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Everything posted by Cramps

  1. No, I doubt it. Norm has probably just been around enough comics in his life to know that what we were seeing was probably just her doing a character and not really her. Also -- my own opinion -- to do a lot of offbeat jokes like hers, it helps to deliver them as a wacky character like Emo. It's harder for the audience to buy them coming from someone who appears normal.
  2. Any details from the Paley panel for those of us who missed it?
  3. Loved the horse bit, but....Adam is an upper crust Brit. I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't know how to ride a horse.
  4. Anthony is already on his way to being the show's best host. JB was the worst--he swallowed half his words. We found ourselves rewinding to try to decipher what he said all the time. Liking the judges again-- an interesting mix. Roseanne is very girl power-- supportive of strong women comics. Norm sometimes tends to be old fashioned in his views of comedy-- but it's always well thought out, so it's interesting to hear him discuss it. Not super impressed by any of the contestants so far. Tended to enjoy the women more. Hated that last physical comedy guy. I like a well crafted joke. And his whole bit was "I'm funny looking-- see?"
  5. If you go to the AMC website they have playlists for each of the characters. For those of you who spent the 80s listening to college radio, you'll find quite a few of them particularly enjoyable!
  6. Also music props this episode for the dB's, the Clash and Lone Justice. You all can go to the club with Joe. I will hang out at the Mutiny party. (Also props for the REM, Fear and Black Flag posters and flyers on the walls.)
  7. If Domna barely owns any of the company, and Cameron isn't interested in Community, why doesn't Donna start her own company?
  8. According to a tweet after the show, the cigarette butt story wasn't actually in the script.
  9. UnReal just got picked up for a second season, so somehow, someway, the show within the show, will go on.
  10. Wow. The preview for next week looks like the series spins in a whole different -- and inevitable direction.
  11. Da played that terribly. She picked a fight with them and didn't try to finesse a cover for what she did. She could have just walked in there and said, "I heard what you guys are saying about me sneaking around. You are right. I think the next comp is a counting comp and I'm counting stuff in the house. You guys do it too and Let's keep it between us so one of us wins." And instead of an enemy, she's building the illusion of an alliance, even if she hates them. If she'd done that, they probably wouldn't be going after her now.
  12. When was the last abortion on TV? Maude? Networks are usually afraid to go there.
  13. On reality shows that are set in a city away from where the main producers live, the staff that is brought in is often put up in apartments by the show. If Rachel is so crucial to the show, I don't see why she's sleeping in a truck.
  14. The line about one of the items in Margaret's fridge being from American Girl Craft services was funny, but can't have been true, since the show was about twenty years ago (and Craft Service food wouldn't be labeled as such).
  15. I watched it. You didn't miss anything. She's pregnant. So he can't quit his job to write pretentious short stories. And there is a slide.
  16. The budget on I Wanna Marry Harry seemed to all go towards renting the mansion. They probably couldn't have afforded a real therapist. (I read that Matt negotiated in his contract to keep his "Harry" wardrobe.
  17. I read in an interview that Craig Bierko purposefully gained weight for this role. I thought they wrapped up the ownership of the show storyline a little too easily and quickly. I'm amazed that there were two scenes of a woman masturbating on Lifetime! I have no problem with them. Just didn't expect to see them there!
  18. It seemed like Gordon was taking to his brother about bringing the kids to see his brother and his parents.
  19. What did the washing of the feet symbolize? If Jackie weren't used to doing heroin wouldn't she have thrown it up? I really don't see how they could have ended this series with Jackie alive.
  20. I keep watching this and I'm not quite sure why. I am a huge Steve Coogan fan, but he is so wasted in this. Enjoyed reading all the reasons why everyone else is so annoyed by this show. It just confirms all my own frustrations. And I hadn't even focused on the child, but yes, let's add little adorakable to the list.
  21. Yes! I didn't recognize him face at first. I recognized his voice first!
  22. Tobias is cast as an unemotional gynecologist in a couple of episodes of the new Amazon Prime romantic comedy, Catastrophe, about an American guy who gets a British woman pregnant. I was watching it with my husband, who'd refused to watch Outlander, especially after he's heard about the jail scenes with Tobias. When Tobias showed up on the screen I laughed and said, "There is no escape!" Tobias is good and funny, but there isn't much for him to do in the role.
  23. Nah, The UK has strict gun control laws. She wouldn't have one. For those of you who were commenting that the vigilante storyline was really supposed to be god --it wasn't. It was a direct ripoff of Birdman. That's where the flying thing came from. And unless we find out this whole season was a dream, the magic realism element of it really doesn't fit this show. That said, I thought Chris Elliott did fine with the ridiculous part they gave him.
  24. Hatchet girl - those aren't drug Beagles- the dogs job is to smell for people bringing food into US airports.
  25. Birdman??? Seriously?WTF??? Dear Nurse J writers-here are some other movies you probably shouldn't try to ram into the finale: 12 Years a Slave, The Hobbit, Freaky Friday, Schindler's List, and Paddington.
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