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Everything posted by Browncoat

  1. That was part of Monk in Quarantine (Mr. Monk Shelters In Place): It starts off with Seth MacFarlane, but you can skip ahead.
  2. Same on the trees. I've planted quite a few (mostly native) trees in my yard (and the squirrels and birds have planted some too!), in an effort to shade out as much of the grass as I can. Most of what I've planted or what has volunteered provides food or shelter to birds, bees, butterflies, and other critters.
  3. I actually left a dead tree in my yard on purpose. But it’s in the middle of the yard, and right now if it falls, it won’t hit anything except maybe another tree in my yard. I did have it cut back when it died so it wouldn’t hit my house, but I left it for the woodpeckers and other insect-eating critters.
  4. You might have to dig through the snow, @TattleTeeny, but the snow will keep any roadside flowers relatively warm -- it's meant to be below freezing here tonight, with clear skies. I don't know what's going to survive! So my current pet peeve is this ridiculous cold snap (heh, almost typed slap).
  5. Warren is one of my least favorite characters.
  6. I didn't remember tonight's FJ either. It's almost like I didn't watch the first time this tourney was on!
  7. I LOVE George of the Jungle! Javajavajavajavajavajava
  8. I really don't get this US Cellular commercial where one guy in the parking garage is talking to this other guy at the US Cellular office, except there's no sound. There's background music, and they're both moving their mouths like they're talking, but no voices. I thought it was my TV at first, but there's background music! I have no idea what they're trying to tell me with that.
  9. Nope. I still said Hale, just like I did the first time. 🙂
  10. I’d forgotten those! That’s probably part of why I don’t like the “newer” episodes as much.
  11. Y'know, the first 39,000 times I saw this American Home Shield ad, I found it mildly amusing. Now I can't hit the mute button fast enough. It's another one that seems to play at least twice during every single commercial break. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/n7Ns/american-home-shield-all-good
  12. Until recently, I mostly only watched the black-and-white episodes, but my local station has started running the in-color ones. They just showed the one where Aunt Bee runs for town council, and she accuses Andy of being anti-women and not wanting a woman on the council, etc., etc. Apparently they'd all forgotten Ellie existed, much less as a council member. Now we've got the one with Father Mulch as the new doctor, and several townsfolk are whining about how young he is -- much like Barney did when a new doctor came to town when Ellie was the pharmacist. At least this time, Andy's not worried that the new doctor is paying too much attention to Helen.
  13. I'd forgotten what a close game that first one was. And yes, interesting that he got away with just "Jones." Not sure I can handle the return of the GOAT tournament.
  14. You should watch "Better Off Dead" -- the paper boy in that movie breaks a window with every paper he throws.
  15. I've been watching musicals -- Victor/Victoria, Singin' In The Rain, LaLa Land (unpopular opinion -- I love LaLa Land), and The Music Man so far. But it's hard not to smile when people are singing and dancing, with straight faces, to a song called "Shipoopi".
  16. I might have dreamed of it, but never would have done it!
  17. I learned that one from Laura Ingalls Wilder. Same here.
  18. Good to have you back @Prevailing Wind! I hope you continue to recover well!
  19. One of the best scones I've ever eaten was from the snack bar at the ferry terminal in Belfast, Ireland. I don't know what made it so good -- it was fresh, and I was hungry, which no doubt helped, but man that thing was just delicious! And it was a lot like a Southern biscuit.
  20. I say it more like cen-tar than cen-tor, so the ad confused me a little at first, too. I also say "Taurus" like "tar-us".
  21. I thought so, too. And just couldn't come up with anything.
  22. The clue for FJ kind of confused me, so I spent about half the time trying to figure out what they were looking for, then the other half trying to come up with the right country. I ran out of time. Oh well. At least end guy didn't win. Something about him bugged me. Possibly how slow he was in picking the next clue. And I only got four TS, too -- marry, strawberry shortcake, Norman Lear, and blue.
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