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Everything posted by Cramps

  1. Good thing the show is almost over, because I'd have just bailed on it if it wasn't.
  2. Gore conceded in 2000 and then called Bush and took it back, after they got different polling numbers. So basically nothing, only it becomes a lot messier. Romney waited a somewhat long time to concede in 2012 after Ohio was called because he and his people (and most hilariously, Rove at Fox if you YouTube it) refused to believe the numbers.
  3. The doctor Prince storyline is bizarre. Bring in a new character at the end of the show. Set up that you're about to kill him off. Have him give away all the hospital's medicines. And have the hospital administrator, who is a stickler for rules, go along with it. Good lord.
  4. I spoke with a reality casting director who worked on lower level shows once, and he told me they look for people whose psychological tests show them to be messed up but not dangerously so.
  5. Why does Rachel "owe" Chet for asking him to help fix a problem on a show which he basically owns? That makes no sense. That said, I really like the unREAL and hope it does well.
  6. Yes, kudos on the music. Black Flag last week, and the Black Flag poster (which did not look period), on the wall this week. Definitely, Cameron's taste. None of those guys would have been into them.
  7. The guy was still moving. He's not dead. At least not yet
  8. Could someone explain the waffle iron? The reference went over my head.
  9. The game playing in the beginning was confusing. I now realize that they were just trying to set up some backstory for this season's plot that they didn't know they needed to set up last season. Ironically, I don't think they actually needed to. Joe could have gotten into gaming on his own now that he has nothing to do. It's so interesting that you say that, as these are probably my two favorite shows that almost no one else I know is watching.
  10. Coincidence. Weiner kept that a secret until The day of. The cartoons distracted me at first, but this show is just so dismal. Plus, most of the characters speak with the exact same pseudo pretentious references and philosophies. Their lines could be switched and half the time it wouldn't matter. Steve Coogan is one of the funniest actors around but is totally wasted on this show. Any actor could be playing that part-(I know PSH was supposed to). They really don 't know how to write for him. How did this get greenlit, twice? PS- Woody called, he wants his dated 70s Jewish neurosis stereotypes back.
  11. Yes this did feel like a jump the shark episode. And I know nothing about technology. This was the first episode I really disliked. The ending felt really forced and fake. I do know about plotting, and it screamed that they will finally do a deal with Hooli, because both sides desperately need to.
  12. I'm still not sure how I feel about the choice to do the episode this way. But I was impressed by it. I liked but didn't love the book, and I've felt the same way about the show. The scenery is stunning, I love the world that was created, some of the actors are excellent, but the show itself tends to be more bodice-rippery than my usual tastes. All that said, what did impress me about the finale, was that for the first time I understood Black Jack Randall. He wasn't just a characature of a villain doing awful things, he was a fully drawn character--horrible, messed up, but I could understand his motivations. And as difficult as it was to watch, I thought it was brilliantly done--in both the writing and the acting. As for awards-- aside from costumes and the other Creative categories, I wouldn't expect too many. Neither fantasies nor shows geared towards women do too well with Prime Time Emmy voters.
  13. I liked Gwen as a coach. I thought she brought out some really interesting stuff from her contestants. Shakira was a terrible coach and she sings like a goat. But yes, she is funny.
  14. Throughout the season, I'd wondered if Megan had bonded with the other contestants--onstage it never seemed like she liked the others very much. Sure enough, for the first time ever, for the bring back performance, instead of bringing back four, five or six of her fellow contestants to sing with her, she only brought back one, Sarah. Is Sarah the only friend Megan made? Was she the only one whose voice she liked? Did she not want to share the spotlight with more than one person? And/or perhaps did she also not want to sing with anyone who was younger or thinner than hersel? Call me paranoid, but no finalist has ever chosen just to bring back one person!!!
  15. Josh and Megan will get songwriting royalties too for each of their original songs downloads. Forgot to mention, I loved having Sawyer covering Old Man. Definitely the only song I've loved of his since the Blinds. It's an amazing song and it fit his voice and style really well.
  16. Who is buying this horrendous version of Summer Breeze? How is it the best selling of the duets? This goes to show that this season Sawyer could literally do a recording with a dog screeching and someone running their nails on a blackboard and it would go top forty.
  17. I don't think they put Sawyer last because they want him to win. That's been a given for weeks. At this point, I'm guessing they keep putting him last so that none of his fans turn off their TVs once he's done. Megan really bugs me. I keep having to fast forward through her songs. Koryn has such a low voice, she sounds better singing men's songs. Pharrell seems to like Koryn a lot more than he likes Sawyer. Edited to correct (I meant his duet with Sawyer was awful!!) But their duet was awful. And it wasn't her fault. Sometimes he kind of rapped. Sometimes he attempted to sing, which was even worse. Somewhere out there Seals and Croft were probably regretting giving permission to use their song. Joshua's original song was quite catchy. Somewhat hack, but catchy.
  18. After rewatching tons of the marathon, the only storyline, I had no interest in seeing again was the Sylvia/Linda Cardellini one. (Aside from it's overlap with Sally). I hadn't realized how much I disliked it.
  19. How does Selina get Dan and Amy back on the team? Loved that Selina is the skeleton in the New VP's closet!
  20. As a New Yorker- I'm appreciating the hospital being sold to become condos plot, since that happened to one of our local hospitals. (The community had major protests...) Also appreciated the trip to Sammy's Romanian restaurant!
  21. Bummed about Kimberly. There is no one left to vote/root for. The rest are just too dull. Same with Idol (which this season had three interesting contestants-shock! Who are now all gone.) I had no idea Craig Wayne Boyd had been dropped after his coronation song. That's just wrong. And foolish. Did a little googling on it. Perhaps his label head would have liked him better if he started wearing jackets with writing on one sleeve too.
  22. Miranda loved RaeLynn- I think she saw herself in her. Blake has never seemed that enthused about Corey. I just realized the worst part of losing Hannah (whom I always looked forward to-despite Blake's awful song choices for her )--no more Hannah's mom!! How I love Hannah's mom!
  23. Wow, Blake's lack of praise for Corey was glaring, "If you like country music, and you want to see a country artist on the show, you should vote for Corey. "--I paraphrase from memory. I think he may be the one country performer that Blake doesn't do much to help post-show because his voice just isn't that good. If only Cody had been a better performer. Alas...
  24. At leasts the stylist aren't as bad this year as some previous years. I presume they're not forced to use clothing from Kohls anymore? One of the biggest money making shows on television, and the singers would show up onstage in dresses that teenage girls would have deemed too unstylish to wear to their proms. (With all due respect to people who shop there-the show could afford to spring for special things for the stage, but cared more about the endorsement deal).
  25. I LOVED Sawyer's audition. But his success every week since then has been baffling to me. His pitch is all over the place and his tone is not pleasant to listen to (has his voice changed?). And he just stands there. And yet every week "Home School Hat Boy" conquers all. Is it teen idol voting?
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