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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. I'm getting my shows confused. First I was waiting for the dead people in the hospital to start growling and coming alive, getting ready to pounce on the sailors. Guess I'm missing The Walking Dead. Then the sailors going through the hospital supplies in their haz mat suits made me think I was watching McSteamy in a typical Grey's Anatomy season finale. Okay, maybe I watch too much tv.
  2. So does this mean that Margo is out of the running for Mother of the Year?
  3. Donna is incredibly awesome. I'd watch a show entirely about her. It's the first time I think I have ever seen a normal, super smart, computer savvy woman portrayed on a prime time show in a believable way. She should go to work getting those "lost" emails on Lois Lerner's crashed computer. It would take her about 10 minutes.
  4. Too bad about the elder Guidice's passing (somehow it reminded me of Don Corleone's death scene). Does that mean that the $10K/month payments that he was giving to Juicy will stop? How will they make up for the shortfall? Yeah, I'm a heartless bitch, but I have grown more and more weary of entitled jerks who think rules and laws are really just suggestions. Can you tell I'm the idiot that adheres to the rules? Lablover, I feel your pain vis a vis the IRS payments, although I think you should just tell them that the dog ate your tax returns right before your computer crashed.
  5. Such a good show and such wonderful acting, not to mention the excellent casting. Spent a good portion of the hour wiping tears away. It really got to me. Count me in on forgetting a lot of what had happened last season (especially with Teddy, Jr.); I had to read a couple of summaries (after watching this episode) so I could follow along. I'm having a harder time understanding/following the creepy guy's story (who threatened to spank his daughter). Too many questions about him and no answers.
  6. Missed my favorite 24 trope last night, that being "Set up a perimeter." Unless someone said it and I don't remember.
  7. Well, that's good news because the New England Patriots need their head coach back. Oh, wait a minute... Too bad they can't use Evil Sansa as a bargaining chip since her crazy mother doesn't seem to have gotten the nurturing gene and wouldn't give a crap if her daughter got killed. Yikes. Margot makes Joan Crawford look like a saint.
  8. I read a number of reviews about this show, all of them good. So I was expecting the worst (because the critics usually have pretty low standards), but the pilot actually delivered. I'll be watching next week.
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