emotions.
  15. Which I would be happy to see; I've watched a lot of television shows in my day and that woman irritated me faster than just about any character I can think of. I'm sure there have been plenty, but I actually yelled at the screen, telling her to shut up already. Plus, I keep getting my virus-zombie-walker shows confused. Perhaps Abraham and Michonne both went to the same school of katanary while Commander Chandler went on another mission to find the primordial virus that wiped out the entire world.
  16. That was one wild episode. Lots of plot progress and nothing beats Tawney leaving Teddy because the guy is such an asshole. I thought he was going to get killed by the guy with the rims. Soon he'll lose the house because of his ridiculous business plan and he'll be left with nothing. Guess he can always move into Daniel's old room, now that Daniel is being forced to leave town. Can someone remind me about George? I don't recall anything about him other than getting killed by Trey (if that's his name. I have a mental block)..
  17. I vaguely remember something about Cesar being in charge of the landscaping and general caretaking of the condo development; he might have said that to Charlotte and Ray when they were brought there by Lyle Lovett.
  18. I read the story. Does Hastings = Tate? Am I missing something? In response to the post about retcon on the male reporter, he did try to grab some drugs in that store room but Jerry (sorry, not sure what his name is) grabbed it away from him.
  19. I figure that he Jamal killed the mistress because he told her things that he shouldn't have, like how he doesn't give a shit about the country, for example. The two kids=no value added. Please, writers, just write them out of the show. You've got to know that ne'er-do-well aunt ends up getting them into trouble. Yawn. Every character seems so two dimensional to me. Not at all compelling.
  20. The only saving grace in this episode is the possibility that that will be the end of Tex, although I have a sneaking suspicion they'll bring him back (the US helicopter will undoubtedly find him in the first minute of the next episode so he can brief them on Chandler and help with the exposition of the story). I had high hopes for this show because the premise is a good one, but it's ending up as Misguided Mission of the Week and become repetitive. Green is no Lee Adama, suffice it to say.
  21. The more I see of this show, the less I like it. It's going to take more than Eric Dane's professionally and carefully tailored camo uniform to keep me interested. This entire episode made little sense to me. Where the hell did those enlisted men think they would go? What would be the point of leaving the ship when the rest of the world has gone to hell in a hand basket? And Tex is getting on my last nerve.
  22. I know. I was kind of chuckling and thinking, "My goodness, how times have changed." And we've got Lester and Frank Subatka(?), the union boss from Season 2 of The Wire. Only a few missing, including Jimmy McNulty. I'll pretty much give a chance to any show with Wire alums in it.
  23. I thought it was clever that it was a papillon, French for "butterfly" and its name was Monarch. Tabula Rasa means "blank slate" and seems to be a fitting symbol for Daniel's existence in this new world. Poor Tawney. Clearly, she can barely stomach Teddy, Jr. and now the thought of being tied to him forever through this baby is making her sad and regretful.
  24. See, this is what happens when a kid decides to go outside and rides bikes instead of sitting in front of the tv watching shows like Breaking Bad or American Horror Show because a tv watcher would have known what was going to happen the minute he saw that plastic sheet. I certainly hope Kyle's brother is smarter.
  25. Looks like Amantha has a problem with bulimia, which does seem to be a good fit for the character.
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