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Everything posted by Browncoat

  1. 3/5 with one * for this week. So much for being a fan of the College Tournament.
  2. No idea for FJ tonight, either. Oh well. Good for them -- looks like Nibir had it, too. I did get Little Dipper, and vaccine. And I should have gotten zig-zagged, but all I could think of was, "Serpentine! Serpentine!" from "The In-Laws".
  3. Yes, Dale had every right to fire Georgie, but he didn't have to be such an ass about it. Georgie was trying to make things right.
  4. Dale was mean to Missy about playing baseball in the first place. Meemaw had to set him straight about giving Missy a chance.
  5. It's bad enough that Dale takes out his frustrations on Georgie -- he'd better not take it out on Missy, too! Poor Georgie. No money and now no job.
  6. Ah, well, my streak of instaget FJs comes screeching to a halt. I've read a lot of Shakespeare, but haven't read The Tempest -- I never would have gotten it. I did get DA and leave a penny.
  7. Oh, that sucks. Brian Dennehy was great in Silverado.
  8. I miss going to the movies, but it's hard to eat popcorn with a mask on.
  9. I was rooting for Nathaniel, too, but it's nice to have at least one girl in the finals!
  10. Was Marshall that fidgety during his first show? He was driving me to distraction. I can't imagine what it was like trying to play if I were standing next to him. I can't say I'm sad he lost tonight. And while I'm glad the girl won, her response of Babe Ruth breaking the color barrier was spectacularly bad. I groaned when I saw the category for FJ -- presidents and geography are not my strongest subjects. I took a wild-ass guess, basically the only city in the midwest I could think of with the name of a president, and lo and behold, much to my amazement, I was correct. I'm stunned! Oh, hey, and I even get an asterisk! I also got yew, Alaska, and addled, though I wondered if "addlepated" would have been ruled correct.
  11. I had to think for about a half-second for FJ -- the name of the town looked like a Spanish word, so I went to South America, and then cartographic feature led me to the equator and Ecuador. Good for me. I also got brownout, fiat, composed them (on a wild guess), Titanic, Coral Gables, and London. Good game tonight.
  12. Browncoat

    Cats (2019)

    Now, THAT was hilarious! And worth watching. Thanks for posting it!
  13. Watching Monk this morning, and who should pop up but Billy Gardell, with a pipe in his head. He was brilliant.
  14. I know it was played for cheap laughs, but I cannot stop laughing at Dottie and Popeye dancing — especially when he twirled her! I am embarrassed to admit I didn’t recognize Popeye at first.
  15. I'm really surprised Beni missed FJ! He seemed to have such a wide store of knowledge. I admit that until I read the entire clue, I thought "karma", but after reading the entire clue, I knew immediately it was reincarnation. I expected all of the contestants to get it. I missed most of the game -- from the scores at the end, it looked like a good one!
  16. Agreed! John Gielgud -- there was a master of dry wit. "I'll alert the media."
  17. Panic does funny things to people, and Al was panicking about being able to get to the castle in time.
  18. I had to root against the Liberty University girl on principle. I despise the president of that "university" so much (and his father, and especially recently), and his students by proxy. I am thrilled that she lost, and lost big. FJ was another instaget for me, making 5/5 instagets this week. Hooray for the College Tournament! I was surprised the guy who won missed it. Overall a good game! Were there any TS? There was the one missed DD of Beacon Hill, but if there were TS, I didn't get them or write them down.
  19. I was briefly concerned about FJ when I saw the category. Fortunately, my concern was misplaced -- not quite an instaget, but close enough. Spain was instant, I had to think for a second to come up with Portugal. I also got the TS/missed DD of morning/mourning, Prodigal Son, Key West, CO2, and ruffle. I was really surprised none of them knew Key West, but maybe they thought the clue wanted one of the other keys? I don't know. Anyone else think Joe looked a little older than the average college student?
  20. I was briefly distracted, so FJ was not an instaget, but as soon as I paid attention to FINCH!!!! I immediately knew Harper Lee. Have I mentioned how much I like the College Tournament? (Watch me eat my words tomorrow night...) I also got the TS of swans, California, Red Bull, Seder, and Jupiter. I'm a little surprised that college students didn't know Red Bull, and the UCSD guy really should have known California.
  21. The time to put a power of attorney in place is before you're incapacitated. Though I'd never give it to Darlene.
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