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Everything posted by CaliforniaLove

  1. I completely disagree...Javi's intentions are PURE!!
  2. LOVE this...but I think you forgot to mention how Kyle grabbed a bottle of Grey Goose from behind the bar & doused Kim with it which is why she reeked of booze. God damnit Kyle!
  3. The timing makes me wonder if this display doesn't have something to do with backlash she received from the airing of the reunion...not that this behavior is shocking or anything, but sounds like she really flew off the handle (even by Rum Raisin standards).
  4. Well...I don't know how much of that is by *choice*.
  5. All this reunion did was make me want to smoke a bowl with Kyle.
  6. That's the thing that kills me about this bunch. I couldn't care less if people are married when they have kids, but it's this attitude they all exude of "marriage?! Oh HELL no! That's SUCH a committment!!...hey babe, you're ovulating right? Let's make a baby! Woo!". I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but these kids need to take a page out of the "Vanderpump Rules" way of doing things...when Katie was pressuring Schwartz about marriage/babies, he got her a DOG to put off the marriage talk. Can't any of these dbags just buy a fucking hamster instead of getting knocked up?
  7. All of your theories regarding "Gary Time" are giving me a serious case of "Farrah ugly cry-face".
  8. This one seemed more unusually scripted than normal. I was already appalled pre-"hey Leah! Do you want this fucking mistake to be a boy or a girl?!"... I don't care if I got impregnated by a guy with 18 different children, if my baby daddy's reaction to my pregnancy announcement involved immediately bringing up an ex, dude would never see me again. Ryan & Maci's interaction was also bizarre. "Hey! How are you??" "Great thanks! How are you? Wanna do Bentley's birthday together like last year?" "Ugh. We always argue!! God!!" "Well, just think about it Drive safe!" "K thanks! Bye!" Um?
  9. I always wondered what happened to Atreyu from The Neverending Story...apparently he stopped aging & now plays Gabe on this show.
  10. Oh puhhhlease...this is Javi's dream come true.
  11. Keith is the male Whitney...or the male Saleshia...or the male equivalent to any hamster who shouldn't have really made it this far. Will will = Allison. Oh, and Adam = Lisa.
  12. I'm still most annoyed by Rob & Lori, but if there's ever a triple elimination, Jordan can join them. The team switch was such crap. I agree that they should have just gone to singles if anything. It seemed like white was being unnecessarily punished for doing too well. "Hey, the Packers are having a good season...let's send Rodgers & Matthews over to the Raiders! That's life!" I don't blame Sonya if she did in fact have a crush on Jen. She's hot stuff & seems consistently pleasant *cough* Jillian *cough*.
  13. I don't know if I expect Karma to hug her...I was thinking she'd continue to walk past her & give her the silent treatment for a bit, which after a while could lead to the "decide if you want me in your life" confrontation. I'm also interested to see what this means for the last moments of the midseason trailer. I was thinking it could have been either a dream sequence, or a "bait & switch" for Amy's first time with Reagan...since that ship has now sailed, I'm wondering if it's legit what it looks like, but with Karma's intention being revenge & not love.
  14. That made me lol, as did the fact that of course Reagan drives a pickup...I was waiting to catch a glimpse of softball gear in the back. I feel like the episode was an alternate universe... Liam didn't annoy me, but Shane did! I think they're totally trying to hint at Karma having the feels for Amy.
  15. Good tv would have been Taylor Swift making Blessing Offer do "Shake it Off". In other news, Gwen would so take T. Swift in a battle royale.
  16. Not to cheer for recreational drug use, but ok...yay ecstasy Lauren! Hi filler episode. Thanks for the lukewarm milk version of an episodic comedy. See you next week when it appears shit might actually happen.
  17. Of course Liam is going to have trouble saying the word "girlfriend"...it has 2 syllables AND 2 "r"s.
  18. SERIOUSLY. Does she expect people to believe she's taking these classes 7 days a week? Then again it's Dr. Drew...she could say she spends Monday - Friday feeding her unicorns & watering her magic beanstalk & Dr. Drew would praise her for her fabulous work ethic. Poor Jenelle & her haterz!!
  19. I believe Liam said "I slept with someone"...since it's a 2 syllable word said by a terrible actor, I understand the confusion.
  20. I laughed when Jenelle said something about how when the cameras aren't there, her & Nathan will have conversations which they know MTV would love to have captured....you mean the conversations you immediately reference on Twitter, or the ones you upload to YouTube???
  21. What is it about the concerts of trashy pop stars that turn Jenelle into a crazy person?...well, crazier than usual. She needs to chew with her damn mouth closed. These girls all want their cake & to eat it too...oh you poor souls who are just SO sought after! Maybe if you wanted privacy so badly, you wouldn't document every second of your lives on social media as soon as the cameras go away...and that goes for you too Chelsea. We've all seen you current boy toy popping up on your instagram for the past few months...but God forbid you say anything on the TV! Kail, the reason people still talk about you pushing Javi oh so long ago is because the doof still acts like an abused puppy. And for the love of god do they have eyes?? Can they not see how completely ridiculous that portrait over their bed is?? When I look at it I react like Leah did when she touched the kitten (RIP Ms. Theresa! :-().
  22. I agree...even if he hadn't lost interest right away, dude comes with a 3 year expiration date.
  23. I didn't get the sense that the MMA class was associated with the high school, so equating Duke to a "teacher" is a bit of a stretch IMO (unless I missed something?).
  24. Leah is so twisted, any one of us could show up on her doorstep in camo gear & she'd jump...and it would all be caught on possum-vision.
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